Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 577 Preparations must be done well

Sha Ya was still meditating behind closed doors, Ye Zhong casually settled Xi Yan down, there are too many empty buildings here.

Now that Xuan Ning's consent has been obtained, Ye Zhong will naturally start to prepare.

The leaves of the two gummies were taken out, and he wanted to know what was so special about these two gummies. Ye Zhong found all the analytical instruments he could find, and he carried out the most comprehensive inspection on the two pieces of colloidal bacteria.

However, to Ye Zhong's surprise, almost all the instruments had no effect on these two pieces of glial bacteria. This is so weird!

It was the first time he encountered this kind of situation, and it was only on the third day that Ye Zhong, who worked hard, realized that the two pieces of gelatin could actually isolate the induction. Whether it is electromagnetic scanning or low-light scanning, they are all ineffective against these two pieces of glial bacteria. This was the first time Ye Chong had encountered a creature with such a nature, and in his opinion, it was a bit miraculous. He pulled Christine over and tested it, and sure enough, divine sense had no effect on these two gelatinous pieces.

It really is a baby! Ye Zhong quickly found the use of this gelatinous fungus, and if there were enough of it, he could make it into a kind of paint, and the problem of locking his mind that had been bothering him all this time would be easily solved.

But for a light armor, the number of these two pieces of glial bacteria is too small. Fortunately, Ye Zhong has other ideas. Don't forget, he is still an excellent trainer. As long as he finds a way to cultivate a large number of people, then Chen can become the real king of darkness. At that time, all reconnaissance methods will be ineffective against it.

This amazing discovery lifted Ye Zhong's spirits. These two pieces of gelatinous bacteria are too valuable and useful to him!

The No. 2 laboratory just happened to be built, so Ye Zhong defined the No. 2 laboratory as a professional training laboratory. He even specially made a special air circulation system and temperature control for the No. 2 laboratory, and even the insulation room, freezer room, and vacuum room are all available. Among the instruments that Ye Zhong scavenged from the base of the scientific research group, instruments related to biological science accounted for almost half. With these extremely advanced instruments as the foundation, the No. 2 laboratory has also become the most complete laboratory in the entire base.

Fortunately, Ye Zhong has Guan's automatic analysis mechanism, otherwise, relying on his strength alone, it would take him a year or so to find the cultivation formula for this kind of glial bacteria, so he wouldn't have to think about it. A long time ago, Ye Zhong copied Guan's automatic analysis mechanism into two copies, and Mu Shang had a backup copy.

Once again feeling the power of Guan's automatic analysis mechanism, Ye Zhong thought of Guan lunatic again, for no reason, he suddenly felt a little lonely. It seems that there are always some geniuses whose fate is completely opposite to their talent and talent, such as Guan Crazy, or Gu Shaoze.

Pulling himself together, Ye Zhong tried his best to shake off the thoughts in his mind that would affect him, and looked up at the formula of the culture fluid on the optical brain.

Mizusawa blue iron, mica cobalt, Zuochuan burning zinc...

Ye Zhong couldn't help frowning. Almost all of the lists were made of metal.

eccentric! It was the first time Ye Zhong encountered such a formula. According to this formula, it is speculated that this kind of glial bacteria should grow in places where metals are extremely rich. He suddenly felt moved. It seems that the gelatinous fungus really grows in Darkness. Isn't it rumored that there is metal after all?

This recipe seemed to confirm this point, but Ye Zhong had a difficult time. In other places, these metals are not difficult, but they need to spend a little more money. But in this place where no metals are produced at all, it is simply impossible to find such complex types of metals.


It is impossible to find these metals unless you enter Darkness. Although there were quite a few metals in the things that Ye Zhong searched from the scientific research team's laboratory, at least half of the metals in this formula were missing.

Ye Zhong's dream of cultivating colloidal bacteria on a large scale had to be temporarily shattered.

However, this also strengthened Ye Zhong's determination to enter Darkness.

Sha Ya was still meditating behind closed doors, and it happened that Ye Zhong needed to do some preparations during this time. No matter who it is, when it comes to Darkness, they all call it a dangerous dark place. Ye Zhong didn't want any accidents to happen because of his lack of preparation.

It is said that most of the water in Darkness is highly toxic, so carrying water and food is a very serious problem. Food is easy to handle, and Ye Zhong can make food pills. This kind of ultra-high-energy pellets are very portable and take up almost no space. As for water, Ye Zhong had several options, but none of them were safe. In the end, Ye Zhong decided to bring enough drinking water into Darkness. This is the safest and most secure.

Ye Zhong took the time to go to the training ground. No matter if they were civilians or nobles, they were all honest and honest in the face of this purely militarized management. In this way, everyone improved very fast, and their physical fitness was far better than that of the day .

In fact, Liao San was quite puzzled. These days, he meticulously completed the tasks assigned to him by Ye Zhong, and he also saw the growth of these people. Well, the physique has become stronger, the strength has become stronger, and the endurance has indeed become stronger, but so what? Even the lowest level of marksman can kill them with one shot.

What puzzled him the most was why His Majesty, who has always been wise, is so keen on this matter?

Ye Zhong didn't explain to Liao San, but called over the 200 people with the best physique and the fastest progress. He taught these people some basic movements. These seemingly weird movements can make their bodies more flexible and supple.

These two hundred people are the best among the 20,000 people in the entire training ground, but this set of movements still makes them tormented enough. Three of them suffered direct muscle strains, and the remaining 197 people uttered earth-shattering screams from time to time, which frightened the more than 10,000 people who were training beside them to turn blue.

For these screams and cries of pain, Ye Zhong was not moved at all, and stood in front of these people expressionlessly, watching them clumsily complete one movement after another. If someone is afraid of pain, he will go up to help directly, and every time it is accompanied by a scream that is so shrill, even the cold-blooded Liao San, who has been watching the whole process from the sidelines, feels a little scared in his heart. He thinks that Ye Zhong is definitely going to The ability to interrogate and extract confessions.

It wasn't until Ye Zhong nodded in satisfaction and announced that they had all passed the test that they heaved a sigh of relief. Afterwards, Ye Zhong ordered these people to be responsible for teaching all this set of movements. The eyes of the two hundred people who had been ravaged just now lit up, and they looked at the people who were running wildly in the training ground with a sneer.

Ye Zhong didn't stay here too long, he had too many things to do. He had just received news that the second batch of students had already been recruited, and this time there were a total of 50,000 students! Because of the match between Ye Zhong and Xuan Ning, Ye Zhong's reputation soared, and Ye Zhong's enrollment became the most popular place this time. The 50,000 places were all sold out within two days.

Now he needs to build a No. 2 training ground that can accommodate 50,000 people as quickly as possible.

Just after Ye Zhong completed the No. 2 training ground, the 50,000 people arrived. What Ye Zhong didn't expect was that there was actually a person who was proficient in fighting, and that was Duan Qian.

Duan Qian had never been able to find a chance to meet Ye Zhong, and when he happened to be recruiting students, he took part as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Duan Qian quickly attracted Ye Zhong's attention. Duan Qian had a kind of temperament unique to fighters, and Ye Zhong was very familiar with this temperament. After trying Duan Qian for a while, Ye Zhong was very satisfied. It is not easy to meet someone who is so proficient in fighting here. Pointing to Duan Qian casually, taking advantage of Duan Qian's excitement, Ye Zhong casually dumped the stall to him. For Duan Qian, he would not make any mistakes in these basic things, Ye Zhong was very relieved, not to mention Liao San's help.

After returning to the manor, Xiyan greeted him.

Xiyan respectfully said: "Teacher, the materials you ordered have been delivered."

"Yeah." Ye Chong replied, and quickly ran towards the warehouse, followed closely by Xiyan. He has been a little depressed recently, and he has been communicating with Christine these days. He found that Christine, who was much younger than himself, had a much higher level than himself. Many of the things made by Christine seem to be confused, and many places are unknown, which makes him admire and feel quite depressed. After asking, he found out that Christine had not even been with the teacher for a year, and he was able to improve so much. This made him very excited, which shows how unpredictable the teacher's level is. He is full of confidence in his future.

The materials Ye Zhong ordered this time are some high-strength materials, such as refined hard linden, which is generally used to make fighters and has excellent physical properties. Judging from the amount of materials the teacher ordered this time, Xi Yan was a little uncertain. With so many materials, it was more than enough to make fighter planes.

Ye Zhong ordered Xiyan to call Christine over. After a while, Christine followed Xiyan to the pile of materials.

Soon, Ye Zhong brought a pile of blueprints and placed them in front of them.

Xiyan and Christine looked at each other, and opened the blueprint with a puzzled expression. It was full of strange-shaped parts, and each part marked various parameters in great detail.

"Can these parts be made?" Ye Zhong asked the two of them.

Christine flipped through a few, thought for a while, and answered honestly: "Most of them should be fine, but some are a bit complicated, and I'm not fully sure, it may be troublesome."

Ye Chong looked at Xiyan, Xiyan did not speak, but carefully looked at the blueprint in his hand, closed his eyes and thought for a while, opened his eyes, nodded, and replied in a very positive tone: "No problem, this precision I can make the parts."

Hearing this, Christine was a bit arrogant. From this, it can be seen that her basic skills are far from Xiyan.

Ye Qian nodded: "You two put down what you are doing now, and make these things, two of each."

With Ye Zhong's instructions, the two of them would have no opinion, and these strange parts deeply attracted the two of them. They really want to know, what will these strange parts be made of when they are finally completed?

Ye Zhong always surprises people, but this time, what kind of surprise will he bring them?

This curiosity made the two full of motivation, and they began to rush to make these parts day and night. Xiyan's solid basic skills are undoubtedly revealed in the process of making these parts, which makes Christine very envious.

After seven days and seven nights, the two finally completed the production of all the parts. The originally empty warehouse floor is now covered with all kinds of parts.

Xiyan and Christine's eyes were red, they had been busy working day and night for the past few days, and they were seriously deprived of sleep. But the two of them opened their eyes wide at this time, afraid of missing a detail, they wanted to know what the results of the past seven days were? They could sense that Ye Zhong attached great importance to this project, so naturally they didn't dare to slack off.

Both Christine and Xiyan are quite capable weapon makers, and the parts they made fully meet Ye Zhong's requirements. But Ye Zhong did not assemble it immediately, but came in with a bucket of light yellow liquid, took out the spray gun, and carefully sprayed the light yellow liquid evenly on the surface of each part. This is Ye Zhong's strengthening fluid, which can greatly enhance the performance of these parts.

Xiyan and Christine were very curious about the spray gun in Ye Zhong's hand.

After completing this process, Ye Zhong started the assembly under the watchful eyes of the two.

Ye Zhong's assembly was not fast, and Xiyan and Christine could see it very clearly.

Once the two hard linden parts are snapped together, and a few fixed tenons are added, it becomes a movable mechanical arm. Eighteen curved surfaces are spliced ​​together to form a tortoise shell-shaped cockpit the size of a house...

Xiyan and Christine watched Ye Zhong assemble with dull faces. Although they had made sufficient mental preparations, the scene before them was beyond their expectations.

Ye Zhong's movements became more and more proficient, and his assembly speed became faster and faster. And those parts that required several people to lift seemed to be nothing in Ye Zhong's hands, and he could easily lift them up with one hand. His hands serve as almost all the tools: high-pressure hammer device, punching machine, lifting instrument, hydraulic fixing instrument...

A non-human completed nature is also an abnormal work.

And when the work was finally completed, under the shadow cast by the behemoth, Xiyan and Christine were completely speechless. They don't know what language to use to express their feelings at this time, and what can reflect their feelings is the incomparable fanaticism that blooms in the eyes of the two of them! (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in

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