Legendary Hero

687 Great Ability And Great Responsibility (3/3)

Step out, from heaven to abyss.

In the eyes of Jasmine and Bion, the sky is golden red, but this golden red is only a thin layer, and behind this golden red halo is endless darkness.

The huge dark vortex slowly rotated, like a huge eye of destruction, silently watching the world below.

The wind from the abyss is also chilly. When it blows on the body, it is like ice needles continuously piercing into the pores, penetrating into the cracks of the bones, until they go deep into the bone marrow before stopping. The air here always has a faint stench, somewhat similar to sulfur, and it seems to be the smell of rotting corpses.

Looking into the distance, what you see is a layer of darkness like ink. These darkness surround the city in front like a wall that cannot be reached. How powerless, it seems that he will be swallowed by darkness at any time.

Another gust of wind blew over, and the wind was mixed with faint screams. Hearing this, Bion shuddered. He dragged away generally.

"Jasmine, let's go into the city." Bion felt his body trembling subconsciously. He didn't want to do this, but he couldn't help it.

Several soldiers who passed by him looked at him with contempt, which made Bion feel a little ashamed.

Now that he has come to the abyss, it is useless to regret, but Bion really regrets it. If he knew this, he should listen to Luo Lin's advice and not take the last step.

Jasmine's situation is much better than his. She is a Martial Saint, she has experienced real bloody battles, and her will is as strong as steel. Although she also sensed the horror of the abyss, she didn't flinch. Instead, a fighting spirit rose in her heart.

"When the uncle left Troll and entered the abyss, he was only a demigod. But now he has established the magnificent Sun City, and he is still fighting against the terrifying existence of the Evernight Goddess. I am a disciple of the uncle, and I learned from him. Martial arts, I also want to get my own glory!"

She used Rowling's experience to motivate herself.

Bion's words brought her back to her senses. She felt Bion's timidity, but she didn't despise it. Not everyone is suitable to be a soldier, nor does it mean that if you can't be a soldier, you can't make your own contribution to the war. contribute. When he was in Troll, Bion and his disciples refined a large amount of potions, which were strategic materials.

"Let's go into the city." Jasmine intentionally walked behind Bian, using her strength to shield the sixtieth old man from the cold wind from the abyss.

The two walked into Sun City one after another. When they were at the city wall, a soldier in gold and red armor gave each of them a scroll.

"This is the detailed introduction of Troll Fortress. Take a closer look. Of course, Troll Fortress is the official name, and we usually call it Sun City." The soldier smiled warmly.

He has seen a lot of these warriors who come to Sun City to take risks, and everyone who goes to Sun City will add strength to the city, so whenever these newcomers arrive, he will do his best to make them feel that this city The warmth of the city.

"Thank you." Jasmine opened the scroll and looked carefully.

Bian next to her had an old problem. He stared at the armor on this warrior for a while. Although he specialized in potion alchemy, he also had a lot of research on equipment alchemy. The faint halo, the material used, the refining method, and the arrangement of the runes all made him puzzled. This did not make him retreat, but instead aroused his strong curiosity.

Seeing a hint of impatience on the guard's face, Jasmine hastily explained: "Sorry, he's an alchemist, and he likes to study things he doesn't understand."

Unexpectedly, when she said this, joy appeared on the soldier's face. In Sun City, alchemists are extremely valuable.

He laughed: "So I'm an alchemist. I'm so sorry. My armor is actually very ordinary. It is equipped with equipment for ordinary soldiers under the crown of the God of War. It is called 'Cold Iron Armor'. If you want to study these, you can go to the inner city. Go to the equipment workshop to apply for a job, if you can enter there, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with a large number of extremely powerful artifacts."

"Are you serious?" Bion's eyes suddenly brightened, and his fear of the abyss and previous regrets disappeared without a trace.

"Of course it's true. It's a real artifact, but unfortunately I don't have enough strength to wear it." The soldier was both envious and regretful.

Bion immediately said to Jasmine: "Let's go, let's go to the inner city."

"You go. I'm afraid I won't be able to go." Jasmine looked at the scroll in her hand. There was a clear introduction on it: "The fortress lacks all kinds of craftsmen. If you go there, your wish will definitely come true. But now I can only be a A mercenary."

"Why?" Bion was puzzled.

"Look at the street, these mercenaries are not weaker than me, but they can only be mercenaries. And the soldier just now, I feel that his strength is much stronger than mine, and I probably can't take ten moves in front of him. Here, I'm just an ordinary person with a little power." Jasmine spread her hands.

Biang was suddenly depressed: "How can you be a mercenary? No, mercenaries are too dangerous. Look at their equipment, which is incomparable with regular soldiers. So, let's go to the inner castle to find God of War and let him arrange it for you. Down."

"No." Jasmine shook her head and refused, "I can't cause trouble for uncle. This battle in the abyss is very difficult, but I will prove myself."

"You... hey~ You're just too stubborn." Bi Ang sighed, he knew Jasmine's character very well, he understood when she came to him ten years ago to refine the withering potion that inhibits the growth of the body .

"You go. We will meet after a while, and I am waiting for you to build a new armor for me." It is true to say that I am not disappointed. Jasmine has a feeling of falling from the clouds to the mortal world, but she works hard Allow yourself to keep smiling.

"Okay, take care, and don't let yourself be bullied." Bi Ang instructed and then walked towards the inner city. If he wanted to help Jasmine, he had to get a place in the weapon workshop as soon as possible. Regarding this point, he Believe that you can do it.

Watching Bian's back disappear, Jasmine began to think about the way out. While thinking, she walked around Sun City, hoping to encounter some opportunities.

Although she had spoken boldly to the old man Bi Ang just now, she was actually very confused in her heart and didn't know if she could succeed.

While walking, Jasmine suddenly felt a silence around her, and the voices of people around her disappeared... No, it didn't disappear, but the time around her slowed down, very, very slowly, so that Those voices came to her ears at a very slow speed, and as a result, the voice became 'lower'.

She turned her head to look at the people around her, all of them were almost at a standstill, and their speed was less than one-thousandth of normal. And in this stagnant time and space, only she is normal.

Then she saw a person appearing on the corner of the street ahead, judging by his appearance and demeanor, it was the God of War Luo Lin.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Jasmine called out in surprise, and she walked over quickly.

Luo Lin showed a gentle smile as always: "Sun City is me, I am Sun City. As long as I want, I can appear anywhere in this city."

Jasmine was shocked by this power, but after thinking about it, she was relieved. Without such great power, how could the uncle become the god of war in the natural god system, and how could he compete with the terrifying Evernight Goddess for control of this entire plane?

"It's only when I got here that I realized that I'm actually so weak." Jasmine felt very relaxed in front of Luo Lin, and said what was in her heart without recognizing it.

"When a big tree is still a seed, he is also weak, as long as he is given some time, he will grow into a giant."

Luo Lin smiled and squinted his eyes. On the timeline behind Jasmine, he saw a great figure.

Jasmine was very comforted, and her mood improved a lot. She asked, "Then what are you now, uncle?"

Luo Lin stretched out his finger, and lightly tapped Jasmine's forehead, and a light appeared, which kept sinking into Jasmine's mind: "You are my disciple, but I don't really have much time to teach you, I am not a competent person. Your mentor. This is my comprehension of some martial arts and the mysteries of power, it can guide you in the direction of progress. Make good use of it."

As the radiance flowed in, Luo Lin's figure slowly faded away, but when his figure completely disappeared, Jasmine found that the time in the street had once again resumed its normal flow.

Gentle words flowed into her mind like a spring: "I can't give you powerful artifacts. These artifacts embody the blood and sweat of every member of the fortress, and their distribution must follow fixed laws. Only those with sufficient ability and meritorious service can exchange for them. They. It is my responsibility to maintain the justice of this decree. I hope that one day, all the people will cheer for you. I hope that one day, you can stand in front of me and let me create your own artifact for you. I hope that one day , you can be my pride."

Luo Lin has great abilities, but part of the reason why he acquired this ability is his own talent, and the greater part is the support of various members of the natural god system.

The goddess of life broke through the bottleneck of promotion for him, the moon god Allen escorted his growth, and the holy spirit warriors voluntarily handed over part of the original force they had desperately obtained to him for him to improve his strength.

So he also has a big responsibility!

Jasmine felt Luo Lin's heart, and the resentment towards Luo Lin from the bottom of her heart disappeared without a trace.

Recalling the extremely exquisite knowledge in her mind, she is no longer confused about the future. Standing on the crowded street, she clenched her fists tightly and said in a low voice, "Uncle, I will definitely not let you down!"

Not far ahead was a mercenary regiment's garrison, with the words "Liuhuo" hanging on the garrison, and there was a recruiting sign beside the door, Jasmine strode over.

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