
Chapter 170: You come to alchemy

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A clear slap in the face suddenly sounded!

Although Yueyue had already foreseen something just now, she was still a little shocked at the moment.

She stared dullly at her daunted and angry father, and slapped her aunt fiercely, her heart hanging up suddenly, her head blank.

I'm really scared!

At the same time, there was a strong anger in her heart that drove her to stand up uncontrollably and slammed towards the woman's face!


Another clear and loud slap!

The woman was completely stunned, and the whole person was in a state of blankness.

Because of fear, she even forgot to cry.

A pair of eyes dull, standing there, it seems that the soul is gone.

Bi Pengcheng didn't let her go, but his voice was very cold and asked: "Bitch, do you also have a face here? Ah? Do you have a face here?"


The woman burst into tears suddenly, crying hysterically.

"What am I doing wrong? Where am I wrong? Why did you hit me? Why did you hit me? Why?"


Bi Pengcheng slapped it fiercely and slapped the woman directly.

The fair and delicate face quickly became red and swollen, like a pig's head.

This time, the woman was completely stupid, her legs were soft, she fell directly to the ground, and she did not dare to cry.

Because she already knew that the East Window incident happened!

It must have been exposed by what his brother did, otherwise, the master would never be so angry.

She just even felt a strong murderous spirit from Bi Pengcheng!

That murderous, came against her!

"Master, I ... I'm wrong, wooh ... I'm really wrong, I know it's wrong, please spare me this time!"

The woman was desperately begging, but the more she begged, the more angry Pengcheng felt.

He has been with his wife for hundreds of years, and his wife has been sympathetic and has never blushed with him because of his concubine.

They are very kind to these sisters on weekdays, just like being sisters.

As a result, this little **** would actually use this kind of poisoning scheme in an attempt to achieve his own superior purpose by poisoning his wife.

What the hell!

Damn it!

The murderousness in Bi Pengcheng's heart grew stronger.

At this moment, Chu Yu said lightly on the side: "Master Bi, otherwise ... you are going to solve these private matters first?"

Bi Pengcheng suddenly awakened and saluted Chu Yu: "Mr. Song, I'm really sorry, it's me Meng Lang. Please also ask Mr. Song to show his wonderful hands to save my wife!"

Bi Pengcheng said, his eyes turned red, and then he picked up the woman who was paralyzed on the ground and strode out directly.

Although Yueyue is a girl and a child, she is actually very smart. Now why do n’t you know what happened?

The little humiliation in my heart towards my aunt disappeared as soon as you knew the truth.

She saluted Chu Yu: "Sir, please save my mother, even if ... even if ..."

The tears of Yueyue flowed out, and persevered, saying: "Even if it really fails, I will not blame Mr., I will obey, and listen to what Mr. says. Work hard and be a useful person."

Experience will make people grow, this is the unchanging truth.

Chu Yu nodded: "Relax, I will try my best. Now, let's move this potted plant out first."

Chu Yu glanced at the pot of moon shadows on the window sill. He knew that this pot of flowers was very expensive. When refining a certain kind of immortality, it could play a role in the introduction of medicine, which could increase the effect of that immortality by 3% ten!

However, he naturally wouldn't ask for it. Although Moon Shadow Youlan is not cheap, it is not impossible to buy.

Yueyue nodded her head and moved out of Yueying Yulan.

Chu Yu sat in the room and began to search in his mind for the panacea that relieved Yueyue's mother's poison.

There are many detoxification recipes on the Xianhe Danjing, and there are several kinds of recipes that can solve the virus produced by Yueying Youlan against the mother.

Chu Yu intends to use a panacea that does the least harm to Yueyue's mother.

Finally, he decided to refine this immortality.

Afterwards, Chu Yu called Bi Pengcheng to leave the person who specially cooperated with Chu Yu and asked him to take some kinds of medicinal herbs.

"Five roots of ephedra, three roots of perilla herb, and one of the best bezoar snake bladders for one, two, 500 years ...

Chu Yu was afraid that the medicine in this world was different from the name on the Xianhe Danjing, and he also specifically wanted a pen to draw out the appearance of the medicine.

The names of several medicinal materials are somewhat different, but in general they are similar.

And for the Xiuzhen family, these medicinal materials are not particularly valuable, and the person responsible for cooperating with Chu Yu quickly prepares them.

What happened inside the Bi family has not been spread.

Bi Pengcheng doesn't want to confess his ugliness no matter how angry he is.

However, the news that Mr. Song wanted to make alchemy was quickly spread.

These people inside Bi's family, fortunately, although they knew Song Shenyi's name, he didn't feel much about his alchemy.

There is no separation of medicine. Isn't magical medicine alchemy alright?

But for the dozen or so little girls at Ziyun College Alchemy Branch, this is a real event.

Therefore, the twelve little girls, including Yueyue, all gathered in the little yard of Yueyue's mother and wanted to see Mr. Alchemy.

The medicinal materials were quickly delivered, but Chu Yu was somewhat entangled.

It's not that he suddenly won't make medicine, but the medicine he made ... too ugly!

Ugly to doubt life!

Seeing the twelve little girls all stared at him.

Yueyue had just told Mr. Song's magic to his friends, which caused everyone to exclaim.

I feel that no matter how Mr. Song is, this medical technique is really amazing.

Although the Bi family is not a big family, it is not as powerful as the Ziyun House, but it can also find many famous doctors and masters.

But none of those people can see what is the problem of Yueyue's mother, and even the cause can't be found.

When he came to Mr. Song, he was straightforward, first of all to find out the cause, and then found a solution.

Didn't you see that the herbs are ready? That alchemy is not a piece of cake for a magician?

Chu Yu looked deep, then suddenly looked at Yu Wen and smiled: "Who is inside, you come!"

"Sir, I'm Yuwen Xiaoxiao!" The little girl couldn't help but glared at Chu Yu, and then she said something strange: "What am I here for?"

"You come to Alchemy!" Chu Yu said indifferently: "The first lesson for the teacher starts here!"

"Ah?" Yu Wen smiled and looked at Chu Yu in surprise: "Me? But I won't!"

"Isn't it good that you gather the Spirit Pills for refining?" Chu Yu said with a deep face: "Alchemy is just a process, it doesn't matter what is refined. Even the top-level Spirit Pill is also refined step by step from."

With that said, he smiled at Yuwen: "Why? Do n’t you want to stay at Alchemy Branch? Do n’t want to learn alchemy?"

"Think!" Yu Wen smiled with a tight face, and looked at Chu Yu seriously: "Of course I think, we are indeed a bit different, a bit naughty, but we are not stupid, who wants to be used every day A strange look, who would really be treated as a witch of the world? That ’s not a compliment ... "

Yuwen smiled and stood at the front with his back to his group of friends. After he finished speaking, he winked at Chu Yu somewhat proudly.

This ghost girl!

Chu Yu silently praised Yuwen with a smile.

Then said: "Since you want, you come to refine this immortality, and everyone else is watching. Then, I will point you all the way!"

Bi Yueyue looked at Chu Yu, his expression a bit tangled.

This immortality is related to the life of her mother, but the gentleman made it with a smile ... Can this be done?

It's not that she doesn't believe in the alchemy standard of smiling, the key is that this matter is a matter of life.

Chu Yu glanced at Yueyue: "Relax, I believe that Xiaoxiao can be successful. Besides, although these medicinal materials are expensive, I believe that your family should still have stocks?"

Chu Yu said, glancing at Bi Pengcheng to cooperate with the man.

The man nodded again and again: "Yes, some!"

Facing the magician, although he was younger, he still dared not make it. Very respectful in attitude.

Chu Yu nodded with a smile: "Take the furnace, burn a fire!"

Although Yu Wen smiled a little bit, he could only take out the red furnace at the moment and ignite the strange fire.

Chu Yu said in a deep voice: "Put two perilla herbs!"

Xiaoxiao was a little nervous, but still very calmly picked up two perilla herbs and put them into the dan furnace.

"The temperature of the different fires has increased by three levels!" Chu Yu commanded.

Xiaoxiao skillfully manipulates the fire to increase its temperature by 30%.

"Very good, then add four ephedra grasses, and the temperature of the different fire will be reduced by 10% ..."

"Put in all the best beef bezoars, and increase the temperature of the fire by 50%!"

"Put in the snake's gallbladder, and the temperature of the fire rises by 10%!"

Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yu with some surprise and wanted to say something.


Chu Yu scolded loudly.

Xiao Xiao suddenly put the snake gallbladder into it.

Originally she wanted to say that this way the snake gallbladder would be evaporated in an instant, but out of trust in her husband, after hearing the scolding, she still put the snake gallbladder in it obediently.

"The flame temperature is reduced by 60%!"

With Chu Yu's constant command, Xiaoxiao's movements became more and more skillful.

This confirms the judgment in Chu Yu's heart that this girl definitely has a foundation from an early age!

And her foundation is certainly not shallow.

In the family, there should be an expert in alchemy.

Chu Yu glanced at the other eleven little girls and found them all watching attentively.

There was a faint smile on Chu Yu's face.

In fact, it's really just a group of children. If you want to make them normal, it's really not that difficult. It depends on how to guide them.

This is really just a group of adolescent rebellious girls, and nothing more.

After about ten minutes, Chu Yu smiled and said, "Okay, accept the fire."

Xiaoxiao was a little used to Chu Yu's command, and Wen Yan quickly recovered the fire.

Then it seemed to wake up and looked at Chu Yu: "Is this over?"

"Then how long do you want to practice?" Chu Yu smiled.

He had already raised his eyebrows through the eyebrows and saw the situation in the Dan furnace. He secretly praised: Although the medicine made by this little girl was far worse than the medicine he made, he looked like But it looks too much!

Each one is pearl-shaped and round, with Dan Yun above it as picturesque.

It seems ... I have to find a copying method of immortality.

Chu Yu thought sadly.


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