
Chapter 172: King Realm!

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Such a big movement directly awakened a lot of people, but when people came out, they found that the two parties at the war had already left Bi's side, fighting farther and farther.

"No, one of them is Mr. Song!"

"Someone came to assassinate Song Shenyi!"

"Go and support Song Shenyi!"

Bi Pengcheng hurried out, his face full of anger.

Grit his teeth: "Lu Jian ... you are really looking for death!"

Needless to say, the Lu family must have done this!

Everyone beside Bi Pengcheng's concubine was beheaded mercilessly, but in the end he left this concubine a life.

After all, the couple gave birth to two children for Bi Pengcheng.

So she didn't kill her, but she drove her out of Bi's house directly.

Lu Jian's stealing the chicken over there is not an eclipse. Lu Jian, who dominates this matter, is even more frightened and angry.

They did not dare to confront the people of the Bi family so blatantly, they could only transfer their hatred to Chu Yu who discovered the cause of Yueyue's mother.

It is thought that this kind of thing would not have happened unless it was Song.

There are also a lot of stubborn Lu family here, revenge is not overnight, I want to kill Song Shenyi today!

The Lu family and the Bi family were originally in this city. If you want to get started, it is really simple.

Although Bi Pengcheng killed all the people around the concubine, after all these years, there were still people standing there. It could not be cleaned in a short time, so Chu Yu's residence was directly exposed.

Bi Pengcheng wanted to understand all this almost instantaneously, his complexion was somber.

Han Sheng said: "Send all masters of the family immediately, in any case, we must rescue Mr. Song!"

"Master, what about other things?" Someone asked.

"Other things ... Save Mr. Song again! Remember, Mr. Song must be rescued!" Bi Pengcheng's face was extremely serious: "This is a first-class event!"

"Yes, lord!" The men agreed to leave quickly.

Bi Pengcheng's face is extremely ugly. He knows that this Mr. Song must never have an accident, otherwise ... the Bi family will be over!

He desperately wanted to save people this way, not only because his wife's life was saved by others, but also because he knew that Liu Yuyan, the little princess of Ziyun Prefecture ... was also saved by others!

The existence of Ziyun House must be extremely grateful to Mr. Song.

Once Mr. Song has an accident, then, the first one who is angry is definitely Ziyun Mansion!

By that time, the Lu family would have disappeared, but what would happen to the Bi family?

But do n’t get into trouble!

A group of girls all rushed out, and they still don't know what happened.

All are in a state of blankness.

It wasn't until I heard Zhao Kai said that Mr. Song had been attacked and then beat out with others.

"Why would Mr. Song have a family here?"

"Is it because Mr. Song saved Yueyue's mother?"

"Ah? Does it matter?"

"I think so, Yueyue's mother is also a cultivation person. How can a cultivation person be so easily poisoned?"

"Is it sir?"

"I don't want Mr. to be in danger. He is the entire Ziyun Academy, the only person I looked at that was pretty pleasing ..."

A group of little girls tweeted here, all with anxious faces.

Zhao Kai was even more anxious in his heart. He now almost equalized the hope of the future on Mr. Song.

But judging from the energy fluctuations remaining in the air, the actual state of the other party is quite deep, and even if they go, it will not help.

It may even become cumbersome.

So despite their anxiety, they can only wait here, looking forward to the good news.

Chu Yu fought all the way with this man. He ran fast, and his feet were so incredible that he seemed to want to escape.

The other party smiled coldly: "Where to run?"

This man's whole body exploded with respect for the Venerable Realm and chased all the way towards Chu Yu.

The two quickly moved away from Bi's house and away from this small town, throwing those who chased them away.

The venerable monk Lu family sneered in his heart: really an idiot, if not desperate to escape, there might be a ray of life. Bi is not without masters.

But now that he is desperately trying to escape, it is simply to kill himself!

Chu Yu, who was in front of him, fled, and suddenly turned back, punching fiercely, slamming toward the venerable monk of the landing family.

The venerable monk of the Lu family sneered: "Do not limit yourself!"


There was a loud noise from the void.

Chu Yu's body receded again, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

But there was no fear in his eyes.

"Come again!"

Chu Yu shouted, running the mighty force in his body, and bombarded the other side.



There was another loud noise in the void.


This time, Chu Yu's body shook even more, and a spit of blood spewed out of his mouth.

But in those eyes, apart from the incomparable fighting intent, they could not see anything else.

The Venerable Realm was a little stunned. He really couldn't figure out what the young man was all about?

From the initial rapture, now the Venerable Realm monk actually gave birth to an inexplicable faint fear.

Isn't this guy a magician?

What can a healer do besides alchemy and treatment?

A little fighting power, it is also vulnerable!

When he first started at Bi's house, he still thought so.

Although the opponent's strength is very strong, but for him, it is nothing.

A monk with a congenital realm, really using all of his venerable powers, can shoot to death with just one palm.

Just before the two blows, he still thought so.

Because he didn't do his best at that time.

But now, he is really shocked.

He has exerted all his strength, but the other party ... just spit out blood.

The crazy fighting in those eyes is like a lunatic!

Is this a magician or a combat monk?

Is it too scary?




Chu Yu took the initiative to take shots in a row, every shot was powerful, simple and rough.

This Venerable Realm monk feels a little crazy, he can see at a glance that this man's moves have no cleverness at all.

Even the lowest fighting skill he has learned is not as good as Noluko!

But the power is too strong!

There is no routine at all, which is quite unreasonable.

Chu Yu was able to feel the power of Dan Tianzhong boiling more and more, along with thousands of acupoints and all meridians on the whole body, it seemed to be burning.

This feeling gave him a sense of sublimation.

At the same time, there is a magical power in Dantian, what is condensing!

"Come, let me kill you!"

Chu Yu punched faster than punched, running fast under his feet, the speed was incredible, the fist was so heavy that this Venerable doubted his life!

Because such a heavy punch is a force that only Venerable can fight!


Finally, Chu Yu's sudden punch, too fast, hit the Venerable on the shoulder.

The Venerable's body shook, feeling half of his body numb, and he couldn't move one arm.

The pain that went deep into the bone marrow made him cry out loud.

He retreated, trying to avoid Chu Yu's attack like a torrential rain.

But then ... he got a punch in the face.


With a crisp crack, his cheek bones shattered!

Even if he has a strong physique, he cannot withstand such a crazy attack by Chu Yu.


This venerable realm monk suddenly burst into a bright light.

He couldn't help it finally, use the instrument!

Before that, he never thought that to deal with a monk who was far below his realm, he needed magic tools and magical powers ...

He felt that with the power of His Holiness alone, it was enough to kill the other party alive!

But now, if he doesn't use it, he will definitely be killed by this lunatic.

He flew up to the sky, looked down from the top, looked at Chu Yu, his voice was extremely cold, as if emanating from hell.

"Little beast, I will definitely break you up!"

Say, raise your hand and hit, this time, it is supernatural!

A ray of light, with a breath of destruction, rushed directly to Chu Yu below.

Chu Yu ran fast and performed supernatural powers, his body flickered and directly flicked the blow.


There was a huge deep hole in the mountain, the whole mountain collapsed, the towering ancient trees fell, the dust filled the sky, and a cloud of mushrooms rose.

This blow is amazing!

This is the true power of Venerable Realm.

This venerable master is supernatural, and the injuries in his body are recovering quickly.

He coldly looked at the somewhat embarrassed Chu Yu below, and said lightly: "Ant ants, have you seen this? This is the power of God!"

With that said, he showed his magical power again, a ray of light, like lightning, splitting towards Chu Yu below.

Chu Yu's actions are fast, unbelievable, and he dodges continuously.

The mountains here were sparsely rotten, and huge clouds of smoke and dust continuously rose into the air.

Although Chu Yu's movements were extremely fast, he was still hit twice by this Venerable's supernatural powers.

An attack pierced his arm and blood ran across.

Another attack penetrated Chu Yu's right chest, exposing his bones.

There was also a lot of blood pouring out, and this wound was very heavy.

It looks extremely scary!

Chu Yu's mouth bleeds outward, but his eyes are still full of firm gaze.


Pain into the bone marrow!

He gritted his teeth, and refused to make a sound.

There will be many such battles in the future. If you want to defend your homeland and stand out from all others, you must start now.

Every battle between life and death is treated as a virtual game!

Pain ... It's just a signal from the nerves.

Block it!

All the energy in Chu Yu's body is boiling, and there are horrible fluctuations all over his body, and the whole person is like burning.

Wherever he went, various plants burned up, and even the air around him was scorching hot!

In the middle of his Dantian, a magical force finally merged into one and condensed together!

A shining golden pill is instantly formed!

Step into the realm of kings.

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