
Chapter 177: advent

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Song Hong, Song Hong, this time, you are dead!

I thought I had Ziyun Man's thighs ... you can be pretty good? wrong! In this world, there are too many forces that are many times stronger than Ziyun Mansion!

You may not know it, thinking that you are a **** without knowing it, thinking that a small Lu family, a Lu Tianyang ... there must be no details, and you dare not compete with Ziyun House.

Yes, under normal circumstances, of course they dare not.

But what if Lu Tianyang ... has a fiancee who is the elder daughter of Piaoxiang College?

You hindered me, so you have to die.

Sun Changshan smiled, but his heart was extremely cold.

In order to clear Chu Yu, he can do everything he can.

As the deputy dean of Ziyun College, Sun Changshan can mobilize the power and resources, it is very powerful!

Send people to investigate secretly.

Kung fu paid attention to the people, and finally let him find the clues in Bi Yueyue's house.

Although the news of Lu Tianyang's death was suppressed by Bi's death, there will be some rumors after all.

For Sun Changshan, this is enough.

He didn't need to determine who did it at all. He just needed to let the elder daughter of Piaoxiang College know that Song Hong had killed his fiancé.

This matter, whether it is done by Song Hong or not, must be!

Sun Changshan's face was calm, but his heart was sneering: Master Dean, by then, the alchemy branch you are in charge of will not only be disgraced and crushed into slag.

And even the only gentleman of the branch died under the fighting method ... I do n’t know, what kind of expression would you be by then?

It would be very exciting to want to come!


When the news reached the alchemy branch, everyone was blank.

I do n’t know why this top-ranked college suddenly found Ziyun College here, and why would it challenge the alchemy branch by name.

Is n’t this bullying?

Although he is not willing to admit this matter, everyone knows that now, in the eyes of outsiders, the alchemy branch of Ziyun College is a weak place.

Even many people in Song Guo have never heard of the existence of the alchemy branch in Ziyun College.

A group of girls are very angry.

But not Chu Yu!

When Chu Yu heard the four words of Piaoxiang College, he understood the meaning of the other party. It was because of the death of Lu Tianyang.

It's just that he is a little strange, why did he come after so long?

Moreover, if it is just for revenge, there are many ways. Why did you choose to use this?

Nowadays, in the eyes of the outside world, even in the eyes of the high-level officials of Ziyun College, the alchemy branch is quite a weak place.

Based on the ranking of Piaoxiang College, their alchemy branch will certainly not be too bad, at least much stronger than Ziyun College.

But in the status of the other party, is it possible to step on the alchemy branch of Ziyun College?

Does this seem unnecessary?

So, who can benefit from the alchemy branch stepped into the dust?

It seems ... no one can.

It is normal for Piaoxiang Academy to win, and no one can praise them for being great.

Ziyun Academy here ... Actually, there will not be much fluctuation?

After all, alchemy branch is already terrible.

Who would be ashamed of this?

Chu Yu frowned.


Now the Alchemy Branch is under the direct control of the dean!

If something goes wrong with Alchemy Academy, then the person with the most dull face should be the dean!

Chu Yu began to string everything together to analyze.

Because it only took more than three months, not too many complicated things happened.

Vice President Sun Changshan!

It must be related to him!

Three months, enough for Chu Yu to have a deep understanding of Ziyun Academy.

Ziyun College is affiliated to Ziyun Mansion. Almost most of the deans are the elders of Ziyun Mansion.

But it is not without exception.

Sun Changshan was jealous of himself because of Liu Yuyan, and even the dean who was facing him was jealous.

It's no secret that he took a group of little girls to treat Yueyue's mother. The interested person can find it in that small town after a little inquiry.

If the ability is strong enough, then it should not be difficult to find the news of Lu Tianyang ’s death, and then follow this line ...

Even if you are not sure, but at least, it is not difficult to splash dirty water on him.

Sun Changshan ...

Chu Yu whispered the name in his heart, and a sharp flash in his eyes.

Subsequently, he brought together twelve students.

"Have you heard?" Chu Yu asked.

"I heard that, sir, we will not embarrass him!"

"Let them look down upon us, this time, we must be a blockbuster!"

"Nothing else, just to give this gentleman a breath!"

A group of girls expressed their indignation.

Zhao Kai stood aside, filled with emotion.

The three-month period is not long.

But in these three months, the twelve former wild girls did not say anything, and the changes were too great.

Too big to make him a little unbelievable, there is no way to connect them with the former and the current.

Even he himself ... has undergone a huge change!

Although he has never seen Chu Yu alchemy with his own eyes so far, even if Mr. Song is not alchemy, he is definitely a top-ranking gentleman!

This kind of talent, placed in any top-level college, is to be broken head.

Here ... really Qu Cai.

It really is a blessing for the entire Ziyun Academy.

"People outside think that Ziyun College's alchemy branch is scum. Well, most of us inside Ziyun College think so." Chu Yu said with a smile.

A group of young girls, all showing their anger.

Yu Wen smiled and said seriously: "Mr. three months of teaching, we have all grown a lot. Those students from high-level colleges may be strong in alchemy, but we are definitely not weak!"

Chu Yu nodded and said, "Okay, I will teach you some new knowledge these days."

The faces of the twelve girls suddenly showed joy, and even Zhao Kai secretly hid on the side.

In the past three months, they have learned too much, and they are too aware of what powerful knowledge Mr. So-called new things are.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Yuwen smiled and wondered what level of knowledge his husband had taught them.

She did not dare to tell anyone, but privately consulted a lot of information and found that the knowledge taught by her husband was advanced to the point that no trace could be found on those materials!

God-level? Or emperor-level? It might even be ... saint inheritance?

It's unimaginable.

Not to mention the level of the **** monarch, even if it is the inheritance of the true monarch level, then no one can learn it.

If you want to learn the inheritance of the true monarch, you must first have a teacher of this state, and then ... you must also be a kind of proselytized disciple.

But Mr .... It seems that the state is not high. How could he have such a high level of inheritance in his hands?

Moreover, this kind of high-level inheritance was passed on to them without any conditions.

Don't look at their rebellion, but in their bones, they also know how to be grateful, and they also know how good they are.

Who is really good to them, and who has aversion to them in their eyes, they are all clear in their hearts.

Over the next few days, the Alchemy Branch seemed to have never happened.

Chu Yu still carefully teaches them the basic knowledge of the Xianhe Dan Jing.

The basic chapter in the saint's heritage is enough for them!

Because even Chu Yu himself, until now, can only detoxify to the mid-term.

Many immortals have not enough realms, not to mention refining, and even understanding is very difficult.

It's calm here, but the rest of Ziyun Academy has already exploded.

If it weren't for the twelve little witches Yu Wei, I'm afraid the Alchemy Branch had become overcrowded these days.

The senior officials of Ziyun College have been busy these days.

The visit of Piaoxiang College is a major event, and all reception work must be done.

Half a month later, the people of Piaoxiang Academy finally came.

Their battle was huge, and the carts were dark, and they flew in the sky.

Even the royal family of Song Guo was shocked. They already knew about this in advance, and they hoped that Ziyun Academy would play their prestige this time.

But when I heard that the other party was challenging the alchemy branch in Ziyun Academy, the entire royal family ... suddenly there was no movement.

Legend has it that His Majesty Song Qiong, the host of Song Kingdom, furious in the palace, scolded Piaoxiang College to bully people, and then complained that the Alchemy Branch was too weak.

Therefore, Piaoxiang College came to the Song Dynasty capital this time, and there was no reaction from the royal side.

I don't want to see that shameful scene.

However, in private, there were also several princes and princesses who quietly slipped out of the palace and entered Ziyun Academy, wanting to see the excitement.

Everyone here at Ziyun Academy was already waiting at the door, looking at the overwhelming fragrance team in the sky not far away.

Sun Changshan stood beside the dean, and several other deputy deans also all stood there, looking at the other side with complicated eyes.

"Hey, I have to say that the top 100 colleges are really different. Look at this momentum ... This should be just an alchemy branch of Piaoxiang College?" There was a deputy dean sighing aside.

"It didn't seem to come from their alchemy college." Another vice president who was in charge of reception sighed: "Here comes the students from their fighting branch."

"Huh? What do you mean? Don't you want to challenge our alchemy branch?" The former vice president looked surprised.

"Does our alchemy branch need others' shots?" Sun Changshan said lightly.

"This ..." The deputy dean twitched violently, frowning: "Isn't this just to bully people? When did our Ziyun College provoke them?"

Sun Changshan smiled: "Who knows, but in my opinion, it is true that the Alchemy Branch offended others ..."

At this time, the dean who had been standing there suddenly looked at Sun Changshan with a cold color in his eyes.

It is impossible to be a fool to sit in the position of Dean of Ziyun College.

If I still don't understand what is happening, I have been sitting in the position of Dean for so many years.

But now, there is no way out.

The original conspiracy has now become a Yangmou.

The Dean gave a cold look at the expressionless Sun Changshan, and his heart was angry: Want to fix me? Then replace it? You alone?

What if you come from the Sun family?

Shame on my face, don't think about it.

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