
Chapter 479: Hostile

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In the younger generation of Sky City, Lin Shi became a saint and Xu Xiaoxian became a saint, no one would find it particularly strange.

Lin Shi has experienced a lot in the past few years, and her cultivation practices are also amazing, and a group of ancient saints such as Minghui and Moon Shadow said that the sanctification of the Bodhisattva method is relatively simple, and it is about the sanctification of the epiphany.

Of course, things like epiphany are not so easy to say.

Many people who practice the Bodhisattva method have not waited for the day of the epiphany in their lifetime.

As for Xu Xiaoxian, she can be sanctified, and even a group of ancient saints are not surprised.

The old ghost beside her, even Minghui felt unfathomable, unable to determine his origin.

There is such an old ghost teaching all year round, coupled with Xu Xiaoxian's extraordinary talent, if he can't be sanctified, he can only say that the injustice of heaven is too bad.

So Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian stepped into the sanctuary, which can be said to be a matter of course.

But Xiaoyue is sanctified ... why?

Many people are puzzled.

There is even some jealousy in it.

Xiaoyue is too quiet. She has been at the Chu family for many years. Her identity is more like an assistant beside Chu Yu, or a steward who is in charge of Chu Yu here.

No matter big or small, people usually find her directly to deal with, not Chu Xi.

Chu Xi's excellence has always been obvious to everyone, so even if Chu Xi became a saint, people would not be so surprised.

Talented, talented, and Chu Yu's sister, Chu Yu cannot take care of her at all.

Why is an inconspicuous girl like Sanyue sanctified now?

Ji Jianjia and Li Xiaoxiao and other young Tianjiao have had a good relationship with Xiaoyue over the years. They even bluntly ran to ask Xiaoyue himself.

The month after sanctification is not much different.

It was still so quiet, and there was no cold reaction, but there was an added charm on his body.

Yu Wen Xiaoxiao, who has stepped into the quasi-saint realm, and others, who are equally puzzled, came to ask for advice.

"I don't quite know what's going on. Maybe, I started with tea ... It's relatively simple. Even if I'm sanctified, my combat strength is not strong." Facing a large group of people for advice, little A little bit shy in the month.

This makes many people feel like they want to die.

All are sanctified, what strength is needed? You will directly open the momentum, in addition to the abnormal person like Chu Yu, how many emperors can breathe under the pressure of the saint?

Did you kneel long ago?

Do n’t say anything about encountering saints in the same realm may not be able to beat such words, how old are you?

Finally, Minghui's ancestors opened the forum and talked about this matter.

"There are many types of sanctification."

"One is like Lin Shi and Xiaoyue girl, Lin Shi used Taoism to enter Taoism, and Xiaoyue ... started using tea. This shows that they have reached a certain extreme in the field of specialization. But their This way is not the way to fight ... "

"Why didn't Senior Ming say the little fairy girl?" Someone asked below.

"What I want to say now is Xiaoxian ..." Minghui said calmly and said lightly: "Little fairy's way is a typical way of battle, battle way ... It is not so easy to comprehend the essence. So saying Well, everyone should know that the little fairy girl's piano skills are great? "

Many people below nodded.

In the past few years, Chu Yu was absent. Every time during the New Year, Xu Xiaoxian would always play a song.

The beautiful sound of the piano is simply fascinating!

Especially the picture of her wearing a white dress, sitting in the void, stroking the piano with her hands, is the most beautiful scene in the city of the sky.

"But do you know that the fairy art of the little fairy girl can kill the saint?" Ming Hui asked.

Many of the following people showed shock on their faces, and some even showed expressions of fear.

Minghui smiled: "You are all your own people, can't she still kill you with piano sounds?"

Those people are just an instinctive reaction, which is like everyone likes to listen to a singer singing. If one day someone suddenly tells you that this singer can directly kill someone, I believe that people who have heard it will also feel subconsciously afraid.

Ming Hui then said: "If the little fairy girl simply wants to enter the Tao with the piano, then believe that her sanctification time may still be in front of the girl Lin Shi."

Xu Xiaoxian stood quietly in the distance. When she heard this, she smiled slightly, then turned and left quietly.

Indeed, if she really wanted to enter the Tao with pure piano, it would have been long ago.

"But what she chose ... was a relatively difficult path in sanctification. Entering the war with war ... Listen, it is war, not martial arts! It is not difficult to enter the road with martial arts!"

Minghui's lectures have always been simple and easy to understand.

He looked at countless people and demon below and said calmly: "Just need to perfect a certain martial arts and then practice to the extreme, you can enter the Tao and step into the sanctuary."

Countless people grinned for a while.

The heart says that what your old man said is light, and perfecting a martial art to itself is almost a pseudo-proposition ... How many people in this world can do it?

But they dare not say this.

Otherwise, you will be critically hit.

You can't even perfect a martial art, so you still want to be holy? Go home and find the girl and baby!

Minghui looked at the following people with different expressions and said, "In order to enter the battle, no matter what it is, we must use it as a means of fighting!"

These words made everyone feel astonished, and there was a feeling of unconsciousness.

"To learn tea art, we must grasp the way of fighting from tea art; to learn piano art, we must find the way of fighting in the sound of the piano; to learn painting, we must seek the way of fighting in art ..." Ming Hui looked at the following group Man, hehe smiled: "Now do you understand how terrible the little girl Xu Xiaoxian who is in the Holy Spirit? Seriously, in a few decades, even the old man would not dare to say that he can beat her in battle!"

Countless people and demon below could not help but take a breath.

Some people couldn't help murmuring, "Is it so powerful?"

Minghui laughed: "More powerful than you think!"

Isn't it so powerful, it was quickly verified.

Tian Gong, which had been quiet for several years, suddenly came to the door on the fourth day after Ming Hui ’s lecture.

Not Liu Wutong.

In fact, after Liu Wutong defeated Chu Yu, he immediately closed the death penalty and vowed to avenge Xuefen. He would not appear before defeating Chu Yu without absolute confidence.

The person who came was a girl.

It is not the princess Ji Yanzi of Tiangong.

It's a beautiful woman who is 27 or 8 years old and exudes the charm of a mature woman.

She flew directly into the sky, came to the sky city, named her surname, and told Chu Yu to fight.

Everyone thought that since Tiangong chose to be born in this era, there must be a big move.

But after Liu Wutong's defeat, Tiangong suddenly stopped.

Many people even laughed at them in the background, the thunder and the rain were small, and it was simply anticlimactic.

Tiangong didn't take the initiative to find trouble, because Chu Yu was not here, and nobody ignored them. Unexpectedly, after a few years, some of them appeared again to challenge Chu Yu.

Xu Xiaoxian came out directly.

"He is not here, you go."

The 27-year-old beautiful woman looked at Xu Xiaoxian, with a faint smile on her face, and said, "Isn't he awesome? Why don't you dare to come out and meet someone?"

"He said he was not there." Xu Xiaoxian glanced at the woman and said lightly: "Besides, he is not very powerful. You have to try it before you know."

"Bitch!" The woman suddenly angered and shouted sharply: "Give you the sky city for a day, surrender to the Tiangong, otherwise, don't blame you for not saying hello!"

"Don't say it unpredictably?" Xu Xiaoxian raised her eyebrows and glanced at her: "It's really not cultural."

Obviously came from the door to provoke, then you don't need to be polite, just go straight back.

"Cough ..." The woman smiled coldly, looking at the few ancient saints that came out behind Xu Xiaoxian, and said yin and yang strangely: "Yo, are you afraid of losing money? How ... Younger juniors can't make it? "

She said, suddenly a strong momentum broke out on her body!

This momentum exploded into the void!


Suppress all directions.

On the whole earth, countless heavy magic circles light up instantly.

Rao is so, there are still a lot of people on the earth who feel palpitations.

this is too scary!

This beautiful woman is actually a powerful saint!

And it's the kind that Minghui said ...

After listening to Minghui's lectures, most people learned how to tell how the strong men of the Holy Land entered the Tao.

The momentum exuded from this woman is too powerful!

It's like a sharp long sword, pointing directly at everyone.

This is a typical sign of war.

Yueying looked at her and said lightly: "Later generation? Ji Shuangye ...... You are too shameful, right?"

Everyone was a little startled, and it was unexpected that someone here recognized this young and beautiful woman.

The woman from Tiangong looked at Moon Shadow, slightly startled, and then said: "I can't think you are still alive ..."

"You aren't dead, why can't I live? Frost leaves ... Senior." Moon Shadow's tone, with a hint of sarcasm, said lightly: "An ancient saint who was sanctified 60 million years ago, actually Sorry to say that you are a junior junior, whose descendants are you, and who are your juniors? An ancient saint who lives on your behalf is really shameful. "

Ji Shuangye's face went dark on the spot. She glanced at Minghui and said: "Compared with Senior Ming, I am of course a junior."

Well, this explanation is impeccable.

Minghui is indeed an ancient saint, and is the predecessor of many ancient saints. She had to say that, and it was true.

"What are you doing here?" Yueying asked coldly.

Ji Shuangye said: "Are you stupid? Didn't hear what I just said? Limit your surrender within one day, otherwise don't blame Tiangong for holding you up."

On the spot, many people were angry and fighting.

After several years of training, the millions of troops composed of human and demon races have become a world apart.

Regardless of organization, discipline or military formation, it has become completely mature.

The most important thing is that after several years of cultivation, everyone's cultivation has been greatly improved.

Moreover, there are many saints sitting here in the sky city. Ji Shuangye from the Tiangong Temple is so arrogant that many people are really angry.

"You want to attack the city of the sky?" Xu Xiaoxian asked, she looked at Ji Shuangye: "Aren't you afraid of Senior Yi?"

Tiangong is very honest in recent years, and others do not know it. All the high-level people in the Sky City understand that it is mainly because Yi is still alive!

"Yi? Ha ha ..." Ji Shuangye's tone was somewhat disdainful: "The oldest ancestor of the Tiangong woke up and would talk to him."

Xu Xiaoxian nodded: "I understand what you mean. If we don't surrender, we have to die, right?"

Ji Shuangye nodded: "Yes."

"Then we don't surrender, you die!"

After finishing talking, Xu Xiaoxian shot directly, and took a glance at this ancient saint who had lived for 60 million years.

Her palms are as white as jade, and her fingers are slender and slender.

This palm can't even see any breath of fireworks, the only feeling is that it is very fast.

Because it instantly reached Ji Shuangye.


Pumped on her sneered face.


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