Live Beautification System

Chapter 49 Torturing Humanity

After walking out of Xue Lingyun's piano room, Ding Mu rarely went to the library or the study room. Instead, he walked in circles in the quiet woods alone, thinking about how to make good use of the three system prompts to get the most for himself. income. This is Ding Mu's good habit all along. Whenever possible, he will study it repeatedly and never make hasty decisions.

Ding Mu thought while pacing. First of all, he must not ask closed-ended questions. Otherwise, if the system gives a yes or no answer, it would be a big loss. The system must give a useful answer.

After much thought, Ding Mu decided that he must ask complex questions and sustainable questions to see if the system can give answers that are useful for reference.

Why systematic ear beautification can increase kidney energy and luck.

The system gave the answer: "The system uses the power of your subconscious. You subconsciously believe that the ears are the kidney orifices, and the ears represent wealth, so you can get bonuses."

Ding Mu suddenly realized, no wonder, it turned out that his subconscious mind believed in the "feudal superstition" of his ancestors, so he could achieve this magical effect. It is estimated that foreigners and aliens do not believe in this, even if they get this The real person beautification system may not be able to achieve this level of bonus. This question suddenly made Ding Mu re-recognize this real-person beautification system installed in his brain. The hidden functions in it are really powerful. The key is that Ding Mu has found a direction and needs to integrate relevant culture into his subconscious.

However, Ding Mu didn't know yet at this time that the hidden function he had discovered was the only one among the intelligent creatures equipped with the real-life beautification system in this plane. The company that developed this system did not expect that the system it developed could mutate into such a magical effect after combining it with Chinese culture, and even the ethereal luck could be increased.

Ding Mu saw that this system prompt was indeed very useful, so he immediately asked the second question. Specific ways to obtain unlimited system prompts. This question is more insidious. Just like Aladdin's magic lamp can grant three wishes, my third wish is that you let me realize three more wishes. Of course Ding Mu hopes to have a way to have unlimited system prompts. However, the plan given by the system is very difficult.

The system answered: "Path one, turn on the system's intelligent assistant, turn on the method, and tame the Hundred Girls. The specific method is to use more than 10,000 perfect coins on the physically and mentally corrupted woman to have the domestication option appear. The tamed woman will obey orders. Path Second, turn on the active task system, and actively complete system tasks in exchange for opportunities prompted by the system. The specific method is to complete the beheading of a hundred beautiful women."

Damn it, Ding Mu couldn't help but secretly curse, not to mention the first way, which would cost at least 1 million perfect coins, the second way, to complete the so-called killing of a hundred people, is almost impossible in modern society. He is not a big devil, unless he is an emperor. Even those who work in special industries may not necessarily come into contact with all the heart-stirring beauties. This question was a bit too big. Looking at it now, I am afraid that this precious reminder opportunity has been wasted.

Ding Mu thought about it for a moment, and the third precious system prompt opportunity still had to ask the most practical question, how to obtain the "Divine Tongue". Ding Mu pondered that he didn't dare to beautify his face casually. Although "women have changed", changes that are too obvious in a short period of time will definitely not happen. It is difficult to master this degree. There is no limit to fine-tuning an ear that few people notice. As long as your tongue doesn't become forked, it won't matter no matter how you toss it, and no one will know what your tongue is like.

System answer: "Kiss with five 'tongue masters' whose beauty makes your heart beat. The tongue skills of these five tongue masters will determine the direction of your perfect bonus."

Ding Mu slapped his thigh, great. Sure enough, the system prompts can give specific methods. However, the concept of "tongue master" is very broad. It's not easy to kiss someone, but at least you have a direction.

Back in the dormitory, Ding Mu thought over and over again about the ways in which his tongue was useful. I kept thinking about turning off the lights and lying on the bed, but I didn't think of five uses. He couldn't help but murmured out loud: "Aside from taste and helping to speak, what else can the tongue be used for?"

Jin Ming heard it and replied casually: "You can still diagnose diseases. Look at the tongue coating."

Ding Mu said: "It's not a passive use, it's an active use."

Jin Ming said: "It can also... perform magic. I have seen people thread needles with their tongues. They put dozens of needles in their mouths at once and threaded them all at once."

Ding Mu snapped his fingers and said, "Yes, this is a good use."

Ning Hua, who plays the saxophone, also chimed in: "Actually, playing a musical instrument is also inseparable from the tongue. Many fast legatoes require the help of the tongue. The tongue is required for ventriloquism and so on."

Ji Cheng said: "There are many places to use your tongue. You need to use your tongue for oral work. A good tongue means you have good eloquence." After saying this, he laughed obscenely.

Ding Mu was very inspired and secretly concluded in his mind that those who can eat, play musical instruments, perform ventriloquism, do magic, have good eloquence, and those who are good at oral skills are all likely to be tongue experts.

After thinking about it, I don't think there is anyone I know. Maybe Gongsun Xiao, who is good at playing various wind instruments, can be counted as one. It would be really exciting to kiss a pure girl like Gongsun Xiao. However, Ding Mu still couldn't bear to "talk down" to such an innocent little girl.

"I don't know if she counts anyway, let's just let it happen." Ding Mu thought in his mind.

Before he could fall asleep, Ding Mu received a new message, which was from Gongsun Xiao. Ding Mu opened it and saw that it shared a location.

Although Ding Mu and Gongsun Xiao have contact information with each other, they usually have almost no contact. I don’t know how she suddenly sent such a location at this time. It is not far from the school and is an old community in the south. It is really strange.

Ding Mu put a question mark, and the other party sent a message: "I'm waiting for you here."

Monk Ding Mu Zhang Er was confused and asked: "What's going on? The lights are out in this dormitory. Why are you outside?"

"It's confidential. You'll know when you come here." Another message was sent from the other side, followed by a cute expression.

At this time, it was actually forbidden to go out in the dormitory, but Ding Mu thought about it and felt that Gongsun Xiao was not a noisy girl, so it would be better for him to go there.

Ding Mu thought for a while and did not dare to tell his roommates that it was Gongsun Xiao who asked him to go out. Otherwise, these people would definitely come up with extremely unbearable things and find an excuse: "Oh, I suddenly have something urgent and I need to go out."

Ji Cheng immediately said: "Hey, it's Xue Mouyun who is looking for you. Not seeing you for one day is like three autumns." This guy's mouth was very bad, and he spoke the Japanese word very hard, which made people think wrongly.

Ding Mu righteously denied it: "It's not her at all. I have other things to do. I may not be back at night. You should rest first."

"I'm going to stay up all night now." Jin Ming then said, "Pay attention to safety." The word "safety" has a strange accent, and it obviously means something impure.

Ning Hua didn't care what Ding Mu said or thought, and said directly: "We have class tomorrow, so be careful."

As soon as the lights were turned off, the three brothers in the dormitory became more obscene than the last. Ding Mu said angrily: "This is nothing. Let's go." After saying that, Ding Mu jumped out of bed, put on his clothes again, and straightened his collar.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at how serious you are in getting dressed, and you said you weren't going to meet a girl." Ning Hua squinted his eyes and glared at Ding Mu with a look of ridicule on his face.

Don’t explain, just leave quickly. Ding Mu first left the dormitory, closed the door gently, then said hello to the building director and dormitory manager, and went out. Of course, I didn't tell the uncle what he was going to do. He just said that there was an emergency at home and the building manager wouldn't care about it.

The location shared by Gongsun Xiao was not far away. With Ding Mu's strength, he walked there in less than ten minutes. When I visited the place, I found that it was an old and unknown community with all kinds of classic "advertisements" posted on the walls: locksmith, home appliance repair, Miss Bao, and daily rental housing.

Ding Mu sent a voice message to Gongsun Xiao: "I'm here, where are you exactly?"

The other party quickly handed out a house number. Room 309, third floor, Building 18.

Ding Mu took a look and realized that the building next to him was Building No. 18. It was an old-fashioned tube building with daily rental housing inside. I looked at my watch and it was already 11:30 in the evening. I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, why should I come to a place like this and at this time? Is it really like what the guys in the dormitory said, there will be an affair at night?

After thinking about it, Ding Mu didn't think so, because Gongsun Xiao really didn't look like that kind of person at all. But now that you're here, you can't turn around and go back, so let's go inside and take a look.

Ding Mu walked toward the door of the building. The lights in the corridor inside were very dim, the walls were dirty, and there were spider webs in the corners. It was a run-down neighborhood in an old neighborhood. Ding Mu's eyesight was unparalleled, and he was not affected by the dim light, but he always felt that this place was suitable for filming a horror movie. It was a bit scary, and he wanted to give up.

Then I thought about it, now that we are here, what should I, a grown man, be afraid of, so I still bite the bullet and go upstairs.

Before I could wait upstairs, there was a sudden sound of a woman screaming for bed, howling loudly and shouting, "You are great." This is definitely not because Ding Mu's ears are too good, but because his voice is too loud.

Ding Mu secretly cursed, Oh my god, this couldn't be a den for obscenities! How could Gongsun Xiao come to such a place?

After going up to the next floor, the blushing and heart-beating sound could still be heard faintly. Most people might not be able to hear it, but Ding Mu could still hear it very clearly.

After finding room 309, Ding Mu knocked on the door. A soft female voice came from inside and asked, "Who is it?"

Ding Mu said angrily: "I'm Ding Mu, why are you calling me here so late at night?"

There was a sound of the door latch being pulled open, and then the door opened.

Ding Mu took a look and saw that the condition of this broken house was poor enough. The lights inside were a bit pale and the floor was covered with cheap plastic boards.

Just when Ding Mu stepped inside, a sudden change occurred. A big hand suddenly touched Ling Mu's arm, and a sharp knife was aimed at his throat.

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