Live Beautification System

Chapter 83 Venture Capital

After coming out of the police station, Han Jiaren had been frowning. She seemed to be thinking about something in her mind, and she seemed a little absent-minded about what Ding Mu said.

Ding Mu said: "Where are we going? Let's have a meal together?"

Han Jiaren just hummed. Stop talking. Seeing Han Jiaren like this, Ding Mu said, "Would you like to call An An?"

Han Jiaren just uttered one syllable again: "Yeah."

Ding Mu also felt a little unhappy, but didn't know what to say. He might as well leave the difficult question of comforting her to An Yukui, who knew the situation better, and returned to Longhuang Real Estate in a speechless way.

Picking up An Yukui, the three of them had a meal of Japanese cuisine.

At the dinner table, Han Jiaren seemed to have figured out something and said to Ding Mu, "Amu, I want to resign."

Seeing An Yukui's expected expression, Ding Mu said two words without asking the reason: "Support!"

When Han Jiaren heard Ding Mu's words of support, for some reason, she lay on the table and cried. Ding Mu didn't say anything, but stayed with her, gently stroking her hair with his hands.

After crying for a while, Han Jiaren stopped crying and said: "In the past few years, I have gained some money, but I have lost my dignity. I am not as good as An An, not as good as Sister Yan and Sister Yu. But I want to start over from now on. I will save I have some money and plan to open a studio to do interior design. I don’t know if I can make money to support myself, but I know that I like to do this in my heart.”

Ding Mu expressed his position: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you lose money. I'll support you. I think it's good to open a studio. The cost is low and the work is decent. It's just a bit tiring."

An Yukui also said: "It's great to do what you like. You are so good at design, you can definitely do it well."

Han Jiaren said clearly: "An'an, do you remember, didn't some decoration companies buy the customer numbers of our Dragon King Real Estate? We already have these resources in hand, so we can just hire two telephone sales people later. The key is that we can’t start too low. Just relying on me to design is still unprofessional and difficult to handle.”

Ding Mu chuckled and said, "If there's anything difficult to handle, just look at who's good and poach people. Hire talents with high salaries and give them high commissions."

Han Jiaren said: "I don't have that much financial resources. When I opened the company, rent, water and electricity all cost money, and I had to pay five insurances and one housing fund."

Ding Mu said boldly: "Money is not a problem. I still have 30 million spare cash on hand. I won't buy a car anymore, and I will give it to you to open a company."

An Yukui gave him a thumbs up and said, "So the rich man is here! The beautiful lady gave me so much money to start a company, and I also want to leave my job."

"I can't ask you for so much money, and besides, I can't use so much money." Han Jiaren refused, "Besides, how did you get the money?"

"The investment income comes from a legitimate source." Ding Mu said: "In fact, the two of you did a good job for my family at that time. You have the design, An An has the procurement resources, and my family has the construction team resources. Is it possible to design and construct the building in one package? Decorative design overall solution.”

Han Jiaren thought for a while and said: "If this is the case, it may be easier to make money, but the risks will also be greater. If you want to be so big, I'm afraid you have to recruit an operations director from a big company to straighten out the work and commissions. Finance There also needs to be dedicated management. Administrative and human resources need to be considered, and qualifications are also required. This really puts me under a bit of pressure.”

Ding Mu said: "I think you should not be anxious. This matter requires a preparation period. You can resign and take a break for a while, travel, relax and think things through. Then whether it is registration or acquisition, In short, first establish the company, choose the office location, reserve talents, think clearly about the positioning, and then develop the business according to the situation. By the way, you can help me continue to improve the furniture of my home first, and then I will pay Well."

Han Jia and An Yukui both looked at Ding Mu with strange eyes, which made Ding Mu stand on end and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

An Yukui said: "It's strange, you have no work experience at all, how come you speak so truthfully about everything."

Ding Mu grinned and said, "Influence, my parents have been talking about this at home since I was a child. Later, when I grew older, I would sometimes interrupt and listen to them tell me about work matters."

Han Jiaren also forgot about her previous unhappiness and said cheerfully: "Amu, if you really want to invest, you don't need that much money. Investing 20 million is basically enough. You still have enough money to buy a car. In this way, you will be the big one." Shareholder, can An An also be a partner together?"

An Yukui said: "I am also willing to work for Boss Ding."

Ding Mu said: "Don't you dare? You two queens can ride on my head."

An Yukui spat: "What the hell, you little pervert, talking hooligans again."

Ding Mu laughed loudly and said: "In the company we established, I will hold 40% of the shares, and each of you will hold 25%. 10% of the original shares will be reserved as option rewards, which will be temporarily held by Han Jiaren. As long as you two join forces, it will be me." The boss."

"Wouldn't it be a big loss for you? We'll each take 5 million from you out of thin air." Han Jiaren calculated a large number.

"You are all my women, this little money is considered as maintenance fee." Ding Mu said half-jokingly with a playful smile.

The two women looked at each other and felt inexplicably happy thinking of the joy of being with Ding Mu. I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I was afraid that I couldn't live without this somewhat mysterious Ding Mu, so I couldn't help but sigh in unison.

Ding Mu hugged one of them with one arm and said domineeringly: "Two beloved concubines, let's drive back to the palace."

At night, there was another hearty game in Ding Mu's apartment.

From the next day, the two women submitted their resignations to Longhuang Real Estate at the same time, and then began to prepare a decoration company.

The three people decided not to re-register the company, but to acquire a first-class decoration company with about 30 people, and they also had to find a suitable office building. Ding Mu, the "major shareholder", ordered that the two girls also have to do one more thing, help Ding Mu complete the furniture at home. If they want to customize the furniture, they also need to find a suitable carpenter.

After working in sales for so many years, Han Jia and An Yukui had a wide network of contacts. It was easy for the two of them to find several suitable companies, and they started to inspect them one by one while driving the car.

Originally, he wanted to take Ding Mu with him, but Ding Mu claimed that he was very busy and just wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper. He didn't want to go at all, leaving Han Jiaren to make the decision.

Han Jia and An Yukui actually found a well-established decoration company called Maple Leaf Decoration Company. This company's address is in a five-star office building not far from Ding Mu's home. The company has thirty employees and has experience in the assembly of large office buildings. Unexpectedly, the chairman who controlled all the shares died unexpectedly, leaving orphans and widows. Since I had no desire to continue operating, I wanted to package up the company and sell it for 12 million.

Han Jiahe and An Yukui made an appointment with Xu Fen, the widow of the chairman who controlled all the shares of Maple Leaf Company, for an interview.

The second daughter made an appointment with this man in the conference room of Maple Leaf Company. Han Jiaren originally thought that this person should be a delicate little girl who was raised in a boudoir and unknown to others. But as soon as they met, I realized that I was wrong. This person is really not a delicate woman, but an aunt with simple clothes and bright eyes. Although she looks ordinary, she is definitely an expert at housework. When Han Jiaren saw this person, she felt that he was smart and not necessarily easy to deal with.

Xu Fen and Han Jiaren shook hands with An Yukui respectively and said proactively: "I already know your purpose of coming. Our Maple Leaf Company has no debt and has always performed well. We have an annual turnover of about 10 million and a net income of more than 3 million." The profit is now priced at 12 million, and you will be able to repay it in a few years. If you have no objection, I will prepare the contract, we will sign it, transfer the ownership, and the company will be yours."

When Han Jiaren heard this, she relaxed a little. Xu Fen was selling the company like cabbage, which just revealed that she might have little understanding of business, so she decided to fool her: "I'll call you sister. Look, A decoration design company like yours actually relies entirely on people, has no fixed assets, and is not valuable in itself. We have also learned that the reason why your late husband can make money in this company is because of his strong business ability. All projects He does all the sales work. And many of the employees here stay here because of him. The company itself is not that valuable, for us it is just a qualification."

Han Jiaren guessed correctly. Xu Fen was able to take care of everything at home in an orderly manner, but she had never officially gone to work. When Han Jiaren said this, she felt a little dizzy and felt a little unsure: "Then how much is it worth?"

Han Jiaren stretched out five green-white fingers, cut off more than half and said: "Five million. The lease term of this office building is almost up. The five million is the shell qualification of the company we bought. We need to restart our business."

When Xu Fen heard this, he immediately became angry and said, "I asked my friends and they said this company must be worth at least 8 million."

Han Jiaren smiled secretly in her heart, but frowned and said: "8 million is not worth it. Whether these business backbones of key companies can stay is still a question."

Xu Fen said: "As long as you don't cut their salary, they will definitely stay. It's not that easy to find jobs now. Let me tell you, I heard our old Zhao said that Maple Leaf Company really has a few capable people, who are young and talented. Ability. Especially the design director Zhai Zhang, who graduated from Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts. He is very talented and loves to give advice to others. There is also Wen Liang, the young man is doing renderings, which is technical work, so his salary is higher. ...By the way, the company also has a few old employees with carpentry backgrounds who know design and can make furniture. Although the wages given to them are quite high, they are worth the price."

The aunt kept talking, and in a moment she took stock of the company's talents, and Han Jiaren nodded secretly. In fact, Aunt Xu is very suitable to be a human resources person. She is very experienced in judging people. She couldn't help but said: "I understand, sister, I also sincerely want to buy this company. But in a newly established company, there are places to spend money everywhere. You see Is this okay? If it’s six million, I’ll pay it all in one go. If it’s eight million, I’ll pay it off in two years and four million. If you come to the company to help me, just help me for three months, and I’ll pay you every Do you think a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan is feasible?"

Xu Fen bargained: "Eight million, pay it all in one lump sum, and I'll help you for three months for free. At least you can straighten out the company's connections."

In fact, Han Jiaren felt that anything less than 10 million was considered a miss. After hearing this, she pretended to ponder for a while and said: "Okay, let's make a deal."

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