Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

041: One 10,000 yuan, why don't you grab it?

041: One 10,000 yuan, why don't you grab it

Auntie dance!

Has anyone seen it?

Now Lin Xuan has met.

When the aunt looked down at the ghost that was entangled in her, she was almost scared to pee, so she started the disco mode, trying to get rid of the ghost around her neck.


The ghost of the old man on his neck seems to be stuck to the neck of the aunt.

No matter how auntie jumped, she couldn't get rid of the old man's ghost.

Seeing that the ghost didn't hurt herself, the aunt stopped and was shocked and stable: "Little master save me, little master save me!"

"Are you next to someone's grave..." Lin Xuan asked.

Before Lin Xuan could finish speaking, the aunt nodded her head vigorously, with a sad face: "Yes, yes, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong, little master save me!"


Lin Xuan didn't say a word, just sat next to him and drew a talisman.

Because of the spirit pen, and after learning "The Sword of Zhuxie", the control of mana is more handy.

So, in just one minute, Lin Xuan drew a piece of "Exorcism Talisman", and said to the aunt: "10,000 yuan, this exorcism charm can help you get rid of evil spirits!"

I thought that after seeing the ghost, the aunt would definitely be resigned.

However, Lin Xuan still underestimated Aunt's financial fanaticism!

I saw the aunt hesitated for a long time before she gritted her teeth: "lady, aunt will give you some extra money, this charm will be sold to me for fifty yuan!"

I heard this!

Lin Xuan almost vomited blood.

If the aunt has no money at home, it's fine, if you meet it, it counts as fate, just help.

But... This aunt's family is definitely from the upper middle class. Her husband runs a company, her son is in finance, and her daughter is a high-ranking official in the system.

There are also several properties for rent, with an annual family income of 2 million+

How many thieves are rich!

But only willing to pay fifty dollars?

Don't wait for Lin Xuan to speak.

The aunt continued:

"Young man, don't be too aggressive!"

"Fifty yuan is a lot. After all, it's so easy for you to draw talismans. You can draw dozens of them in an hour."

"Don't sell a talisman for 10,000, no one will buy it for 100!"

See you!

Lin Xuan ignored the strange mother aunt, but held up the exorcism charm: "Who wants it?"

Huang Guihua said, "I want it, I want 20,000!"

Mr. Bai immediately increased the price: "Give it to me, I want 50,000 yuan, and transfer it now!"

Dean Zhao's eyes were red, and he directly increased the price: "I want one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand, I work in a hospital where people often die, and I often encounter dirty things. Master Lin sell it to me, but I introduced the spirit pen to you. channel."

The old man Qin Fen was angry when he heard this, and immediately said: "I want 150,000, 150,000, your spirit pen and peach wood sword, but I gave it to you, I don't even want money!"

See you!

Dean Zhao was furious: "Old Qin, are we still comrades-in-arms? How can you rob me? Your granddaughter can be cured, but I introduced Master Lin!"

The old man Qin Fen stabbed his neck: "I'm sorry, we are not comrades in arms now. I can't remember the matter of introducing Master Lin to save my granddaughter. I can't remember it until I buy the magic amulet!"

Dean Zhao was furious: "You..."

Just when everyone is fighting for your life and death.

The aunt, who was haunted by ghosts, saw that the competition was so fierce, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Master, I bought it for 10,000 yuan!"

Lin Xuan really couldn't bear to be haunted by ghosts, so he handed the exorcism charm to the aunt: "Here it to you."


The aunt was quite straightforward and directly transferred 10,000 to Lin Xuan.

I thought aunt would use it for me, but after taking the exorcism talisman, my aunt looked directly at Mr. Qin Fen, and handed out the exorcism talisman:

"Master, didn't you want to pay 120,000 just now?"

"The talisman for you, 120,000 for me!"

See you!

Everyone was stunned.

Wang Miaomiao: "???"

Mr. Bai: "???"

Huang Guihua: "???"

Dean Zhao: "???"

Xu Zhengtian: "???"

Master Qin Fen: "???"

Damn, they've seen people who want money or death.

But this is the first time I've seen it, and I'm not afraid of ghosts in order to ask for money.

With a ghost riding on his neck and holding an exorcism talisman in his hand, what he thought was not to exorcise the ghost, but to sell it for money? What kind of logic genius is this?

Everyone was stunned.

Lin Xuan is angry!

Damn, is the scalper party so rampant now?

Actually, in front of him, he directly acted as a middleman to earn the difference? Is it so disrespectful?


One after another, they all looked at Lin Xuan.

The meaning of that look is obvious, it is asking Lin Xuan if he can buy it from Auntie.

Lin Xuan wanted to refuse.

However, Lin Xuan took a look at it with a wordless book.

I found that my aunt did not need the exorcism charm, and her health would get worse and worse, and she fell and died a few days later.

After she died, the aunt became a miser. After just half a month, he was missing a miser.

Therefore, Lin Xuan no longer stopped, but looked at the aunt and solemnly warned:

"You don't have enough yang energy now. If you sell the talisman, you will live for a week at most. Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, think about it!"

Auntie looked excited.

Lin Xuan added: "You sold this talisman, I won't sell it to you again, understand?"

"Understood, understand!" The aunt was very excited. *

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