Live Science Popularization Frozen Fruit, The Country Is Crazy About Rankings

152. The People Of The Motherland Are Coming! The Ecstasy Is Extraordinary: I Must Recruit Him! ! (P


:Oh my God...the Dog Talisman actually has such amazing power!

:I'm sorry, I apologize. I originally thought that the Dog Talisman would be much less powerful than the Rat Talisman and Dragon Talisman, but now I'm wrong. This is definitely the most powerful talisman, bar none!!

:This is the immortality that countless emperors and people have been looking for since ancient times!

:How can the twelve talismans reach such an extent?! To be honest, the dog talisman shocked me much more than the rat talisman and the dragon talisman!

:If such a dog charm of immortality had been obtained by the First Emperor at that time, then there would probably be only one country left in the entire Blue Star, right?

And look at the crazy discussion among water friends.

Jiang Fan felt that they did not seem to grasp the real point.

So he reminded me: "Dear water friends, you should be careful."

"What I just said was 'immortality' does not mean immortality!"

Hear this.

Some water friends seem to have realized something, and their breathing is immediately in the same room!

as expected.

Jiang Fan’s next words. 727

Confirmed their suspicions!

"The specific abilities of the Immortal Dog Talisman can actually be divided into two."

"One is immortal with unlimited lifespan, and the other is immortal and immune to all fatal damage! The combination of these two abilities is the true power of the Dog Spell!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the entire live broadcast room immediately fell into silence!

Countless barrages disappeared at this moment!

Jiang Fan was not in a hurry, just patiently waiting for the water friends' reaction.

After quite a while.

In the live broadcast room.

Only sporadic barrages were sent out.

But then.

Countless barrages followed, and the super volcano suddenly erupted!

The entire live broadcast screen is filled with countless words!

:Eternal life...and immortality?!

:This is the truth about the dog charm?! It can make people immortal and immortal!!

:I declare that among the twelve talismans, the Dog Talisman is the only god!

:It’s so scary... Immortality is scary enough, but I didn’t expect (bcch) immortality?!

:Immune to all fatal injuries...hiss! Does this mean that you don’t have to fear any danger anymore?!

: Darling, doesn’t that mean that taking this dog charm means you are invincible to a certain extent?!

"Water friends, don't get too excited yet."

However, at this time.

Jiang Fan spoke up again.

"You need to know before you rejoice."

"Although the dog charm can make people immortal and immune to all fatal injuries."

"But it also has a flaw!"

Hear the words.

The excited water friends gradually calmed down.

Listen attentively to Jiang Fan's popular science and detailed explanation.

"The flaw is that...the dog charm is not immune to pain and pain!"

"That is to say."

"If you suffer some kind of injury, your body will still feel the corresponding pain!"


"As the severity of the injury deepens, the level of pain experienced will be extremely severe."

"Especially when suffering a fatal injury."

"Can you imagine how it would feel when you were hit head-on by a heavy truck and could clearly feel all the pain mentally and physically?"


"After sustaining fatal injuries."

"Just the pain transmitted from the body is enough to drive a person into complete madness!"

:Can't you stop the pain?

:This is indeed a big flaw!

: I can’t imagine it. After all, no one in this world has survived after suffering enough injuries to die. Naturally, no one can describe how terrifying and unbearable the pain of death is!

: I tried to think about it, and to be honest, I couldn’t help but tremble all over!

: But this shouldn’t be a big disadvantage. As long as you are careful enough, you should be able to avoid most dangers.

:Flaws do not hide the faults, the power of the Dog Talisman for immortality is enough to make people put aside this flaw!

I see that most water friends don’t care about this shortcoming of the dog charm.

Jiang Fan continued.


"And the most important thing is... the dog charm cannot cure injuries!"

"That means."

"If you suffer a very serious danger that leaves permanent defects in your body, such as a missing arm, a broken leg or even a brain injury, then under such circumstances, the dog charm cannot regenerate your limbs or restore your body. of."

"Of course, you can also try to live long enough in a disabled state until technology develops in the future, or there is a treasure that can restore the body.

Hear the words.

The water friends were all shocked.

Realized the seriousness of the problem.

The dog charm can indeed prevent death, but it is not immune to all damage.

This means.

In case of physical injury or accident.

It is very likely that you will live with these illnesses forever!


That’s really a matter of life but not death!

Think of this.

Many water friends fell into silence.

Seeing that the atmosphere was gloomy, Jiang Fan paused to give the water friends enough time to buffer.

the other side.

While Kyushu is still at three or four in the afternoon, Lighthouse Country is at two or three in the morning.

The lights in the White House were still bright.

While Te Mopu was watching Jiang Fan's live broadcast, he felt all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hatred because of the dog's ability to spell.

A figure suddenly rushed into his office with a panicked expression: "Mr. President, it's not good!"

When I heard such a sentence.

Te Mopu asked urgently, almost subconsciously: "What monster appeared again?!"

The subordinate was breathing heavily.

While saying: "No! It's not a monster! This time, this time it's a person who appears!"

"A person..." Te Mopu's eyes widened immediately, "Could he be an extraordinary person?!"


The subordinate quickly handed a document to his desk with a clear image on it!

"Mr. President, these are images captured by satellites and other equipment!"

"We can clearly see that this is a man wearing a cloak!"

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