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Chapter 1174 Adal's Worries

Shattrath, this word in Draenei... or Eredan means "the place of the Holy Light", so Shattrath City is also called the City of Holy Light.

The Draenei were forced to land on Draenor because of a spaceship failure, but they will be safe when they come.

After figuring out the general situation of the Draenor planet, the Draenei carefully established a new home on this planet, which is still very backward in the development of civilization.

Savage, which also means that it has not yet attracted the attention of the Burning Legion, it is a good refuge.

Prophet Velen intends to use Draenor as a long-term base until he finds a way to build a new spaceship.

After all, hiding in a spaceship and fleeing is not a long-term solution.

Finding a remote planet beyond the reach of the Burning Legion would give the weary draenei a precious respite from trying to recover technologies and cultures that were slowly being forgotten.

From the perspective of the big picture, there is nothing wrong with Velen's plan.

In order to minimize the conflict with the native race, so that they would be discovered by the Burning Legion, the Draenei have always maintained restraint in the conflict with the orcs, the native primitive race.

Velen's blindly swallowing his words once aroused the dissatisfaction of many members of the bishop's council, including the scholar lord Osar.

Up to now, Sharlayan is not sure whether the traitor Osar first contacted the Burning Legion, or the Burning Legion found this remote planet in reverse through Ner'zhul's stargazing, and then noticed the draenei whereabouts.

Regardless of the possibility, there is no need to say more about what happened later.

The once glorious and majestic City of Light and the Temple of Karabor were successively breached by the soaring greenskin army.

Since then, the Karabor Temple has gradually been reduced to one of the important strongholds of the legion demons headed by Magtheridon in Draenor.

Shattrath City, on the other hand, has been in the form of ruins for a long time and has become a gathering place for refugees from various races such as arakkoa, tigermen, ogres, and draenei.

It wasn't until the arrival of the alliance expeditionary force led by Turayang that the draenei hiding in the refuges in various places gradually came out. Some people returned to the dilapidated city of Shattrath and began to rebuild the former city of the holy light. .

It has been ten years since the Alliance Expeditionary Force first entered Draenor. With the arrival of Adal and other Naaru in the Storm Fleet, and with the joint efforts of all races hiding in the ruins of Shattrath, the city's reconstruction progressed steadily.

Today, Shattrath City has restored some of its former weather, and the Pillar of Holy Light can still be seen rising from the sky above the city hall in the center of the city, which is the brilliance emitted by Naruadal.

When Sharlayan and his party reached the sky above Shattrath City by Didi Dalong, the city that should have been concentrating on rebuilding was uncharacteristically preparing for war.

Compared with the grumpy leader of the Holy Light Legion—Zera, the Mother of Holy Light, Adal's personality is much gentler, but he is not the kind of coward who won't fight back after suffering a loss.

Muru was brought to Draenor by Adal, and he was obliged to protect the safety of his subordinates and compatriots.

A'dal really didn't expect that just a simple reconnaissance mission would put Mu Lu in prison.

According to the intelligence detected by the alliance scouts who stayed behind in Shattrath, Adal speculated that Muru was probably drained of the Holy Light and degenerated into a dark naaru.

This bad news immediately made A'dal unable to sit still.

As one of the elders of the Naaru clan, Adal is very clear about the racial characteristics of the Naaru.

In the perception of the general public, naaru are creatures with a strong affinity for the Holy Light. They are one of the purest manifestations of the power of light in the universe.

However, what many people don't know is that, as a pure energy organism, naaru also has a strong affinity for shadows.

This is like the definition of light and shadow. The two are originally two sides of the same concept. Light cannot be separated from shadow, and shadow cannot be separated from light.

When the naaru exhaust the holy light stored in their bodies, they will gradually transform into another form that stands opposite the holy light-dark naaru.

The dark naaru will lose the advanced wisdom in the form of the holy light, and will only act according to instinct, which is extremely dangerous and uncontrollable.

There are three naaru who escaped from Argus with Velen and other draenei, namely Kara, Deori and Keurei.

Among them, Kara had fallen long before the crash of the Draenei's spaceship Jinidar, and is still floating in the sky above Shadowmoon Valley in the form of a dark naaru.

The other two D'Oli and Keurei were also seriously injured and dying when the spaceship crashed. One was brought back to the Auchenai Crypt for "burial" by Maladar, and the other has been nesting in the sacred mountain called the Woshu Valley by the orcs. lingering in the midst of it.

Thanks to the successive efforts of Sharlayan and Maraad, both Deori and Keurei were rescued, and they went to Azeroth with Velen and others to help the Draenei build a new home.

In order to replenish the three-person naaru team following the Draenei, before sending Maraad away, A'dal also arranged for a naaru named Volos to go to Azeroth together.

According to the information provided by the barrage, Volos is a direct descendant of Zela, the mother of the Holy Light. From this, it can be seen that the Legion of the Holy Light attaches great importance to the draenei...or the eredar race.

Muru is just an ordinary naru next to Adal, and his ability cannot be compared with the elites of the clan like Keure and Deoli, let alone a big man like Kara.

The reason why Adal hastily summoned the Shattrath defenders to prepare for the attack was not just because of protecting the calf.

What he was really worried about was that Illidan had to look forward to Shu. After learning about the light and shadow transformation characteristics of Naaru, he stared at Kara floating in the sky above Shadowmoon Valley.

Kara is not a little transparent like Muru. Among the four naaru who covered and followed the draenei to escape from Argus, Kara is the one with the highest status except Lula who voluntarily left behind.

Even if you look at the entire Holy Light Legion, Kara's ranking among the many naaru can still be ranked among the top ten.

Using Adal's measurement standard as an example, if Muru's energy base after the fall is 10, then Kara is at least ten times his energy base, which can reach more than 100.

With such a powerful collection of pure shadow energy, Adal didn't believe that Illidan, who had tasted the sweetness from Mulu, would not be moved.

After receiving the intelligence support provided by the barrage, Sarlayan could understand Adal's anxiety at this time.

According to the barrage, in a certain parallel world line, Ner'zhul of the Shadowmoon Clan once induced the Dark Star...that is, the power of Kara to bombard the Karabor Temple guarded by Velen himself.

One point needs to be emphasized here, despite the benevolent look of Velen, this old clapper is an out-and-out demigod.

If you don't want to attract Archimonde... and even Kil'jaeden's excessive attention during the Battle of Mount Hyjal, which will lead to more serious and uncontrollable consequences, Velen, whose level is as high as 65, can completely fight in the final battle under the World Tree The middle shot accelerated Archimonde's defeat.

However, in that parallel world line, the Karabor Temple, where Velen personally sits, was defeated by the impact of the Dark Star.

From this, we can draw a conclusion that the fallen Kara is still stronger than Velen, and neither Adal nor Sharlayan want to see this power beyond their control fall into Illidan, who often does some unexpected radical behaviors. hands of people.

Knowing that Sarlayan intends to mediate the dispute between the two parties, A'dal, who has already known his abilities well, finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Grand Duke Deep Shadow, how are you going to convince that demon hunter to let him go?"

Sharlayan smiled and explained: "In my opinion, Illidan's purpose of obtaining pure shadow power is very simple. He just wants to use this to reconcile the excessive evil energy in the evil orc's body."

"In that case, we just need to give him a replacement."

Adal asked with some hesitation: "The substitute you mentioned...couldn't be Kara?"

Sharlayan laughed and shook his head: "Of course not, there is no reason to trade watermelon for sesame."

"Dear Adal, let's open the skylight and speak clearly."

"Kara's strength... or the threat is far above Muru, you and I don't want to see him fall into Illidan's hands, right?"

Adal: "That's true. The demon hunter's behavior... Although I can understand his original intention, I really don't agree with it."

"No problem."

Sharlayan said calmly: "Although Illidan is aggressive and unscrupulous, he has to admit that he is a sharp enough knife when fighting against the Burning Legion."

"I already have a preliminary plan on how to find alternatives."

"I wonder if Your Excellency Adal has heard of the native demigods of Draenor?"

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