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Chapter 72 Chen Changshou, the first attack of the tank battalion

"Get rid of the gas, get rid of the gas."

The officer's subordinates persuaded with a smile.

“You don’t surf the Internet much, so you don’t know what’s going on here.33

"I heard that it was like an archaeological team, when they were excavating the ancient tomb of Yun, they found something that could move?

Hear this from your subordinates.

The commander frowned.

"What is the activity, what are you talking about specifically?

And his subordinate, Geng Xiaochao, was surrounded by no one.

The can was attached to the ear next to the officer, and he whispered.

"I heard it's a zombie, so the above sent us here."

But when the commander heard the subordinate say these words in such a serious manner, he laughed out loud.

"When did your kid still believe this?"

"How did you become a soldier? "067""

Although he saw the superior's attitude towards this kind of thing, the subordinate continued to explain.

"You can't believe it now."

"Don't you see that you've already done this kind of thing, half-openly admit it?"

The officer thought carefully about what had happened these days.

It turns out that what his subordinates say is true.

But he still didn't take it to heart.

After all, this officer's ancestors also participated in the war, and the corpse and blood rolled over.

So, how can a superior who grew up in such a family take such things to heart?

"Have you heard of the Spiritual Investigation Bureau?

The subordinate then asked the commander.

"Spiritual Investigation Bureau?"

He had heard the word vaguely.

It seems to be the department set up above to solve this kind of thing.

But he never took this kind of department to heart.

In the depths of his heart, this kind of strange and chaotic thing is not worth the trouble at all.

Maybe it's all based on falsehoods.

Besides, even if these ghostly things really exist.

Could it be as powerful as his tank gun?

So this time, he just took his brothers out to get some air.

After all, such a leisurely task is already very comfortable for their busy training career.

"In that case, I should also thank those who sent down the Spiritual Investigation Bureau."

Thinking of this, the officer couldn't help but smile.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the sentry on the forest side.

As expected of a combat unit.

All the soldiers immediately got into the tank.

Ready to fight at any time.

At this time, the sentinel at the edge of the forest ran back.

"Report! Three unknown creatures were found in the forest, approaching us at an extremely fast speed.

The commander quickly mobilized the tanks and formed a battle formation.

Staring at the edge of the drying forest.

At the same time, he used a loudspeaker to shout loudly into the forest.

"Do not approach the military restricted area ahead!"

"If we forcibly approach after warning, we have the right to open fire! 11

But obviously, whether it's the corpse cheating guy or the goose emperor.

It was as if they hadn't heard his warning.

still running fast

Only Chen Changshou silently hid behind the Goose Emperor.

He could clearly see the scene in front of him.

There are dozens of tanks.

Basically a tank battalion configuration.

As a small military enthusiast before crossing.

He still knew this basic information.

So as a human instinct. Chen Changshou retreated behind the Goose Emperor.

He knew the power of tank guns.

It's like the two fools in front of them rushed over after staring at the tank.

Seeing this scene, Chen Changshou sighed and shook his head.

"Brains are a good thing, and I wish you two had them!

With the rapid approach of the three guys from Chen Changshou and his party.

The commander of the tank battalion also clearly saw the appearance of the three of them.

The most notable of these is the Goose Emperor.

The Emperor E, with its wings spread out, is three or four meters long.

Like a huge monster, it rushed towards the tanks.

And the guy in the costume at the front.

Although it looks like a human.

But that stiff and strange movement really made people feel a strange feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

Not to mention his speed, it's not as fast as a human being...

Exaggerated is the only guy in the back who looks like a man.

Feet are off the ground.

It's still a long way to go.

This bizarre scene made the officer's scalp go numb.

It is really impossible not to remind people of the ghostly things that the Spiritual Investigation Bureau specializes in dealing with.

The subordinate also saw Chen Changshou and the three of them.

He trembled uncontrollably.

Although they are all soldiers, they all have steel-like tenacious will.

But treat this unknown.

There was still an instinctive fear in their hearts.

"Sir, what should we do?

The subordinate asked slightly tremblingly.

Seeing this, the officer gritted his teeth fiercely and said firmly.

"I was ordered to stay here in the forest and not let anything in the forest go out of the forest. 19

"So I ordered to fire quickly as soon as they stepped out of the forest.

Because Chen Changshou their speed is too fast.

There was simply no time for the officer to contact his superiors.

So he had to make an impromptu decision.

It's the barrels and machine guns of the tanks.

They all aimed at the three of them.

This scene made Chen Changshou's hair stand on end

"It's all my fault for this corpse scammer. It just killed people.

At this time he had no choice.

Hurry up and exchange for a drop of diligence, the ancestral blood of the weasel family

Then 4.6 melted into the body.

At this time, the footsteps of the zombies also stepped on the edge of the forest.

boom boom boom...

This foot of it is like turning on a switch.

Dozens of tanks opened fire at it in an instant.

Countless shells whizzed past.

Big holes were blown up on the forest floor.

Trees were blown away.

The machine guns were like fire dragons, covering the entire forest.

Immediately, there was smoke and dust in the forest, and the scene in it could no longer be seen.

Attack for a full minute to dry.

The officer ordered the attack to stop.

He was very confident at this time.

Under such intense firepower, he felt that no matter what was rushed out of the forest, it should have been torn to shreds at this time.

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