Lord God Investigator

Chapter 26 Starting Style

"Master, what do you think of the power of Pegasus Meteor Fist?"

Ah Fu stood with his hands behind his back, looking like a peerless master, and said proudly.

Meng Xinghun's expression was a little tangled, but he couldn't help but said: "The power is amazing, but the starting move is too time-consuming. What should I do if the enemy takes the opportunity to sneak attack? And that weird singing sound, it sounds really..."

Ah Fu's face sank and he said displeasedly: "What is it?"

"It's hard to listen to. Do you have to sing that song every time you make a move? I can't sing."

Meng Xinghun could see that Ah Fu's anger was brewing, but he was extremely reluctant to ask him to do that weird hand gesture and even sing and punch. It would be better to kill him with one sword.

Ah Fu stared at Meng Xinghun for a long time, until Meng Xinghun broke into cold sweat, thinking that Ah Fu would get angry and teach him a lesson.

Ah Fu still suppressed his anger and sighed: "What's so strange about singing while boxing? In ancient times, heroes sang generously and tragically when they were fighting fiercely. During the Qin Dynasty, the world's top swordsman Can Jian and the world's top spearman Zhang Kong had a life-or-death duel. At that time, a blind old violinist played the piano to accompany him. The sound of swords and guns clashing with each other harmonized with the sound of the piano, playing a song that is unparalleled in the world. Whether it is singing or music, it can refine people's hearts, purify their will, and make moves. The power has been greatly increased, why wouldn’t the young master like it?”

Meng Xinghun was also stunned by what he said, and felt that Ah Fu's words were somewhat reasonable, but he still shook his head and said: "That song is really difficult to sing, it's like screaming indiscriminately, and the tune is not from the Central Plains tune. Even if I want to learn to sing, I can’t.”

Ah Fu waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, the young master doesn't need to learn to sing. There is a small speaker on the bat armor. Wait for the villain to save the song into the system and set it up. When the young master uses the Pegasus Meteor Fist, it will automatically Just play some musical accompaniment.”

Meng Xinghun still shook his head: "If you punch, just punch. I don't want to be accompanied by that weird sound when punching. It's too distracting."

Ah Fu gritted his teeth and yelled angrily: "Young master, please don't be willful. Do you know that in the multiverse, all men with their own BGM are all extremely strong? Hasn't the young master never heard of the famous saying of the strong: 'In No one can beat me in my BGM!' Well, don't let down Ah Fu's hard work!"

Meng Xinghun didn't understand a word of Ah Fu's words. He just kept shaking his head and refused to obey.

"It doesn't matter if you don't learn the Pegasus Meteor Fist. The preparation time for the starting move is too long. The enemy will die in vain with just one stab of the sword. No matter how powerful the back move is, it will not be used by a dead person."

Ah Fu stroked his chest and calmed down, and then said after holding it for a long time: "The problem of starting hand posture is easy to solve. The training method and fighting method of boxing are different. The Wudang sect's Tai Chi practice is not slow and leisurely, but when fighting against an opponent, the attack is very slow." It is as fast as lightning. This is also the reason why the Pegasus Meteor Fist is slow to start. How can you run if you have not learned to walk? When you become proficient in the Pegasus Meteor Fist, you can raise your hand to launch the move."

Only then did Meng Xinghun nod his head and said, "If you don't need to use that hand move or the accompaniment of that weird song, I will learn the Pegasus Meteor Fist."

Ah Fu looked at him coldly, twitching the corner of his mouth with a sneer, and said: "The young master still wants to bargain with Ah Fu. It is in vain that the young master has been a killer for Boss Gao for so many years. There are also rumors in the world that there is a top killer. He can kill all kinds of people. This is just what a villain looks like. With the young master’s childish mind, he didn’t lose his life as a killer. It was also because of his good luck. No wonder people say that people who often see shooting stars will have good luck! "

Knowing clearly that Ah Fu was trying to trick him, Meng Xinghun couldn't help but said: "Why are you so childish? Please ask Butler Fu to clarify your doubts!"

Although the career of a killer is accompanied by pain, it is the only thing Meng Xinghun has done successfully in his life. Being so denied, he can't help but want to refute it.

Ah Fu sneered: "When the young master kills someone, do you still have to wear brocade clothes, hold a gold-encrusted sword, dress up like a tree in the wind, and put on a good-looking pose after killing the person?"

Meng Xinghun said: "When I kill people, I wear the most inconspicuous coarse clothes and use the most ordinary sword. After killing the person, I turn around and run away, for fear that I won't run fast enough!"

Ah Fu said: "If the young master has to hide in the cesspit and stab the person's lower body from the entrance of the pit to kill the target, can the young master enter the cesspool?"

Meng Xinghun replied without thinking: "Come in!"

Ah Fu said: "That's good. Ah Fu doesn't have to teach Pegasus Meteor Fist. Instead, he can teach the young master an assassination swordsmanship."

Meng Xinghun was stunned by Ah Fu and didn't understand why he changed his mind and wanted to teach him swordsmanship.

But Ah Fu didn't care whether Meng Xinghun answered or not. He just flicked his hand and pulled out a sword from nowhere as if by magic. He stood opposite Meng Xinghun, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand to demonstrate his sword skills.

Meng Xinghun was a little nervous. He felt that he was afraid that he would offend Ah Fu, and Ah Fu would teach him a lesson.

Ah Fu stared at Meng Xinghun with sharp eyes and said slowly: "Young master, be careful. This is an assassination sword technique that I learned from a top Korean assassin. This sword technique is best for defeating the strong with the weak and killing people." All of a sudden!"

Meng Xinghun gathered his energy and stared at Ah Fu, not daring to be careless.

"Oh quack quack!"

Ah Fu, who had always kept a straight face, suddenly made a grimace, with his arms retracted, his elbows swinging back, and his head hunched up and down, like a frightened chicken, and the sword was also clamped by him. Between his legs, swaying as he walked back and forth.

The starting position of this sword technique was even weirder than the Pegasus Meteor Fist, and Meng Xinghun was confused.

"Yeah~cha cha cha!"

Ah Fu twisted his body, with a very funny and vulgar expression on his face.

Meng Xinghun was even more confused, wondering if it was Ah Fu who went crazy while practicing martial arts, why did he look like a madman?

"Oh, yeah yeah..."

Ah Fu stuck out his tongue to make a licking gesture, and the lewd smile on his face became even worse, which was almost unbearable to look at.

Although Meng Xinghun always likes to have a cold face on weekdays, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw Ah Fu's appearance. He never expected that Ah Fu, who always looked enigmatic and a master, also had such a funny and stupid side.

He lowered his head slightly and chuckled, then raised his head again...

Ah Fu had appeared in front of him at some unknown moment, holding the long sword in his hand. The tip of the sword poked Meng Xinghun's neck, slightly scratching the skin, and blood beads slowly rolled down his neck!

Ah Fu had put away his funny expression, looked at Meng Xinghun with a serious face, and said slowly: "Even if I am a six-year-old child and don't know the slightest bit of martial arts, you will be dead with this sword! May I ask the world's famous killer? Master Meng, do you still think that the stupid and ridiculous starting move is not a good move?"

Meng Xinghun was so horrified that he was speechless. Although Ah Fu's martial arts was high, the fact that he killed him with the sword had nothing to do with the martial arts of the person who used the sword. It was entirely due to his negligence due to his being made off guard by that weird action!

If it had been a six-year-old child, he would have fallen victim to the same trick and lost his life in vain!

"Master, since you don't care about the clothes you wear and the sword you hold when facing an enemy, nor do you care about being in a cesspit and stabbing people in the backyard when facing an enemy, why do you only care about whether your moves look stupid? Could it be said that the young master kills people neatly and neatly with one sword? The stabbing was beautiful, and the person who was killed didn't die with eyes closed, but it made the young master feel complacent and vain? Is it possible that it's a lie that you don't like killing people? "

This accusation made Meng Xinghun feel ashamed and unable to answer.

Ah Fu put away his sword and said in a tone that left no doubt: "A Fu always likes to reason with people. If the young master can't come up with any rebuttal, let's practice this Pegasus Meteor Fist from today on. The starting position To practice it well, the song must also be retained, what do you think, young master?"

Meng Xinghun thought for a while, but really had nothing to say, so he could only nodded.

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