Lord God Investigator

Chapter 44 Catwoman

As night fell, Lu Xiangchuan walked towards the embroidered building. He was very depressed now and needed a joyful vent.

He's been having some bad luck lately.

No, bad luck can no longer describe what he has experienced in the past few days!

A few days ago, he was severely beaten by a man who passed by and looked at him unfavorably. Seven teeth were broken, the bridge of his nose was broken, and his eyebrow bone was also cracked.

After being beaten to such a degree, he still felt grateful because that person was merciful and didn't beat him to death casually.

Therefore, he has to serve a young man who has no power to tie a chicken like a eunuch serves his master. He has to kneel in front of the young man and let him use the thorn sticks to beat him to vent his anger. If it weren't for the young man's father, he is wise enough not to let his son make mistakes. , he was a little worried that he would be beaten to death on the spot.

Lü Xiangchuan sent people to quietly investigate the details of the man who beat him, but nothing was found. It was as if the man fell from the sky out of thin air. No one knew who he was, no one knew where he came from, and no one could guess. Find out where he is going.

Lu Xiangchuan only knew that this mysterious man's martial arts skills were terrifyingly high. If he claimed to be the second best in the world, Lu Xiangchuan could not think of anyone who would dare to claim to be the best in the world.

Anyone who inexplicably provokes a man whose martial arts skills are terrifyingly high and who is so mysterious that he seems to not exist in the world will feel depressed and depressed to the point of going crazy.

All this is because of that woman!

If she hadn't been messing around, how could Lü Xiangchuan get so angry that he beat people on the street? If he didn't hit people on the street, how could he have provoked that mysterious man?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Today, Ritsuka Chuan finally finished dealing with the beginning and end of the beating of the playboy. Now that he had some free time, he wanted to teach that bitch a lesson.

Because, from the way the old man dealt with the woman, Lu Xiangchuan knew that the old man was not omniscient and omnipotent. There were times when the old man was stupid. When he was stupid, he was simply stupider than a pig.

The daughter got pregnant unexpectedly and refused to tell who the father of the child was. The stupid pig got angry with the daughter and kicked her out of the house. Then he pretended that he had never been such a daughter and did not continue to find out who made the daughter pregnant. .

A man can sneak into the heavily guarded boudoir in the inner courtyard of the Sun Mansion and secretly grouse the eldest man’s daughter. Then it is not difficult for him to secretly grouse the belly of all the old man’s wives and concubines. He can secretly sneak into the kitchen and feed the old man every day. Wouldn't it be easier to put some chronic poison in the food?

The old man is really broad-minded and has a big heart. He is not afraid that his wife and concubines will be harmed and their heads will turn green. Aren't he afraid that his own life will suddenly die one day?

He really kicked his daughter out out of sight and out of mind, and stopped investigating!

He's really stupider than a pig!

Counting the male dogs at the door and the roosters in the kitchen, how many handlers are there in the Sun Mansion?

One by one, they were snuck out and hung up to bleed in front of Xiaodie. As they were released, the truth would be revealed. Even if the man who was bloodletted was a tough guy and refused to say anything, Xiaodie still refused to say that the biological father of the child in her belly wanted to be bled to death?

Such a stupid pig is worthy of being the boss of Lu Xiangchuan, so isn't Lu Xiangchuan even stupider than a pig?

After that incident, Lu Xiangchuan began to think about taking the old man's place. This idea grew as he often rode the old man's daughter but the old man knew nothing about it.

When he did that thing, he was impulsive, and he immediately regretted it. He was also scared to death, thinking that his life would not be long.

But the old man's stupid response allowed him to escape the disaster, and he understood that no one is an omniscient and omnipotent god, and the old man will make mistakes.

Sometimes, a small mistake can cost a person's life. As long as he finds an opportunity for the old man to make another mistake, Lu Xiangchuan can kill him.

He walked into the embroidery building, but found that the embroidery building today was a little strange. The maid Lanlan was not waiting at the door. The building was dark and there was no lamp.

How dare that woman not wait for him in the embroidery building?

Lu Xiangchuan immediately gave up the idea. The woman would not dare to take the bear's heart and leopard, even if she was a female bear and leopard, she would not dare to use the life of her cub as the price for offending him.

She must be disappointed because the playboy doesn't dare to ask her out again. This bitch really deserves a beating!

Thinking of this, Ritsuka Chuan became furious, and his hands holding the bag containing the props tightened.

Walking up to the second floor of the embroidery building, I came to the door of the woman's boudoir. Through the window paper, I saw candlelight in the room. I could also see a figure in the room, lying on the bed.


Lü Xiangchuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, showing his teeth. He was sure that the woman would just keep herself quiet and wait for him.

The goddesses and queens all gave up their gorgeous coats and became despicable bitches with him.

He kicked open the boudoir door and wanted to break in and torture the bitch to his heart's content, but Lü Xiangchuan was stunned.

A big cat was lying lazily on the bed. This strange scene startled him.

Ritsukagawa was not Ranma, so he was naturally not afraid of cats, but that cat was too big.

It was a black cat as big as a man!

This bitch really knows how to play. Lü Xiangchuan licked his lips and said with a smile: "It seems that you have finally woken up. Only by making me happy can you and your son be happy, and you finally started to think of ways to make me happy. "

But his face darkened, and he said coldly: "It's a pity that it's too late, bitch! If you had been willing to please me after what happened three years ago, your situation would be much better now. In the past three years, you have been You have let me down too many times, and it is too late to make amends and win back my heart. No matter what you do, you can't escape the fate of being ravaged and destroyed by me!"


Catwoman lying on the bed didn't even look at him and responded casually.

She kept staring at her beautifully manicured nails, as if a flower had grown on them.

It took a long time, until she finally had enough of seeing the pink nails dyed with daffodil juice. Before Ritsukagawa's patience was about to run out, she turned her head, nodded with a smile and said, "Well said!"

Then she jumped up, like a civet cat chasing a mouse, her hands danced endlessly, and the shadows of countless claws instantly enveloped the Ritsuka River.

The moment before the claw shadow approached, Lu Xiangchuan had not yet reacted. He was thinking about Xiaodie's words: "Well said!" It sounded very familiar, as if he had heard it said once by others in the past few days.

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