Lord Highlander

Chapter 1529 1516. They Are Here

The sulfur mines on the banks of several lava rivers around the Pustule Volcano have been exploited by this group of kobold slaves. If they want to mine more sulfur, they need to climb higher. The closer to the crater, the more sulfur will accumulate there. many.

It's just that the crater is surrounded by smoke all year round. These poisonous smoke usually rush to the sky, which will not affect the kobolds' mining of sulfur mines. But once the wind blows, the poisonous smoke will follow the wind direction and fill the crater. Often when the wind blows, some kobold slaves mining sulfur mines in the crater will be surrounded by thick smoke.

In order to prevent kobold slaves from falling down in the poisonous smoke, Suldak required every kobold who went up the mountain to mine sulfur mines to carry a gas mask and goggles. In addition, there should be safety ropes and guide signs in the sulfur mining area to deal with various emergencies.

It is also because of these security measures that the kobold slaves in the Pustout Mountain Sulfur Mine seldom lose their staff. However, the female kobolds have a comfortable life and do not need to carry stones on the mine when they are pregnant, and they still have nutrition when they give birth. Allowance, under normal circumstances, you can drink chicken soup and pork chops almost every day, making many bitches like production machines, the cubs in their arms are just out of lactation, and they will be pregnant with the Nth child.

Moreover, each kobold can produce almost three to four offspring.

In just a few years, the number of kobold slaves on the sulfur mine in Bump Mountain increased from 800 to more than 4,000. Some young kobold slaves were sent to Charlie and Luke, where they lived in Ruyt. Worked as a laborer in the First Construction Engineering Team, although it was harder there, but they could get a salary.

But for the kobold slaves in the sulfur mine of Pustout Mountain, mining sulfur every day is actually more like a life.

After receiving the work order from the supervisors every day, they can return to the shed to rest after completing the specified mining tasks. They don’t have to think about what to eat, drink, sleep or where to sleep. Everything is prepared directly by the mine.

The environment here is very harsh, but the kobold's physical condition is very suitable for survival here.

Seeing the magic caravan approaching in the distance, a kobold slave standing on a high wooden observation deck pulled the rope in his hand vigorously, making the big bell next to the work shed ring continuously.

All the kobold slaves who were resting in the shed came out of the house one by one. They wanted to clean the open space in front of the mine, sprinkle some water, and welcome the owner here.

The nanny followed Aphrodite with Vivienne in her arms, and walked out of the carriage carefully.

Seeing the kobolds standing in front of a few dilapidated houses, she was in a very messy mood at this moment. She had heard that some slave traders would sell some people to the mines, and she had already made the worst plan. Unexpectedly, what he saw and heard was even worse when he came here, and he actually had to live with a kobold. Thinking that his child might also be a kobold in the future, the nanny felt that her legs were weak and she couldn't walk at all.

Aphrodite actually didn't intend to walk, and didn't even bother to take a look at the situation on the side of the shed.

Those supervisors are villagers from Wall Village, and village head Brett is usually responsible for mining sulfur.

She went straight into the chair that had been prepared long ago with two bars tied to it, and then signaled the nanny to sit in the back chair.

Then a group of kobold slaves lifted up their chairs, surrounded Aphrodite and walked towards the lava mine halfway up the mountain.

Looking at the sky full of black clouds above her head, the ashes constantly falling from the surrounding sky, the river of flames flowing not far away, and the black mountain peaks piercing into the clouds, the nanny's mood at this moment is extremely messy.


After entering the lava mine, Aphrodite asked the nanny to take her daughter to rest in the stone house opened by the mine, while she opened the gate of the void where the ruby ​​prisms grew.

It was only then that Suldak sent back the Pustbag Mountain Lava Mine from the Moyunling Highlands.

He mined some red crystals in the mine and put them in a bag. When passing through the cave, he even saw a fat salamander crawling out from the depths of the cave, obviously the number of salamanders in the depths of the cave was huge. Greater than their survivable space, there will always be some losers who will be eliminated.

Suldak thought for a while, and finally gave up his hunting plan. After all, the Knights were still resting in a mountain depression in the middle of the highland to wait for him, and he didn't know how long he would be delayed by the red dragon Iser.

Passing through the cracks in the rocks, I walked into the treasure room again, and saw that the gold coins scattered around in the room were still shining with gold, and the whole cave was filled with a strong smell of sulfur.

Iser's huge head was lying on the high platform, looking lifeless.

Only when Suldak opened the door and walked in from the door of the treasure chamber, did he lazily raise his eyelids for a glance, and then his heavy eyelids drooped.

Iser moved his body, revealing his injured shoulder through the space door on the stone wall.

Its dragon wing still had the blue long sword inserted into it, but because the long sword pierced through the scaled dragon wing from bottom to top, and the position was very awkward, Yisel couldn't pull it out by himself. The cyan long sword was drawn out, and when Suldak saw the cyan long sword, the wound on Iser's dragon wing was still bleeding.

Judging from the traces around the wound, it was obvious that Iser should have made many attempts to pull out the blue long sword, and the secondary damage to the wound was also relatively serious.

Too bad those attempts didn't work out...

"Sorry." Suldak looked at Iser with some guilt.

"What's there to be sorry about? Speaking of which, we still got this sword. The position where this sword stabbed me is really tricky. I can't do anything about it. Please help me pull it out quickly." Iser looked at it. Without looking at Suldak, he said lazily.

Suldak tried to walk under its wings, and saw the blue long sword hanging above his head. He had to stand on tiptoes to barely reach it. A puddle of half-dried dragon blood was condensed on the stone slab. Almost all dragon blood here is sold by the drop, and the price... tsk tsk!

When the blue long sword was in the hands of the Headless Horseman, Suldak didn't feel anything, but now he saw it and realized that it was really big. The two-handed sword used is even one size bigger.

When holding the hilt of the sword, Suldak was burned by the black flame on the long blue sword, and his hand couldn't help shaking.

"Be careful, it's very sharp." Iser reminded Suldak.

Suldak quickly pulled out the blue long sword. Fortunately, there were no barbs on the long sword. As soon as he pulled out the long sword, Iser's wings stopped bleeding.

He condensed a mass of holy light, raised his hands above his head, and let the holy light touch Iser's wound, and the holy light quickly healed the wound of the red dragon Iser.

Suldak originally planned to sew up its wound, but when he saw the dragon scales on the edge of the wound, he immediately gave up this unrealistic idea. For the time being, he didn't have a suturing needle sharp enough to pierce Iser. dragon scales.

Thinking of this, Suldak couldn't help but glanced at the blue long sword lying at his feet. The blade of the long sword here was also polished by a kind of crystal-like cyan spar, and its sharpness was far superior to Sur's. The long swords that Dak has seen are polished from metal, and their hardness, rigidity and toughness are not bad, and the blade is covered with fine magic lines.

It's a pity that it's a two-handed sword, not suitable for Suldak to use.

Iser seemed to be more energetic, and turned to Suldak and asked, "I'm still a little worried about you. It didn't do anything to you, did it?"

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, Suldak raised the blue long sword. This is a big sword that can easily pierce dragon scales...

"We killed it." Surdak said casually.

Iser's huge eyes showed surprise, and asked:

"You and that magician, by the way, and that native girl?"

"Yeah." Suldak admitted.

Iser couldn't help raising his head, and the huge head was close to Surdak. Its mouth was full of sulfur, like an old smoker who didn't like to use mouthwash.

"Dark, you are a little stronger than I imagined." Iser praised.

Suldak stuck the blue long sword on the pile of gold coins in the secret room. It was Iser's trophy. He knew that gold, silver and jewels are very attractive to dragons. Obviously, this double-edged sword can reach out of the category of treasures.

If he dared to put this double-edged sword into the magic pocket in front of the red dragon Iser, maybe Iser would bite him in a fit of rage.

Seeing Suldak inserting the blue long sword into the pile of gold coins and piled it up with the red, green and green gemstones, Iser narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be in a much better mood all of a sudden.

Suldak asked it: "Have you been staying here these few days?"

"It's quieter here, and it's suitable for recuperating." Iser became a little depressed when he mentioned this. It seemed that the injury hit him a bit this time, probably because he was quite confident in his dragon scales.

Suldak squatted beside the pool of half-dried dragon blood, took out an empty bottle of spirit potion, and carefully collected the dragon blood on the ground into the bottle with a silver spoon.


Hearing Iser's hesitant words, Suldak thought it was dissatisfied with his collection of dragon blood.

"Huh?" Suldak agreed, put the silver spoon back into his pocket, and raised his head towards Iser.

Unexpectedly, Iser didn't look at Suldak at all, but put his head close to a treasure box on the high platform. This box contained the dark golden dragon knight armor...

It's a pity that there is no suit for the knight part, only the dragon part.

"You said that if I put on that suit of armor, wouldn't I be injured?" Iser asked with some uncertainty.

Suldak walked over, looked at the armor inside the box, and said with some uncertainty:

"Maybe! How do you know if you don't try?"

The red dragon Iser sighed softly, and did not continue to discuss this matter.

This accidental injury dealt a great blow to Iser's confidence, and it seemed that he would not get better easily.

"Cheer up, it's normal to get some injuries during the battle. This time I brought you a lot of snacks, maybe you can make up for it by eating more!"

Suldak quickly took out a bag of red crystals, placed it in front of Iser, and comforted him.


According to the information provided by the magician investigation team, after the defeat of the evil spirit army in the battle at Beishan Pass, several evil spirit army distributed throughout the Moyunling highlands almost moved closer to the western base camp.

This time, the evil ghost army almost gave up half of the Moyunling Highland.

The adventure group scattered on the Moyunling highlands wanted to hunt the evil spirits. I am afraid that the traces of the evil spirits can only be found in the western mountains.

However, many of the evil ghosts who were unable to escape from the Beishankou battlefield were still distributed in the central area of ​​the highland. For the time being, these fleeing evil ghosts were the primary targets of the adventure group hunting.

Although there were some fleeing ghost warriors scattered in the central region, Suldak didn't let Andrew lead the Constructed Knights to hunt them down.

Constructed Knights, Ant Cavalry, and Giant Ghost Pattern Soldiers walked south all the way out of the North Mountain Pass. Suldak's goal was very clear, which was to return to Dake Canyon at the southern foot of Moyunling as quickly as possible.

Along the way, the task of Andrew and the Constructed Knights was to erect countless road signs along the central axis of the Moyunling Highlands.

As long as there are landmarks, there are some street signs that show that this place has been captured by Lord Suldak, and the unoccupied area is also clearly marked, which is a large piece of land west of the Moyunling Highland.

These road signs will not affect anything to the adventure group, whether they are present or not will not affect their hunting of evil spirits.

These street signs were specially prepared by Suldak for the lords in Handanar County who wanted to share the cake.

In addition, Suldak hurried to return before the lords arrived at the Dak Valley, and also wanted to mark in detail the area currently occupied by the West Route Army on the live sand table in the command post. .

Even the map on the wall clearly marked the occupied area with red lines.

Ever since a city wall was built on the Dak valley side, a large number of magic bed crossbows were erected on the city wall, and two hundred catapults were placed behind the city wall, and the army of the evil ghost army never came to harass it again.

The heavy armored infantry regiment has been repairing in the valley, and only the adventure group will enter the Moyunling highland through the city gate.

A lively market soon appeared on the side of the valley camp. A large amount of supplies were transported from Handanal City to the military camp here. The reinforcements of the Lords of Handanal City who were originally required to stand by at the foot of Moyunling Mountain , and did not obediently station in the camp at the foot of the mountain according to the order of the West Route Army Command.

On the third day after Surdak returned to the Dak Valley, the vanguard of a reinforcement army with a number of 30,000 arrived at the Dak Valley along with the supplies.

This vanguard was actually led by three marquises.

Suldak personally came to greet him at the southern valley entrance of Dak Valley, only to find that the 30,000 reinforcements were not all heavy armored infantry regiments. Since Handanar County has the largest pasture in the Warsaw plane, the lords here have It belongs to their own ranch, so the 30,000 reinforcements turned out to be heavy armored infantry equipped with horses...

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