Lord Highlander

Chapter 180

Walking into a magic weapon shop with a door sign that looks a bit old, the glass on the door of this shop is covered with cobweb-like cracks, and the paint on the door frame and window wood has dried and cracked, revealing the oak inside.

Open the door and walk in. There is no customer in the store. The space in the weapon store is very narrow, and the shelves are crowded everywhere. Even the ceiling overhead has some weird chains hanging from it.

There are a variety of old-style weapons on the shelves, and the shelves are basically filled with common weapons such as swords and longbows.

There are two rows of old-style short daggers on the counter, and some flails, double-edged axes, and giant square-headed hammers are hanging on the wall. These weapons are all old goods, and there is no One is a real magic weapon, at best, some cheap red and sapphires are inlaid on the hilt or scabbard.

A young Epson girl stands behind the counter, with her head down, and is polishing the handle of a silver dagger with a file. The silver engraving of this dagger hides stains inside. This kind of junk weapon shop basically The first thing is to buy old weapons of excellent quality, conduct preliminary refurbishment and sell them to some collectors or adventurers who can't afford brand new magic weapons.

Seeing someone walking in, the Epson girl with braided braids raised her head and glanced, first showing a trace of disdain, and said to the big boy Mashenka: "We don't entertain guides here, you go Wait outside!"

Mashenka didn't have any nonsense, she shrugged her shoulders helplessly at Suldak, and tilted her head again, saying that she couldn't stay with him inside, and was waiting outside at the door.

"My lord knight, what do you need?"

The girl's voice was very cold, her eyes only stayed on Suldak for a second, then she lowered her head and continued to repair the dagger in her hand.

"Are you here to buy this thing?"

Suldak unwrapped a bundle of long strips wrapped in linen from behind, and placed it on the counter. After opening the package, four black and shiny military thorns were revealed inside, and the blood grooves of these four military thorns were still stained. With some blood that had dried up long ago, the weapon shop was instantly filled with a faint smell of blood.

These four military thorns were all seized from the evil spirits. As for the serrated axes, they were discarded in the wilderness and hills because they could not be carried. Apart from the seven evil spirits' heads, Suldak only brought out these few military thorns.

The Epson girl then said: "The standard weapons of the Evil Ghost Legion are not available to adventurers. They are only valuable for collection. After the victory in the Battle of Handanal County, there will inevitably be a large number of sawtooth axes and army thorns." Entering Epsom City, even if these military thorns are purchased, there is no way to ask a high price!"

"Forget it!" After Suldak finished speaking, he turned around and left very simply.

"Do you need any other magical weapons..." The girl's voice came from behind.

Pushing away the weapon shop, Suldak didn't answer the girl's question, and walked out of the magical weapon shop. The big boy Mashenka waited obediently outside under the rain eaves, and when he saw Suldak coming out, he immediately smiled and said Asked: "Have you bought a suitable weapon?"

"...Oh! No." Suldak said.

I wanted to explain that I wanted to sell four weapons, but the girl in the shop looked down on those military thorns, so I didn't sell them, but after thinking about it, I just answered briefly.

"It's okay, there are at least twenty magic weapon shops like this on this street, and you can definitely find them." Mashenka comforted Suldak instead.

Suldak glanced back at the old and broken glass door of the magic weapons shop behind him, and thought: No wonder this weapon shop looks so depressed, this kind of business method will not please the customers, at least for himself. Next time I come to Epsom City, I definitely don't want to visit this magic weapon shop again.

In addition to some magic weapons and armor stores on this street, there are also magic pharmacies, magic grocery stores, jewelry stores, magic metal materials and Warcraft leather stores. These are high-end stores in Epsom City. The facade of the shop is not too big, but these shopkeepers will drive out the big boy Mashenka as soon as they see him, and Mashenka has no dissatisfaction, and turns around and leaves, never staying in the shop.

Suldak couldn't understand, so he asked Mashenka, "Mashenka, why do those shopkeepers always drive you out?"

"They thought I might be a thief, and they would steal the things in the store while they were not paying attention." Mashenka said with some embarrassment.

"You're not a thief, why don't you argue with them?" Suldak felt that the big boy Mashenka should at least explain to the clerk.

The big boy shook his head, and said helplessly: "It's useless, no one will listen to my explanation."

Mashenka immediately added: "And... I don't want to buy anything from them, and I don't need to stay in the store. In fact, standing at the door and basking in the sun is actually quite good."

The two went to a few shops casually. The clerks in these shops were not enthusiastic about Suerdak, but they were not indifferent either. The clerks in the store probably all have this bad virtue.

At the corner of the front intersection, there is a grocery store that looks very large. Looking inside from the window, you can see that there are almost everything in the store, from some simple magic weapons and magic materials, to some finished magic scrolls and Magic Rune Board, this shop is located in the northeast corner of the intersection, occupying an entire three-story building, which looks very luxurious.

Standing at the door of the store were two good-looking female shop assistants who were whispering in low voices. One of the female shop assistants seemed to be quite experienced, she covered her mouth and laughed while talking non-stop, and the other was young and beautiful. The female shop assistant's face was slightly green, and she didn't know what the two of them were talking about. The young female shop assistant's cheeks were flushed.

When Suldak and Mashenka passed by this shop, Mashenka deliberately walked on the other side of Suldak, as if avoiding something.

The two female clerks standing at the door of the shop had sharp eyes, and they were obviously taken aback when they saw Mashenka, and then the female clerk who was talking about something interesting stopped her eyes and walked over quickly, letting Mashenka No matter how dodged, she couldn't escape the female shop assistant, and her ears were pinched.

"Ouch! Ouch! Sister Kaka, let go, hey, lightly, lightly, my ears are about to fall off..."

Mashenka's screams were exaggerated. She wanted to break free from the girl's hand, but she was held down by the girl, and she couldn't even run away.

When he got closer, he realized that the girl was half a head taller than Mashenka, pressing on Mashenka unceremoniously, her movements seemed so natural.

"Mashenka, why did you come here?" the girl clerk asked Mashenka.

Mashenka begged in a low voice: "Sister Kaka, let go, someone invited me to be a guide today, and I will take him to wander around the magic item shopping street."

"Um, you're at work...why didn't you tell me earlier." The girl clerk noticed Suldak, saw that he was dressed as a knight and had an identity plate hanging on his chest. Ka stood up.

"... Miss Kaka!" Mashenka complained, but she couldn't speak out.

Then the four stood chatting at the entrance of the magic shop. At this time, there was no one in front of the shop. Mashenka formally introduced the two beautiful female shop assistants to Suldak and said, "This is my neighbor, Ms. Kakaidos." , that is my sister Zora."

It turned out that the girl standing at the door of the shop with a shy expression and no movement was Mashenka's own sister.

The girl named Zora looked at Mashenka with concern, but before she could speak, a figure quickly rushed out from the magic shop, stood behind Kaka and Zora, and yelled at the two female shop assistants with a gloomy face. road:

"Hey! Kaka, Zora, what are you doing, chatting during working hours? Do you still want to pay?"

Kaka and Zora were also taken aback, but Kaka's ability to adapt to changes was not bad. He immediately stood beside Suldak and said cautiously to the man with the hooked nose: "Uh, the store manager... we No chat, this is a customer brought by my younger brother, who is going to buy some magic items from the mall... Uh! Probably weapons and armor, so I just want to invite them to take a stroll in the store, anyway, the current customers are not Too many, maybe this knight-lord will see something!"

Standing beside Suldak, she looked at Suldak almost beggingly.

At this time, the store manager with a gloomy face was staring at Mashenka fiercely, and said to him, "You are that bastard brother of Zora? Street bastards like you should stay away from my store." ..."

When Kaka heard that the knight in front of him was a customer in a magic grocery store, a stiff smile was squeezed out of his gloomy eyes like a falcon, and he bent down his tall, thin and slightly stooped body, but raised the vulture humbly. With the same face, he said respectfully to Surdak:

"My lord knight, you may not know that there are a lot of famous thieves here, you must be careful with your purse."

"If you are coming to Epsom City for the first time, you should take a good look at our magic shopping street. This street is one of the biggest features of our Epsom City."

"Kaka, Zora, what are you still doing in a daze, quickly invite the guests into the store to rest for a while, and pour a cup of black tea for the knight."

Seeing Kaka and Zhuo La hurriedly ran into the shop to pour tea at this time, the shop manager was still muttering:

"Girls who come out of the slums really don't wink at all."

His eyes were full of disgust, as if he was looking at a group of pigs in a pigsty. Suldak kept silent. When he walked into the magic grocery store, at least half of the items in the store were Suldak’s own. I have seen that there is a counter full of various metal ingots and ores, etc. I only know the lowest magic red copper. There are also a variety of gems in front of the gem counter. There is a large wooden box in front of the counter. It was actually full of first-level magic cores, and those magic cores were piled up like a hill in the box.

There was only one counter that looked very empty, and there was almost nothing on the counter. There were only a few bottles of unnamed magic potions on the shelves behind the counter.

This magic grocery store is the same as other magic stores. Magic herbs are scarce, and magic potions are almost sold out.

On the other hand, the counters of magic scrolls and magic rune boards are the most crowded. The primary water and fire magic scrolls are the most commonly used things by travelers. The scrolls are very cheap, and the price is almost completely transparent. Suldak felt that it was necessary for him to buy two such scrolls, but he couldn't carry them with him. It is said that the magic scroll of focusing fire is very unsafe. This kind of scroll can ignite flames as long as it is unfolded.

The store manager enthusiastically introduced the products in the grocery store, and said, "My lord knight, what do you want to buy? As for magic weapons, we have treasured vertebrae swords, secret swords, and knight epees here. If you want to buy heavy armor, we have bone armor, bronze armor... Even if you want to buy magic pattern structure, we can also provide purchase channels."

The Vertebral Sword belongs to the light sword category of the Western rapier.

The secret sword is covered with magic runes, which belongs to the magic sword.

The knight epee is not much different from the Roman sword modified by Suldak, except that the hilt is inlaid with gems, and the blade has some useless patterns.

Suldak held the secret technique sword in his hand, and felt the burning sensation on the secret technique sword. When fighting the enemy, the wounds caused would have burns, but the material of this sword was very poor, so in Suldak In his eyes, this sword is also useless.

Seeing that there was really nothing to buy, Suerdak took out the four ghost army thorns and told the store manager about wanting to sell swords.

The smile on the store manager's face froze, like an ice sculpture, and asked with infinite disappointment at Surdak:

"Uh, you just want to sell the four ghost army thorns, don't you plan to buy a magic long sword?"

Suldak shook his head honestly, and just wanted to say, ‘The quality of your magic swords is very average, or I’ll buy two magic scrolls! '

Before the words were in his mouth, the store manager went over to Surdak, took a cup of black tea from Zora's hand, took a sip, raised his chin, squinted his eyes, and stared at it from the corner of his eyes. Suldak, showing a look of disdain, said:

"This cup of black tea is really not bad, let me just say it! Seeing that you are wearing ordinary leather armor, how can you possibly afford a magic long sword, ha ha!"

Suldak was stunned on the spot, thinking that this person changed his face really quickly, and he didn't even have time to say when he wanted to buy something, so he couldn't figure out how this guy became the store manager.

Suldak didn't want to get acquainted with this kind of person, so he wanted to leave this magic grocery store.

The store manager saw that Suldak seemed to have no temper, and his arrogance suddenly rose, so he said to Kaka and Zora beside him:

"It's okay for some people to be poor, but if you live in poverty for too long, you will be prone to a disease--the disease of poverty, and this disease will also infect the people around you. When you are with Zora's bastard brother, naturally It won’t be some rich and important person. I’m also thinking a little too naively. Our shop doesn’t accept weapons of this level. When you see such customers in the future, just refuse them on the spot. You don’t need to look for them. I……"

"Don't both of you stay in the house. If today's sales performance can't be completed, it's impossible to pay you the full salary. When you stand at the door, be smart and let me see you in private. If you’re chatting, get the hell out of here. I didn’t hire you to be vases. After so long, I still can’t learn how to solicit business. If people don’t understand, they can still learn, but if they are stupid, no one can help them… ..."


For a moment, Suldak was also speechless. If this guy picked up a heavy shield on the battlefield, he could become a "main tank" in the battle team.

Kaka and Zora felt even more aggrieved, not to mention being scolded for no reason, and completely offended his younger brother's guests. The two Epson girls were so aggrieved that they almost burst into tears. My brother didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Walking in front of the pile of first-level magic cores, Suldak suddenly stopped, turned his head and asked Zora who was following him:

"What's this?"

Zora never thought that Knight Suldak would actually talk to him, and said reflexively, "This is the gambling magic spar."

Her voice was softer than Mashenka's, but the nuances of her tone were exactly the same.

Suldak stopped in front of the wooden box, grabbed two first-level magic cores, and looked very interested.

Another Epson girl, Kaka, came over calmly, and whispered quickly in Suldak's ear:

"This tray is filled with the magic cores of first-level monsters. Some of these magic cores will contain magic spar, and some will contain magic spar fragments, but not all of them have it. Let me tell you... The chance of producing magic spar is very low, sister, I have been working here for three months, and I have never seen anyone cut out a magic core with magic spar, this is a lie."

The store manager approached very vigilantly and asked, "What is Kaka muttering here?"

Suldak turned his head and asked, "Manager, does your shop still have the business of gambling magic spar?"

The store manager raised his eyebrows, his eyes revealed a gleam of joy, and asked with a smile: "Uh, my lord knight, do you want to buy some magic crystals?"

There is no more gossip before.

Suldak fiddled with these magic cores casually, turned out some of the magic cores in the box, and said casually: "That's right, it's just that I think the ones in the tray are left over by others, and that's all. It's not interesting to pick it up, do you have any other first-level monster cores?"

"How many boxes of this kind of magic core are piled up in the warehouse, how many are you going to buy, don't you like these magic cores in the tray? If you only buy a few, I think you should just pick and choose." The store manager narrowed his eyes. With his eyes closed, Suldak didn't look like a gambler no matter what, he was worried about being tricked, so he said.

"This... this... this... and this..."

Knight Suldak narrowed his eyes, the eighteen nodes in his body exuded a faint sacred power, a golden light came out from the palm of his hand, and in the pile of magic cores in front of him, some Suldak casually picked out the faint magic aura, and within a short while there were more than 20 first-level magic cores in front of him, but all those with such a trace of magic aura were picked out by Suldak...

When the store manager saw that Suldak picked out so many first-level magic cores in one go, his eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he immediately urged the male clerk in the store to move all the boxes of first-level magic cores out of the warehouse. come out.

Kaka and Zora standing behind Suldak were also a little dumbfounded for a while, and they didn't know how to persuade him to stop...

Suldak spent more than an hour choosing, and the store manager came over more than once, and asked Suldak seriously: "Master Knight, are you sure you want to buy all the magic cores you have selected?" '

Afterwards, Suldak got impatient with the store manager's questioning, so he threw a gold coin to the store manager for every two magic cores he picked out.

It was almost noon when Suldak stopped picking the magic cores, and there was a whole tray of magic cores in front of him, and all of them had been paid for by Suldak.

Kaka and Zora standing behind Suldak were a little silly. Who would have thought that this poorly dressed knight would actually take out ten magic spar and seven gold coins in one breath, Buying 214 first-level magic cores, in the eyes of the two of them, this is simply a big gamble, even if they are sold, it is not worth so much money.

At this time, the number of pedestrians on the street gradually increased. When someone saw this scene, they would inevitably come up to watch.

Seeing that more and more people gathered around, Suldak quickly put the magic cores he bought into his pockets, and then pulled Kaka and Zora, who had lost their ability to think, out of the magic grocery store.

In fact, Kaka and Zora didn't know why they came out with the knight, and they left the magic grocery store without even saying hello.

No matter what the store manager shouted from behind, Kaka and Zora walked on the busy street without looking back...

Whoops, a big chapter!

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