Lord Highlander

Chapter 466

She is an outlier among the hell demons.

She had some special thoughts in her heart.

She likes to breathe the fresh air with the fragrance of green grass, and likes to lie on the grass and bask in the sun.

She is sympathetic, including other races other than demons. Although she is a succubus, she is unwilling to hurt others.

Grandma told her before she died, don't tell other succubi what you think in your heart, not even the best best friend. Many alternative ideas have been buried in her heart, and she doesn't want to learn Regarding the black magic of charm, even though her talent is the most outstanding among the succubus clan, she is unwilling to learn black magic, so her own strength has always been the worst among the succubus.

Her name is Aphrodite.

The blood moon rises and falls on the black land, and the cavemen sow the seeds of Yemeiluo in the barren mountains. Yemeiluo takes root and sprouts, blooms and bears fruit, and the cavemen will hand over most of the output after harvesting. For her, every other month, she would send a batch of Yemeiluo to Sin King City. Life was monotonous and boring. She often lay in the fields full of Yemeiluo, looking up at the blood moon above her head, and imagining these into grass and sunshine.

She thought she would live here for the rest of her life.

Until one day, a passage appeared in the territory of the evil king, Amozdan, which completely broke the tranquility of the hell world.

According to rumors, a mysterious human black magician opened the passage of hell. Because the power of this demon gate is too weak, the high-level demons in the hell world cannot pass through this passage of hell. Therefore, King Amozdan sent the largest number of people under his command. The Hellhound Legion has entered a new world. Among the hellhounds, even the leader of the top three hellhounds only possesses elementary intelligence.

In order to strengthen this passage to hell, King Amozdan found some lowest-level succubi in the succubus family, and let these succubus who are weak but good at black magic pass through the passage to hell. , and happened to be selected to be one of them. Many of her companions died in that tunnel of hell. She was lucky enough to walk to the new plane alive.

The succubi have black magic knowledge from the hell world. According to the will of King Amozdan, they imparted some black magic knowledge to the black magician, and began to assist the black magician to strengthen the passage of hell and establish a stable demon Unfortunately, after a lot of detection and calculation, it is still impossible to accurately locate the coordinates of this plane. In order to obtain first-hand information, the arrogant King Amozdan sent the Hell Dog Legion to besiege the city of Wojmara, wanting to When the city of Wojmara was captured, the plane coordinates on the astrolabe of the portal in the city should be seized.

The battle went smoothly at the beginning, but unfortunately, this victory did not last long. After the imperial army appeared in the city of Wojmara, the Hellhound Legion immediately fell into a dilemma.

King Amozdan even injected the pure blood of the demons into the body of the hell female dog, allowing the pregnant female dog to pass through the passage of hell and breed demon sons with demon blood on the new plane, hoping that these demon sons can become The seeds of the hell demons entering the new world, slowly growing in this world...

But Aphrodite didn't want to hide in the dark cave all day long, she wanted to find a chance to go to the ground to have a look.

For this reason, she planned for a long time before she came up with a feasible plan. It didn't matter if she didn't know the way to the surface, as long as she rescued a human nobleman and let him lead the way.

So she offered to manage the prison on the Colosseum side.

Taking advantage of her position, Aphrodite began to secretly contact human prisoners, learn the language of the human empire, and learn about everything about the human world. The succubus is the existence of the demons whose learning ability is second only to the real demons. She He quickly mastered the Grimm Empire language and learned many things in the plane world.

This also caused more desires to grow deep in her heart, and he couldn't wait to leave the underground cave.

But just before leaving the cave, this matter was revealed.

The nobleman showed his feet when he fled, and was captured by the black magician. He was also tried by the black magician together with Aphrodite. King Amozdan gave the black magician a lot of power. In the new plane, he has the right to deal with any demon from hell, and the black magician sentenced Aphrodite to death.

At this time, the clansmen who came out of the tunnel of hell together stood up one after another. They collectively pleaded with the black magician and were willing to give up the power to lead the reinforcement of the tunnel of hell. Aphrodite was saved from death, but was chopped off on the spot With a pair of fleshy wings, most of the power of the succubus has been lost.

Aphrodite was imprisoned in the cage of the Colosseum, but she was not willing to squat in the cage of hell and wait to die. She began to encourage those human nobles, knights, and merchants to launch riots and strive to break through the cage and regain free……

The second plan was revealed, and this time even a few clansmen were unable to help her, and she was sent to the execution ground by two clansmen...


Aphrodite thought she was dead this time.

The moment Xing Mo raised the guillotine, she even saw grandma in the flames. Grandma's kind smile made her seem to have returned to the happiest time. She closed her eyes and raised her head. It is death, and it should be beautiful...

She didn't wait for Xing Mo's guillotine, and heard a strange sound behind her. Aphrodite turned her head and looked, and the Xing Mo behind her was split in half by a human knight. He bravely rushed to her side, chopped He broke the chains on his body, grabbed her wrist roughly, and pulled her up from the stone platform.

Aphrodite heard from the nobleman that his subordinates would definitely come to rescue him, so she looked at Suldak with wide eyes and asked excitedly, "You are Gilmore's companion, are you Are you here to save him?"

"You know the Imperial language?" Suldak was dumbfounded, but he heard the succubus speak a non-standard Imperial language, but couldn't catch it for a while, and asked quickly: "Who are you talking about?"

"Gilmore, a nobleman from your place, are you here to rescue him? I know where he is locked up..." Aphrodite stood beside Suldak, looking at him expectantly and asked.

At this moment, she had forgotten how painful the injury on her back was...


Suldak was speechless. He had never heard of the name Gilmore before.

Under the stone platform, Andrew and the giant hellhound fought fiercely. Samira, who was guarding the exit of the execution ground, shot and killed the ordinary hellhounds with a bow and arrow.

In order to end the battle as soon as possible, Suldak swung his long sword and joined the battle group.

Aphrodite stood aside obediently, neither resisting nor running away, with excitement and anticipation even showing on her face.

A team of hell dogs did not pose any threat to Suldak, Andrew, and Samira. The three of them were only worried that fighting hell dogs would attract more hell dogs, but there were people everywhere around the execution ground. They are all piles of bones, and they are relatively quiet. The battle broke out quite suddenly. The indigenous warriors broke out with powerful combat power. The half-elf archers specialize in hunting and killing the fleeing hell dogs. In just a few breaths, all the hell evil dog.

Suldak took Andrew and Samira over the broken ruins, and the succubus followed up panting, but she was clumsy and injured, so she couldn't climb the sandstone wall. Seeing her eager and pitiful face, Suldak hesitated lying on the sand wall, and stretched out his hand to her...

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