Lord Highlander

Chapter 757

The fighting during the day has quieted the monsters in the Dodan Canyon, and they are in the garrison camp.

Some people from the small town gathered around the camp. They were not only watching the infantry carrying the corpses of the monsters, but also some town residents offered to help push the rolling stones to the side of the hanging tower. After all, these rolling stones still needed to be transported to a height of 40 meters. On the city wall, a simple hanging tower with a wooden structure is built on one side of the city wall.

The merchants in the small town also gathered around the barracks, watching the carloads of monster corpses brought into the barracks, and kept shouting slogans such as "buy leather, teeth, and magic cores at high prices".

They can't wait to stop the carriage and snatch a few monster corpses from it.

The infantry were unmoved by this. Once a businessman tried to approach, he would be warned by the cavalry next to him.

The corpses of monsters transported into the barracks were skinned and grilled, but even the bones were not shipped out. Now a large number of monsters are surrounded by the north wall, and no mercenary group can go out to hunt in this situation.

The mercenaries wanted to hunt monsters, so they had to temporarily register at the barracks as defense aids in Dodan Town.

Then they can take turns to climb the top of the city wall. The number of auxiliary defense personnel who can climb the city wall every day is limited to 20, and they are not allowed to leave Dodan Town at will during the beast tide, otherwise they will be deprived of their qualifications as volunteers.

On the city wall, it is impossible to hunt monsters without excellent archery skills. The mercenaries can only carry a few monsters down from the city wall at most every day.

Such a quantity simply cannot satisfy the merchants in Dodan Town.

So some merchants approached Selina, preparing to explain the situation to her, and hoped that she could open a trade channel from the military camp to allow merchants in the town to participate.

With so many Warcraft materials, everyone wants a piece of the pie.

Selena and Suldak also talked a lot about this, and Suldak felt that these businessmen were speculators, they did not help the development of the town, and once the beast tide passed in the future, they did not know what would happen. Wherever they go, this kind of speculative businessman really has nothing to cooperate with.

Selina hopes to establish some contact with these merchants, mainly about the price of these monster materials. Now that the seller has the right to speak, the price of monster materials should naturally be determined by the military camp.

When the merchants saw that the military camp was finally willing to take out some of the magic beast materials to trade with the local merchants, they all came together at once.

Knowing that he couldn't finish peeling so many leathers, Suldak decided to take out some monsters and sell them whole.

Now this kind of moonblade fire wolf with only one level has very limited value, so the price of a moonblade fire wolf is also very transparent.

After deducting the transaction tax that needs to be paid, the profit left to these merchants by Suldak is only 15%. If these fire wolf leathers are transported to Wilkes City, they can earn more.

While margins have thinned a lot, it's better than nothing.


After each battle, Suldak would become extremely busy.

A large number of wounded needed to be treated by Suldak himself, and he had to peel as many skins as possible while the magic power on the monsters was still there.

The wounded soldiers were withdrawn from the battlefield, and the rescue team organized by the town hall performed simple treatment on the wounds.

When Suldak returned from the battlefield, he only needed to use the holy light technique to heal the wound, so the treatment process was relatively simplified, saving Suldak a lot of precious time.

Only some unlucky seriously wounded ones still need Suldak to start the sacrificial ceremony, and exchange the sacrifices for the blessings of the gods of the "Divine Blessed Body" to help them survive the most dangerous period of time.

Suldak has already converted the guest room on the first floor of the small building where he lives into his temporary consultation room.

And the kitchen next door was where he skinned the monsters, and the two rooms were only separated by a wall.

Suerdak dragged his tired body and asked his cavalry to carry out a seriously wounded ship, then stood at the door of the small building and shouted listlessly: "The next one!"

"That...Commander, the one just now is the last one." The cavalry guard guarding the entrance of the small building whispered to Suldak.

"Is it gone? Then go and have a good rest!" Surdak looked up at the night sky, and before he knew it was midnight, he ordered the cavalry guards around him.

The night sky is full of stars.

In the town of Dodan, the starry sky that can be seen is like a long river flowing slowly from south to north.

Only when you walk out of Dodan Town and run to the large grassland with a wide view can you see the complete starry sky.

The wooden dormitory of the military camp was still lit, and a group of soldiers gathered at the entrance of the cafeteria, looking at the merit exchange list, and calculating the day's harvest.

The merit exchange list at the entrance of the cafeteria has mobilized the enthusiasm of many soldiers. Although the daily battles are very dangerous, many soldiers hope to fight on the front line.

The soldiers in the barracks were full of fighting spirit, and Suldak breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when Suldak looked in the direction of the stables, he saw more than 20 aboriginal herdsmen dealing with a batch of wounded war horses, and the dead war horses were also placed outside the empty field. There is simply no shortage of meat, so these steeds will be buried with dignity.

During the daytime battle, at least 200 horses were lost, which was Suldak's biggest loss.

There is no way, using Gu Bolai horse as the mount of the heavy cavalry is a bit reluctant in itself. Countless armored horses collided with monsters on the battlefield, so that the horses were also severely injured. This is what makes Suldak feel the most headache place.


Quartermaster Handel brought in the third batch of supplies.

In addition, two letters from Bena City were also sent.

In order to express his gratitude, Suldak took time to meet him and took him to have breakfast together in the canteen of the military camp.

Breakfast is toasted oatmeal and broth, with onion and tomato broth, and it really tastes better.

But with these vegetable ingredients alone, it is still impossible to hide the sour taste of these fire wolf meat.

During the meal, Suldak asked Handel about the adventure group.

The adventure group in the town of Dodan disappeared without a trace as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

He was a little surprised, the beast horde was approaching, what else could these adventure groups do after leaving the border town?

"I heard that after the beast tide comes, there will always be some monsters crossing the Thorn Mountains and entering the occupied area of ​​the Grimm Empire. Other places in the occupied area of ​​the Bailin Plane will also be attacked by monsters. These adventure groups are scattered to various small towns in the occupied area. , taking the opportunity to hunt those lonely monsters, not only is it safer, but sometimes you can get rewards from the town or the nobles."

Quartermaster Handel said to Suldak.

"I heard that the situation in Nantu Town and Prentos Town is much more serious than yours, so the next supplies will be given priority to those two towns."

Suldak asked curiously, "Did something happen?"

Quartermaster Handel said in a low voice: "I heard that a group of monsters successfully climbed over the city wall and rushed into the town. It seems that many people died..."

"Ah! How could this be?" Surdak said in surprise.

After all... the beast tide hasn't come yet!


This time, the Quartermaster Handel took advantage of the convenience of transporting the military supplies, and delivered the items sent by Hathaway and Beatrice to Suldak as soon as possible.

Suldak is quite sympathetic to this.

He asked Handel the quartermaster to choose randomly from the corpses of the Moonblade Fire Wolf, take whichever one he liked, and then give it to him as a gift symbolizing friendship.

This is not bribery, this is friendship.

The first letter was written by Beatrice herself.


'Honey, I really want to stand in front of you right now...and kiss you.

Hathaway and I work in the Foreign Affairs Bureau. Recently, due to the unstable situation, prices in Bena City have risen a lot.

Please don't think of me as a philistine woman, but those leathers you sent have definitely made a difference in our family.

The shop has almost become an important economic pillar of the Gophero family, thank you for continuously providing these fur goods.

The Gophero family finally ushered in a turning point, at least in the bone-chilling house, occasionally some laughter could be heard.

In the morning, my father also specially sent someone to tell me to go home and see him when I have time... You must not know how long I have been waiting for this sentence!

I can't wait to cross the portal and run to the Bailin plane...see you!

But now the Bailin Plane Portal Gate is under military control, and the date of approval for our pass is two months later.

Please take good care of yourself until I arrive at the Bailin plane to meet you.

Love you Beatrice Gophero. '


Hathaway's letter reads:


'Hi, how are you doing in Bailin?

I heard that there may be a wave of beasts over there, and you will hunt monsters every day.

is that so?

Isn't Bai Lin's life very fulfilling and busy?

Now, the situation in Bena Province is not very good. Tarapagan has become a battlefield. It has involved all the nobles and lords in Bena Province. The army is overwhelming, and many civilians in Tarapagan have hid in Bena In the city, there are still some civilians who desperately want to leave here.

Beatrice and I were at the Foreign Affairs Bureau, where there was a lot of letterhead to be processed every day, as well as letterhead for immigration applications.

The lords of other provinces all want to take a share of Bena Province.

I also heard that the Duke of Newman also plans to evacuate from the Warsaw plane recently, and that the main force of the Bena Legion is about to return home.

Beatrice and I joined the temporary planning team, and recently we have to discuss with the Ryan family a series of issues arising after the withdrawal, including the ownership of Handanal County and how to transport the obtained resources to the For Everson City, only the resource conversion of Handanal County is left. It is estimated that the Duke may lose a little money in this expedition.

After he came back, he must have felt even worse when he saw that some land in the north of the tower had almost turned into scorched earth.

My vacation with Beatrice has been postponed for two months and I am looking forward to that day.

Then I left my work here and went to see Bai Lin!

Written by Hathaway Luthor on April 17, 2587'

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