Lord of Pets

Chapter 1,363: Headless Predator

The Blighted Bridge arrived a month later.

Bai Wushang raised his eyes and looked around. On top of the natural chasm, an old tree was lying there, quietly connecting two 100,000-meter-high peaks to each other.

"It is said that this tree almost gave birth to spiritual wisdom."

"But it is a pity that it was born in the sacred mountain and was bound by the laws of the sacred mountain. In the end, it became a slave of the mountain and assumed the responsibility of the link..."

Bai Wushang looked at the tree body, which was full of wrinkles and had no trace of green.

The so-called blight refers to it.

It is really too old, like dried meat strips, full of desolation.

But even so, it will not corrupt.

Blessed by the eternal law, the body remains unchanged for thousands of years and immortal for thousands of years. Wind and rain cannot damage its body, thunder and fire cannot damage its spirit. It has not changed much in a hundred thousand years.


Senpo woke up with a start, and used his spiritual sense to observe this old man from the plant system.

If no accident occurs, this old tree will definitely be reborn once it is pregnant with spiritual wisdom.

If he cannot become the God King, he can still hope to be at the pinnacle of the ancestors and the Mythical Eight Stars, still standing at the pinnacle of the extraordinary.

Now, God is gone, but the body remains forever.

"In the ancient past, the Titans once guarded here."

"And the top evil god he suppressed was hung on this dead ancient tree, and was allowed to be infected by the winds of the Nine Netherworlds and the frosty rain, eroding its origin bit by bit..."

Bai Wushang stepped onto the Withered Bridge, where he landed was like thunder breaking through the sky, and a huge sound echoed in the towering sky.

In the center of the bridge, there is now only a broken rope.

There was still residual blood on it, but no hanging bodies could be seen anymore.

——This is an abandoned death zone.

It is also one of the few places where great achievements have been carved.

"I heard that occasionally evil spirits live here, dreaming of retrieving the inheritance of that top evil god."

"All we saw along the way was charred soil."

"Such a handiwork, I think it's the Queen of Heaven..."

Bai Wushang lingered for several days and left the Bridge of Desolation.

Finally, the end is approaching, and the Nine-turn Divine Phoenix Queen is using her own methods to try her best to eliminate the living combat power of the evil spirit of Taichu.

She may have traveled to more distant borders, or she may have remained nearby.

Look again.

The little rabbit turns on the sniffing mode.

Yakumo Moyu Qilin also ran out, relying on his fellow fire path to search for traces of the divine phoenix.

"Here! Here!"

"Shenhuang must have fought here. There is her blood here. She was injured!"

One day, the big unicorn roared excitedly, which shocked Bai Wushang's calm mood.

He dodged a few times and landed next to General Cang, squatting down and gently touching the blood beads on the ground with his fingers.

"It's really..."

As if she sensed the call, Ye Duoer stepped out of the light door and took a casual glance, her eyes showing surprise.

At this time, she had basically returned to 100% of her full strength, no longer weak or lethargic.

This time, she had a glimpse of the past, and saw divine fire burning the sky, fire rain falling, and purgatory Shura everywhere in the sky and on the earth.

The monster that fought against the Divine Phoenix had no head and its body was covered with ferocious tumors.

Claws of different lengths dragged hundreds of corpses and stuffed them into their mouths from time to time.

He was seriously injured, his steps were shaky, and he was panting.

In comparison, Shenhuang was only slightly injured, but his sharp eyes and awe-inspiring killing intent could dazzle Ye Duoer across time and space.

"This happened within a year. Even if the Queen leaves, she won't be too far away!"

"Chase." Bai Wushang said firmly.

Although Ye Duo'er gave the shape, he could not identify the identity of the headless creature.

It doesn't matter whether it is top-tier or sub-top.


The divine phoenix suppressed him and beat him, and he was on the verge of being severely disabled, on the line between life and death.


The Lord of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm left the beast space, letting Ye Duo'er, Bai Wushang, and Little Rabbit step on its back, and left the place at lightning speed.

Its way of space has indeed improved.

But there is still a long way to go before we can fully digest the laws of the Sky Mirror Divine Giant and the Void Divine Vine, and we can’t rush it in a short time.

Five days later, traveling through the turbulence of the void for the eleventh time, Ye Duoer's beautiful eyes glowed and she suddenly locked onto a crater spewing black smoke.

"The fire of Nirvana! The breath of the Queen of Heaven!"

"Jigu!" the little rabbit agreed.

Only the big mantis was a little timid. It dared to shuttle through the turbulent void. The closer it got to the crater, the more goosebumps it got all over its body.

"Huh?" A faint eh sound sounded. She couldn't see the divine phoenix, but heard its voice.

The crimson flames, which seemed to be burning the world, barely separated a gap.

Through a layer of flame barrier, Bai Wushang peeked into the eyes of the Divine Phoenix Queen, and then received a message from her soul:

"Why are you here?"

"The Queen of Heaven, I came here specifically to see you. I have a heartfelt invitation."

Bai Wushang didn't mince words and spoke frankly about his needs:

"I need three drops of your blood essence to help Qilin advance to the bloodline."

"Essence and blood..." The Divine Phoenix Queen showed no expression of joy or anger. After a slight pause, a wound opened in her wings. Three drops of bright red gems trickled through the barrier and floated above Bai Wushang's head.

"Thank you, Queen."

Bai Wushang bowed and saluted, and the big Qilin who watched eagerly had joy written on his face.

For the God-King, he is full of treasures.

The value of any drop of blood is beyond the imagination of the world.

In fact, for them, essence and blood often represent life span and vitality.

At this level, arbitrary division will inevitably damage one's own vitality.

Bai Wushang didn't promise anything extra, and Shenhuang didn't ask for anything extra.

With the invisible link of the leader of miracles, even the God of Twelve-Winged Angels, the Three Giants of the Dragon Clan, and the Hundred-Armed God all stand in front of him.

The one with the closest relationship and the most unconditional trust is probably the Divine Phoenix Queen.

Even though Bai Wushang only had a one-sided relationship with her.

This hidden bond has been imprinted in flesh and blood.

"Are you... trying to kill the evil god?"

Bai Wushang was in no hurry to leave. The Nine-turn Divine Phoenix Queen was obviously in a critical state, and most of her mind was placed in the deepest part of the volcano.

With the help of Little Rabbit's Divine Eye of Heaven and Earth, he could vaguely see the headless monster mentioned by Ye Duo'er.

Compared with the images in the past, He is undoubtedly much more damaged at this time. Half of his body has been turned into ashes, and the remaining half is only struggling to be supported by the divine fire.

"This is the "Headless Predator", an ancient evil god who was barely promoted from the sub-top to the top. "

The message from the Queen of Heaven followed: "He was originally supposed to be sealed in the Mountains of Despair, but when I found Him, I had already escaped."

"In the past few years, I have been chasing him. If I don't kill him while he is in a weak stage, and wait until he devours more flesh and blood and slowly recovers, maybe I will no longer be my opponent..."

--Go to check

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