Lord of Pets

Chapter 177: Earth Snail

"He's gone crazy and can't communicate."

Xue Zilin tried for a while, then shook his head slightly disappointed.

It's hard to catch a live one. If you can ask for some information, it will be excellent.

For example, how did the wild dogs discover the ruins, where are the people now, how much fighting power is left, and what dangers lie ahead...

If you know yourself and your enemy, you will be able to fight a hundred battles.

It's a pity that the man who fell to the ground didn't have a trace of blood on his face, and the flesh and blood of his whole body was sucked by the spider eggs in his belly.

As far as physical injuries are concerned, with the materials held by the team, there may be a chance to save his life.

But the cost is too great to make any sense.

What's more, the person was so severely stimulated that he had gone mad and was in a state of confusion.

Sometimes he murmured, sometimes shouted, as if mad.

"This human head spider is the most powerful monster we have ever encountered."

"It can be expected that if we continue to move forward, it will be more dangerous."

"Maybe you will encounter a wild dog soon. If you encounter it, don't hesitate. Kill it if you need to."

"Indeed, these people don't have a good bird, and most of the blood stained in each hand is innocent, either because of profit, or because of the pure pleasure of killing."

"In short, in the face of such an opponent, if we soften our hearts, we will die..."

Everyone, you are talking to me, and you are talking.

Bai Wushang was relatively close to the man, and vaguely heard him mention a word.

At first it was just nonsense.

The second time I heard it, I quickly signaled everyone to be quiet.

The man shouted "help" one second before, but laughed the next second:

"...haha...ancient...earth snail...hahahaha!"

He stared at his red eyes, grinned, and his voice was hoarse to the extreme.

What he said surprised everyone.

Bai Wushang held his breath and concentrated,

After listening to him repeat this sentence three times over and over again, I can be sure that I heard correctly.

"Earth snail?"

Jiang Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and couldn't help muttering.

An Xiaorou and Sobina looked at each other, the surprise in her eyes could not be concealed.

Xue Zilin took a deep breath, his face seemed calm, but his eyes were burning, as if two little suns were rising.

Bai Wu's heart was filled with mixed flavors, and it was hard to describe in a single word.

This earth snail is an extraordinary creature at the mature level, which evolved from the "earth snail".

The problem is, it's not an ordinary creature.

It is an ancient species!

An ancient thick armor known for its defensive power!

It has been mentioned in many books that the most peak form of the earth snail should be the "dragon-backed snail" of the immortal body level.

This is a kind of ancient Zerg that will acquire the blood of the sub-dragon species as it evolves.

It is rumored that as long as it stands on the ground, it can continuously gain power, and it is one of the best in terms of defensive ability in the same tier.

Even, many monsters whose bloodline quality is higher than it and whose life level is higher than it can't easily break through its carapace.

Because 90% of the Earth Snail's ability is focused on defense.

This is a relatively pure extraordinary creature, known as the "Guardian of the Earth" and "Fortress Warrior".

"In addition to the ancient variety of insects, are there other ancient species in this ruin?"

Bai Wushang couldn't believe it, so many thoughts came to his mind.

"Does it have parents, or is it hatched alone like Xiaoci?"

"If it is the former, the hidden danger factor of this ruin is too high..."

"...But it doesn't seem to make sense. The earth snail has always liked to live alone, and never wanted to mix with other creatures, especially its lair. It is offensive to it, and it will be regarded as a provocation and invasion. It'll piss it off..."

"Are there still a few messy bugs here? And from the point of view of the relics decorator, there are tens of thousands of ordinary bug eggs stored here, and there are one or two treasured ancient species, which seems to be in the past..."

Bai Wushang thought about it carefully, and the rest of the people were not idle.

Everyone listened to the man's murmur, trying to find more clues.

While thinking deeply, think about certain issues.

"Get rich... I'm going to get rich... The boss promised..."

"Get rich?" Bai Wushang noticed the word, his thoughts diverged, and he secretly thought:

"With the strength of the wild dog mercenary group, the snail did not run away when it encountered the earth, but felt that it would make a lot of money..."

"This shows that...for them, the danger is within the controllable range..."

This inference basically kills the possibility that the earth snail has parental care.

"Cough... What are your thoughts?" Jiang Feng rubbed his nose and was the first to break the silence.

For a full twenty seconds, no one took his words!

In the end, Sobina brushed her golden hair with her fingers, raised her eyes and said with a smile:

"The most critical issue is the emergence of ancient species in the ruins. This is a great opportunity, but it also means extreme danger."

"We have no way of knowing the origin of the ancient species. Was it sheltered by its parents, or was it hatched by a bug egg here?"

"Or there are other reasons at a deeper level. In short, we lack key intelligence and cannot predict."

What Bai Wushang can contact, his teammates can naturally, and they are more cautious.

"Of course, since the people of the Wild Dog Mercenary Group said that they are about to 'make a fortune', we can appropriately reduce the risk factor."

"But it does not rule out that they are stupid and made wrong judgments. We must be careful and not be misled."

Sobina said slowly.

Bai Wushang's expression moved slightly, and suddenly turned his head:

"Xiao Ci, have you ever seen a very large, khaki bug with a threaded shell?"

The ancient variegated insects lived here in small ways, and they lived well with the strength of their larvae, and their tenacious survival ability was evident.

If the earth snail really exists, it must not be a general name among the many monsters, but a relatively dangerous "predator".

Maybe new information can be obtained from Little Bugs.

Bai Wushang asked, took out a pen and paper, drew a sketch, and handed it to the pink caterpillar.

Little Bugs' six eyes flickered, and just now he was still trying to analyze the meaning of the master's complex passages.

Combined with that picture, he immediately understood, and shouted again and again:

"Oh! Footless beast!"

"I know! I know! It's the boss here, the most dangerous monster! It's a lot more powerful than the eight-legged monster!"

Speaking, Xiao Ci was a little gloomy: "Hey, I was born first, but I didn't dare to fight with it..."

"It's growing so fast, and it's fierce. When I was young, I was almost eaten by it..."


The little worm smacked his lips and murmured: "But before it was born, I ate its brother. Those are the best eggs I have ever eaten!"

"I planned to eat it too, but I didn't expect it to escape from the egg, so I could only sneak away... Hey, I really want to eat another one, I miss the taste..."


Bai Wushang was full of question marks.

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