Lord of Pets

Chapter 724: Ten thousand dragons worship and the Dragon Palace descends

"You can't be wrong, this is the "Calling Ceremony". He Jiuyang already has all the prerequisites, except for the last symbolic step. "

The bandit was stunned and lost his voice. His tone of voice changed and became hoarse and low. He murmured to himself:

"I probably know why, not at the right time, I was able to easily examine most of the inner island through the sky mirror..."

"It's not for other reasons... The dragon war didn't just break out a few hundred years ago. How could it happen again so soon?"

The bandit's sign language suddenly accelerated, mixed with a hint of excitement and a hint of fanaticism:

"There is no other reason than He Jiuyang!"

"The ultimate thing responsible for suppressing the inner island and monitoring the Sea of ​​Silence is not us, but the "Great Holy Dragon Palace"! "

"Normally, it will not wake up. Only when a major accident or special event occurs in Longting, will its attention be attracted."

"Saint He Jiuyang has gathered all the prerequisites on the inner island and passed the extremely difficult test. The Great Saint Dragon Palace felt it and began to wake up independently. The laws of this world were disturbed and suppressed. This is the deep Reasons for the layers!”

Qingying nodded slightly, agreeing with this statement.

But his eyes remained motionless, fixed in the sky-viewing mirror, staring intently at the white-haired man inside.

"Returning ten thousand years ago, in three months, he accomplished what others could not do in ten years, a hundred years, or even a lifetime... Is it possible that the most special Holy Son will appear in the Dragon Court, unprecedented and unprecedented? kind?"

Ming Zun on the side took a long breath, but still couldn't regain his true calm.

The eloquent and boastful talk just now seemed like the biggest joke in the world.

With just one look back, the target person overturned his calculations from beginning to end with actual actions.

The slap on the face made a snapping sound, it really hurt.

Of course, this subtle feeling of shame lasted less than a second.

At this moment, Mingzun, including the other four saints, fell into deathly silence, and their minds were full of thinking about how He Jiuyang did it.

This is no longer a problem with monsters.

It's as divine as it is divine, mysterious yet mysterious, extremely perverted, extremely heaven-defying.

No amount of adjectives can express their current mood.

"Is this, is this what the legend calls - accumulation of wealth but little success?"

After holding back for a long time, Mingzun still spoke, staring with huge eyes, watching the tenth dragon shadow emerge from He Jiuyang's back, merging with the blue flames.

Then, ten giant dragons circled He Jiuyang and flew in the air, spinning faster and faster. The last purple-gold dragon shadow roared into the sky, making a roar like the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering.

The five saints were not present.

But through the activated sky-viewing mirror, the loud noise seemed to echo in front of them.

This isn't over yet.

The camera turned, and on the mountain in the distance, the seven giant dragons, who were originally in a life-and-death struggle, stopped fighting in unison and raised their heads to look at the sky.

In the river at the foot of the mountain, fish dragons, water dragons, and ice dragons are splashing and jumping. The splashing water is like a torrential downpour, and the sound of the rushing water is like a drum of blood. The rhythms coincide.

Further away, in the humid rainforest, under the dark swamps, and in the large rock piles, giant dragons woke up one after another, opened their cold beast eyes, and looked at the top of the mountain where He Jiuyang was in the distance, lowering their bodies. Witness with roars and roars, shouting for something, praying for something.


The sky above split open.

Like the most exquisite porcelain, when broken, a breathtaking beauty flows.

However, beauty is short-lived. In a short time, a huge black thing broke out from the crack, casting shadows all over the mountains and plains.

The creatures in the shadow, whether they were dragons or not, all fell to the ground, lying on the ground with their heads hanging down.

Their cute appearance will make people forget about their sharp horns, sharp claws, and gleaming scales. It seems that these are all made of paper and there is no threat at all.

"The Great Holy Dragon Palace...has really arrived..."

The enthusiasm in the bandit's eyes has overflowed. Looking at the dreamy black-red castle suspended in the sky, his mood is getting more and more exciting.

This is a well-deserved important weapon in the Ancestral Dragon Court. It can serve as an invincible war fortress in times of turmoil, and it can also suppress a party in times of silence. It has extremely far-reaching value and significance.

It can be said that this is one of the most powerful foundations of the ancient top power - Zulongting. With it or without it, there is a big difference.

At that time, the inner island fell into a rare silence.

The ferocious castle, which is somewhat rusty and stained with blood in many areas, is suspended above an ancient mountain range.

But further away, the vast majority of living creatures, from newly born baby dragons to dying old dragons, are clearly invisible, but they instinctively feel terrified.

They may not necessarily know about Longting, and they may not necessarily know too much about the outside world.

However, the reaction rising deep in their bloodline makes them dare not act arbitrarily. They can only choose to crawl quietly, and the sense of crisis will gradually fade away.

In this scene, the scope of radiation is quite huge.

Even on the outer island, which was separated by more than a dozen layers of seals, there was quite a bit of chaos.

Deep in the emerald forest, in the darkness, a curled-up old dragon that was molting seemed to feel something. He opened his eyes and stared blankly in one direction, revealing a trace of yearning.

Under the Dragon Palace, on the 108th floor.

Two scientific dragons immersed in research shook their little paws and the valuable utensils fell to the ground, contaminating a large area of ​​land.

But they were not upset, they stared with big bright eyes, and a touch of longing flashed across their faces.

"It seems that I haven't seen my father in four hundred and sixty-two years."

"In order to survive, it can only sleep there and cannot do research. It is really pitiful..."

In an open-air hot spring, Ji Ranran took off her clothes, touched the water with her toes, and dropped in carefully.

She has a slender figure, fair skin, and a curvy figure. She should be beautiful.

But now, there were blood stains everywhere, especially the claw mark on her back, which could have cut off her neck and killed her.

"It's okay, I won't die."

Ji Ranran touched the head of a little dragon next to the hot spring and wiped the tears from the corners of its eyes.

"Don't worry, look, my injuries are healing quickly."

Xiaolong nodded vigorously, rubbed his master's palm affectionately, and was about to jump down and take a bath together, when he suddenly tilted his head and looked in one direction doubtfully.

"What's wrong?" Ji Ranran looked puzzled. Just as she was about to communicate through spiritual communication, her mind was shaken and she subconsciously touched her neck.

The dragon claw mark is actually glowing!

It was not a vision of gaining the power of a dragon, but a vague resonance with a certain existence, which caused her to feel vague heart palpitations.

"It seems to be something extraordinary..."

Ji Ranran whispered and shook her head to avoid useless thinking.

Close your eyes and try your best to recover from your injuries.

He needed to be treated quickly. Ji Cangyun and others were all trapped in that maze.

It's too late, I'm afraid I won't even be able to collect the body.

She is already the only hope for rescue, and she must not let the chain fall again...

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