Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 98. The Fortress of the Sentinel Oasis

Fatis came back soon, followed by the team from Suno.

Among the 200 farmers, there were five carriages full of supplies, and sacks were piled up under the tarpaulins. The grains, dried meat and sausages they purchased in Suno were all food that could be easily stored.

When they came to the sentry oasis, they all looked at this small oasis with curiosity.

However, the accompanying 50 Swadian infantrymen were much calmer, forming a formation and standing upright.

These are excellent fighters who have gone through many battles.

You can tell by looking at the equipment.

Everyone wears infantry chain armor similar to the heavy cavalry, with flat helmets on their heads, but they are not equipped with cloaks for full-time foot combat. Instead, they are inside linen robes, and the infantry chain armor is covered with layers of studded leather armor. , used to prevent long-range feather arrows from piercing the armor, and close-range enemy slashing with swords, it is indeed a heavy infantry based on defense alone.

In the order of operations of the Swadian forces, their role is to resist the enemy forces and maintain the stability of the front.

They held the thick fan-shaped shield with nails on the iron edge of the left arm, and clenched the hand and half swords carefully crafted by the blacksmiths.

Kant looked at these Swadian infantrymen who were still in high spirits after the trek with satisfaction.

"An elite worthy of recognition." Kant nodded secretly.

And when the 50 new Swadian infantrymen were added, the troops of the Sentinel Oasis had basically taken shape.

An infantry array of 50 infantry, 41 light infantry, an archer array of 20 Ravenston Rangers, and 46 Swadian heavy cavalry, plus the light cavalry of desert robbers that can be recruited at any time, completely It can be called a standard combat sequence.

Although the current force is still about 200 people.

But the real combat power is more than ten times higher than when Kant fought the world with low-level soldiers!

"Fatis." Kant said.

Fatis, who has recovered his determination, walked over quickly: "Sir, please order."

Kant smiled, looked at the sorrow that disappeared on his face, nodded and said: "Then you will lead the team, familiarize yourself with our current environment, if you encounter a gnoll who is trying to attack, you are responsible for commanding the battle yourself.


"Understood, Lord Kant."

Fatis nodded and took over the command without any hesitation.

When he received a letter from his father, he seemed to have undergone a complete transformation and successfully transformed into a true noble knight. He had been rigorously trained since childhood, and had been honed in hardships on the mainland, and could be a military commander on his own.

Fatis summoned the troops in the sentry oasis, and at the same time put the 50 Swadian infantry into the sequence and led the team to set off.

It is Kant's trust and affirmation of Kant that he can let Fatis lead the army.

At the same time, it is also Kant's training and expectation for Fatis. After all, Kant understands that although he can command a small group of troops, as the number of troops increases greatly, professional commanders are more effective in controlling the troops.

As the pace progressed, the metal armor pieces collided like crisp wind chimes.

Kant was slightly intoxicated.

This is a whisper of war, a different display of strength.

Opening his eyes, Kant looked at the 200 peasants who were still looking at it curiously, with a smile on his face: "Okay, my dear citizens, now when you are busy, you will get your own jobs and houses, and you will get your own jobs and houses. It's good to live here."

"Long live, my lord."

These peasants cheered and gave up Suno to come here, for a better future.

Of course, the first job of the newcomer is to transport all the supplies to the storage room.

50 bags of air-dried meat and 50 bags of sausages, this kind of meat that is durable and delicious, and can quickly replenish physical strength is a good thing, especially the sausages. Kant, who is used to eating air-dried meat, can't help but want to taste this deliciousness.

"Take all these 200 bags of grain to the mill."

Kant directed the farmers to work and pointed to the warehouse in the southeast: "There is a grain warehouse there."

"Yes, sir." The peasants immediately became busy with their due diligence.

The mill in the southeast, which was built on the sand alone, has reached the final stage after the efforts of the workers these days, and the warehouse for storing grain and flour has also been built as a side building.

However, the style of the mill is different from the wind and water mills common in Swadia.

This is the animal-powered mill common in the Sultanate of Sarand.

Although compared to wind mills and water mills, animal power mills are less efficient.

But animal-powered mills are not limited by terrain and need not be built by rivers or among windy mountain passes.

In this regard, Kant understood that the system must have taken into account the lack of water and wind in the Naron Desert, otherwise it would be really embarrassing if those two kinds of mills really appeared.

Bags of grain were delivered.

The construction workers also helped, and just now, with the final planks being finalized, the mill was completed.

Including the fence.

The half-meter-high stone wall made of brick-sized stones is built around the date palm forest and wheat fields.

This is Kant's helpless move.

The wall is of little significance, and the price/performance ratio is the lowest-level building.

If it wasn't for the upgrade of the entire village, Kant would not have considered building this building at all, wasting dinars in vain.

Even Kant has decided.

As long as the village is upgraded, these walls will be removed immediately.

There are no wild beasts in the Naron Desert, and the half-meter-high wall can't stop the gnolls who really want to turn over.

After all, in the future, Kant will continue to develop agriculture, and he cannot let the walls tie up the land and space.

"grown ups."

Manid, who had placed the horses and supplies, walked over.

"Well." Kant turned to look: "What's the matter."

"I heard from Fatis before that our salt mine...was occupied by gnolls again?"

Manid frowned slightly.

This is related to the development of the salt trade in the future. If the salt cannot be delivered to the Stone Pass as scheduled, it is estimated that the seemingly peaceful Baron Dylan, who is actually evil, will turn his face again.

"That's right."

Kant nodded, did not deny it, but frowned slightly: "It's not a big problem."

"I think this problem should be solved quickly." Manid warned: "Although business requires skill, this skill is by no means cunning and deceit, but honesty."

"I understand that."

Kant sighed slightly, turned his head to look at the desert to the north, and frowned even more.

The gnolls who had been defeated and scattered even dared to harass him, and even occupied the salt mines and the ruins of the tribe. It really made him feel that these guys had eaten the guts of the wolf-hearted leopard, and they were really bold.

"Just clean it up again and again." Kant snorted coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

Kant didn't care about those small gnolls at all.

After being completely defeated, and even the tribe was burned to the ground, the gnolls of the Naron Desert were no longer rivals.

Now the sneak attack is just the last struggle before dying.

Not even a big threat.

Because Fatis stayed at the sentry oasis and guarded the surrounding dunes day and night cautiously, he simply slaughtered the defeated gnolls again, and let these poor worms scattered in the desert without their tribes go to the underworld to reunite with their relatives.

There may be gnolls who return and re-form gathering places in the ruins of the tribe with fresh water from wells.

But Kant's sweep will begin again.

This time, it will not be to lead low-level infantry, and there may be a risk of defeat in an adventurous raid, but a genuine cavalry charge to completely defeat the gnolls again.

These lowly uncivilized beast races were strangled between the deserts of Naron.

Because Kant has replaced the shotgun with the gun, his troops have also been upgraded and have the ability to recruit a pure cavalry unit.

"Use cards."

Kant's mind moved slightly.

The golden card that was still floating in his mind instantly turned into powder with Kant's thoughts.

This is the reward for completing the temporary quest "Fatis's Letter from Home".

[Double recruitment (constant)]

It is this task reward, in Kant's opinion, that is the reason for quickly recruiting pure cavalry troops. Without one, he can rely on this golden card to complete the construction of cavalry troops in a short time.

【ding...system prompt】

[Please select a constant building: Consulate\\/Desert Bandit Camp]

The system gives a prompt.

Kant didn't hesitate at all, and said solemnly: "Desert Bandit Camp."

【ding...system prompt】

[Constant success, the recruiting effect of the building is doubled. 】

[Desert Bandit Camp, currently recruiting 20 Desert Bandits per week. 】

The system dialog pops up and then disappears from the retina.

Kant clenched his fist slightly: "That's it."

Because when he opened the recruitment interface of the desert robber camp, the interface that used to be "can recruit 10\\/10 desert robbers" has now been changed to "can recruit 10\\/20 desert robbers" number display.

"Recruit 10 Desert Bandits."

Today is the weekend, and Kant won't waste those 10 spots.

After paying 300 dinars, 10 desert robbers immediately walked out of the camp with desert horses. Although their weapons and equipment were seriously backward, they looked extremely thin and pitiful next to the Swadian heavy cavalry, but as a long-standing robber His temperament is still preserved, like a terrifying gangster who can go berserk at any time.

These desert robbers are light cavalry who come and go without a trace, taking advantage of tactical transfer and rushing forward.

But Kant still had to make a few changes.

"Use military cards."

On the retina of the eye, the dialog box pops up again, and Kant selects.

The data flow began to spread in an instant, and right at the waist of these desert robbers, the flanged hammer, which was originally a melee weapon, disappeared out of thin air at this time.

This is a true standard weapon, not a cheap, mass-produced flanged hammer.

Outside the Stone Pass, annihilate the two waves of wicked enemies as a quest reward.

Just the perfect match.

"It's done." Kant looked at the streamlined scimitar around his waist, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

5 Salander riders led a team of 20 desert robbers, and used spears and machetes to sweep through the gnolls hidden in the surrounding dunes. There was absolutely no problem, even if the number of enemies might be large, the javelins were used to remotely consume, seduce, and divide the enemy. And then annihilating them is the forte of these desert races.

This tactic is the kujit's forte.

But the Sarandians from the desert also learned this tactic when they went to war with the Kugits on the steppe.

Just different.

The Kugits make good use of bows and arrows to harass the enemy, and only concentrate on attacking when the enemy is exhausted. The Sarandians, on the other hand, are more keen on the short javelin with powerful destructive power, which directly causes the enemy to suffer a big loss.

These are the different tactics shown by the different characteristics of the two peoples.

There is no good or bad, only suitable or not.

The Salander rides a desert horse, with wide hooves and well-proportioned body, and a strong physique, but with poor endurance. It is a horse breed that is suitable for rushing directly instead of roaming. The Salander horse is a desert horse that has been carefully bred. The rear horse.

Therefore, the Sarandians threw short javelins, instantly destroyed the enemy's line, and charged horses with guns, which produced excellent results.

In the Naron Desert, Kant of course adopted the tactics of these desert peoples.

This is the experience accumulated by our ancestors.

Just like in the future wars, Kant's Swadian troops are perfectly arranged, but these desert robbers composed of Sarandians harass the enemy's wings and rear like flies. Once the enemy reveals flaws, what will greet them is Complete death, because the flood of Swadian heavy cavalry can destroy all troops in front of him.

"The next step is to wait."

Kant thought slightly in his heart.

All buildings will be completed today. After reaching the upgrade standard that the system allows to upgrade the village of "Drehem", Kant will directly choose to upgrade.

It would be a fresh start, not the village of today.

For example, the fortress that Kant intends to upgrade.

When any force goes from weak to strong, it is accompanied by a series of fights and battles.

What's more, this is a world in which a hard fist represents justice.

Only by mastering powerful military strength can we ensure our own security. It is impossible for Kant to focus all resources on economic development in the early stage. His pre-determined route is to give priority to military development.

The same can be said of Kant's development line, which is the use of military force.

That's right, go to war.

In Kant's view, this is not a derogatory term, but the fastest way to grow in strength, have the best effect, and have the shortest effect.

With military strength, it means the fist is hard.

As long as the fist is hard and others dare not easily invade, then Kant can develop the economy with confidence.

These troops were systematically recruited, and they were always loyal to Kant. There was no military interest group at all. They opposed Kant's economic development and would only support him unconditionally.

Kant turned his head slightly.

The sun in the sky has come overhead, exuding unparalleled heat.

It's almost noon.

Taking a deep breath, Kant's face was calm, but there was a bit of contentment in his eyes.

Sweep the Sentinel Oasis.

"As the sun rises."

Kant sighed in his heart.

This is the cornerstone of the glorious future of his already small village.


The darkness is condensing, as if trying to contain the light of dawn.

But as the scorching sun finally took shape, the darkness was as unbearable as a broken flag in front of the light. In just a short moment, countless rays of light pierced through the darkness, dispelling the night, allowing the dawn of the day to come.

Kant opened his eyes, and the sky outside the window was still slightly dark.

Shaking his head, his spirit recovered quickly, he took off the wool blanket and put on his clothes, and Kant opened the door and walked downstairs.

"Master Kant."

Now the guards on the first floor have been replaced by Swadian infantrymen who are better at foot combat.

Seeing Kant come out, they all stopped their chests and said hello in high spirits.

"Yeah." Kant nodded in response.

Sitting at the wooden table in the hall, the farmer in the kitchen is preparing breakfast.

It is still the food share of all the staff and needs to be prepared earlier. Kant is not surprised by this, but just turned his head and asked the Swadian infantry who acted as guards: "Did you find anything abnormal last night?"

"Lord Kant, everything is safe."

The Swadian infantry responded decisively.

"Very good." Kant nodded with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After the early hours of this morning, Kant used the desert robber camp to refresh the recruitment time period, and took the lead in spending 600 dinars to directly recruit 20 desert robbers, directly forming a 40-person light cavalry team.

Kant did not let them idle, but instead arranged tasks.

Led by 5 Salander riders, the dunes around the Sentinel Oasis were swept by night, and it seems to be working well now.

"Isn't there a gnoll attack?" Kant asked again.


The Swadian infantry replied, and added: "Absolutely safe, no gnolls have been found around the village."

"Not bad." Kant smiled with satisfaction.

The role of the light cavalry is more than just harassing enemy lines and attacking enemy supply lines.

Tactics such as anti-reconnaissance, anti-sneak attack, and reverse osmosis can also be learned and used, which is quite convenient, fast and efficient. Sometimes it is more useful than the heavy cavalry simply used to destroy the enemy's array.

However, Kant still shook his head sadly.

When the desert robbers formed a cavalry team to clean up the dunes, they had also told them that if they could capture the gnolls, try to capture them as much as possible. After all, these guys could still be sold to the Riwadin caravan that was coming this month.

As for the replacement of the flange hammer, Kant did not regret it.

This kind of bludgeoning weapon can indeed forcefully stun the enemy in the game and obtain a large number of prisoners.

But in this real world, the heads of the desert robbers who use the horse speed hammer are basically like a watermelon that was hammered open. The broken skull fractures are concave. Let the whole head be torn apart, let alone stunned, that unlucky look is simply unbearable to look directly at.

That's why Kant asked them to change to machetes.

They are all murderous, and the sharp machete slashes through, which is much stronger than the flanged hammer with a shorter attack distance.

Kant didn't even care.

If you can capture the gnolls, you can capture them. If you can't, you can kill them all. There are no hard indicators.

At present, the development of the sentry oasis is still the most important. There is no problem in killing all the gnolls.

Sitting in the Consulate.

The sun has become rich, the night has completely dissipated, and the time of day has come.

And Kant is waiting.

The system is also quite considerate of pop-up dialog boxes.

[Ding... With the rising sun, a new week begins. 】

[Income: You collect a tax of 200 dinars in Dehrim (village). 】

[Expenditures: You pay 4,766 dinars to all the troops]

[Financial summary: The main income is: “Drehem” collects 200 dinars of head tax for civilians, no businessman tax, no factory tax, and there is a serious lack of income means. The main expenditure is military expenses: Swadian Light Infantry 369 Dinars, Swadian Infantry 800 Dinars, Swadian Heavy Cavalry 1472 Dinars, Salander Riders 145 Dinars, Desert Bandits 240 Dinars Gnar, Ravenston Ranger 1540 dinars. Fatis 100 dinars, Manid 100 dinars. 】

This is the weekly income and expenditure briefing.

Kant's eyes swept across the retina's financial summary, as he had precalculated.

One of the disadvantages of military use is that military spending consumes most of the savings.

But Kant doesn't care.

At present, the development path of the current military priority has been determined, and he will naturally not change it.

In this world, there are scattered gnolls everywhere, not to mention the depths of the Nalen Desert, there are also many gnoll tribes in the Sangwaya Mountains, it is really simple and easy to capture some and replace them with dinars. .

After checking the finances, Kant's eyes flashed brightly.

Next is what he has to do.

But before that, Kant has to be fully prepared.

After pondering slightly, Kant raised his head and instructed the guards at the door: "Send an order to ask Fatis to assemble the Swadia troops as soon as possible, and deploy in the sentry oasis, with Manid as his deputy to assist."

"Understood, my lord." The guard responded immediately, saluting and leaving quickly.

Not long.

There were loud footsteps and the sound of horses neighing at the same time.

Kant's order was conveyed, and all Swadia's troops began to assemble and stand by.

This is the strongest military strength currently possessed by Kant. This powerful force, even the original Gnoll tribe, is estimated to be trembling for it, and they do not dare to offend easily.

41 Swadian Light Infantry, 50 Swadian Infantry.

46 Swadian heavy cavalry, 20 Ravenston Rangers.

As well as wandering in the outer desert, a light cavalry team consisting of 5 Salander riders and 40 desert robbers.

A powerful elite composed of 202 people as a whole.

There is no moisture, all of them are high-level soldiers who can directly enter the battlefield to fight.

Among them, the lowest-ranking arms are all Swadian light infantry in infantry chain mail, wearing infantry pointed helmets, holding thick fan-shaped shields, heavy spears, and standard German soldiers on their waists.

Kant believed that nothing was wrong.

Sentinel Oasis is now safe.

Also a good time to upgrade.

And Kant's thinking, a straightforward communication system, chose the golden card in his mind.


Kant was sure, and the card with the golden light in his mind shattered instantly.

The mysterious power comes.

A once-rejected upgrade request now reappears on Kant's retina.

In order to see the above dialog box clearly, Kant closed his eyes.

【ding...system prompt】

[Currently, the village "Drehem" is well-equipped and allows upgrades. 】

[Yes\\/No to upgrade. 】

The system gave a choice, but at this time, how could Kant hesitate.

Taking a deep breath, Kant affirmed: "Upgrade."

Words stand for affirmation, and Kant's tone is equally affirmative.

The golden light that had been scattered into broken awns instantly turned into a data stream, and appeared in the outside world with Kant's thoughts.

The entire Consulate was wrapped.

A large number of data chains began to entangle, and a mysterious and mysterious existence was coming.

As if breaking some kind of crystal wall and communicating two rules, Kant, who was in the consular hall, also seemed to be transformed into this mysterious and mysterious force, and began to transform the consular hall.

As well as injecting new rules.

【ding...system prompt】

[The village has reached the upgrade standard, and this upgrade has two modes to choose from. 】

【①Fortress (Military)\\/②City (Economic)】

[Please make a reasonable choice based on the current situation, which cannot be changed after confirmation. 】

The system dialog box popped up in Kant's eyes.

Kant is free from that mysterious power.

Wei Wei swallowed and spit, he made a choice: "Fortress."

【ding...system prompt】

[The mode is determined to be a fortress, and the village begins to upgrade. 】

The flow of data continues to spread.

It seems like a long time, but it's just a few short breaths.

The data flow that completely enveloped the Consular Hall was fierce when it came, and disappeared in an instant.

Kant, who was sitting in the chair, opened his eyes.


Slowly exhaling a sullen breath, Kant looked in front of him.

What came into view was still the long table, which seemed to be no different from the previous one, but when Kant looked up at the decorations on both sides, he couldn't help but squinted slightly, the change was really too great.

The neatly cut stones are like blue bricks, which are laid to form a neat floor in the Consular Hall.

The surrounding walls have disappeared from the previous planks, but are made of stone.

The width is like the stones used to build the city wall. It was measured by engineers and built layer by layer, so that the height of the entire hall reaches 4 meters. For the sake of beauty, there is a lion symbolizing the kingdom of Swadia hanging on the wall. Flag.

This also fits the aesthetics and logo of the Principality of the Lion.

Kant looked at the impression that he had lived in the Principality of the Lion for 16 years, and believed that these flags represented the Principality of the Lion without the slightest problem.

Although male lions are drawn differently, they all represent lions.

Kant turned his head to look to the sides.

The originally spacious and open windows have now disappeared, and the 4-meter-high stone walls have no concept of windows at all.

Causes the light to be a little dim.

This made Kant stunned for a moment, and he subconsciously thought of the Stone Pass, the official residence of Baron Dylan.

Really similar.

The rooms on both sides have been blocked by walls. Only at the corners of the walls on both sides of the position where Kant is sitting, there are two passages that do not know where to connect, and there are also two Swadian infantrymen waiting for them.

Like the two infantrymen in front of the gate, they were all standing guard.

Standing up, Kant walked towards the passage on the left, thinking in his heart: "Is it leading upstairs?"

According to the experience in previous games, the fortress buildings in the Kingdom of Swadia are usually multi-storey, and seeing that the current Consulate Hall has all been made of stone, it is estimated that there are more layers and higher buildings.

"Master Kant."

The Swadian infantry standing guard saluted respectfully.

"Yeah." Kant nodded as a response.

Entering the passage, as Kant expected before, is a staircase built with wooden boards in the two-story wall, leading directly to the top, but looking up, it seems that the current Consulate Hall has become a three-story.

The space on the second floor is relatively narrow, and the corridors are divided into rooms with wooden boards on both sides.

Similar to the layout of the in-game hotel, it is obviously a room for the guards, and it is also a storage room. Although it looks small, it is roughly estimated that it can accommodate 20 guards to rest.

Kant continued up the stairs to the third floor.

This should belong to the lord's space. Only three rooms are divided by wooden boards, and the interior space is very spacious.

Moreover, there are many ornaments hanging on the walls, and carpets on the ground, all of which are typical Swadia style, luxurious and graceful and domineering.

"Not bad." Kant nodded.

He looked at the room, which was also full of carpets and decorations, and the bed was covered with soft velvet.

This is precious fabric in games.

But Kant looked up and found that the stairs were still leading to a higher place. He walked over curiously, but there was a wooden door at the top. As he pushed it open, the bright and sunlight suddenly shone down, making Kant couldn't help squinting slightly.

He rolled over and walked out.

This is a stone-built hut, similar to an elevator room on the top floor.

"Master Kant."

Respectful greetings came, it was two Ravenston Rangers salute.

Kant's eyes adapted to the light, and he squinted slightly to look around. The vast desert in the distance was unobstructed, and the vast sand sea was incomparably vast.

Here is the top floor of the Consulate.

The stone roof has become the floor at the bottom of the feet, with a spacious space of about 400 square meters, and a half-meter-high arrow-blocking wall has been specially built at the edge. The concave-convex jagged appearance can also allow archers to shoot from a high position.

"How high is it here." Kant swallowed and asked.

The Ravenston Ranger replied, "My lord, it's 10 meters tall."

Kant came to the arrow wall, looked down on the bulge, and made his heart beat a little faster from the height. Although he did not suffer from acrophobia, the fear of heights still made his heart palpitate.

The originally familiar street appeared in front of Kant.

The Consulate Hall has changed from an area of ​​300 square meters to the current 400 square meters, and it is 10 meters high, just like a stone giant that crushes all the buildings at the bottom.

He was also hesitant to upgrade the Consulate Hall, and the streets also changed a little.

But the overall effect is similar to usual.

Fatis was leading the troops to assemble and stand by on the street. Seeing Kant looking down, all of them showed a fanatical expression, raising their weapons high and shouting like cheers.

"Lord Kant!"

This is their heartfelt admiration for Kant, their adoration from the heart and their loyalty from the soul.

At this moment, Kant's heart also seemed to be ignited with pride.

Standing on the edge of the arrow wall, he waved to the soldiers below. Although he did not speak, it was this response that caused all the soldiers of Swadia below to shout and cheer.

"This is my fortress."

Kant squinted slightly, with unparalleled confidence in his heart.

After the upgrade, it seems that only the basic administrative hall of the village has been changed to a fortress-level administrative hall.

But that's just one of them.

Kant opened his retina and looked at the current interface of "Drehem", which was completely different.

[Fortress] buildings have appeared.

This is a new beginning.

Conder leaves the top floor, and two Ravenston Rangers bid him farewell.

They are the sentries stationed here, and at the same time they can rely on the heavy bows in their hands to carry out long-range strikes on any enemy who tries to approach the sentry oasis. The height of 10 meters plus the bowing skills of the Ravenston Ranger can completely cover the entire sentry oasis.

For these rangers honed in the Misty Mountains, Kant trusts them a lot.

Back in the hall on the first floor, Kant sat back in his seat.

"Open data list."

Kant's mind communicates the system again.

The current data list pops up instantly on the retina.



[Lord: Kant]

【Deposit: 3534 Dinars】

【Reputation: 1200】

【Honor: 0】

[Generals: Fatis, Manid]

【Category: Swadia Fortress】

【Current population: 200 people】

[Buildings: Consular Hall (fortress level), houses (6), watchtowers, desert robber camps, grocery stores, sugar workshops, training grounds, mills, walls, wells, post stations]

[Buildable: houses, barracks, stables, bell towers, city walls, city gates, arrow towers, weapon workshops, prison cells]

[Upgradable: Watchtower, Training Ground]

【Building Package: Stone Wall】

[Agricultural resources: date palm forest (2 mu), wheat field (7.5 mu), splendens grass beach (5 mu)]

[Animal husbandry: dromedary camels (10 horses)]

[Overview of the troops: 91 infantry, 91 cavalry, and 20 archers. 】

[Existing troops: Swadia Light Infantry (41), Swadia Infantry (50), Swadia Heavy Cavalry (46), Sarand Rider (5), Desert Bandit (40) people), Ravenston Ranger (20 people)]

[Available to recruit: Swadia Recruits (Consultation Hall), Desert Bandit (Desert Bandit Camp)]

[Evaluation: The brand-new "Drehem" fortress has just been established, and it looks a bit bad. Clear spring water flows into small lakes and nourishes the arid and barren land. Hopeful farmers are busy in the date palm groves and fields. But as a fortress, there are few buildings, and the living area is quite crowded, and there are no fortifications. It is worth noting that there are no ladies in the fortress. 】

【Remarks: Not included in the statistics if not produced by the system】


This is the newly upgraded "Drehem" fortress.

Kant exhaled slightly and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The evaluation of the system is really merciless."

As a village, the evaluation was still good, and now it is directly defined as bad.

Looking at the buildable categories on the interface and the dense arrangement, Kant reluctantly accepted this evaluation. After all, according to the statistics of the large number of military buildings above, the current fortress is indeed very simple.

To be called a fortress, at least there must be a wall that can protect the territory.

Just like those castles in previous games.

It's just that the current village has been upgraded to a fortress, and the construction time of the building has changed from 7 days to 20 days and 50 days, which is completely doubled.

This makes Kant thankful that it is wise for him not to completely consume his prestige.

"However, the walls can be built."

Kant's eyes flashed brightly, this was the architectural gift he had drawn.

At the beginning, the city wall was not directly built, because it was afraid of hindering the development and construction of the village. It is still wise to think about it now. If you really choose to build the city wall at that time, then the fortress building that appears now will completely disrupt the original plan.

The importance of fortress planning can be reflected in the defensive effect.

If the city walls and defensive buildings are not constructed reasonably, there will be dead ends and gaps in the defense, which will be fatal to the fortress.

It's a military building after all.

The key to defending a certain area, if the defense declines due to planning problems, and a gap occurs, which is then discovered by the enemy and used as a breakthrough to launch a ferocious attack, then the fall of the fortress is only a matter of time.

This is not the case now.

All fort-level buildings have been listed.

Kant can completely rely on the buildings in the list and set aside space for construction in advance, which means that there is no problem in building stone walls now.

"Build stone walls."

Kant's thinking goes on to communicate the system.

Now that he has made up his mind, Kant will implement it vigorously, and it is not his character to be sloppy.

In my mind, the cards on the stone wall instantly shattered.

The flow of data is given new rules by esoteric forces.

And Kant's whole person also rose instantly with the divergence of his thoughts. When he reacted, he had already appeared 20 meters above the "Drehem" fortress from the perspective of God.

Condescendingly, he could clearly see his fortress.

The whole body is made of stone, and it should be called a square tower. The height of 10 meters is like a rock giant.

On the street at the bottom, Fatis and the troops are still assembled and ready to go.

But on the street of the Consulate Hall, it is like a small black spot, which is not proportional to this huge rock giant at all.

Of course this is just speculation.

Kant was amused by his own thoughts.

Shaking his head slightly.

Kant regained his sanity and swept through the current layout of the sentry oasis, which is still dominated by agriculture on the north side, and residential and handicraft industries on the south side. This is a simple plan for the village at the beginning, but it is a good foundation.

Kant, an agricultural area to the north, has no plans to change.

The residential and handicraft areas in the south were also identified by Kant.

The weapon workshop in the building list, also classified by Kant in the handicraft area, is also placed on the south side.

On the west side is a small lake and 5 acres of Achnatherum splendens.

Kant intends to develop the west side into a livestock area, where all the livestock will be fed in the future, and the fertilizer produced can just be transferred to the agricultural area.

As for other similar cells, barracks, etc., Kant intends to regulate them all on the east side.

Next to the pre-built training ground, there is also a spacious free sand area, which can completely distribute these military buildings, and in the future, any situation can be supported in time.

No matter how the fort is planned, it will not be too big.

Closely connected buildings, bounded by the city wall, are strong against the attack of the enemy and ensure the ownership of the lord in this area. This is the definition of a fortress or a castle.

In the Principality of Lions, castles and villages were the fiefs of nobles and knights.

As for towns and cities, they belonged to the exclusive territory of the king, and officials needed to be dispatched to the city hall to govern.

Of course, Kant only has this fortress at present, so there is no need to worry.

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