From the evening of May 25, the twenty-seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao urgently contacted Xinping and asked Xinping to notify relevant personnel to return to the Holy Land of Emperor Yi for a meeting, until June 3, the twenty-seventh year of Tianxuan, the Divine Selection of 12 branch territories The player lords each returned to their own branch territories, including Liu Qianhui and Ximen Fenghua. On June 7, Su Yan and Mo Yangqiao left the Holy Land of Emperor Yi and returned to the Liusu Empire and the Mughal Empire in the Eastern Continent. Qu Mao was extremely The incident of the nervous birdman system miniature did not happen.

The meeting convened by Qu Mao cautiously did not seem to have any other meaning except for allowing the 12 God-chosen player lords from the branch territories to each bring back warrior recruitment coupons that can recruit 1 million traditional-level warriors.

These traditional-level warrior recruitment coupons are naturally the materials that Qu Mao obtained by consuming cheating points from the cheating mall. The cheating mall still has not updated new gunpowder weapons and new ammunition, leaving Qu Mao’s cheating system stocked with trillions of points. Cheating values ​​are useless.

The God's Chosen player lords in the five old branch territories did not take away the traditional warrior recruitment coupons, but were distributed to the God's Chosen player lords in the seven new branch territories. As for what kind of exchange agreement they reached. , Qu Mao didn’t know and wasn’t interested.

In addition, the seven chosen player lords of the new branch territory almost emptied the granaries on the islands in Emperor Yi's territory. Xuande's new ammunition arsenal on Ji Island and Lien Island also seemed to have suffered a catastrophe and was destroyed by the seven. The chosen player lord of the new branch territory looted it.

Considering the situation of the seven God-Chosen player lords in the new branch territory, Qu Mao did not stop their behavior. Anyway, each person only has one backpack. If the backpack is full, it will not harm the holy land of Emperor Yi's territory.

After June 15th of the twenty-seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao did not wait for the birdman system thumbnail, so he put this matter aside and prepared to start inspecting the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's territory.

Qu Mao never doubted the information given by Lai Diezi, but he just didn't want to wait any longer.

From the time I received Lai Die's letter on May 23 to June 15, there was no movement in the holy land of Emperor Yi's territory for nearly three weeks. Qu Mao also sent a secret message on the Lord's communication channel asking Lai Die and Fu Zhi’s opinion, Lai Diezi’s and Fu Zhi’s replies were both patiently waiting.

Since everything in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory is as usual, Qu Mao decided not to worry about the birdman system miniatures for the time being. When the birdman system is reduced in size, Emperor Yi's Territory will respond according to the specific changes.

During this period of time, the maps and buildings in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's Territory were in normal condition. Qu Mao decided not to affect the normal development of Emperor Yi's Territory by waiting for the birdman system miniatures.

Both Lai Diezhen and Fu Zhi warned Qu Mao to attach great importance to the miniature operation of the Birdman system. However, the current technology and industry in Yi Emperor's territory were in the process of healthy development, and Qu Mao was really unwilling to interrupt this healthy development.

Therefore, Qu Mao decided to patrol the holy land of Emperor Yi while waiting for the birdman system's thumbnail operation.

The first thing to inspect is naturally the 15 islands in the holy land of Emperor Yi's territory and the various scientific research institutes on the twin islands in the middle. Technology is always the first thing in Emperor Yi's territory, even more important than the construction of the army.

Especially in terms of military technology, this is one of the reasons why the military equipment of Emperor Yi's territory can crush the power of any other God's Chosen player lord for a long time.

Qu Mao even believed that if Dugu Qiuchu did not have hidden weapons, the military equipment of Yi Di Territory should be able to defeat the Dugu Empire, even though the Dugu Empire still occupies the top position in the comprehensive strength rankings of the Gods Chosen player lords, and Yi Di Territory is currently Didn't even make it into the top ten.

In addition to inspecting all military science and technology research institutes and civilian science and technology research institutes, Qu Mao's second step plan is to visit various schools in the holy land of foreign territories.

A long time ago, Qu Mao's territory of Emperor Yi inherited the results of the universal education achieved by the previous king of the Liusu Principality in the past ten years, which were the results of universal education implemented by Su Yan's father in the Principality of Liusu. At that time, the territory of Emperor Yi had not yet regained the Principality of Liusu. Woolen cloth.

After more than 20 years of development, the Holy Land of Yi Di Territory has formed a complete education system of elementary school, middle school, university and supplementary vocational and technical schools. In addition, the Holy Land of Yi Di Territory has been developing peacefully for nearly two decades. Children of aborigines have A generation has come of age.

In the early days of the Yi Emperor's territory, Qu Mao would provide a certain number of recruitment coupons for residents with excellent qualifications to the Minister of Education, Kong Fu, during spring and autumn admissions of universities every year, to supplement the student pool of each university.

However, as the total population of the Yi Emperor Territory in the Eastern Continent has exceeded 35 billion, the total number of the Holy Land, the Eastern Continent and the five old branch territories of the Yi Emperor Territory is more than 3,000 universities. The enrollment cannot even satisfy all the young people from its own aborigines, so naturally there is no need for Qu Mao to provide recruitment vouchers for residents with excellent qualifications.

The battles in each branch's territory will naturally bring about abnormal deaths of soldiers and original residents, but Qu Mao frequently provides warrior recruitment coupons or hero recruitment coupons, so the actual population controlled by Emperor Yi's territory also increases abnormally.

Just like in early June, when the chosen player lords of the 12 branch territories left the Holy Land, on average each person had more warrior recruitment coupons in their backpack that could recruit 1 million traditional-level warriors. If all are used up, 12 million warriors can be recruited. Where are the soldiers?

Technology and education are matters that Qu Mao is very concerned about, so Qu Mao walked around the holy land of Emperor Yi's territory over and over again, nothing more than inspecting scientific research institutes and universities, and cheering for the aborigines engaged in scientific research and education.

On July 15, the twenty-seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao met Kong Fu, the Minister of Education of Emperor Yi's territory, at the Zhidao New Technology Research University. Kong Fu strongly requested Qu Mao to allow the Ministry of Education to increase the construction of vocational and technical schools. , after all, the technology, industry, and education in Yi Di's territory are showing a healthy development trend, and there is a huge gap in the demand for skilled workers in all walks of life.

Qu Mao personally has never paid much attention to education in vocational and technical schools. His focus has always been on university education.

After much thought, Qu Mao reluctantly agreed to Kong Fu's request for the Ministry of Administration to allocate special gold coins to build 100 vocational and technical schools in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's territory in the second half of the twenty-seventh year of Tianxuan, and to build 400 more on the Eastern Continent. Special educational development plans for vocational and technical schools.

The corresponding requirement is that within the same period of time, Kong Fu must build 10 new universities in the Holy Land of Emperor Yi's territory and 40 new universities on the Eastern Continent.

It is not difficult to build school infrastructure, but it is mainly difficult to raise teachers, but Kong Fu still agreed to Qu Mao's conditions.

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