Qu Mao winked at Jenny Walter, and Jenny Walter immediately pulled out her light blue staff.

The group of prisoners of war, which had started to be a little calm, began to surge again.

Qu Mao shouted: "Chafidel, Jenny, go and arrest the prisoner of war hero, there is no need for interrogation, and he will be directly detained in a small military village, with a bamboo tube of water and a corn every day, don't waste more food.

If you are willing to surrender, you will surrender. If you are not willing to surrender, you will be locked up first, and then thrown to the dam construction site to move stones. "

Chafidel bowed his bow and set his arrow, and nodded to Qu Mao.

Jenny Walter waved her blue staff and walked directly to a position about three meters outside the group of prisoners of war. She chanted a spell and waved her staff in her hand. A blue ribbon of water appeared out of nowhere and wrapped around the hero. Retract toward where Jenny Walter is.

Several prisoners of war desperately hugged the legs and body of the heroic prisoner of war, but Chafidel had already shot three arrows in a row, hitting the throats of three prisoners who were hugging the heroic prisoner of war.

When the heroic prisoner of war was pulled out of the prison circle by the water belt, Sir Mrak had already drawn out the long sword in his waist and put it on his neck. The hero just wanted to talk to Qu Mao, but Qu Mao said directly: "I don't want to hear If you say anything, don't talk to me about hero rules and the like. If you violate my territory, you must be mentally prepared to be killed by me.

I don't care about rubbish heroes like you, my heroes are all epic-level qualifications. You are just a chip or a pawn, I want you to watch how your huge fleet is broken by us.

Please remember your identity, you are just a slave in our territory of Yi Village, a slave as humble as an ant, don't talk about other things with me, especially after you and other heroes incited the prisoners of war to hurt my people, you are destined to die Cleanse yourself of your sins, live to see your troops wiped out, and die with regret and remorse. "

The prisoner hero's complexion changed drastically several times, and then he turned pale after all, and drooped his head heavily.

A prisoner of war suddenly jumped up and shouted: "My lord, my lord, I surrender! I swear allegiance to my lord!

I swear allegiance to you, I am only a sailor, I am not a warrior. I don't want to die like an ant, please have mercy! "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "A person who understands current affairs is a hero. I accept your surrender. Village Chief Liu, give him food, give him the treatment of a leader, and give him the status of a free citizen after accumulating merit."

The movement of the prisoner of war to surrender has basically stopped before, and now another person will jump out. Qu Mao feels very strange. He clicks on the attribute panel of the prisoner of war, and after a glance at Qu Mao, he is relieved. The qualification of this prisoner of war is excellent. He has the qualifications and talent for educating people, but unfortunately he is only a leader and has no other occupations.

Xuande shouted again: "You guys, why bother? In a world of great chaos, you'll be living for nothing everywhere, and your garbage fleet can't save you. Do you still expect your lords to be separated by thousands of people? Continue to send more troops to rescue you?

Wake up, don't you even think about it, does the hero who brought you here have a reputation like an epic, and do you have lords and nobles' cronies in your army? From the moment you set off, you are destined to be abandoned pawns.

Think again, not all the heroes who lead you are mediocre heroes...Prisoners like ants, what are you still insisting on?

Surrender, if you don't surrender, you will starve to death, if you surrender, you will have sweet and delicious corn..."

One of Xuande's skills is "demagoguery", so after Xuande shook his lips and tongue, another wave of prisoners chose to surrender, and gathered around Village Chief Liu Yimo, willing to eat corn hungrily.

Qu Mao estimated that there were only so many battle results today, so he waved his hand and asked Kong Ming to take 300 prisoners of war, and Xuande to take 200 prisoners of war, under the guard of first-tier fighters, second-tier fighters, and even zero-tier militiamen, to head south. Come to the village.

These prisoners of war have only been starved for half a night at present, and some prisoners of war can still persist. If they starve for a whole day, they will improve a lot at night.

As the starvation time gets longer, more and more prisoners of war are bound to waver, and finally choose to swear to surrender. Perhaps it is not certain that 1,000 people will be able to surrender in this wave.

At present, these prisoners of war still retain their status as fighters, with the attribute bonus of the fighter profession, but they do not have equipment and weapons. But once they swear to surrender and allegiance, the heroes and officials who accept the surrender in the Yi Village Territory will face two choices. One is to continue to maintain their status as fighters and let them become surrendered soldiers; The need to pay severance pay can directly make prisoners of war lose their status as soldiers.

Moreover, after becoming a citizen, although the attribute values ​​​​of these prisoners of war will not change, they will lose the attribute bonus of the warrior profession, and their combat effectiveness and threat will be greatly reduced in an instant.

Before coming here, Qu Mao had already discussed with all the heroes. All the captives of the Anti-Cheating Alliance, except the heroes, were all turned into citizens to reduce the threat to the territory of Yi Village. After all, the total number of subjects in the territory of Yi Village is still too little.

Although the territory of Yi Village is also short of fighters, compared with the number of citizens, the number of fighters in the territory of Yi Village is already quite a lot. Including the navy, there are nearly 2,000 fighters in the territory of Yi Village.

However, the current total population of the territory of Yi Village is only 7,000 people. After removing more than 2,000 fighters, there are only more than 5,000 people left. This is still the zero-level militia. If they were counted as fighters, then the number of remaining citizens in Yi Village's territory would be even lower.

When Qu Mao also decided to leave, among the more than 1,700 prisoners of war, Kong Ming, Chafidel, and Xuande took away a total of 500, and those who were killed by Xiang Yu and A Ke added up to about 70. The second-tier archer Liwei killed almost 30 people, and in the end, Chafidel and Jenny Walter jointly killed about 50 people. The total number of surrendered prisoners of war was 178.

There are still about 800-900 prisoners of war left in the prisoner-of-war circle of Midway Village, and there are definitely less than 1,000. These prisoners of war are still unwilling to surrender. Qu Mao estimates that there should be heroes and the like.

Thinking of this, Qu Mao decided to frighten these prisoners of war one more time, and reduce some uncertain factors by the way, then turned his head and shouted to Sir Mrak: "Mrak, command these humble prisoners of war like ants to clean up the corpses in the prison circle , Throw it to the back mountain to feed the wild beasts, don't let our leaders do it, let the prisoners of war handle it themselves, and continue to kill those who don't obey!"

Sir Mrak glanced at Qu Mao, and saw the determination from Qu Mao's face, so Sir Mrak shouted: "The prisoners of war in this area, get up, clean up the corpses of your companions, and throw them over there along this road. to the side mountains.

Jenny Walter, leading a team of senior fighters, is on standby. Any commotion or disobedience will be directly killed. "

Some prisoners of war selected by Sir Mrak, even if they only showed the slightest hesitation on their faces, or showed signs of disgust or vomiting, the magicians in the senior warrior squad would accurately release single-target magic, Kill that prisoner of war.

In less than ten minutes, more than 50 prisoners of war were killed, and the number of prisoners of war being ruthlessly killed was increasing.

Finally, a person in the circle of prisoners of war stood up, bowed his hands and saluted: "Respected Lord of the enemy army, I am Shi Buhui, a hero under the command of Lord Liu Qianhui in Qianhui Township, I implore you to stop killing innocent people indiscriminately, they are just a group of Poor prisoners of war, they have no weapons, and it is impossible to pose a threat to your territory..."

Qu Mao snorted coldly: "Can't pose a threat? Are you pretending that my people are injured? Or do you think my people are as cheap as the ants in front of me now?

History does not regret, right? I'm not interested in listening to the nonsense of a failed intruder explaining the consequences of standing up and talking, or you'll be executed by me for disobeying my order not to make noise! "

Shi Buhui's words were directly interrupted by Qu Mao, and then his face became extremely ugly, and then he sighed, without any hesitation, knelt down on one leg, knocked his head on the ground, and said: "The defeated hero Shi Buhui, see my lord! I would like to offer you my allegiance!"

Qu Mao sneered and said, "I approve your surrender, but I don't need your loyalty. You can be a wandering hero in my territory now."

Take a look at the attribute panel of this hero named Shi Buhui. It turns out to be an excellent-level qualification, and his occupation is a logistics officer. Compared with the epic-level heroes recruited by cheating in the territory of Yi Village, his skills and talents are rubbish. up.

And the level is only a pitiful level 34. Regardless of the hero's aptitude in Yicun Territory, any hero is not above level 60. Of course, the newly recruited Fuer Swamp has a relatively short time to upgrade because he took him out to hunt, and now he may even reach level 10. None.

Qu Mao continued: "Shi Buhui, the wandering hero who was guarded, if you don't want your soldiers to be slaughtered like ants, I suggest you call on your soldiers to surrender and don't negotiate terms with me.

I hope they surrender because I don’t want to waste the arrows and magic points of my soldiers. You should be very clear that I will not waste a grain of food for these prisoners of war, so that they have the strength to threaten my people. "

Shi Buhui didn't take the corn handed over by Village Chief Liu Yimo, but turned to look at the prison circle and said, "Soldiers and sailors of Qianhui Town, I am the one who is sorry for you all.

The reason for the failure of this battle lies with me and not with you. Please surrender. All the blame rests on me alone, you are innocent, and you don't need to bear any loyalty to the territory. "

Under Shi Buhui's call, another 110 prisoners of war announced their surrender at the same time, and Qu Mao nodded in satisfaction. There were only more than 700 prisoners of war left, and the pressure on the prisoners of war was slightly relieved.

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