Kong Ming planned for a long time, asking Su Yan and Sunan to take Qu Mao to Nanli Village, and after discussing the construction plan of Yi Village, the center of the outlying island, Qu Mao finally reluctantly agreed to Kong Ming's plan.

After Qu Mao agreed, Kong Ming immediately organized the leaders to prepare for the new Yi Village. During the discussion, Kong Ming and Su Yan mentioned that Maffei Trani was about to return to the territory of Yi Village. Mao took a shot in the arm.

Not two days after returning from the outlying island, Su Yan called Qu Mao to go to Yidao civilian dock to welcome Maffei Trani and his fleet back home.

Apparently, on the way back, Fuer Swamp had already briefed Sylvia Oshin on the current development of the navy in the territory of Yi Village through remote communication.

So after getting off the ship, Sylvia Ocean hurriedly said hello to Qu Mao, and after agreeing with Su Yan on the time and place to empty the backpack, she rushed towards the naval barracks, not even willing to rest for a moment.

Maffei Trani met Qu Mao and traded 50 gold coins to Qu Mao before he started reporting.

"My lord, this time our fleet continued to sail northeast after White Harbor for about 1,000 kilometers, entered the territory of the Mughal Empire, and finally stopped at Black Harbor, the closest Mughal Empire to our territory of Yi Village, and sailed in the name of Liu Wang. The forged identity of the principality caravan signed a trade agreement with the Mughal Empire.

Black Harbor can also be traded every four months. In fact, Black Harbor of the Mughal Empire is about 1,800 kilometers away from our Island of Easy. "

Qu Mao was stunned and said, "Can we reach the Mughal Empire so soon? Then Sunan and I told Jack Twain that we were a noble caravan of the Mughal Empire, and it would take four months for a voyage. too much.

If the black port of the Mughal Empire was only 1,500 kilometers away from Yancheng Port, it would take about five or six days to sail there, right?

If we didn't procrastinate so long, we could enter and exit Yancheng Port more frequently. "

Maffei Trani said with a smile: "My lord, doing business on the sea is not as simple as you imagined. This time we are going because Sir Sylvia leads the navy to drive the merchant ship, and we are going to open up a new sea route. Day and night along the way, do not stop at other ports for rest.

If the normal commercial route is 1,500 kilometers, not counting the import and export, the standard time for sailing for more than two weeks, including the trade at each port, is just four months.

At the beginning of the four-month report to the Yancheng Port official, Mr. Sunan did not talk nonsense, which is more in line with the real situation of maritime trade. This is also the reason why the Yancheng Port military has never suspected our caravan until now.

My lord, the reason why Yancheng Port is so smooth is not only because of the gold coins we bribed, but also because of the deceptiveness of the information compiled by Master Sunan.

Officials in any port accept bribes. This is a general rule in maritime business, and not only Yancheng Port will accept bribes. "

Qu Mao said: "Okay, let's not talk about this.

Black Harbor, White Harbor, and Yancheng Harbor, now we have three ports open to navigation. Even if each port can only be visited once every four months, we can basically do foreign trade once every one and a half months. I think this is A big improvement.

Ma Fei, you have worked hard, which has contributed greatly to the development of Yi Village's territory. "

Maffei Trani said to Su Yan: "Master Su Yan, I only brought back 500 leaders from Black Harbor City this time, but the leaders purchased from Black Harbor City are generally tall and strong. Great, Master Su Yan, you can arrange it properly.

But this time, they only brought some common goods to open up business routes, and the profits were not high.

I gave the adult 50 gold coins, and after reconciliation, I am afraid that I can only give about 10 gold coins to the territory account. "

Su Yan nodded, and said: "You have harvested 60 gold coins, and you can also harvest an additional 500 leaders, which already shows that you have done a very good job, Maffei.

My lord, you and Master Maffei chat first, and your subordinates will go over and resettle the people brought back. These people brought back from the Mughal Empire cannot be treated like the people brought back from Yancheng.

It may take some time for them to return to their hearts, and it is estimated that the difficulty is the same as that of the leaders brought back by Baicheng Port. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Go ahead, Su Yan, be patient, you shouldn't have any big problems, if not, arrange for Xuande or Zhenfu, they have more methods."

Maffei Trani continued to report to Qu Mao: "My lord, the 50 gold coins I just traded to you this time are the net profit of our trip. After reconciling other miscellaneous accounts with Master Su Yan, they can probably be settled. 10 gold coins to Yi Village territory account.

The main reason is that the added value of the products we brought is a little lower, nothing more than animal skins, cured meat and grains, these are not high-value commodities.

The subordinates purchased a lot of spirits from the Mughal Empire. Because of the cold weather in the Mughal Empire, their citizens liked to drink spirits, especially strong spirits. The subordinates bought some and brought them back to Yicun Tavern.

From my humble opinion, bacon, sea salt, animal skins and grains should all be relatively popular commodities in the Mughal Empire, so I might consider bringing some more next time.

It’s just that sea trade has always been a bulk commodity transaction of a wholesale nature. In the future, we still have to consider opening up land trade caravans, and develop in depth through various seaport cities to inland cities in other countries, so as to obtain higher profits. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Well, next time you go to the Black Harbor trade, you can bring whatever you want.

But right now, I think it is better to consider the goods and supplies to White Harbor City first. The gold coins in the territorial account are too short, so I still have to bring some blank rune stones to White Harbor City for trading. "

Maffei Trani said with a smile: "My lord, when you go to Yancheng Port, your subordinates must bring blank rune stones, and you are still arguing with your subordinates, my lord.

You think that the blank rune stone is a strategic material, but now you go to Baigang City, your subordinates didn't mention it, but you took the initiative to mention it.

In fact, there is a lack of gold coins in Yi Village's territorial account, and the subordinates have also discovered this problem. If you don't mention it, my lord, my subordinates will take the initiative to mention the blank rune stone to you before leaving.

In fact, my subordinate’s views are consistent with yours, my lord. When you go to White Harbor City, you must bring some blank rune stones to sell, otherwise our development will lack gold coins, and all plans will be in vain.

In the future, my subordinates will serve as trade officers, and I definitely hope that my efforts can maintain the gold coins needed for the development of Yi Village's territory, but there is definitely no way to achieve it in the short term, so let's take it step by step.

Lord Xinping has already taken root in Su City of Liuwang Principality, and slowly Liuwang Principality's land trade routes will be established. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Maffei, you are the trade officer of the territory of Yi Village. You can arrange these things yourself, and the whole territory must cooperate with your plan."

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