On the morning of September 1st, 3rd year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao bought a pack of ordinary-level qualified resident recruitment coupons that Lai Dima had purchased from the market. The same as the past three months, there were still 999 coupons.

Lai Dima expressed great dissatisfaction and regret for Qu Mao's insistence on purchasing 999 residents' recruitment coupons with ordinary qualifications.

However, Qu Mao is also very persistent and resolute. Lai Dima does not sell resident recruitment coupons, so Qu Mao would rather give up the purchase opportunity in September, even if there is only one purchase opportunity from Lai Dima in a month.

Lai Dima has been persuading Qu Mao to purchase large-scale military facilities, high-end weapons, or high-level fighter recruitment coupons. He believes that Qu Mao must strengthen his military power if he wants to withstand the invasion caused by the birdman's mission.

But Lai Dima didn't know about Qu Mao's own cheating system, and it was impossible for Qu Mao to be stupid enough to tell Lai Dima about this. General military facility construction blueprints, high-end weapon finished products, and senior soldier recruitment coupons, Qu Mao's You can buy them directly in the cheating mall, as long as Qu Mao has enough cheating value, but ordinary resident recruitment coupons are only available when the cheating mall has a limited time discount, and on the other hand, it is not worthwhile to use cheating value to buy ordinary-level qualification resident recruitment coupons.

Under Qu Mao's insistence, Lai Dima was unwilling to give up this month's sales opportunity. If Qu Mao gave up, he would give up the habit of purchasing from himself every month. Lai Dima felt that his loss would be huge. bigger.

Qu Mao is not clear on the cost of 999 ordinary-level qualification resident recruitment coupons, but 10 gold coins per ticket, and an average of 10 ordinary-level self-owned residents only spend 1 gold coin, compared to other It is 20 times cheaper to purchase goods from trading ports.

Qu Mao grabbed Su Yan who was about to go out in the living room of the lord's hut, handed the 999 resident recruitment coupons he had just purchased to Su Yan, and then said to Su Yan: "Su Yan, the four members of the navy and the army Hero, the battle plan has not been discussed yet.

However, Zhao Pan has already promised that they will arrest a total of 160,000 enemies tomorrow, and at least guarantee that 150,000 can directly join the army or navy of our Yizhen territory in the name of surrendering troops.

I take into account your identity and the fact that we will recover the Duchy of Liusu in the future, so after the soldiers who allowed the Dukedom of Liu to invade are captured, they can directly become soldiers in our territory of Yi Town.

So the 99,900 self-owned resident recruitment vouchers may have to be recruited and settled before the war begins..."

Su Yan took the resident recruitment voucher, glanced at it, and said, "Don't worry, my lord, now that the invading troops from Liuwang Principality are coming, there are still two days and one night rounded up, which is enough for my subordinates to arrange.

The recruitment and resettlement of 430,000 self-owned residents at the end of August has already trained our internal affairs heroes and administrative officials. It is estimated that the recruitment vouchers for less than 100,000 self-owned residents can be resettled in one day and one night. "

Qu Mao said with a smile: "This is great. Starting tomorrow afternoon, we can devote all our energy to deal with the soldiers brought by Liuwang's invasion."

Su Yan called a fourth-tier guard into the living room of the lord's hut, took out a magic communication crystal, contacted several management personnel, and said to the fourth-tier guard: "Send these residents' recruitment coupons to Yizhen Town The government hall, hand it over to the mayor of Yizhen, I have already arranged it."

The fourth-tier guard took the resident recruitment ticket and said respectfully: "Yes, my lord!"

Then Su Yan pulled Qu Mao, sat on the edge of the table in the living room of the lord's cabin, and said, "My lord, early this morning, Sylvia sent a remote communication to my subordinates, asking them to tell you something. "

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and said, "Tell me, could it be that Sylvia and Zhao Pan have already discussed a battle plan?"

Su Yan nodded and said, "Almost, my lord.

Sylvia asked me to tell you that the Fisherman's Village and the surrounding area will be emptied and the residents will be evacuated as a battleground for the Yi Town Territory Army. "

Qu Mao didn't speak for a long time, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "Damn it! Evacuate the residents? Let the enemy land on the mainland?

Can't the navy annihilate the enemy at sea? Allowing the enemy to land on Yi Island will inevitably bring property losses to the residents, and our residents' centripetal force is not enough..."

Su Yan said: "My lord, of course the navy can wipe out the enemy at sea. In the past, when the number of naval warships was far less than that of the enemy army, it could be done. Now that the number of navy warships is evenly matched with the number of enemy troops, it can definitely be done.

But the navy annihilated the enemy at sea, how can the army and the navy capture as many as possible of the 200,000 invading soldiers of the Liuwang Principality alive? "

Qu Mao stopped talking, and his brows were tightly knit together.

Su Yan said: "My lord, in the entire battle plan, Sylvia defines each side of the battle.

While the enemy was still on the way, Sylvia and Fuer led the naval warship fleet of Yizhen Territory to forcibly charge the fleet of Liuwang Principality head-on, splitting the fleet of 500 warships in two.

With half of the 50 troop carriers, the Yi Town Territory Navy will simply let them go to Yi Island and choose a point to land on Yi Island.

For the remaining half of the warships, Sylvia and Fuer will use about 400 naval warships from Yizhen territory to besiege them. After sinking dozens of enemy warships, they will force them to surrender.

On the Yi Island side, the coastal defense ballistas around the fishermen's village and the salt field will be dismantled to free up a safe landing air force for the enemy. After the residents of the fishermen's village and its surrounding villages are evacuated, the army will enter the corresponding villages to lurk.

After the soldiers of the half of the fleet in charge of the Liuwang Principality landed, they would launch an attack, mainly focusing on siege. "

Qu Mao said: "Remove the coastal defense ballista around the fishermen's village and the salt field? Is it too obvious? It will also bring us some losses."

Su Yan smiled wryly: "My lord, we only dismantle the coastal defense catapults, but not the coastal defense catapults. The coastal defense catapults are less lethal, and projecting gravels will hardly hurt the enemy's life.

According to the deployment of the subordinates, all should be dismantled this morning. "

Qu Mao took a breath of air with a little heartache, and continued to listen to Su Yan's introduction.

Su Yan was not hypocritical, and continued: "The army will cooperate with the officials of the administrative system to assist in the transfer of the residents of Fisherman Village and surrounding villages to Yi Town for temporary resettlement.

About tomorrow morning, the army will gradually enter the emptied villages to ambush. "

Qu Mao asked: "Su Yan, our army ambushes in the emptied village. Once the enemy lands, our army will deal them a fatal blow. Is this possible? Doesn't the enemy commander go to the battlefield with his brain?"

Su Yan smiled wryly and said: "My lord, I don't know if it's feasible, but according to my understanding of Convective Prince's army commanding general Zhang Zhiyong, this tactic of luring the enemy to land can probably be successful. As for the further operational details of our army heroes, Did not let the subordinates pass it on.

Perhaps the two adults, Zhao Pan and Chafidel, are now working with the army heroes to further clarify the details of the operation. "

Qu Mao nodded thoughtfully.

Su Yan said: "My lord, the navy will dispatch 400 warships, which is nearly twice the fleet remaining in the Liuwang Principality's sea; the army will dispatch no less than 100,000 troops to set up an ambush in and around the fisherman's village. The dispatched troops include cavalry corps, Although the number of high-level fighters such as the Magic Legion is equivalent to the number of troops who landed in the Liuwang Principality, the rank of our army soldiers is obviously much higher than that of the soldiers who landed in the Liuwang Principality.

In this battle, whether it is the navy or the army, our military strength is far superior to the invasion force of Liuwang Principality, so victory is certain.

In addition, the navy will fight in the sea area 50 kilometers to 100 kilometers away from Yi Island, and the army will mainly control the battlefield outside the east wall of Yi Town.

There are also more than 10,000 army soldiers stationed on empty islands, and more than 20,000 army soldiers stationed on outlying islands.

The navy assembled 50 warships and 60 sea ships near the civilian docks of Kongdao, Nanli Village of Outlying Islands, and Yidao Civilian Docks, and temporarily mobilized 30 seagoing ships from the Nandi Chamber of Commerce that had not sailed yet.

These troop configurations, on the one hand, are to prevent the Liuwang Principality from invading the fleet from further harassing the islands further south, and on the other hand, they are also used as combat reserve forces, which can be added to the battlefield at any time. "

Qu Mao said: "60 ships? It seems that even if Sylvia wants to sink dozens of enemy warships, it doesn't think of killing those dozens of warships. Instead, it thinks about waiting for them to fall. Salvage it after sea.”

Su Yan nodded and said, "Yes, my lord!

In the combat plan of the navy and the army, the navy mainly fights the battle of annihilating the enemy at sea, annihilating half of the invasion fleet of Liuwang Principality. Zhang Zhiyong, the general of the Principality's army, is worried that half of the lost troops will be questioned.

But Sylvia did not want to give all the credit for capturing the prisoners alive to the army, so this arrangement was made.

The army used the cavalry charge and the control of the magic legion as the main means to defeat the front of the Liuwang Principality's landing troops first, and then began to capture prisoners.

If the battle proceeds according to our plan, then the subordinates will personally go to the front line to persuade the enemy commander General Zhang Zhiyong and the remaining troops to surrender when there are about 50,000 troops left in the Liuwang Principality's invasion force. "

Qu Mao suddenly raised his head, glanced at Su Yan, and said firmly: "No, I don't agree, it's too dangerous!

I don't care how much the Liuwang Principality's invading troops can transform the strength of our Yizhen territory. I also think that the outcome of this war is doomed. It doesn't matter how much the result is, but I don't allow you to risk yourself! "

Su Yan's face turned red involuntarily, and she said, "My lord, there will be no danger.

Qiaoer is on the way back to Yidao, she will assist me in recruiting and surrendering, the army will also provide adequate protection for the subordinates, and at the same time the guards of the lord's lodge will also protect me. "

Qu Mao let out a long sigh and said, "Okay, Su Yan, I won't persuade you anymore.

But there is one thing, when you go to surrender, I must go with you.

Now that they've planned it, hurry up and get ready for battle, I'm with you. "

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