Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 793 Construction of Haishan Pass begins

In the early morning of June 20th in the fourth year of Tianxuan, 5,000 fifth-tier fighters and fighters above the fifth-tier fighters of the high-ranking legion were ready to go. Head towards Haishan Pass in the northeast direction of Wucheng.

Qu Mao, Zhao Pan, and Sophie Trani were still their own exclusive troops, and joined Wang Ping's troops at the northeast gate of Wucheng, and walked northeastward to the planned Haishanguan construction site together.

Haishanguan is facing the Yicheng Territory's own territory - Luanshanhou State and Bertieerhou State, so the defense pressure is not great, but Haishanguan has a small hillside and a small river flowing to the sea. The construction of Haishanguanguan City The difficulty is far greater than that of Baihu Pass and Bai Yu Pass, so the army heroes considered arranging a permanent stationing of high-level legions at Haishan Pass.

The complex types of high-level legions are definitely a disadvantage in regular combat, but for the construction of Haishan Pass, it is not a small convenience. Various professional characteristics can be brought into play, which can solve many problems encountered in the construction of Haishan Pass. question.

Sophie Trani was not stingy in investing in Haishan Pass, and led a full 400 magicians to assist the high-level legion in stationing and building Haishan Pass. In fact, for the magicians of the magic legion, the high-level legion Part of the army also has the function of magic reference and reference. For example, the seventh-level priests and sixth-level priests of the sacred system can be simply understood as light magic.

This time Wang Ping only led 5,000 soldiers of the high-level legion to Haishan Pass, not because Haishan Pass faced the direction of Luanshanhou Kingdom and Bertierhou Kingdom, so he did not pay attention to defense.

In terms of security, Baihu Pass, Baiyu Pass, and Haishan Pass are all within the territory of Jierhou State, so the security levels are the same.

Wang Ping only led 5,000 soldiers to come to the first batch of formal garrison, not because the soldiers of the high-ranking legion were of a higher rank.

The main reason is that the troops stationed at Haishanguan in the early stage were also mainly high-level legion fighters. The number of high-level legion fighters stationed was quite a lot, adding up to more than 30,000 people.

Moreover, the construction of Haishan Pass is much more difficult than Baihu Pass and Baiyu Pass. Therefore, the 30,000 high-level legion soldiers invested in the early stage will not be replaced by 5,000 soldiers this time. Instead, they will all stay at the Haishan Pass construction site. It is equivalent to 35,000 soldiers officially stationed by the high-level legion at Haishan Pass for the first time. Compared with Baihu Pass and Baiyu Pass, the number of soldiers stationed in the first batch is more.

In the follow-up, the number of soldiers stationed at Baiyuguan must be the largest, and the total number of soldiers in the long-range legion is there. Even if it is the cavalry legion plus the high-level legion, the total number of soldiers is not as good as the long-range legion, but the importance of the early stage is obviously Haishan Close higher.

Like Baiyuguan, Wang Ping will also be stationed at Haishanguan for a long time. The high-level legion is different from the long-range legion. The legion does not have an innate commander in chief.

There are a total of four early core heroes in the Yicheng Territory Army, namely Zhao Pan, Chafidel, Wang Ping, and Sir Mrak. Needless to say, Zhao Pan and Zafidel, Sir Mrak will temporarily replace Chafidel to manage the remote Legion, high-level legion can only be temporarily handed over to Wang Ping to manage.

Sophie Trani is a magician of the whole department who is automatically transferred to a magic hero, so the commander of the magic legion has no way to adjust, unless there is a second magician of the whole department or a hero from a magician in the territory of Yicheng.

Wang Ping will stay at Haishanguan until the construction of Haishanguan reaches a certain level before leaving, or other army heroes will come to change defenses.

The high-level legion is actually quite a complex legion, and the high-level fighters it consists of are basically recruited from the individual high-level fighter recruitment coupons obtained by opening treasure chests in the early days of the Yicheng territory.

In the early days, Qu Mao made a request that all high-ranking fighters dissatisfied with the squad be transferred to leave the army or change jobs to change arms, but obviously not all high-ranking fighters are willing to do so.

In addition, high-level fighters are scarce resources, and they certainly don't want to change their jobs to retire or change their arms. The Yicheng Territory Army basically won't force them.

As a result, in the high-level army of the Yicheng Territory, many high-level arms can't even make up a squadron, or even a large number of small teams. In desperation, many mixed teams or squadrons can only be allowed to exist.

If Qu Mao wanted to make up even a small team, he would have to budget at least 100,000 cheating points. Thinking of this problem, Qu Mao felt a little headache.

Since there is no way to make it all together, Qu Mao thinks that if it is not possible, the high-level legion should be allowed to have mixed squads or squadrons. Anyway, these high-level fighters can form a good combat power individually among other forces in the main continent. , now the high-level legion of the Yicheng territory mixes high-level fighters of different arms into a small team, which theoretically has higher combat power.

In this context, although there are only 150,000 fighters in the high-level legion, the composition of the fighters is relatively more complicated, especially when Haishanguan is selected as the station, and the veteran army core hero like Wang Ping is not arranged, Zhao Pan is really worried about the pressure. Can't stop.

After arriving at Haishan Pass, the soldiers of the high-ranking legion who settled in Haishan Pass did not immediately change defenses and return to Wucheng, but continued to station and participate in the construction of Haishan Pass.

With the help of the magician, the infrastructure work progressed very quickly. By the time Qu Mao, Zhao Pan, and Sophie Trani left for Wucheng in the afternoon, the foundation of the Haishanguan wall had already been built in sevens and eighties.

Wang Ping personally took charge of the construction of Haishan Pass. Before Qu Mao left, he vowed that Haishan Pass would be built to a certain scale by the end of July. Qu Mao trusted Wang Ping. As far as I am concerned, I have to be many times more honest.

After returning to Wucheng, Qu Mao exhaled a long breath of foul air. The construction of Baihu Pass, Baiyu Pass and Haishan Pass had officially started, and he just waited for the good news from the army.

As for Qu Mao himself, he decided to focus his time and energy on handling the government affairs of the entire mainland and maintaining the stability of the people's hearts. He didn't plan to continue to delay his trip in Wucheng. After all, there were only 10 days left before he and Kong Ming returned to the Holy Land of Yicheng territory. up.

According to Qu Mao's request, Wucheng will continue to be built under the auspices of the army's core heroes, and it is impossible to complete it in a short time.

Instead of continuing to supervise the work here, it is better to let the army handle it completely. The construction of Wucheng Port by the navy is still going on. Sylvia Ocean will return to the Reef Chain Naval Military Base at the end of June. Fuer Swan Now that Pu and her fleet have news, the military affairs have come to an end, and it's time to return to Liusu Duke's King's City.

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