Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 162: Tree of Heju

Under the influence of the sphere-like phantom called "mysterious", which is a mixture of totem characters, the mellow wine is constantly deformed on the plane of the end plate, revealing slightly distorted characters.

[Heju tree base point 6, base point 7]

[Calibration points are Holy Grail 6, Old Sword 7]

[The chain number is 13, the position is 8]

[The core of the spell is silence and control]

? ? ?

What the **** are these?

Looking at the text displayed on the subtitles, Yago couldn't help but feel a little stunned, and then he began to analyze it.

Holy Grail 6, Old Sword 7, this should refer to the two cards of the small Arcana in the Tarot card.

There are 56 small arcanas, divided into 14 of the holy grail, scepter, sword, and star.

Holy Grail 6 and Old Sword 7, this is easy to understand.

What do base points 6 and 7 mean?

The tree of Heju...Even though he has studied various mythological studies, Yago has never heard of such a tree.

Kabbalah tree of life?

Probably not referring to the Huffman tree, he really doesn't understand this kind of computer programming.

As for the "trees" related to the Tarot cards, Yago could only think of the Kabbalah Tree of Life and the World Tree.

Although the World Tree is related to Tarot cards, when it comes to numbers, it is closer to the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

If it really refers to the Kabbalah tree of life, then base point 6, base point 7.....


That's right, the chain connecting base point 6 and base point 7 is the chain of serial number 13!

The counterpart of 13 in the tarot card is the death card.

But the auxiliary points are Holy Grail 6, Old Sword 7....What does this sentence mean?

He has never heard of the situation where the Reaper card needs to be calibrated, and if there is "calibration", it means there will be a problem?

Yago shook his head, unable to fully explain the myths and legends of the original world. Although this world is the game world of "The Witcher Sequence" from various angles, the various overhead works are not based on real myths and legends. The representative will definitely follow the original setting.

All kinds of big and small magic changes often appear.

However, if his interpretation is correct, this mystery should correspond to the Reaper sequence.

And the "spell core"...

Yago recalled the prompt when he entered the game.


He whispered to himself.

From the thorn tree, he heard that the wizard is a blasphemer, a thief trying to steal the power of the gods.

And from Elsa's side, what he heard was that wizards were the creators of extraordinary powers, and extraordinary powers came from wizards.

And spells...

No matter how you look at this word, you are more inclined to wizards, right?

Moreover, these words.....

Yago carefully looked at these words, these words, he did not recognize them, but through the subtitles, he understood these words.

These words were formed under the influence of "mysterious" effects.

Moreover, he observed carefully. The words themselves appeared to be somewhat similar to the phantoms in the "mystery", as if they were variants?

What is the connection...

He turned his head and looked at the mansion.

That man may know a lot of things just now, should you ask again?


Carlinch, who was hovering on the line of life and death, breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that only the descendants of certain family members can enter the bubble zone.

The Scepter Family, the Old Sword Family, the Holy Grail Family, the Star Family...

Only the ancient families of the four ancient empires, at least the descendants of these ancient family bloodlines, can enter the bubble zone.

"There is no need to think about the Star Family. The Starr Empire has been destroyed, and the Star Family is almost completely wiped out. If there is still a Sequence 6 powerhouse, it must be a corresponding sequence that fits itself."

Kalinchi glanced around, waiting for the collapse of the bubble caused by the mysterious being taken away, thinking:

"Because of our blood, we can only choose the path of death, and the Rocapel family is the same as us..."

"Other families, because of the bloodline, the sequence that can be selected is also fixed...unless the family bloodline is close to being cut off, and there are several generations who are completely free from the mystery, and the bloodline is thin enough to violate the power of the bloodline. select......"

"But if this is the case, because of the thin bloodline, the phantom creatures in the bubble zone will be regarded as enemies, and they will be repelled by the bubble zone..."

"Sure enough, they belong to the Rocapel family?"

From small to large, under the guidance of his family elders, he who is quite familiar with Bubbly Zone, inferred the result.

Do you want to tell the family elders?

Do you still have to say, I must tell! The people of the Rocapel family broke the agreement and let the Extraordinary in the middle sequence break into the mysterious bubble zone which should be the Cromwell's turn to take away the mystery as agreed.

"I will definitely take revenge... When I advance to the Silent One, then advance to the Bone Picker, and then advance..."

Mutteringly, Kalinchi felt more sad the more he thought about it. The time required for each sequence of promotion increased exponentially, and various difficult conditions were needed to completely fit the mystery.

Even with the help of blood, it took him a year to completely fit the mystery in Sequence 9. In this year, he kept the tomb almost all year round and erected hundreds of tombstones.

However, speaking of them, they are not bad. He remembers that the Fitzder family's Sequence 9 "gambler", meeting the mysterious conditions, turned out to actively participate in a deadly gambling above the mid-sequence level and survive intact. .

Because of such harsh conditions, few of the low-order Beyonders of the Fitzd family have survived.

Moreover, the Extraordinary of the Fitzder family often died inexplicably, whether it was a low-sequence or a medium-sequence.

Hey, our Holy Grail family is very miserable...

That is to say, the Ignatiz family got on the line of the Tide Church and developed better.

Thinking of the various information that the elders talked about during the chat that didn't need to be kept secret, Kalinc sighed.

He really wanted to advance to the middle sequence earlier to see his old posture.

Only after the advanced middle sequence, can you show your old posture without losing control.

That black feather! That handsome wings! That pale face!

However, suddenly, a voice that sounded as beautiful as music, but also hoarse and harsh, as if a ghost whispered, sounded in his ears.

The trembling feeling that I often felt from the elders of the family made Karinqi's hair straight up.

He returned from the delusion and turned his head stiffly.

Sure enough, it was the black-robed Extraordinary with a beak mask.

Kalinchi tried his best to contain his face that was about to turn into a crying face, and said in awe:

"Ge, sir, do you have anything else?"

Listening to the other party's voice that could be regarded as crying, Yago was a little speechless.

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