Lord of the Silver Crow

Chapter 303: Nafar's distress

There are several police stations and one police station in Di Lude City.

There is a police station in the east, west, south and north.

In the city center, it is a police field.

In other words, those police stations are all dispatched agencies of the Di Lude police station. They are dispatched police stations, or they can be called community police stations or public security stations.

These police stations were set up to promptly respond to cases that occurred in the huge city of Di Lude.

Although, even with the establishment of so many police stations, the security of Di Lude City is still very poor.

Thefts, robberies and even murders are endless.

However, at least, in the streets where the police station is located, especially the streets where the Di Lude police station is located, there are few cases.

The City Hall, located diagonally across from the Di Lude Police Field, was naturally quite calm.

City Hall, inside the mayor’s office.

As the mayor of Dillard, Nafa Rosa Dillard rarely works in the city hall.

Catcia followed a succession system similar to that of Barcelona.

Despite the trend of "democracy" and "freedom," the election of mayors has gradually become "democratic."

However, in essence, it is still inseparable from the inheritance system.

As a family rooted in Di Lude City, the Di Lu De family's local industry is quite large.

It wasn't until the emergence of the wealthy businessman "Glinton" in recent years that large-scale industries appeared in Di Lude, and only then did they have the capital to contend with the Di Lude family.

Once you have mastered the media, you have the right to speak.

Even under the influence of Arabella's "parliamentary revolution", Catcia also raised the voice of "constitutional monarchy", which caused the original system of mayor election to be changed to "democratic election."

However, almost every mayor is a member of the Di Lude family or a puppet controlled by the Di Lude family.

Nafar, as the head of this generation of Di Lude family, is the mayor of Di Lude City.

This elegant middle-aged man who could see the handsome shadow in his youth glanced symbolically at the documents on the table.

[Grinton proposes to emulate the ‘constitutional monarchy’ and implement the ‘honor lord’. ]

[Our Catcia is a country with a glorious history. History and culture are the hallmarks of Catcia. ]

[The mark of Di Lude City is naturally the Di Lude family that has ruled this area from ancient times to the present. ]

[Nowadays, the voice of democracy is high, and the people are calling for the selection of capable talents as Di Lude's managers. ]

[Even so, our city of Di Lude cannot lose the mark of history. ]

[Honorable Lord. ]

[Our Di Lude city is a city reborn from the ashes, and'Di Lude' is the mark of history. ]

[I think the family of Mayor Nafar, the ruler of Di Lud City, the ‘Di Lud Family’ can be used as an honorary family and a symbol of Di Lud City...]

Looking at the eloquent speech recorded by the meeting recorder, Na Far couldn't help but smile.

It has been emphasized many times that the Di Lude family "rules" Di Lude City, do you want to take advantage of the call for a constitutional monarchy to get him down?

If the "Di Lude family" becomes the "Honorary Lord" family of Di Lude City, then if he continues to serve as the mayor, he will become the substantive and nominal "ruler".

Just as Catcia’s traditional media propaganda would not use the "Principality of Catsia" but the "Kingdom of Catsia", the people of Catcia have always had a high hatred of the Barcelona Empire.

Under such hatred, everything in Barcelona can become the source of the hatred of the people of Catcia.

Including the system.

"Like" is "yes".

"Monarchy" or any system that looks like a monarchy can be used by the media and become a point of condemnation in propaganda.

In this case, as long as you use media propaganda and add some statements, it is easy to arouse the people's rebellious mood, denounce him as the "Honorary Lord" and let him step down.

Let the Di Lude family lose real power and become a "honor family".

The subsequent operations are even simpler.

The setting of "Honor Lord" and "Honor Family" has no historical precipitation and is not so stable. In the future, it only needs a little operation to abolish it again.

The core of the "democratic" system is the "right to speak" and the "media".

Whoever controls the media can guide and even control the direction of the wind.

And this approach is no stranger to him.

Because this kind of thing happened in Arabella.

This Glinton, just changed this method and used it in Di Lude City.

Among the traditional education of the nobility, one thing is indispensable, and that is "history."

As an extraordinary person, "history" is also indispensable.

And now, who is the largest capital group in the world?

There is no doubt that it is the Church of Steam.

The Church of Steam, which has mastered technology and production methods, sits on Arabella, which is different from but similar to the state of Athias.

Behind Greenton is the "Steam Church".

Although it seems that the Steam Church is not taking any action, in essence, the Steam Church is the biggest enemy of Di Lud's control.

"It's really difficult."

The interpretation and feedback of any information depends on the interpreter’s ideas, history, culture, position and prejudice.

History, culture, position and prejudice are the greatest influence of a society.

In an era when the means of information dissemination are blocked and scarce, religion can form the most powerful ideological control.

In an era when the means of information dissemination are flexible and powerful, there will be more means of controlling and influencing thoughts.

This is not the doctrine of an emerging sociologist, but an ancient teaching written in his family's admonitions.

As an extraordinary person, he knows that there are many methods that can affect the soul, as well as extraordinary abilities that can use ordinary people's hearts and thoughts.

Philanthropist, instigator, hero, adjudicator, wanted criminal, no, it should be called a villain...

Without the existence of these extraordinary abilities, he didn't mind letting the Di Lude family disappear.

However, to fight against these abilities, he must have the right to speak, and to have the right to guide and influence ordinary people.

Nafar took a deep breath.

I just hope that Roya can master her abilities as soon as possible and grow to the point where she doesn't need his protection as soon as possible.

How to deal with it?


A fierce red light flashed in Nafar's eyes.

But, immediately, he erased this idea.

"Glinton is just a puppet. It's useless to kill him. Instead, he will be used."

While thinking about how to deal with this offensive, Naphar walked towards the office door.

Maybe a glass of fragrant red rose wine can bring him inspiration.

However, when he held his right hand on the doorknob, he felt a breath emerge.

Suddenly, Nafar clenched his right hand, and the metal handle of the door turned to ashes.

At the same time, he turned his head and looked behind him, the faint red in his eyes appeared again, like a star.

Behind the desk, in his seat, a woman was sitting on a chair with her fingers raised slightly, and a strange and imaginary creature cleverly jumped on her right hand, releasing her joy.

"Are you interested in talking?"

The woman raised her hand and put the creature on the table, watching the star-like creature beating on the table, she said without raising her head, "You can call me Lady'Tower'."

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