Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 798: return

   Chapter 798 Return

   When the huge figure appeared in the distance, Su Chen had used the green dragon scales that Ysera gave him without hesitation.

   As a green light surrounded himself, the next moment he found that he had left the colorful lightning hall, but appeared in the sky... Under his feet was a vast sea!

"Oops! The Lightning Hall is too close to the Rock Hall, and it is above the ocean in this Emerald Dream." Su Chen frowned, but he was unable to stop his body from falling quickly, and he could only fall into the sea in vain. .

   But it is fortunate that the King of Wisdom, Loken, did not catch up with this emerald dream. It seems that he should not know much about the rules of this dream.

  Su Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief after he emerged from the sea. Before that, he was too nervous and depressed in the Lightning Hall.

   Even so, Su Chen didn't dare to stay here for a long time, and immediately opened the frost path, and then ran wildly south on the sea.

When he estimated that he was far away from the location of the Lightning Hall, he began to slow down, but he soon found himself facing a new trouble. Ysera did not seem to be in this emerald dream, and the green dragon Scales couldn't bring him back to the real world...he had to get out of here on his own.

   "This is trouble, do we stay near here and wait for Ysera to come to us, or do we go find the random portal." Su Chen frowned tightly.

  The biggest danger in this Emerald Dream is getting lost. If you can't find a portal to get out, you will probably be lost in this world of nothingness forever.

   It is said that when Malfurion was not familiar with the Emerald Dream, he almost got lost in the Emerald Dream, and finally Cenarius found him and sent him out.

"If Loken really fought the dragon race outside the Temple of Storms, it is estimated that Ysera would not be able to look for us in this Emerald Dream now." The analysis of the brain is a little discouraging, but this may be the current situation. real situation.

Su Chen didn't think that the dragons could resist the raid of Loken, the king of wisdom, especially the red dragon queen Alexstrasza, who was staying near the Temple of Storms, was not good at fighting, and Ysera also lacked the ability to fight on the front. , even if these two female dragon kings join forces, they are not likely to be opponents of Loken.

   However, it should be difficult for Loken to directly destroy the dragon family. If he had this power, he would have already shot at the Longmian Temple.

  Su Chen had to start trying to find an exit in this emerald dream, and at the same time he had to beware of the Nightmare King Xavius.

  Although Xavius' plot was foiled last time, that guy is probably still hiding in this Emerald Dream.

Zhinao is fully analyzing the green dragon scale given by Ysera, hoping to get a glimpse of the mystery of the rules of the dream. Power, free to traverse the Emerald Dream and the real world of Azeroth.

   "I made a preliminary analysis. The rules of this dream are not complicated. There are only about 100,000 main rules. I should be able to completely decipher them soon." Zhinao said confidently after analyzing it for a while.

   "Really... How long are you talking about so quickly?" Su Chen was skeptical of this guy's confidence, after all, he had heard such big words many times.

   "About...it's probably not more than a month. Even if we only crack the part, we should be able to get out of here." Under Su Chen's questioning, Zhinao's voice finally seemed a little guilty.

"One month? You don't want us to wander in this forest for a month. For such a long time, when we go out, it is estimated that the war in the Storm Mountains is completely over." Su Chen could not accept such a long study. Time, after all, as long as Loken has the upper hand, it is likely that he will continue to attack the Longmian coalition forces. Even if he does not take action, his steel army will be enough to capture the Longmian Temple!

   "If you can't wait that long, then you can only use a simple and rude method..." Zhinao said a little unwillingly.

   "What simple and rude way do you have?"

   "Just holding the dragon scale high and shouting for help all the way, try to find other wilderness demigods, of course, if you can find Cenarius, it will be the best."

"This is a good way... Let's go and find that bone dragon first." Su Chen was overjoyed. Although he was a little embarrassed calling for help, it was really useful, especially as long as he found it by himself. With that bone dragon, under the fast flight, it should not be difficult to find those huge wilderness demigods.

With Frostmourne's control over the undead, it was not difficult to find the bone dragon. Su Chen quickly found the bone dragon that he had left in the jade dream, but Su Chen was a little surprised. It was the bone dragon's rotten body that seemed to have some vitality.

   "This bone dragon will not be able to grow back..." Su Chen was a little surprised by this.

   "Maybe it's because the vitality in this Emerald Dream is too strong. This place is definitely a good place to heal." Zhinao said.

   "That's true. If you have this dragon scale, you can hide in any danger in the future." Su Chen thought to himself, but he planned to keep the green dragon scale as well.

   With the fast flight of the bone dragon, Su Chen also shouted the names of those wild demigods all the way, trying to find one or two quickly.

   But perhaps the bone dragon under him did not give a good impression, and he did not gain much in the area where he was most likely to find Cenarius and other wilderness demigods on Mount Hyjal.

  Su Chen was thinking about whether to continue shouting all the way, but unexpectedly found a green dragon flying towards him.

   "Thank goodness, it seems that Ysera has not forgotten us." Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Although Ysera wasn't here, he was also a giant dragon, so he should be able to lead him out.

   "His Royal Highness Arthas, I finally found you." The green dragon also seemed to be relieved after seeing Su Chen.

  When it changed into an elf form, Su Chen realized that it was his old acquaintance Isarios who had come here, and he had seen this guy many times in Dragon Sleep Temple before.

"It's great to see you. Is there anything wrong with Queen Ysera and the others?" Su Chen hurriedly asked. So far, he still didn't know what happened to Ysera and the other green dragons after he left the rock hall. How the battle turned out.

   (end of this chapter)

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