Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 83 Leave it to me to solve

Chapter 83

She ran slowly behind He Yan at a constant speed, thus avoiding awkward conversations.

The environment in the community is elegant, and there is a long maple leaf road facing you. At this point in time, the cleaners have not swept here yet. Wen Xi stepped on a thick stack of red and yellow maple leaves, and ran forward slowly.

The rows of maple trees swayed with the wind, and the golden yellow leaves fluttered down. She was a person who liked beautiful scenery, and seeing these things would make her feel good.

As a result, she also slowed down her pace, and looked up at the fallen leaves.

By the time she ran that distance, it was already two minutes later.

Looking forward, there was no one in front of him except for the golden light of the morning sun.

She thought, He Yan should have run away.

So she didn't pay much attention to it, but breathed a sigh of relief and continued to run forward. The scenery along the way was good. She didn't run too fast, and always maintained a slow pace.

Almost running to the door of the house, she also broke out in a thin sweat, so she slowed down and walked over, grabbing a towel to wipe off the sweat.

Unexpectedly, when I touched the shoulder, there was no shadow of the towel at all.

She froze for a moment, then looked back, the road was empty, and there was no sign of her towel.

"Looking for towels?"

Wen Xi suddenly turned her head to look at the place where the voice came from - the door of her house.

He Yan walked out from the door a few steps, looked at her quietly, and held a white dry towel in his raised hand.

"Here, why is it with you?"

"I picked it up."

"But aren't you running ahead of me?"

She clearly saw that there was no extra towel on him at that time.

He Yan didn't answer this sentence, walked towards her, took a towel and wiped the sweat off her forehead, "Do you have an appointment today?"

The sudden question made Wen Xi a little nervous. She brought the towel over and took a small step back, "No appointment, but I'm going to audition, I'm not free."

The man lowered his eyes, and let out a meaningful "hmm" from his throat.

Wen Xi was a little regretful, why were you so honest, just say that you have an appointment, why bother to say everything.

"Then I'll go back first, goodbye."


He Yan put the bag in her hand, "Remember to have breakfast."

Wen Xi looked down, and there were breakfasts for several people in the bag, soy milk and fried dough sticks, buns, and rice porridge.

"Buy some more, let's eat with grandparents." He Yan said.

Wen Xi raised his eyes to look at him, "They're out on a trip, they're not at home."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "You are the only one at home?"


He lowered his eyes, and suddenly walked towards the door, pushed the door open, and looked back at her, "It's not good to waste, let's eat together."

The bright morning light fell on his face, revealing a whiteness against the light.

Staring at his eyes, Wen Xi was in a daze for a few seconds, and when he came back to his senses, the man had already walked into the yard.

He put his hands in his pockets casually, glanced around the courtyard wall, and said bluntly, "Although this place is elegant and quiet, the courtyard wall is too low, and the security is too low."

"Well, so I was wondering if I should hire someone to come back, but my grandparents don't like outsiders around."

"Most of the bodyguards are men and outsiders, so it's not very safe."

Wen Xi thought for a while, and said, "How about I raise a few dogs, which can protect the house and relieve boredom."

"The pet dog's ability to protect the house is not high, and it is basically useless."

He turned to look at her, and said softly, "Leave this matter to me."

Good night.

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