In order to replenish He Yu's body, people sent some nutritional supplements as much as they could.

Xiao Li actually brought a bowl of fish.

The captain asked how the little plum fish was obtained.

At first, he did not tell the truth. Later, under the captain's severe questioning, he said that he used explosives to blow up the water in the river.

If this kind of thing is known to the police station, Xiao Li may be taken away.

Everyone was very worried and asked the team leader not to tell the truth.

He said that after mass discussion, the production team leader sent Xiao Li to explode in order to replenish He Yu's body.

At everyone's request, the captain began to hesitate.

Later, under everyone's request, the captain took a stand and did what everyone said.

After a few days of limited recuperation, He Yu's body slowly recovered.

Accountant Lin went to He Yu and asked:"I noticed that when you come to our place, you often fall asleep on the road.

I wonder if you have any physical illness?"

He Yu said:"I used to be in the countryside, and I went to the mountains with the workers. When I came back from work, I felt itchy all over my body and couldn't sleep for a few nights.

I didn't know the reason. I only know that when I was itchy, I often scratched it.

I went to see Xiao Wu, the school nurse of our school.

After she checked, she asked me if I had the itch. Did you chop down the sumac tree with a knife?

I told her that there was a branch that stretched out to cover the corn.

I didn't know it was a sumac tree, so I chopped it off with a sickle. When I came back, I felt itchy all over.

She told me that you used a knife to chop down the sumac tree. Because it was raw lacquer.

Some people would have allergic reactions as long as they were close to it, which is what is called raw lacquer sores in rural areas.

She started to boil water with leeks to apply it on me, and gave me medicine to take, but it was not good.

Every night it was so itchy that I couldn't sleep.

Due to my busy work and many problems to consider, I couldn't fall asleep every night and suffered from insomnia.

Half a month later, I developed a neurasthenia. I felt listless and wanted to sleep every day.

I even couldn't control myself from dozing off while walking.

I arrived I went to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital and found an old traditional Chinese medicine doctor. I took dozens of his medicines, but they still had little effect.

Later, I heard people spread that injecting chicken blood can cure all kinds of diseases.

Many people used syringes to draw blood from chickens and inject it into themselves. On the body.

I asked the school doctor Xiao Wu whether injecting chicken blood into the human body has a therapeutic effect and will there be any side effects?

Is it safe?

She said, 'Now it is advertised in newspapers and flyers, and some Buy a rooster and let me draw blood for them and inject it, and their condition has indeed improved.

As for whether it is safe or not, no adverse reactions have been found yet.

You might as well give it a try!

However, you must buy a healthy and disease-free red rooster. From now on, I will draw blood to give you an injection.

Because I have been ill for a long time and have been seeking medical treatment indiscriminately, I thought

I would give it a try. So I bought a strong red rooster and asked Xiao Wu to draw blood and inject it into me.

Like this! I The blood of that rooster was actually flowing in his body!"

"You really have been sick for a long time and have been seeking medical treatment indiscriminately!

It's really ridiculous to draw blood from a cock and inject it into you.

If I had met you earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer so much. After Accountant Lin finished speaking, he went to get a bottle and poured medicinal wine and said to He Yu:"I used to be like you. Because I was too busy at work, I kept staying up late and often suffered from insomnia."

Later, I suffered from neurasthenia and took a lot of medicine, but to no avail.

Later, I met an old cadre who came to our village to visit relatives.

When he learned that I had a neurasthenia, he took me to a ditch in the mountain behind the village, dug some herbal roots, and let me brew wine to drink.

I drank it for a while and my neurasthenia was cured."

"So magical? I drank and watched.

But I don’t know what herbal roots are? Can you tell me?" He Yu asked

"Because the veteran cadre told me not to tell anyone.

But because it’s you, it doesn’t hurt that I tell you.

This herb is called stinky peony, and its flowers can be eaten steamed with eggs to treat dizziness and dizziness."Accountant Lin Lin said、

"Thank you! I'm honored that you believe in me so much"

"Congratulations, Principal! You can't say that, you should be the one to thank.

Even though you are sick, you still work hard for us.

Not only have we planted hundreds of acres of thunder fields, but now we are building a pool by exploding rocks, and we are also taking risks to eliminate squibs. Our production team will always remember you!"

It's true:

I worked hard for the sick people, and

I was lucky enough to meet Accountant Lin who offered me wine and medicine.

I have been cured of my neurasthenia for many years, and

I no longer need to seek medical treatment when I'm sick."

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