Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 108 I don't know if there are any useful clues

Making a death threat to a player was the most ridiculous and arrogant thing Roland had ever seen.

Roland's smile, in the darkness, under the rendering of the moonlight, seemed a little mysterious. When little Edward saw this scene, an inexplicable sense of admiration rose from his heart.

Unlike his silly brother, little Edward is very smart. He can see many details that others can't see. For example... Two days before his brother went to hold the girl hostage, he who was always optimistic actually showed a gloomy expression.

And in the storage room at home, there are inexplicably 50 more gold coins.

Combined with the news he had heard in the past two days and the things he had seen, he understood one thing.

My brother took the blame for others.

Such things were common among the nobles and were the default rule.

When someone does something wrong and is held accountable by someone with similar 'strength', if the two sides really fight, they will only lose both, and then be taken advantage of by the other wolves watching the show, then he can throw a game that is worse than himself. Let some people take over the mistake, and then die and grievances disappear. If the person who is responsible also has the idea of ​​​​stopping the loss in time, then both parties will have a tacit understanding not to mention the previous things.

After laughing, Roland looked at the boy who was originally young, but had mature masculinity, and said, "I know your elder brother is a scapegoat. We didn't plan to kill him or even save him. It's just that he is too decisive and direct. Suicide. We do have a little bit of responsibility for this, but we won't apologize."

"I see."

Little Edward knew very well that this matter really had nothing to do with the children of gold.

Although the golden sons have a very strong "notoriety" in the noble class, and they are extremely annoyed by ignoring the honor and privileges of the nobles, but they also have to admit that these golden sons are all professionals from the neutral and good camp.

Now the five golden sons in the city have come to Delbon City for two or three months, but they have never bullied people for no reason, nor did they do any evil things, not even pranks.

They just killed a family of cannibals, saved a pariah girl at a huge price, and now they find a way out for the beggars, and only did these three things.

Each is a good thing.

No matter the starting point or the outcome of the golden sons, they are all good, the only unfortunate one is their eldest brother.

It was used as a sacrifice for the fighting between the two sides.

"I want to ask, has your eldest brother behaved unusually in the past two days, or has he seen any special people?"

Little Edward shook his head: "No, eldest brother doesn't like to tell us when he does things, he doesn't want to put too much pressure on us. If he has to say it, he runs out more diligently."

Roland threw another question that he had been thinking about for a long time: "Are your parents?"

"Dead long ago." Little Edward's voice lowered: "Big brother has always taken care of us. After we are only businessmen, the so-called noble status is only a quasi-noble, only a false name and no real power."

The real power of the nobles has only two real uses: territory, even if it is a small territory.

The right to recruit troops depends on the title, and the upper limit of the troops that can be recruited is also different. When it reaches the earl, there is no limit on the number of troops.

As for other heraldic use rights, tax exemption rights, etc. are just trivial.

The so-called quasi-nobles are generally the titles obtained by merchants after donating a lot of gold coins.

Roland sighed, guessing that the murderer behind the scenes used the two teenagers as bargaining chips to approach their eldest brother to take the blame. Of course, he also gave enough rewards.

Fifty gold coins... a lot of money.

"Then, since you don't know anything, why did you let me come over quietly." Roland asked unhappily.

"Although I don't know anything, there is something I want to give you." Little Eddie took out a small wooden square sign from his clothes, about the size of his palm: "This is what my elder brother left on his desk. , I think it might be useful to you."

Roland took the small wooden sign and found that it was relatively hard in texture, with a light cyan surface, with a white cloud-like logo engraved on the front, and a black back with a very regular black spiral pattern.

After a few glances, Roland put the small wooden sign into the system backpack.

Then he put several drawings on the table: "Here are some of my magical experiences and experiences, you can keep them yourself."

"Magic? Can I do it?" Little Edward looked at the drawing, a little moved, but more insecure.

Roland discovered just now that little Edward's mental strength was quite active, only a little worse than Vivian.

Vivian is now able to use the hand of the mage proficiently, and can also convert the hand of magic into a magic spear, so little Edward is estimated to be able to do it.

Of course... Roland wouldn't teach him. After all, if he had too much contact with himself, most of the messengers behind the scenes would be detrimental to little Edward.

"Try it, I won't take your money anyway. It doesn't matter if you fail, zero-level tricks won't kill people."

After leaving this sentence, Roland left.

Little Edward quietly looked at the drawings on the table, then he wiped away his tears, just as he was about to put the drawings away, the door opened again, and a boy slightly younger than him walked in rubbing his eyes.

"Second brother, it turns out that you were here. You scared me. I thought you didn't want me either, so I left by myself." The young man had a lingering expression on his face.

"Don't worry, our brothers will always be together." Edward looked at his younger brother, and then at the blueprint on the table, before making a decision in his heart.

Roland quietly returned to the magic tower and changed back to his magic robe.

Then Vivian walked in. She had dark circles under her eyes. Seeing Roland, she served pastries and fruit drinks and said, "Vice President, you've worked hard, this is your breakfast."

breakfast? Now, at most, it looks like two or three in the morning, what breakfast is there!

But Roland touched his stomach, and he was indeed a little hungry.

He smiled and thanked Vivian.

Vivian walked out of Roland's study and smiled immediately.

The vice president didn't smell like a woman, and he didn't look tired, which showed that he really didn't do anything bad.

very good!

Vivian felt that she could get a good night's sleep later.

After eating the pastry, Roland continued to deduce the derivative ability of the magic puppet.

The 'memory' of the spell model is limited, and he has to calculate how to use the limited 'memory' to allocate various attributes of the spell puppet to ensure the highest cost performance.

This derivation, another few hours pass, and then the game time stops again.

He climbed out of the game cabin, turned on the computer, entered the official homepage of the game, and saw the game update announcement.

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