Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 320: Fate

Roland wanted to cancel this mission.

After all, his main duty now is to take the magic apprentices on a study tour. Necessary difficulties can be encountered, but if there is a great danger to their lives, that's fine.

But he thought about it and didn't cancel it.

Even if you don't do it, temporarily leave the task in the taskbar, there is nothing.

Seeing that Roland was still silent, Yelia continued: "Those two vampires are not strong, I can tie them alone, and if you add you, it is a casual thing to kill them. ."

Roland was a little moved in his heart. After all, it was a blue task, and the experience value should be considerable.

He thought for a while and said, "I have to be responsible for the safety of several apprentices. Now that I have been targeted by vampires, if I get one or two more, it will definitely be troublesome."

Roland can be sure that the vampires Yelia encountered were definitely not the two he encountered.

Because he could feel that Yelia's strength is not strong, the two are so close, they can sense mental fluctuations between each other.

Although Yelia's magic power is quite large, about two-thirds of Roland's, the problem is that Yelia's mental fluctuations are not stable.

The more stable the caster's mental fluctuations and the smoother and longer the fluctuation interval, the higher the success rate of spellcasting and the stronger the spell power.

Yelia's mental wave was steady and long, but it was a pity that every one or two minutes, it would occasionally suddenly rise or fall.

It was only a few tenths of a second, but Roland still felt it.

This shows the hidden danger of Yelia's spiritual power.

Usually can't see anything, but in battle, it will affect his casting speed and power.

In other words, Yelia's real strength should be discounted. Although it is an elite level, it is estimated that the strength displayed is around LV4.

In this way, he can fight against two vampires, which means that the vampires he encountered were definitely not the two that Roland encountered.

Those two vampires, both male and female, were close to master level.

If it weren't for the male vampire's head iron, he actually atomized and got into the rock bag directly. Under the circumstance of no defense, he ate a lightning bolt from Roland and seriously injured his soul, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with.

"Wouldn't that be better?" Hearing Roland say this, Yelia smiled and said, "If the two vampires you met dare to come, we will join hands to destroy them.

Roland thought for a while and said, "Let me think about it for a night."

Yelia smiled and nodded, he knew that this matter could not be rushed.

The two chatted casually for a while, and then Roland went up to the fifth floor and entered the large room prepared for him.

Andonara was already waiting inside.

When she saw Roland, she smiled and said, "I want pajamas."

Andonara's personal belongings were all placed in Roland's system backpack.

Vivian and others are magic masters and apprentices and need to study abroad, so Vivian's things are put in the carriage, and then they are taken care of and moved around.

But Andonara doesn't need to study abroad, she is very strong, and Roland can faintly feel that even if Andonara doesn't exercise much, she is still getting stronger.

The blood of the brave is so powerful?

No wonder the king didn't want to give up on her.

Take the pajamas out of the system backpack, and after Andonara took it, she started changing clothes directly.

When Roland saw something he shouldn't have seen, he immediately closed his eyes and said helplessly: "You have a snack, I'm a man anyway. If I'm so informal, I'll do it if I can't get it right."

"It's okay." Andonara, who put on pajamas, smiled and said, "This body belongs to you, and the king recognizes it. You can move it as you want."

In the second half of the sentence, Andonara's voice became lazy, and it sounded very tempting.

Roland clicked his tongue and ignored her.

Andonara chuckled softly, got into the bed, and lay down to sleep.

Roland opened his eyes and sat at the desk, considering Yelia's suggestion.

Now that the vampires have been provoked, escape is not the way after all. Yeliya is right, if you can kill it, you can solve all the troubles.

But the question is, how can the safety of the apprentices be verified.

Vampires are not simple-minded, well-developed savages. They are very deceitful, proud but also quite forbearing, and have a strong sense of revenge.

Roland couldn't guarantee that when he dealt with them, the vampires would not send 'men' or family members to trouble the magic apprentice.

What should I do? Roland subconsciously folded his arms and began to frown and think.

"You seem to have something on your mind." Andonara's voice came from the bed: "Can you tell me?"

Roland thought for a while, and shared his concerns with Andonara.

After listening, Andonara smiled: "You think too much, mainly because you are too soft-hearted. In fact, if vampires really want to take revenge on those magic apprentices, you can use them as bait."

This sentence immediately untied the dead knot in Roland's head.

Roland is, after all, a celestial person in the era of peace, and it would be the biggest thing if something happened to a dead person, especially someone close to him.

So once Roland has a target to protect, he will be tied.

This is a cultural shackle, and it is not so easy to break free.

Andonara's words gave him an idea.

Then the next day, he found Yelia: "President Yelia, I am willing to join hands with you to deal with those vampires."

Yelia patted Roland on the shoulder happily: "Okay, you won't regret this decision. Vampires have a lot of wealth. After we kill them all, we will divide things equally."

Roland is noncommittal. Now he is not interested in any kind of wealth, but only in experience.

After eating the breakfast prepared for them by the magic tower, the magic apprentices of the two sides mixed together and exchanged their experience and experience in learning magic with each other.

Roland took Andonara aside, and after explaining a lot of things, he and Yelia took the carriage to the direction outside the city.

In this world, all the roads outside the city are in poor condition, and the carriage was swaying. Yelia swayed his body slightly from side to side and said, "The magic tower is supported by a city, and naturally it has the responsibility to relieve the danger for the people of the city. .I have been the president for more than ten years and have killed many magical creatures, beasts, evil spirits, undead, etc. that threaten the safety of the city. But this is the first time to deal with vampires."

"A little nervous?" Roland asked.

"No, it's because I think their names are a bit unreal." Yelia explained: "It was said in the books that vampires are very strong, but the two I dealt with before seemed to be a little weak."

"That may be because you are too strong." Roland smiled lightly.

Roland's emotional intelligence is not low. He knows that Yelia's strength is average, and he also knows that the other party may have encountered two extremely vegetable vampires, but these thoughts do not need to be said.

not interesting.

Sometimes the truth hurts.

"Hahahaha." Yelia was quite happy. He thought Roland was very interesting, not the kind of proud person, so he immediately felt good and said, "Actually, it's not that I'm too strong, but that I got a good deal. Stuff. A few days ago, a mercenary team fled to our city in embarrassment, and then they sold me a piece of magic equipment at a high price, saying that it has a certain suppressing effect on dark creatures, and vampires are also dark creatures. I tried it and it worked ."

"What?" Roland was a little curious.

"That's it." Yelia took out a black 'tile' from his robe: "The mercenaries said, what kind of black bone is this! The name is quite strange."

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