Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 355 Wheat and Rice

Today's road conditions are very bad, and the carriage shook a little bit, but Roland sat firmly, and the professional's physical fitness was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Even in this shaky environment, Roland could still concentrate on his thoughts.

Andonara was lying on the side of the car window, looking at the slowly receding scenery outside.

As a woman who has stayed in the palace, before she became the queen, she received the royal family's "women's education", she knew very well when to stick to a man, and when to give a man the time and space to be alone and deal with things.

In the middle of a trip, in most cases, it is a very boring thing. No matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery is, it will be like that if you see too much.

To put it simply, it is so boring.

In the end, Andonara had no choice but to sit opposite Roland, staring at the latter's face, and she was surprised to find that this was a good way to pass the time.

Because of Roland's face, she didn't seem to get tired of seeing it.

At this time, Roland had no idea what was happening around him, and he couldn't even feel the shaking of the carriage.

When people are engrossed, they forget everything around them, which is the case with Roland now.

The spell model of the elves is very different from that of humans. Humans have magic points and lines, but the elves are full of circles overlapping each other, which looks much more complicated.

Roland simulated the appearance of the spell model in his hand in his mind, and did not use magic to run it, but even so, he felt a little big.

Because I don't understand it well.

What is the purpose of those nodes with three bad sets, and what is the effect of the intersection circle!

All this does not understand.

Since he didn't understand, Roland tried to start the conversion, forcibly treating these circles as points, and the intersection point as the key to the magic line, but the result was a spell model that he didn't know at all.

This method didn't work.

After thinking about it for a while, Roland began to imagine the simplest light ball trick in human magic with only a dozen nodes in his mind.

Then, all the nodes are filled with mental power, but the "capacity limit" of the trick model is not changed.

This makes this spell a 'fat man' at the model level, a particularly fat kind.

Undoubtedly, this approach failed again.

A deformed, hedgehog-like, but irregular ball of light was created.

The light ball is not bright, and even some irregular rainbow colors appear, which is very strange.

Although it failed, Roland seemed to feel a slight difference this time, but he couldn't tell the difference, so he tried the method just now.

I feel a little bit, but I still can't find where the difference is.

Roland tested it over and over again. Within four hours, he cast this 'fat version' of light balls at least 300 times, and slowly mastered the positions of different points again and again.

In the end, he marked the magic point with spiritual power, and finally found something different.

At the most fattened magic node, a trace of green, rather weak magic power appeared, and then quickly disappeared. The whole process took less than a second.

If it were another player of the same level, or an NPC magician, he would never feel the fleeting green aura.

Even a master-level NPC can't feel it if he doesn't have a very extraordinary talent.

But Roland can, he is pure, the most orthodox mage with a little bit, full of intelligence and high spirit, coupled with the talent of 'magic control', he is very sensitive to the magic elements around him.

'Seeing' this green, magical aura of different sensations, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

Put a lot of magic into a node, and then compress it, will other magic elements appear?

Roland was so excited, in order to verify his thoughts, he immediately said to Andonara: "Please stop everyone, I'm going out to do a magic experiment."

After he finished speaking, he rolled over, flipped out from the car window, walked to the grass by the roadside, summoned a magic ball of light, and started pouring magic power into it.

With the experience this time, he gave up other nodes and specifically found a magic node with the strongest endurance to put magic power into it.

After a while, this node was broken.

The entire white light ball turned pale green, and then burst open like a water ball.

The light green magic power was sprayed out like a mist of water, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

At this time, all the magic apprentices and Andonara had gotten off the carriage. They were all standing behind Roland, looking at the green magic, almost everyone was surprised.

"Nature magic?"

"It's not a spell, it seems to be the magic of the elves." Andonara looked at Roland in surprise: "Do you have the blood of the elves?"

"How is that possible! I am human."

Roland panted slightly. After four hours of non-stop testing, and the act of performing a miracle just now, his magic power value has almost bottomed out.

Even the spirit has become a little poor, and the face is a little pale.

But since there is progress, he naturally won't rest like this.

He took out the Ningshen necklace and put on the whole set of Huilan equipment for himself.

The blue light surrounded him, and the magic power was restored at an extremely fast speed.

Then he sat down to rest.

After about ten minutes, he looked at his full blue bar and started compressing the magic node again.

This time the effect was even more exaggerated than the last time, and the large irregular polygonal light sphere that had almost used up all its magic power exploded.

Although there was no scorching temperature and no exaggerated sound of explosion, the strong wind still blew Roland back several meters.

One after another green magic power danced violently around like the tentacles of an octopus, scaring Andonara and the standing magic apprentice back and forth.

However, these green magic tentacles quickly faded in color, and then quickly disappeared into the air.

The whole process takes less than six seconds.

"Success?" Andonara took two steps and asked, "Can you use elf magic?"

"Failed." Roland shook his head: "I used up all my magic power, and it only caused some gust of wind, and it didn't have any lethality at all. If it was replaced by human magic, I would have almost razed the front to the ground just now. ."

Andonara didn't understand magic, so she didn't know what Roland thought at all.

But the magic apprentices vaguely understood what Roland meant, that the conversion effect of magic power was not very good.

A large amount of elemental magic power is converted into natural magic power, and the loss is too great.

However, there are still gains.

Roland just recorded the fluctuation frequency and sensory characteristics of natural magic power, and also vaguely felt the difference between element magic power and natural magic power.

To make a comparison, these two are the difference between rice and wheat.

Although they are both foods, the texture and taste of rice and wheat are fundamentally different.

Southerners who grew up eating rice will definitely not get used to it when they eat pasta for the first time, and may even have diarrhea.

And northerners who grew up eating pasta, when they eat rice for the first time, most of them will feel full and lack energy all day long.

Roland is like this now. He is a human. He uses the natural magic power of the elves, and the conversion efficiency of spiritual power is particularly low.

The psychic structure of the two races seems to be very different.

"It's a little troublesome." Roland scratched his hair, looking a little distressed.

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