Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 649 The enemy doesn't seem to be strong

As players attack the city and loot the land in the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm will naturally react.

The demons have always invaded the main plane, and now the professionals of the main plane have come to the demon world, and they have also destroyed several breeding cities, which has spread in the demon world.

At this time, Paimon, one of the real rulers of the demon world, was also under great pressure.

Mainly from the pressure of other demons.

ridicule and ridicule.

Between the demon gods, there is a spiritual communication network, which can communicate in real time, although because they are too far apart, the consumption is a bit large.

'Paimon, this time it's your turn to play on the main plane, and you also activated the magic circle, but why didn't your army invade in so long, and then let humans run in, what's your plan? ’

It was an old, strong voice.

'This time the enemy is very wrong, I have a bad feeling. ' Paimon's voice was transmitted in the space of the demon world: "Judas, why don't you come and help?"

"Haha, forget it, I don't want to worry about your business."

"Should I come?" A clear and pleasant female voice suddenly interjected: "I am very interested in those humans who dare to enter the demon world."

"Phoenix, why did you become a woman again?" Paimon felt a little amused: "You won the transgender authority from me to be a woman?"

Unlike sex change... sex change simply changes the gender of the body, not the soul.

But transgender authority is about becoming a woman in body and mind.

Phoenix is ​​now a complete woman.

"It's very interesting to be a woman." Phoenix giggled, showing a lively feeling of a girl: "I plan to use this identity to go to the human world and see my descendants. The portal just opened, too. I have to pass through your territory, I can help if needed."

Paimon's voice was full of doubts: "Didn't you always like to protect humans? Why are you willing to help me deal with humans now?"

"I'm a woman now, and women are fickle."

Paimon thought about it carefully and understood.

His transgender authority is also somewhat negative. In essence, it is the effect of chaotic divine power, and it will affect people's thinking. It's normal, and women are creatures, and it is difficult to understand what they are thinking.

Phoenix is ​​a woman through and through now, and it's normal to change a lot.

"Okay." Paimon said: "The humans who came to my territory are the sons of gold. They seem to be visitors from another world. I received news that they seem to have the ability to resurrect!"

"The goddess of life is on their side?"

"More than that, the underworld gods are all on their side. Before, there were fluctuations in the underworld gods in my territory. They took away the souls of thousands of my subjects, making them unable to rebirth in the devil world. It feels like a loss."

After the death of the demons, they will not reach the underworld under normal circumstances. They will only return to the demon world by themselves, wash their memories and reincarnate again.

The demon world has its own reincarnation system.

But if the soul is taken away by the Underworld God, that is another matter.

The Underworld God is very interested in the souls of the demons, but no one knows what the underworld did to take away the souls of the demons.

Anyway, the souls of those demons never appeared again.

It is very difficult for the demon world to generate a new soul.

"Then I'm more interested." Phoenix smiled: "I just need someone to help me so that I can go to the main plane."

"Okay, come here." Paimon said, "By the way, help me find out how powerful these humans are."

"Hey, here we come."

This is the end of the spiritual communication. Although there are only the voices of three demon gods from the beginning to the end, the other demon gods also know about it.

And Paimon, after thinking about it, in order to cooperate with Phoenix, he sent an army of about 100,000 demons to the human occupation.

This is also what Roland and others are seeing now.

On the red earth in the distance, stood a long black line, from left to right, across the middle line of the entire field of vision.

And in the sky, there was a dark cloud.

This is the air force of the Demon Race, which is a mixture of wing demons, gargoyles, and succubus.

There are estimated to be around 20,000.

Roland looked at the demon army that was slowly pressing in from afar. Roland turned his head and asked Solisa, "How many people do we have now?"

"There are nearly 30,000." Solisa sighed: "Our players are distributed in various places on the main plane, and it takes time to get here. And many people tend to upgrade to level 8 or higher on the main plane. Come here, otherwise it will be easily crushed by the demon attributes."

Thirty thousand.

If you play head-on, based on the previous battle damage ratio, you should be able to beat it.

But the problem is that no one knows what the overall strength of the demon army this time is.

Just like wolves and huskies both belong to the canine family, they both look mighty and powerful, but their IQ and combat effectiveness are not at all the same level.

No one knew whether the 100,000 demon army in front of him were all wolves from the north.

So it is not a wise choice to fight hard.

"So let's choose to fight guerrillas and use the theoretical guidance of the instructor."

Everyone nodded.

It should really be the case. In the case of a huge disparity between the numbers of the enemy and us, it is only an idiot who wants to force it.

"Then we are responsible for harassing the left wing." Solisa stood up first: "Five thousand people, it should be able to contain them."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at them with admiration, and the soft and cute girl took the initiative to take the responsibility first, which was really cool.

Moreover, with a number of more than 100 people, it is necessary to contain 5,000 enemy troops, one to fifty, which is already an extremely exaggerated thing.

"Then we will pull tactics in the middle." Moguli took on the responsibility of a big guild.

"We're on the right."

"Middle Auxiliary Cat Fatty Guild."

"Our left wing helps the Phoenix Guild."

Soon all the unions confirmed their tasks, and then the heads of more than 30 unions turned their attention to Roland.

Because Shuke returned to the Temple of Light to prepare for the holy war, Roland is now in charge of the F6 union.

Under the eyes of everyone, Roland said lightly: "You go up first, and then I will have a chance to jump."

They were all gamers, and they immediately understood what Roland was talking about.

The combat meeting ends here.

Drive further, and the enemy will come to the door of the house.

Then a branch guild ran out from the temporary camp and set off in three formations from the left, center, and right.

Nearly 30,000 people are actually a lot, and it looks like a black one.

But there is no way to compare with the army of more than 100,000 demons.

The players are very straightforward. Now that they have decided on the tactics, they will go straight to the job and not talk about falsehoods.

The Demon Race's army of 100,000 people is reasonably confident, but Ryan feels quite uneasy.

From a distance, he could already see the enemy rushing towards him and the others in three directions.

kept frowning.

Because he didn't find the mage that gave him a great headache.

The mage who can cut space cracks with a single knife.

The reasoning said that he should stand still until the threat has been identified before ordering a fight.

Only this time, the commander is not him.

But another near-legendary Demon Race, Balrog Lawrence.

Balrog's average growth cap is not as good as Dread Warfiend, but Balrog Lawrence is an exception.

His talent is very strong, and he can kill the powerhouses who have entered the legendary level with the strength close to the legend.

"A cowardly human actually took the initiative to attack?"

The Fire Demon Lawrence seemed very surprised. He also participated in the last invasion of the main plane, and he deeply discriminated against the human race.

Except for very few people, facing the demons, the others did not even dare to raise their swords, and would only flee.

But this time, there were nearly 30,000 human beings who took the initiative to invade the demon world, and all of them were professionals. There was a strange feeling in this matter.

"Something's wrong." The Flame Demon sighed, and a tongue of fire spewed out of his mouth, and then quickly disappeared: "Lian, what do you think of this."

"We should retreat and establish defensive measures immediately." Seeing that the vanguard of the human beings had already crossed half the distance, Ryan felt more and more uneasy: "This group of humans is very strong."

"You mean that the enemy's 30,000 troops can beat us 100,000?" The Balrog's eyes were hidden under the thick rock helmet: "I heard that you only lost more than 3,000 people in the last battle. retreated."

"The enemy is strong, and something is wrong."

Flame Demon chuckled: "I think so too, but there is no way, Lord Paimon asked me to take the initiative to lead the attack this time and cooperate with another big man."

Ryan said bitterly: "Well, I understand, I'll take the lead in the charge."

"With you taking the lead? Then what am I?" The Flame Demon snorted coldly, then raised the huge battle axe in his right hand, and the roar spread throughout the army, like a thunderbolt: "The Black Bone Mage created the fog of the battlefield, and everyone followed after. charge."

Hiding behind, those black bone demons with staffs, all began to shake their staffs.

Unpleasant and harsh spell chants began to sound.

Soon there was a huge, red mist in front of them.

The mist smelled of blood and rancidity.

The fog is spreading, and soon it will cover a huge area in front, and all the players are encapsulated in it.

All players have limited vision, and the thing smells rather unpleasant and disgusting.

"This thing is poisonous, the priest dispels it."

Soon, white, blue, or green rays of light flashed in the player group.

Corresponding to the three priesthoods of light, ocean and life respectively.

The first to clear the fog around him were the girls from the Phoenix Guild.

All elves summoners can dispel, and many summoned magical creatures can also dispel, so in less than ten seconds, they solved the problem of vision, and even... sent a team of flying forest fairies. , to help the cat chubby guild in the middle to clear the fog.

Soon the other two players also cleared the fog around them.

Then they felt the ground shaking violently, and when they looked again, they found that the demons had rushed to a place less than 100 meters in front of them.


"Those fogs can attract movement around us and make us deaf."

Under normal circumstances, the sound of the charge of a hundred thousand troops is comparable to a tsunami, but until now, they have not heard the sound of each other's charge, saying that those fogs are strange without ghosts.

The players were surprised, but the demons were even more surprised.

The Red Mist tactic is one of their most practical tactics for invading the main plane.

Never missed.

The human coalition on the main plane, no matter how many people there are, can't resist the shroud of the red fog.

First, there are not many chaplains in the army, and secondly, the average strength of chaplains is not strong.

Even if some of them can disperse, so what, such a big fog, just using the dispel, there is no mental power to use other magic.

Not to be slaughtered by them.

But this time, the enemies are not only professionals, but it seems that the number of priests has reached an astonishing six to one.

There seems to be one priest out of every six humans.

And they all seem to be battle priests.

Looking at the enemy who was less than 100 meters away, although the players were surprised, they were not in a hurry.

The defenders in the middle line moved forward with huge tower shields. When the enemy was more than 30 meters away from themselves, all shield battles smashed their shields down almost at the same time, and all the shields lined up in a long line. long straight line.

And all of their shields were trembling slightly.

This is one of the special skills of shield warfare, and it is also an ability that all shield warfare must learn.

"United Defense Front?"

The Balrog, who was running at the forefront, was taken aback.

This ability is very troublesome. If it is only used in one or two shield battles, it will not have much effect.

But if it is used by dozens or even hundreds of people at the same time, a steel city wall can be cast.

And now, the Flame Demon saw that there were at least three hundred people on this front.

"Sure enough!"

The ability of the joint defense front is very powerful, but the requirements are also very high. The physical growth must be at least 8 or more. Under normal circumstances, in an army of 10,000 people, it is good to find ten people who can use it.

But now, he actually saw that more than 300 people could use it?

It can't be fake.

The Balrog is a little unbelieving, his size is huge, and the distance of 30 meters is only a few steps away for him.

With a body close to five meters, he held a giant axe that was three meters long and weighed nearly five hundred kilograms.

The whistling giant axe even distorted the surrounding air.

But when the giant axe hit a shield, it didn't crack the shield of the opponent as he had imagined.

Instead, after a loud bang, his giant axe was bounced back.

it is true!

The Balrog was quite surprised.

Then more demon warriors roared and hit the shield wall like waves.

It was as if a black tsunami had hit the levee.

The waves shot up and rose into the sky, but the flood control embankment was standing still.

Then, a rain of arrows and spells came across the flood dike.

A violent scream rang out, and a large number of demons were shot to death.

The Balrog protected his face and slowly retreated. Whether it was arrows or magic, hitting his rock helmet had no effect.

The enemy doesn't seem too strong.

After the first wave of engagement, many players keenly discovered this.

At this time, Roland, who was hidden in the crowd, crossed the front line and looked at the mage formation behind the enemy.

These black bone mages seem to be starting to cast spells again.

At this time, Roland flicked his fingers.

People suddenly disappeared.

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