Han Xu nodded and said:"This means that if it is not stopped, the future of China will be very dangerous."

"That's right! The princes and nobles are Buddhists, the six ministers and nine ministers are Buddhists, my father is a Buddhist, and there are even many senior generals in the army who are also Buddhists."

"If one day, the Buddhist Kingdom of Tianzhu invades the Central Plains of China, I really can’t imagine, will these people fight bravely to kill the enemy, or convert to Buddhism?"

Han Xu said:"But there are still holy kings in China, Zhang Tianshi is here, and your grandfather, plus so many all-powerful old monsters, the Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom can't make any big waves.

Dongfang Chuxue smiled bitterly and asked,"What about a thousand years from now?" What about two thousand years from now?"

Han Xu didn't speak, but listened quietly.

He knew that Dongfang Chuxue hadn't finished speaking yet.

"In our Chinese Empire, 30% of the people now believe in Buddhism. Buddhist disciples spread all over the world. Is it reasonable that they can sit back and enjoy the offerings without producing anything? This country is being exploited by a bunch of silverfish!"

Speaking of this, Dongfang Chuxue sighed:"Well, if things go on like this, there will only be more and more Buddhists, and China will only become weaker and weaker."

"We can deal with foreign aggression together. With China's current strength, we are not afraid of any foreign enemies! But what about the internal worries of Buddhism?"

"They stood on the moral high ground, controlled most of the imperial court, and had good relations with various sects in the world. Many Confucian and Taoist people were close friends with Buddhist monks. The power is growing day by day, becoming stronger and stronger day by day!"

"If one or two thousand years later, 50% of the people in China believe in Buddhism, China will surely perish!"

After hearing these words, Han Xu also felt something in his heart. Among all the countries in the world, Shenzhou is the most powerful.

There are two known top-level transcendent saints!

In addition, every once in a while in Taoism, there will be a heavenly being. The master has grown up.

As Dongfang Chuxue said, its combat power is not afraid of any invading enemies.

Although there are extraordinary saints in other countries, at this level, the gap between each level is huge!

King Ming, Concubine Ming , the old monster who has lived for thousands of years, isn't it just a low-level transcendent saint?

The two of them worked together, plus so many supreme grand masters, innate grand masters, and they were still beaten and crushed by the Holy King alone!

The Mohist's That person didn't take action at all. The Confucian Sage Wang, the Taoist Chi Songzi, the founder of the Shangqing Sect, and the Maoshan Sect's ancestor Ziyang Zhenren didn't show up.

This crisis of barbarians besieging China has ended.

The comparison between the two makes a judgment.

But what about now?

The Confucian sage king and the Mohist giant have entered their fifth decade of decline. Zhang Tianshi still has the same virtue. I don’t know when he will grow up.

But more worries are still there. Above the Chaotang!

The Chaotang, a place that Jianghu people are unwilling to set foot in, gives Buddhism enough room to grow!

Like the Holy King, he can defend China from foreign enemies thousands of times, and he can suppress evil sects thousands of times, but not Will be involved in a court dispute!

This is true for a holy king who believes in royal thoughts and is the biggest supporter of the Chinese imperial court.

Other masters are even more disdainful and do not care what happens to the imperial court.

Over the years, more than half of the revenue from the national treasury has been lost Invest in the Buddhist family, build temples and pagodas, create golden statues of Buddha, allocate funds to temples in various places, and support monks.

With such a financial situation, how can there be any spare money to develop the army? How much spare money can be left to develop people's livelihood?

Today, China's national strength is increasing day by day. One day of weakness!

Although nothing can be seen for the time being, although China is not in danger within a hundred or two hundred years, the future is indeed very worrying!


Despite this form, Han Xu has great confidence in China!

Zhang Xiaoling's talent is outstanding and he is growing day by day. In time, he will be able to unlock the Heavenly Master's Degree and he will become a pillar of China!

The Confucian Sage Wang, the Qing Emperor, the Taoist Huang Emperor, Ziyang Zhenren, Chisongzi, Xie Bo, the first evil emperor of the Holy Sect, and the Black Emperor, etc., are all amazing masters of the older generation. I believe that in Soon, you will definitely have the opportunity to step into the extraordinary and holy realm!

May Yuyan be unparalleled and open up a new path of cultivation, which is unprecedented and unparalleled!

Taoist Zhuang Xiaomeng, a unique genius!

The Yihua Palace invites the moon, it is unparalleled in the world!

Wanwan, Bai Qing'er and their generation are also growing rapidly!

Even in the court, isn't there a strange woman of this generation called Dongfang Chuxue?

There is also the Zhengyi faction. The two strongest among the nine elders are only over 600 years old. Among the old monsters in this world, they are still in their prime.

What's more, there are many super old monsters in China who are hidden from the world, have no reputation, and are unknown to the world!

China is full of talented people!

Its power is not unreasonable. but…….

Dongfang Chuxue's worries are not unreasonable. The imperial court is the biggest hidden danger in China!

"Since you are worried about this, you must have your own plan." Han Xu asked.

Dongfang Chuxue smiled, nodded and said,"That's right."

"What is it? Dongfang

Chuxue's face changed, his brows were full of murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice:"Destroy the Buddha!" From top to bottom, from the court to the rivers and lakes, let's have a big cleansing!"


That's interesting!

"Buddhism has been entrenched in the Central Plains for thousands of years and has good relations with various schools and sects. Confucianism and Taoism do not intervene in court disputes. In addition, many of them have a very good relationship with Buddhism. Before they realized the harm of Buddhism, I won’t support you in destroying Buddha"

"That’s why you can’t wait to get the position of the great son of the Mo family? Dongfang

Chuxue nodded:"It's not that I don't have any allies. Master Zhu has agreed to support my plan.""

"So when are you going to take action?"

"Within ten years."

Han Xu praised:"The two great talents in China have joined forces, and the Buddhist family will be unlucky, but... what's going on with that imperial edict? Does your father support you? Isn't he a Buddhist?

Dongfang Chuxue glanced at Han Xu and asked with a smile:"Are you worried about me?""

"That's right"

"Then I have changed my mind and won’t tell you for now. Let you worry about me for a while longer."

Han Xu was stunned. Do you like to torment men so much?

He said with a dark face:"You shouldn't be a princess."

"What should it be?"

"Queen! You have great potential!"

Dongfang Chuxue was confused and didn't understand what this sentence meant.


Suddenly, Han Xu thought of another question

"Since you have the intention to destroy the Buddha, the more supporters you get, the better. Why did you give up Taoist favors to me when you were in Longhu Mountain?"

Hearing this question, Dongfang Chuxue was slightly startled:"I don't know, it's just...……"

"What is it?"


Seeing her blushing cheeks and a troubled look on her face, Han Xu stopped asking and said,"I'd better treat your terminal pulse first.""



At this moment, far away in the land of Guyue, an earth-shattering vision occurred!

And the initiator of this vision turned out to be Mrs. Mingzhu…….

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