Martial Peak

Chapter 5249: Why crazy

The ancestors of Xiaoxiao ’s injuries this time were much lighter than last time, and it was naturally easier to recover, but relatively speaking, this time she only traveled around Yang Kai ’s little Qiankun, but did not experience it like last time. A life never seen before.

It was only after eight decades of recovery that he recovered.

The ancestors left the country, and the human race began to mobilize immediately.

In the past 20 years, the Eastern and Western Army not only recuperated and recuperated, but also made various preparations for the next war. Only when the ancestors came out of the customs can they attack the Wangcheng again.

Now, the time has come.

The order conveyed that the sixteen worlds of Qiankun, which had already been properly arranged, set sail from somewhere in the void and proceeded towards the direction of the Mozu royal city.

At the same time, a huge fleet of human races gathered in the back of the station Qiankun.

On the other side, the ancestor was already alone, and rushed to the king city.

This time, instead of waiting for the human race to move together, she took a step ahead. This is because the human race did this last time. If this happens again, the Mo race will definitely be on guard.

The same method cannot always work.

Surveillance of the human tribe's residence on the side of the Mo clan's royal city is unrelenting. However, during the past two decades, the human tribe has remained indifferent.

The more the human race has no movement, the more uneasy they feel, as if there is an invisible guillotine hanging above the head, which will not fall, making it extremely uncomfortable.

When the huge fleet of human races, bypassing the station Qiankun, appeared in the void, the Mossian lord who was responsible for monitoring the movement here was aware of it for the first time.

The news was reported urgently, and soon reached the ears of 砗 硿.

緗 硿 strode out of the cabin of his building ship, stood on the deck and looked up, and found the trace of the human race fleet.

He did not hesitate and ordered the female domain master who had followed him all the time: "Monitor the movement of the human race, I will return to the king city to wake up the king!"

The last time the king had suffered the loss of being attacked by the ancestors of the human race, so after returning from that war, he ordered the tortoise, and the next time the human race army showed signs of attacking the king city, he immediately awakened him from his sleep So as not to be attacked again.

If he had to force it, he would not be able to issue such an order. No Mo tribe is willing to be forcibly awakened by others during healing, which is extremely detrimental to the recovery of their injuries, especially he is still the king.

But compared with the sneak attack of the human race ancestors that may come, this is nothing. After all, if the human race ancestors really attack, then the king will wake up as soon as possible, it is better to let his subordinates wake up earlier, You can also cope early.

The king's life, naturally do not dare to disrespect.

However, the Terran Fleet set sail from there, and at least it took half a day to reach the King City, so it is not so anxious to wake up the King.

After he had finished his orders, he rushed to the royal city.

However, just two steps away, he turned around and looked back.

An extremely dangerous breath quickly approached from there, and the face of the lord and the female master beside him changed suddenly.

Ancestor of human race, has come!

This was an unexpected thing. They thought that the ancestor of the human race would act with the army. No one expected that she would take a step forward. When the Mo people noticed the movement of the human army, they had killed near the king city.

"Enemy attack!" Cui Ji was too late to think about what tricks the human ancestors were playing, and roared in horror.

At the next moment, a ghostly figure crashed into the army of the Mo clan stationed outside the Wangcheng. When the violent world and the mighty force exploded, it seemed that the iron had fallen into the ice water and the world was boiling!

When a supreme strong man of the human race, regardless of his or her status, launches an offensive against the Mo army, the destructive power that can be caused is unimaginable.

Because no one can curb her behavior, even if the king does not contain it, even the domain master and the eight-ranking Motu, there is a risk of falling at any time.

At every moment, thousands of Mo people have perished, centered on the figure who broke into the Mo army, and the Mo people around them melt like flakes under the scorching sun.

Among them, there is no shortage of the Mo clan at the level of the lord, sometimes mixed with the movements of the domain master and the Eighth Pinkai Kaitian.

In less than ten breaths of effort, the army of the Mo clan has been reduced by as much as 40,000 to 50,000.

The rigorously defended army of the Mo clan is even more chaotic. Innumerable Mo clan instinctively urged the mysterious art to fight towards that figure, but it has no effect. Instead, many accidental injuries occurred one after another.

Some Mo tribes did not die under the ancestors of the human tribe, but died under the secret technique of their tribe, which is extremely tragic.

Ten breaths, for many Mo people, is almost the gap between life and death.

The ten-breath time is enough for the Mo king to react.

The power of the ancestor of the human race vented around the Wangcheng, even though he was sleeping, he could clearly feel it.

After ten breaths, before the ancestors created more chaos and casualties for the Mo clan army, the angry figure of the Mo clan lord had been killed from the king city, and the rich Mo forces wrapped him up, and he could hardly see his true face The boundless and angry blow almost exhausted all his strength, and drove the smiling ancestors back.

A touch of blush flashed on the pale face of the ancestor, and soon disappeared, standing in the void, looking across the sky from the king of the Mo clan, the bright eyes seemed to penetrate the interference of the power of the ink, and clearly saw the king The anger and confusion in the eyes of the Lord.

The Lord is indeed both angry and puzzled.

Angrily, it was only twenty years later, this humanoid woman jumped out again. This was the last time, and he was interrupted after he had done a good treatment.

What is puzzling is that the human race is so crazy? He can be sure that the human race, the Supreme, has not recovered from the injury, because he only fought once, and he can clearly feel this.

Of course, the possibility of the other party intentionally hiding power is not ruled out.

But this possibility is almost non-existent.

Twenty years later, with the help of Mochao, he only cultivated about 20% to 30% of his injuries. This ancestor of the human race who practiced special exercises was only afraid of being even worse.

Both times before and after, both of them were injured, but still came to provoke themselves. This is to show that they are not good and do not want others to be better. How can it be crazy?

The accumulation of the two injuries is not a big deal, but if it continues in the long term, even if they are the ninth king, they will damage the foundation.

Looking at the woman in front of him, he faintly saw the figure of Jiupin Supreme who was sitting in Dayanguan 30,000 years ago.

That man ... is also extremely crazy, otherwise he will not be able to drag the last king to the end if he is hit by a sneak attack.

The human race ... really is a terrible race.

The two great supremacy faced each other across the air, even if there was no speech, there was no momentum confrontation, but the silent pressure still made the Mo army calm.

"Why do you come here?" Lord Wang looked at the ancestor and spoke first.

Although it was a headless sentence, the ancestor did not know what he meant.

This one obviously feels that everyone is injured, so heal each other's wounds. In the event of a war, let the people work hard. Whether it's good or bad depends on their own play, and neither of them will interfere.

This is extremely fair to either party.

Why drag the disabled body to provoke it, and then it will be a result of losing both sides, and no one will take advantage of it.

Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "The human race is weak, there is no way, my ancestors naturally need more strength."

Counting this time, she had a total of three encounters with the Mo clan lord. This was the first time she had a conversation. Both of the previous two saw the real chapter under her hand, and there was no communication.

The reason why they are willing to communicate is because the fleet of the Eastern and Western Army is still on the road. If they can delay here for a while, it will also be beneficial to the next attack of the Terran Army.

Because she exerted pressure here, the Mo army that was disrupted by her could not be effectively rectified.

The eyes of the King of the Mo clan drew low: "While knowing that the human clan is weak, why not take advantage of my Mo clan? The future of the clan is destined to be ruled by the Mo clan. As a human clan supreme, I believe that you will not even see this. "

The smiling ancestor sneered: "Who gives you self-confidence?" Since ancient times, the Mo clan has taken half a step in the battlefield of the Mo? But as long as our human race is still alive, the plot of the Mo clan will never succeed. "

The Lord of the Mo clan slowly shook his head: "I don't know what to do."

Xiaozu ancestor said: "Different ways are not for mutual benefit!"

The Lord of the Mo clan no longer talked nonsense, turned his head to look at the human race fleet approaching from the far side of the Void Dynasty King City, and proposed: "In today's battle, you and I will not intervene. How about each other?"

To be honest, even with the help of Mochao, he is unwilling to deal with this supreme human race.

The injury has not healed. With the help of Mo Chao, he will not fall into the downwind, but it will also delay his healing process. What's more, he is not sure that he can win the other party.

Really must win the opponent with certainty, he will not be nonsense, he has already started directly.

Although he only played a few times, he also noticed the difficulty of his opponent.

Faced with his proposal, Xiaozu ancestor just shook his head slowly: "That's not possible. I've already come, and I won't just stand by and watch."

The Lord of the Mo clan said indignantly: "Hugh has to get in!"

He could suggest that the two sides should wait and see, and not to intervene in today's battle. It was a concession.

After all, before he went out, Xiaozu Patriarch had already scouted tens of thousands of Mo clan troops, and even the domain master and the Eighth Grade Mo Tuo died in her hands.

These, the king can ignore, but do not want this woman to disagree.

The Lord is naturally angry.

And when the words fell, the ancestors of Xiaoxiao suddenly burst out with the power of rich ink, and the power of the ink turned into twisted faces, and a silent wailing came out of his mouth.

Although the wailing was silent, it seemed to be able to sound in the depths of the human heart, making people feel stunned and restless, that is, it was stiff for Bapin to eat this blow.

This is obviously a means by the king.

At the same time that this mysterious mystery appeared, the Lord of the Mo clan had flung himself in, and his ancestors smiled.

Xiaozu ancestors sneered: "It is said that they are watching each other, but they are merciless, and they are worthy of the king!"

Lord Wang Lengheng: "If you have refused, then naturally there is only one battle."

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