Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 234: Muspelheim

The next morning, Thor made a request to leave. After experiencing the banquet at Warnerheim, he had nothing to regret.

And he secretly brought Fini here, so far he doesn't know what Odin will do with him, so he thinks it's better to bring Fini back as soon as possible.

It's more troublesome when you come, but it's easier when you go back.

After the people from Warnerheim sent them out of the royal city, Thor directly found a wide place and shouted loudly with a hammer, "Heimdall, Heimdall!"


A dazzling beam of light descended from the sky and instantly enveloped him and Thor. Through the transmission channel of the Rainbow Bridge, the two soon returned to Asgard.

"Long time no see, Heimdall!"

Fini looked at Heimdall, who had barely changed in front of him, and said hello.

This time he and Thor stayed in Wanaheim for almost a month, which may not be a big deal to the Asgardians, but it has been a long time for him as an earthling.

Heimdall nodded, then looked at him and Thor and said, "I see that most of the war in Warnerheim has subsided, and people are recovering!"

"That's good!"

Thor smiled, then stepped forward to give Heimdall a hug, and asked in a low voice, "Father, how is his mood today?"

"As usual!"

Heimdall replied lightly, which made Fini want to laugh a little. Looking at Thor, he said, "Don't worry, I'll explain it from the King of God!"

Thor's face calmed down a little. When they went back, Heimdall didn't forget to remind Feeney, "Don't forget what you promised!"

"Don't worry, I'll come to find you tonight!"

Finney waved his hand, but thought in his heart, Wanaheim has already been there, which one of the other worlds would be more appropriate to go to next.

Because they called Heimdall back in advance, there was no team to greet him. Because Thor was afraid of Odin's anger, he quickly brought Fini to Odin as soon as he came back.

"You dare to take guests to the battlefield without authorization. Is this how you treat guests as a prince?"

As soon as they met, Odin reprimanded Thor loudly, but Fini could hear that although the voice was loud, there was not much anger in it.

After all, if he was really angry, he should have sent someone to bring Fini back as early as the first day he found out, instead of waiting until now the war is over to be held accountable.

"I'm sorry, Father!"

Thor obediently bowed his head and admitted his mistake. He also heard that Odin was just pretending, he didn't seem too angry, and he was relieved.

Although everyone knows the situation, the process still has to go. Looking at Odin who was 'infuriated', Fini stepped forward and said, "Forgive me, Your Majesty the King of God!"

"I personally strongly requested His Royal Highness Thor to take me to Wanaheim, please forgive me!"

Odin really took the opportunity to take this step, ignored Thor, but looked at Fini and asked, "Why do you have to go to the battlefield?"

In fact, Odin still had some doubts in his heart why Finney had to go to Warnerheim to fight in the war, if it was because of Thor, but the friendship between the two should not have reached that level.

If it is simply belligerent, although it is a bit far-fetched, it is also true, but Odin feels that things should not be so simple.

"I originally wanted to see the situation in other worlds. Although this situation is a bit special, it does not violate my original intention. Moreover, His Royal Highness Thor is my friend, so it is necessary to help each other."

Odin's only eye looked at Fini, and he didn't say anything more about the issue. He turned his head to look at Thor, who was bored, feeling a little angry in his heart, and said:

"Although there was a reason for the incident, he was the one who took you away after all. This is against Asgard's etiquette. Therefore, Thor, I punish you that you will not be able to participate in the celebration of this victory!"

"Ah, Father..."

Thor opened his mouth and was about to argue a few words when he saw Odin wave his hand in an unhappy manner, "Come down!"

Seeing this, Fini didn't say much. Besides, it was just punishment for attending the banquet. In his opinion, it was not a punishment at all.

On the way, looking at Thor with a bitter look on his face, although Fini didn't understand, he still comforted: "It's just a banquet, haven't you just attended it!"


Thor just heard the punishment, and was used to some resistance. In fact, thinking about it, he was not in the mood to attend the banquet.

As soon as he returned to Asgard, he thought of his girlfriend on Earth. As long as this matter has not been resolved, every time he participated in a banquet and felt the cheerful atmosphere, he would not be happy.

"I lost this time, but I will win back sooner or later!"

When parting, Thor also admitted that he lost to Fini on the battlefield this time. Unfortunately, there is no experience to gain by admitting defeat, so Fini doesn't care too much.

Looking at Thor who turned his head away after speaking, Fini shook his head helplessly and returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, Feeney looked at what he had achieved this time in Warnerheim. Apart from unlocking the title of 'White Butcher', he also gained a lot this time.

After nearly a month of fighting in Warnerheim, the ninth time the system has drawn the experience gauge is close to half, which is definitely not slow.

After all, if he were to practice his skills every day, it would take more than a year to reach this level.

Aside from experience, he got a 'Pearl of the Sea' at Warnerheim that wasn't much but Feeney thought it would be a good idea to deduce Odin's ideas from Nyord harvest.

At the same time, it also verified the way and speed of the 'city of ghouls' plundering time.

The only pity is that it has not been determined whether mass destruction of the enemy will reduce experience gain.

However, Fini believes that the Nine Realms will not settle down so easily, and there is still a chance to verify it in the future. At least there are still vanguard guards under Thanos waiting for him.


In the evening, instead of going to the library to read, Fini brought the blue-eyed white dragon to Heimdall, ready to fulfill his promise before departure.

Rainbow bridge.

Looking at the huge blue-eyed white dragon beside Fini, Heimdall asked curiously, "Is it a girl?"


Fini nodded, and suddenly wondered if he should prepare armor and clothes for Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but when it was changed back to a card, these things couldn't be changed.

"I have never seen a creature like her before in the Nine Realms or even in the universe!"

Heimdall stared straight at the blue-eyed white dragon and said, "There is a fire dragon in Muspelheim, but it is very ferocious and violent, and it doesn't look as good as her."

"That land of flames?"

Fini was a little curious about the world that was somewhat opposite to Jotunheim, and Surtur, who destroyed Asgard with a sword in the original plot, was born here.


Heimdall looked at the deep starry sky and said slowly, "It's full of flames and chaos!"

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