At this time, Thanos naturally saw that his black dwarf was not the opponent of the warrior under the opponent.

However, compared to offensive ability, Black Dwarf’s defense is his strongest point.

Thanos felt that even if Black Dwarf couldn’t beat the other party, it would be difficult to be completely defeated!

Black Dwarf’s defense is almost comparable to its own!

However, although there is no danger to black dwarfs temporarily.

But Thanos is still a little worried.

His concern was not the two ongoing battles.

It’s about how many hole cards there are for humans on this earth!

How many of his subordinates did he hide?

How many perverts can a planet with backward science and technology and weak flesh produce?

Could it be that the other party is just pretending to be a ghost?

So get confused, and then let yourself retreat?

There is this possibility!

However, Thanos is not a person who likes to retreat without a fight.

Since you want to play, then play with you to the end!

Thanos snorted coldly, and then said to the two remaining subordinates behind him: “You two, go together!” ”

Behind Thanos, the Dead Blade General and Proxima Night, came to the front!

General Dead Blade is the head of Thanos’ Five Obsidian generals.

His combat power is the strongest of all Thanos’ subordinates.

He is very strong, and he also has a strong wound healing ability, and ordinary wounds can be quickly healed!

The other, Proxima Centauri, is the only woman among Thanos’ Obsidian Five generals.

Her strongest is her hand-to-hand combat ability!

In battle, as long as her enemy is approached by her, it is basically a death sentence for the other party!

At this time, the Dead Blade General held a two-handed battle blade in his hand, and Proxima Night held a black divine gun, and the two walked towards Will side by side.

They seemed to walk very casually, but both of them were tense in their hearts!

Just now the opponent of Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf, they all saw it.

Those two people are very powerful, stronger than the two people on their side, they don’t know if this human old man will have other more powerful subordinates!


Two steps.

The two approached slowly!

They are not in a hurry to strike, but are waiting.

Waiting for the old man on the other side, the next move!

Will, with a smile.

It’s like not caring about the proximity of the two.

This relaxed look makes the Dead Blade General and Proxima Night more cautious!

Not only did Thanos see the weirdness of this matter, but these two people also knew that this earthling was definitely prepared!

Finally, Will raised his arm and waved it gently.

Seeing that the two of them didn’t make a move, Will didn’t wait!

Two ripples appeared in the space again!

He, again, did not disappoint the enemy.

Wesker, and King Ida, walked out side by side in the ripples of space!

Wesker is facing the Dead Blade General.

King Ida, facing Proxima Centauri!

Their positions have long been established!

Different from the solemn expression of the Dead Blade General, Wesker, a militant, just appeared in the real world, he smiled viciously and drew his sword and shield, took the lead and rushed towards the other party.

Without the slightest hesitation!

There has been no fight for a long time, Wesker is already holding back!

The whole day is training and training, which makes him hold a bad temper and can’t vent!

At this time, facing the Dead Blade General, who is two heads taller than himself and looks fierce, he is like an eagle seeing a rabbit!

Eyes glow!

Other than that.

This was the first time he had used them in actual combat after obtaining these two weapons created by the dwarves.

Although these two weapons are standard equipment, they have always made him love it!

Wesker was extremely fast, and he was in front of the Dead Blade General in an instant!

Subsequently, the Dead Blade General also grabbed his two-handed battle blade and faced Wesker!

The big war is imminent!

The other side.

King Ida has also greeted Proxima Centauri!

Although Proxima Night is the only woman among the five Obsidian generals, her strength is really not weak.

How can he be a weak person who can do things under Thanos.

At this time, she saw the woman in front of her who looked a little “thin”, and a contemptuous smile appeared on her face.

That old man of the earthling, it seems that he does not have any strong subordinates, and he actually took a weak little woman out to fight against himself!

Then, let her die first!

Proxima Nighttimei was the first to strike.

Her legs instantly exerted force, and with the divine spear given to her by Thanos in her hand, she attacked King Ida!

And on the opposite side of her, King Ida didn’t even have a weapon in his hand!

In the face of Proxima Centauri’s attack, she can only passively dodge!

It seems that of the four battles on the field at this time, only Proxima Night’s battle is the easiest.

However, looking at King Ida, who had been dodging, Will was still smiling.

It seems that he does not care about the battle between King Ida and Proxima Night.

Thanos, on the other hand, frowned, not understanding Will’s meaning.

Does this woman only dodge?

You don’t even have a weapon?

Simple dodging, sooner or later, will reveal flaws and be killed by Proxima Centauri, right?

Could it be that this old man of the earth wants to take the opportunity to get rid of this woman?

Thanos looked suspicious.

Other than that.

He really couldn’t understand why an originally planned aggressive action had become like this.

What went wrong there?

From the news from his supergiant, Asgard still did not move.

The Odin God King was also the same as always.

This shows that what happened here is not known to the Asgard Protoss!


Thanos narrowed his eyes and stared closely at the seemingly harmless old human man in front of him.

With a flick of his palm, it seemed to be releasing some signal.

Then Will saw it.

On that huge Sanctuary 2 spaceship, a ray of light descended rapidly.

Then, the light dissipated.

On Thanos’s hand, there was suddenly an extra strangely shaped weapon!

Double-edged sword!

Will felt cold.

This is Thanos’ weapon before he obtained the Infinity Gauntlet!

Will still knows a lot about this weapon!

As a traverser who has brushed the Avengers Four several times, Will has seen more than once that Thanos once used this weapon to smash the shield of Captain America!

That shield is all made of vibranium!

In other words, the material used to make Thanos’ weapon is definitely harder than vibranium!

“Do you want to compete with me?” Will’s face was calm, but the fighting spirit in his heart began to gradually boil!

Now Will already has the individual strength to fight Thanos!

He also wanted to experiment to see if his mental power was stronger, or Thanos’ double-edged blade was more powerful!


Thanos, but shook his head!

On his face, with the momentum of the world, he raised the double-edged combat knife in his hand, pointed at Will, and said: “No, I just want to see how many people you are hiding here!” ”

In the sky, the huge Sanctuary II suddenly emitted a deafening roar!

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