These days, for Will, it has been difficult.

It’s also tangled.

A few days ago, the thing about the new virus was already done.

Javier’s fusion with Veronica virus was quite successful, and it has been experimented with many times.

Will was watching from the side during the experiment.

An inmate was lifted from the Raccoon City Jail and handed over to the umbrella company.

In a special hardened laboratory, Javier scratched the prisoner’s skin with his nails, and despite the constant pleas for mercy and a terrified look, everyone watching the experiment did not feel any discomfort.

The researchers and armed men of the entire umbrella company, including Will, are hardly good people in the traditional sense.

Human experiments, I am afraid that if you say this, you will be scolded by the entire human race.

And what umbrella companies do is not just human experimentation.

The Umbrella Company even directly manufactures prisoners into biological weapons with no sense of autonomy at all!

For a small prisoner’s plea for mercy, these people did not even have the slightest psychological fluctuation.

After scratching the skin, Javier withdrew from the lab 620.

Then, it’s just a quiet wait.

Including Will, there were also a group of senior executives in the virus and biological weapons research department of the umbrella company, and more than a dozen people were observing and recording the mutation of the experimental subjects.

Half an hour later, the subjects began to experience symptoms such as malaise and lack of concentration in both eyes.

On his body, the small wound began to fester, and then gradually spread throughout his body.

After another half an hour, the subjects began to experience symptoms such as general spasms, some hair and fur loss, and blackening and protruding blood vessels.

Then, ten minutes later, all symptoms disappeared.

The experimental subject turned into a real zombie!

It’s just that unlike ordinary zombies, his expression is very calm, and he doesn’t struggle as hard as ordinary zombies, and when he sees Will and the others behind the strengthened glass, he doesn’t want to rush up!

Alexia then assessed Javier’s ability to control.

According to Javier, he could feel the zombie in his consciousness, as if there was an invisible bond between them that connected the two of them.

Through this link, Javier was able to send some simple commands to this subject, and the subject was able to fully understand what Javier meant!

It’s just that this kind of command can only be quite simple, such as attacking, retreating, eating, grabbing, these extremely simple words, and some relatively clear sentences, such as not being able to walk out of the circle, pick up some kind of object around you, and so on.

After the more complex order was given, the subject would be stunned on the spot, seemingly not understanding what it meant.

Subsequently, the second experiment was carried out again.

In another laboratory, a 2 body bitten by the experimental subject just now also developed a spiritual connection with Javier.

Moreover, when Javier manipulated him, he was exactly the same as Subject 1.

After that, experiments such as whether distance affects the control and whether the number of descendants affect the control accuracy are also carried out.

So far, all experiments have proved that as long as the human zombies infected by the virus host will be controlled by the host.

Moreover, the number of zombies does not affect the control, but when controlling multiple zombies to make different actions at the same time, the host’s mental power cannot withstand too much individual control.

For example, Javier can only give three sets of orders at the same time, and if there are more, headaches will occur.

This point, Alexia said, should be related to Javier’s mental power.

The stronger the mental power, the better you can control the actions of zombies.

For this point, Will agreed very much, in his eyes, Javier’s mental power value is 20 points.

Twice as normal as a normal person.

This is already good, but Alexia’s spiritual power is even stronger, as many as 50 points.

And, most importantly, Cfde has not even been injected with any virus until now, which shows that her mental power is innate!

No wonder he became the best researcher in the umbrella company.


Of course, including Javier’s experiment, and the things about Alexia’s spiritual power, are all good news.

Will is distressed that Javier, who has this perverted ability, cannot play it.

I can only hide in the laboratory, control the zombies infected during the previous experiment, run around, exercise their mental power, and, under Will’s order, start to do some experiments on the infection of animal species.

And Will didn’t pay attention to it later, after all, he was not ready to let Javier use his abilities on a large scale for the time being.

Early that morning, after Will’s washing, he watched the recent news events on the big screen in the room according to his usual habit.

Suddenly, he noticed a message.

This is a live video news report.

“Today, the citizens of Raccoon City took to the streets, holding banners and the umbrella company logo with a huge cross, and demonstrating activities.” The female reporter held a microphone, and behind her was a procession of thousands of citizens.

They held many banners in their hands, which read: “Umbrella companies arbitrarily occupy land and conduct illegal human experiments, where is the law, where is the morality!” ”

There is also a banner that reads: “Umbrella Company kills to pay for the lives of innocent people who died!” ”

There are also some people, I don’t know where to find the name of the owner of the umbrella company …

The picture cut to the female reporter again, she held the microphone and said in a passionate voice: “According to a number of media and newspaper reports, the umbrella company has secretly carried out human experiments over the years, resulting in at least hundreds of deaths, but for some reason has not received legal sanctions!” ”

“In addition, according to the information provided to us by local residents, some time ago, the umbrella company forcibly occupied an area of eight kilometers in diameter in the center of Raccoon City to do some experiments on aliens, but the occupied land was not compensated at all, tens of thousands of citizens were displaced, and countless companies went bankrupt, causing tens of millions of economic losses!”

In a word, he described the umbrella company as a cult that bullies and dominates the market and does nothing evil.

Standing in front of the video screen, Will was not angry.

What does the umbrella company look like that he himself knows best, human experiments? Hundreds of deaths?

Nonsense, at least tens of thousands of people have died!!

Usurping land? No compensation? Displaced citizens?

The land was occupied, but compensation was not less.


There were two truckloads of corpses secretly disposed of by Javier alone! Naturally no less displaced!

This report is also too irresponsible, and it is not investigated clearly!

For their irresponsibility, Will naturally will not be angry, after all, he has been entangled for a long time, whether to try the power of the Veronica virus somewhere, by the way to improve his mental power.

And this place is the hardest choice! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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