Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 139 Horrible future, billions of people were killed!

Hawkeye Barton's words made everyone at the scene nod frequently.

The fact that SHIELD has been penetrated by Hydra has been riddled with holes, which is no doubt and ironclad fact.

Even top executives like Alexander Pierce are likely to be undercover for Hydra.

And when they knew that Captain America had already seen the identities of some of their undercover Hydras, how could they be indifferent and not take any measures?

"Expelling" Captain America from S.H.I.E.L.D. is just a basic exercise.

Under this premise, it's not the three people's "wrong" actions alone, it's more right.

"Everyone, since this is the case, option D can also be ruled out!" Thor smiled and clapped his hands, "There is only one option B that is most likely, everyone, the answer has come out."

"Captain was wanted once when Nick Fury was 'killed', but now, he was wanted again." Black Widow complained slightly.

"All of us have taken turns before, and now it's a new round of answering questions. Who starts?" Dr. Banner asked while looking at everyone.

"This question is about me. It's better to start a new round of answers. Let me start." Black Widow said while everyone was watching.

Everyone has no objection to this. In fact, even if Black Widow doesn't say it, everyone will suggest Black Widow to answer.

"I choose B, and sacrifice myself to get the soul gem!" Black Widow immediately spoke her answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】


Black Widow's slightly dangling heart was relieved, and her eyes couldn't help showing a light of excitement.

[Congratulations to the answerer Natasha Romanov for winning a bonus invisible camouflage! 】

Immediately afterwards, Black Widow felt that her hand was heavy, and there was an extra piece of very soft "cloth". There was no doubt that the cloth was invisible camouflage.

One side of the stealth camouflage looks very normal, but if you turn it over, you can see that Black Widow's hands, legs, etc., where the stealth camouflage is covered, "disappears".

"This is stealth camouflage! The stealth effect is really good!" Barton's eyes lit up,

said with great satisfaction.

This kind of invisible camouflage is very useful in many cases for front-line field agents like them.

Immediately afterwards, he took the invisible camouflage out of Black Widow's hand and enveloped himself in it.

Everyone saw that Hawkeye Barton, who had been standing in front of them, disappeared.

And in the place where Barton disappeared, the light also looked normal, and there was no distortion. Unless you looked carefully and carefully, you couldn't find it at all.

This is still when everyone knows that Hawkeye uses stealth camouflage to stealth.

If it is for those who do not know the situation in advance, the effect of this invisible camouflage will be better.

The two experimented again and were very satisfied with the invisible camouflage.

"Natasha, if you use this invisible camouflage as a dress, or a robe, it will be very suitable for you," Barton suggested.

"I think so too." Black Widow nodded and smiled.

The current invisible camouflage is just a piece of cloth, which is inconvenient to use and naturally requires further processing.

"It's interesting, can you show it to me?" Tony Stark said to Black Widow.

Naturally, Black Widow didn't have any excuses, and directly handed the invisible camouflage in her hand to Tony Stark. Tony Stark glanced at it and knew it.

"It seems that it only uses optical principles, which means that it only has an effect on ordinary vision. If the invisible camouflage of thermal imaging is turned on, I am afraid it will be useless."

Tony Stark commented casually, with a look of disinterest on his face.

"Stark, since that's the case, can you improve it a little so that it can also block thermal imaging perception?"

"In exchange, you can study this invisible camouflage."

Black Widow suggested to Tony Stark.

"Research can't be talked about, the technology on this is not advanced enough for me to study, it's just a gadget that interests me at most." Tony Stark looked disapproving, "But since you have spoken. , I will agree."

The deal between the two was reached so quickly.

[The answer is over, now start playing the answer analysis! 】

As always, not long after answering the question, the answering system began to play the corresponding video.

The first thing that catches everyone's eyes is a dim, boundless, desert-like place.

But in front of that desert, there is a barren mountain.

On the barren mountain, there were even snowflakes floating in succession. The combination of this landform feature and the weather cannot be said to be absolutely abnormal, but it is also very rare.

After all, desert areas are generally hot and dry, the air humidity is extremely low, and the probability of snowfall is very small.

The two figures, one deep and one shallow, were climbing on the mountain, and they were the fully-armed Hawkeye Barton and the black widow Natasha Romanov.

"What is this place, has anyone recognized it?" Captain America glanced at the people around him and asked in a deep voice.

The title says that the black widow sacrificed herself to get the soul gem, so the most basic speculation is that the soul gem is hidden on this mountain.

Of course everyone needs to figure it out.

It's just a pity that it is impossible for anyone to recognize anything just by relying on the topography of the tip of the iceberg.

"I bet that raccoon doesn't have to climb the mountain!" Black Widow said while climbing the mountain.

"I bet he's not actually a raccoon!" Hawkeye said to Black Widow.

"Whatever, he eats garbage anyway!" Black Widow shrugged.


Just as the two were talking, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Hawkeye Barton and Black Widow were both startled, turned around immediately, and were on guard.

Barton suddenly pulled out a samurai sword behind him. Black Widow also held a gun tightly in both hands and pointed at the person who spoke.

Under the gaze of the two, a figure wearing a hood and shrouded in a robe slowly appeared.

Although everyone still can't see what that person looks like, I have to say that this person looks full of style.

At first glance, you can see that it is not that kind of ordinary character.

Especially the sound of this guy, it's just like adding a filter when watching a movie, and it also has an echo, which is exaggerated.

"Natasha, daughter of Ivan!"

"Clint, son of Edith!"

While saying these words, the man slowly "floated" towards the two black widows.

That's right, this guy's feet are also hidden in the robe, and the whole robe is constantly fluttering in the wind, making this person look like a ghost.

"Ivan? Is this my father?"

The black widow at the scene moved slightly, because she didn't know who her parents were until now.

And that mysterious shadow doesn't look like it's talking nonsense.

Black Widow became more and more curious about the identity of that mysterious person.

"Who are you!"

on the screen.

Black Widow stared at the shadow, and asked a question that everyone at the scene wanted to know.

"Just treat me as a guide." The figure replied leisurely, "Guide you and all those who come to find the soul gem."

The expressions of everyone at the scene were slightly stunned. This figure actually instructed others how to get the soul gem?

This is so arrogant, isn't it?

It's just that since this figure knows how to get the soul gem, why can't he just guide others and take it by himself?

Thinking about the answer to the question, Black Widow's self-sacrifice, everyone has a vague guess that it will not be so simple to get the Soul Gem.

"Very good, then tell me where the gem is, and I'll find it myself!" Black Widow still pointed the gun at the shadow, and said in a deep voice.

"My dear, it would be nice if it were that simple." The figure took a step forward while saying this to Black Widow.

Because of the light, his face hidden under the hood was finally revealed to everyone at this time.

"I go!"


Everyone was taken aback by surprise, because what was under the hood was not a human face at all, but a red skull.

"It's the Red Skull!"

Captain America's expression couldn't help changing.

Seventy years ago, he had his last fight with the Red Skull, when the Red Skull disappeared after being hit by a blast of energy from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Captain America always thought the Red Skull was dead.

But who would have thought that the Red Skull was not dead at all.

And looking at it, it seems to be more powerful than before.

This is not good news.

"Is he the Red Skull?" Tony Stark said in surprise, "So he really looks like this ghost!"

Others at the scene were also very surprised. The Red Skull is the lifelong enemy of the American team. Thanks to Captain America, his name has also been passed down to future generations.

Except for Thor, everyone at the scene has heard the name of the Red Skull.

It's just that the Red Skull didn't die, which is something that everyone never expected, and from this look, the Red Skull knew very well how to get the Soul Gem.

Could the Hydra be so powerful in the future?

Under the gazes of everyone, the Red Skull brought Black Widow and Hawkeye Barton to a cliff with many huge stone pillars.

"What you're looking for is right in front of you, and what you're afraid of is also there." Red Skull said in a leisurely voice to Barton and Black Widow.

"The gem is below!" Black Widow said, looking at the deep cliff.

"It can only be given to one of you." Red Skull added on the side, "and the other one will get the soul gem!"

"To get the Soul Stone, you have to lose your cherished possession, it's an eternal exchange!"

"One soul in exchange for one soul!"

The expressions of everyone on the scene changed slightly.

Because the meaning of what Red Skull said couldn't be more obvious, if you want to get the soul gem, someone must die!

It turns out that Black Widow sacrificed herself like this to let Hawkeye Barton get the Soul Gem?

But is what the Red Skull said actually true?

This is a bit inconsistent with Hydra's usual style.

"Natasha, it looks like you made a stupid decision!" Hawkeye Barton couldn't help turning his head to look at the black widow beside him, and said sternly, "Remember, it's not your turn to be a hero, okay?"

"Barton, as you said, you can't judge me for something that didn't happen." Black Widow shrugged.

On the screen, Hawkeye Barton and Black Widow fell into a discussion.

"Hey, hello!" Hawkeye Barton saw that Black Widow was really lost in thought, and couldn't help but be speechless, "God, he may have made this up."

"No, I don't think so!" Black Widow said with a serious face.

"Just because he said your father's name?" Barton was still full of doubts.

"I don't even know my father's name," Black Widow said thoughtfully.

Then she raised her head. "And Thanos left here with the Soul Stone, but not his daughter. It's no coincidence."

The words made everyone on the scene bewildered.

Did Thanos actually take away the Soul Gem?

Then why did the Black Widow and the others come here again to find the soul gem?

Could it be that there is more than one soul gem?

But according to Thor, there are only six Infinity Stones in the universe, and at that level, each of them should be unique.

How can there be two identical gems?

This doesn't make sense.

With this question in mind, we continue to pay attention to the development of the situation.

"Indeed!" Hawkeye Barton nodded.

In fact, he has long believed the words of the Red Skull, but deliberately pretended not to believe, and persuaded Black Widow that it was a lie.

It is convenient for him to sacrifice himself!

"No matter what the price is!" Black Widow spit out these words with deep eyes and a powerful voice at this time.

"No matter what the price is!" Hawkeye Barton also echoed.

Both of them have the consciousness of mortal death.

"If we can't get the gems, billions of people can't be resurrected!" Black Widow stood up at this time and walked in front of Hawkeye.

One sentence almost made everyone at the scene fall to the ground. Listening to what the black widow means, billions of people have died on the earth?

What a joke!

"Yes!" Hawkeye Barton nodded heavily, "I think we already know who should be sacrificed, right?"

"I think so!" Black Widow nodded.

At the moment of life and death, the two couldn't help but grab their hands together, and the eagle-eyed Barton looked at the black widow and said, "I suddenly feel that we should not be thinking of one person, Natasha."

What were the two of them thinking?

Do you want to let yourself live and choose to let the other party die, or choose to sacrifice yourself and let the other party live?

Or is it only one of them who thinks this way?

What is certain is that Black Widow sacrificed herself, and she did intend to sacrifice herself, so what about Hawkeye Barton?

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