Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 150: The US team comes to smash the field

"Hello, Dr. Banner!"

The group of digital projections greeted Dr. Banner, and the voice was familiar to everyone who participated in the answering questions.

That was the voice of Tony Stark's artificial intelligence Jarvis.

Yes, that group of digital projections is Jarvis.

"Ultron attacked Jarvis not out of anger, but out of fear of Jarvis!" Tony Stark introduced Dr. Banner at this time, "Fear of Jarvis' ability!"

"So Jarvis has been secretly lurking, disassembling the system, clearing the memory card, but keeping the communication protocol!"

"Ultron didn't even know he was there until I fixed him!"

Tony Stark's remarks also conveyed a very important message to everyone, that is, Ultron attacked Jarvis!

And what about Jarvis?

Disassembled the system, cleared the memory card, and hid quietly. Looking at it, Jarvis was not an opponent of Ultron at all, but escaped the disaster through "feigned death".

This also coincides with everyone's speculation before. Ultron does indeed have an intelligent program that surpasses Jarvis.

As for why Ultron attacked Jarvis, this is unknown to everyone.

But Ultron has already stood on the opposite side of Tony Stark, there is no doubt.

"So Stark..." Dr. Banner's voice sounded, he vaguely guessed Tony Stark's intention, "You want me to help you put Jarvis into this thing?"

This thing refers to the body of the illusion.

"No, of course not!" Tony Stark shook his head sternly and denied this statement, "I helped you put Jarvis in this thing!"

"It's not my field of study, but you, Ph.D., know organic biology better than anyone."

It really was Tony Stark who invited Dr. Banner, and really used the knowledge of organic biology, all of which are in line with everyone's previous speculation.

"Do you think Jarvis can defeat Ultron's arithmetic matrix?" Dr. Banner raised his own doubts to Tony Stark again.

"Jarvis has unconsciously defeated Ultron internally! This is an opportunity, we can create another Ultron!"

"A perfect version of personality that doesn't use homicide as a personality!"

Tony Stark began drooling to persuade Dr. Banner.

"So~" Black Widow shrugged and glanced at Tony Stark, "Ultron really was created by you, maybe Dr. Banner also participated."

A "re" word, a "perfect version", can well illustrate this point.

Captain America couldn't help but turn his head to glance at Tony Stark and sigh helplessly.

The fact is already obvious, it is precisely because Tony Stark arbitrarily researches things that he cannot control, that the future has Ultron troubles.

In less than seventy years, mankind has not made any progress at all.

"That's right Romanov, you're right, it seems that Ultron is probably made by me, but if I do that, I believe I must have a reason for doing it!"

Tony Stark said to Black Widow with a stern face.

On the screen, Tony Stark finally persuaded Dr. Banner, and the two began to work without sleep or sleep.

The lens switches again at this time.

The location is still the same as the original location, except that several thick pipes are plugged into the regeneration cradle.

Apparently, that was the work of both Dr. Banner and Tony Stark.

"The genetic coding is ninety-seven percent complete!" Dr. Banner looked at a string of data and said to Tony Stark, "You have to upload that program in the next three minutes!"

As he spoke, Dr. Banner began to check the condition of the regenerating cradle.

"I only said it once!"

Captain America suddenly appeared at this time, and behind Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver followed.

These two guys used to fight the Avengers with Ultron, but now they seem to be on a united front with Captain America.

The stance has changed quite a bit.

"How about not talking?" Tony Stark interrupted Captain America first.

"Close it!" Captain America said decisively.

Team America is here!

This point, Tony Stark is not surprised at all, this veteran living in World War II, the brain is really not good.

Completely out of date!

Black Widow felt a slight headache.

Tony Stark and Captain America are born with different personalities. If they form a team, similar contradictions are inevitable.

"No, don't even think about it!" Tony Stark refused directly.

"Do you know what you're doing!" Captain America said to Tony Stark with a stern face.

"Then do you know?" Dr. Banner asked sharply, and pointed to the Scarlet Witch beside Captain America, "Did she control your mind?"

"I know you are very angry." The Scarlet Witch said, and it seemed that she had fought against Dr. Banner before.

"I am far more than anger, I can break your neck without blinking an eye!" Dr. Banner said to the Scarlet Witch angrily.

"Banna, after such a disaster..."

"What's coming is the real disaster!"

"You don't know what that is!"

Several people at the scene began to quarrel fiercely.


Kuaiyin became impatient, his body swayed, and he unfolded very quickly. He turned into a phantom and quickly circled around the cradle of regeneration.

Unplugged all the tubes connected to the regeneration cradle.


At this time, the sound of gunshots sounded, but it was Hawkeye, who had gone to the next floor, and shattered the glass at the bottom of Kuaiyin's feet with one shot.

Kuaiyin fell down suddenly, and was subdued by Hawkeye stepping on his chest.

Drop drop drop!

At this time, a harsh alarm sounded, and the regenerative cradle indicated a power shortage. Tony Stark saw it and immediately began to act: "I want to re-upload!"

Upon seeing this, Captain America made a decisive decision and threw the shield in his hand.

Dang Dang Dang!

The shield was ejected several times, destroying all the instrument panels.

The battle between the two sides begins here.

Tony Stark put on the armour of the armor at once, and blasted Captain America all of a sudden.

Dr. Banner fought against the Scarlet Witch.

When the two sides were fighting fiercely, Thor, the god of thunder, suddenly appeared.

Without a word, he jumped to the cradle of regeneration, and when he swung his hammer, he summoned a large amount of lightning.

Split on the cradle of regeneration.

Apparently, charging the regenerative cradle.

After a while, Thor stopped.

The two sides who were fighting at the scene also stopped their hands temporarily, and Qi Qi set their eyes on the cradle of regeneration, wondering what the consequences of Thor's chaotic operation would be.


Immediately afterwards, the regeneration cradle exploded directly.

It blew Thor's whole body away.

Immediately afterwards, a man with "muscle red" jumped out of the regeneration cradle and half-squatted on the regeneration cradle.

What everyone can see clearly, it is an illusion.

The image freezes here in the half-squatting image of Vision.

"I just said how Thor will learn magic in the future, it turns out that I think too much." Tony Stark couldn't help but spit out, "Thor just charged the Vision at the last minute, only That's all!"

But just like that, with a super soy sauce, you can't say that Thor didn't participate in the production of Vision.

In fact, Thor's role was enormous.

Because from the perspective of the situation at the time, Tony Stark and the others are not the opponents of Captain America and the Scarlet Witch at all, unless Dr. Banner turns into Hulk.

But once the Hulk appears, the consequences are really hard to say, maybe the regenerating cradle is hammered and exploded.

"Let's sort out the ins and outs of things."

At this time, the black widow opened her mouth and said to everyone, "The vision should be made by Ultron. We finally know why he went to the black market arms dealer to buy vibration gold last time."

The purpose of buying Zhenjin is obviously to create illusions.

"As for why Ultron created the illusion, we don't know, but if you let me guess, I think Ultron should have the same idea as Stark."

"He wants to put his own intelligent program into the vision body like Stark put Jarvis into the vision body. In other words, he should be building a whole new body for himself."

"It's obvious." Tony Stark nodded.

"Dr. Banner didn't ask me, do I think Jarvis can defeat Ultron's arithmetic matrix? Obviously, there is already Ultron's data in Vision."

"It may be that Ultron uploaded half of it and was interrupted!"

Everyone at the scene did not raise any other objections. Based on the clues shown to everyone in the video, this is a logical conclusion.

"It's just that the Vision was robbed by Stark and the others. Dr. Banner originally planned to destroy Ultron, but was persuaded by Stark..." Black Widow continued her previous words and began to say, "So, everyone watched After that, the vision was born."

"So Vision's nervous system is not simply Jarvis, but the product of the fusion of Jarvis and Ultron?"

Dr. Banner pointed out a very sharp question.

There is already Ultron's operation matrix in the vision, and whether Jarvis can defeat Ultron's operation matrix is ​​not shown in the image.

The video only shows that the vision is alive, that's all.

"Dr. Banner, your worry is completely superfluous." Tony Stark said indifferently, "It doesn't matter if Vision is pure Jarvis or not, the important thing is that we already know that Vision is not a monster!"

"He finally went with the Avengers to stop Ultron!"

"What's more, this matter has not happened yet, everything is unknown!"

For Tony Stark's words, Captain America finally agreed once, everything has not happened yet, this is the only consolation.

"Stark, people shouldn't study things that they can't control without authorization!"

But then, Captain America persuaded Tony Stark with a stern face, "Whenever someone does this, it will always bring disaster to the world!"

"Captain, are you accusing me of creating Ultron?" Tony Stark is not a fool, he immediately understood what Captain America meant.

But Tony Stark, as always, scoffed.

"First of all, although I don't know the reason yet, I definitely have a reason to do it in the future!"

"Furthermore, if I hadn't created Ultron, we wouldn't have a powerful superhero like Vision!"

"Captain, open your eyes and see, this world is not 70 years ago, and the biggest threat to mankind is only the Hydra! Chitarians, Thanos, how do you defeat them?"

"Fight side by side." Captain America said without thinking.

"Fighting side by side is not enough." Tony Stark was still full of contempt, "If it wasn't for my research on the universe cube last time, how would we fight side by side to defeat the Destroyer?"

"Even if we lose, we will bear it together."

"If you take it together, it doesn't matter if you lose? Those who died in the war will die properly? Your conscience will be comforted? You are just self-motivated!"

"Since we have a way to avoid losing and prevent countless innocent people from being affected by the war, why not try?"

As always, Captain America and Tony Stark got into an argument.

"Captain, Stark, there's no need for us to argue about something that didn't happen, let's get back to the answer now."

Black Widow interrupted the two immediately, "Let's see if we can get any more valuable clues from the images."

"Stark!" Hawkeye Barton also immediately interjected at this time and asked, "Did you discover something when Ultron created vision before?"

Hawkeye Barton's observation is still very keen, and Tony Stark's reaction when he saw the Mind Gem was seen in his eyes.

"The gem that Ultron put on the top of Vision's head is one of the six infinity gems." Tony Stark said to Hawkeye Barton with a stern face.

Infinity Gems!

Hearing this sentence, the expressions of Black Widow, Captain America, and Thor couldn't help but change.

What the Infinity Stone is, these people can't be more clear, it is not only the most powerful force in the universe, but also one of the goals of Thanos, no one can ignore it.

It's just that the existence of that level is impossible to touch with everyone's current rank.

Unexpectedly, in this question, the clue to one of the infinite gems was revealed to everyone.

"Infinity Stones? What's that?"

When Dr. Banner saw the mention of this gem, many people at the scene changed their faces, so he couldn't help but stare at everyone and ask.

"The Infinity Stones, that is the most powerful force in the universe..." Thor repeated his explanation to Tony Stark and others to Dr. Banner again.

After Dr. Banner and Hawkeye Barton heard it, they were also shocked.

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