Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 265 Thor’s murderous intention: I will kill Thanos!

"Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, who are these two people?"

Strange asked first, and after hesitating for a while, he looked at Thor beside him, "Thor, have you heard of these two people?"

The reason why I asked Thor was because it was obvious that these two people were not from Earth.

After all, people on earth would not give such a strange name, let alone "come to earth".

"No, I haven't heard of these two people." Thor shook his head.

Thanos's activity circle is really far away from the Nine Realms. Thor had never even heard of Thanos before, let alone several of Thanos's "generals".

Even though Thor had done some research on Thanos during this period due to the answering system, with Thor's arrogant temperament, apart from Thanos himself, he had no interest in paying attention to anyone under Thanos. human.

Thor didn't even bother to do that.

So Thor doesn't recognize Gamora or Nebula, the two daughters of Thanos, or the four generals of Darkness.

Of course, Thor already knows the first two through the answering system, but if it weren't for the answering system, Thor wouldn't know them either.

"If Thor doesn't know him, it will be a little more difficult. It would be great if Star-Lord is here, he might know him."

Tony Stark tilted his chin slightly.

Thor is obviously not as good as Star-Lord in his understanding of some interstellar matters.

"No matter who these two people are, they must be very strong."

Captain America spoke in a deep voice and made a basic judgment, "Each of the four people in the options is very strong, but that Ebony Maw can be defeated easily."

"If you look at it from this perspective, can Spider-Man be ruled out?"

Strange glanced at several options and said to everyone, "I'm not disparaging Spider-Man, he is a great kid, but his strength is indeed limited compared to the other three options. Disparity."

"Strange, when you made this choice, you acquiesced to a premise." After T'Challa pondered for a while, he also said, "That is, the strength of Ebony Maw is very strong, but the title does not mention the strength of Ebony Maw. So strong."

"What if Ebony Maw's strength is actually just average? Then the answer to this question is exactly Spider-Man, because he can't beat the other three people in the options!"

"These two people should be very strong, right? I feel like they should be very strong." Scott Lang said on the side, "Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, these two names don't sound like weak people."

"Feelings cannot be used as a basis for judgment." T'Challa said leisurely.

"T'Challa is right." Captain America immediately agreed, "We can't judge Ebony Maw's strength based on our feelings."

In fact, even Captain America himself subconsciously believed that Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf were very powerful.

But as he said, this is just a personal subjective feeling, and there is no evidence or clues to show this.

"So for this question, we need to first discuss whether Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf are strong or weak?" Scott Lang looked like he didn't know what to do.

There is no way to analyze this situation, okay?

"No, this kind of discussion is meaningless." Tony Stark shook his head, "Because we don't know any clues about that battle. We don't even know whether the people in the options actually participated in the war."

"The only thing we know is that 'superheroes' contains the word 'they', which means there are at least two superheroes. We don't know the rest."

"In other words, your previous discussion of excluding or retaining Spider-Man is meaningless, because we don't even know whether Spider-Man will participate in the war."

"It's not just Spider-Man, it's everyone in the options."

The correct logical order of this question is exactly what Tony Stark said. First, find out which of the four people in the options participated in the war.

Then further screening and judgment will be carried out among these people participating in the war.

But as of now, no one can even do the first step.

"There is really too little information related to this question, and it is simply not enough to support effective analysis. With just the word 'people', how do we know who is participating in the war?"

Scott Lang scratched his head and said with a sore face.

Others are also in trouble and feel that there is no way to start.

First of all, it is impossible to determine who is participating in the war. Secondly, even if this is really determined, the subsequent analysis is almost a blur.

Because except for Spider-Man Peter Parker, the remaining three are all very strong. Who is stronger? No one can tell who is stronger.

Unless you let a few people have a real fight with swords and guns.

There is no basis for judgment on how to judge.

To be honest, this question is still difficult.

"How about this."

Seeing that he was unable to continue answering the questions, Thor made a suggestion, "How about we assume that all four people in the options participated in the war, and then conduct the next step of analysis?"

"According to what I said, you can try this." Scott Lang first expressed his agreement, "Otherwise, this question will not be able to proceed at all."

"Even if we assume that everyone has participated in the war, we still can't proceed with this question." T'Challa said leisurely on the side.

After all, they have no idea how to sift! I don’t even know what the basis for judgment is!

"When this happens, we must have overlooked some important details. Let's think about it carefully and see if we can remember anything."

Tony Stark raised his head and said to everyone solemnly.

For the senior people who answered the questions, this was indeed a personal experience. Many questions were solved because of a certain key detail.

"What are we overlooking?"

T'Challa's eyes scanned the question carefully, and then he spoke thoughtfully, "Ebony Maw not only defeated that person, but also captured that person."

"This shows that Ebony Maw captured that person for some purpose. He can easily defeat that person, which means he can easily kill him."

"But Ebony Maw didn't do that! Instead, he chose to capture him!"

"Yes, this is indeed obvious." Thor spread his hands on the side, "But it is impossible for us to know the purpose of Ebony Maw in taking that person away!"

"'The Four Black Glory Generals', we haven't noticed this nickname before. Can we analyze something from this nickname?"

Stekron suddenly pointed at the big screen and said to everyone.

"'Four Generals', this means that in addition to Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, there are two other people. They are collectively called the Four Generals."

Captain America immediately began to analyze, but he only analyzed a basic piece of information, which was of little use.

"Apart from this, can we get any other information?" Captain America then glanced at everyone and asked.

"Can this 'black light' reveal something?" Strange said thoughtfully.

It's just that even if "Black Shine" really represents something, in the absence of any necessary information, it is impossible for everyone to analyze it.

"Wait a moment!"

At the critical moment, Tony Stark remembered something.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, "Four people! Four generals of Black Glory, four people! Four people, have you thought of anything?"

"Stark, stop being so pretentious and tell us what you have in mind." Thor couldn't help urging.

Others also set their sights on Tony Stark.

"In the image of Thanos destroying the Asgard spaceship and killing Loki, there are four people following Thanos! Is this a coincidence?"

Tony Stark's eyes flickered and he added, "Not only that, after Thanos stole the Cosmic Cube, he also gave an order to those four people to go to Earth to snatch other gems!"

"They must be the Four Black Glory Generals, guys!" Scott Lang clapped his hands excitedly, "Four people matched once, came to Earth, and matched twice. In terms of probability, they matched twice at the same time. The probability is not high, it must be them!"

"No, they matched three times in a row." Tony Stark added calmly, "That's their strength!"

"The four people on the spaceship could become Thanos's confidants and follow Thanos to destroy Asgard's spaceship, which means they must be very strong."

"One of them can control other objects at will. Although it shows the tip of the iceberg, it is enough to show his power."

"As for the other three people, although they have not shown any skills, as I said before, since they are Thanos' close confidants, their strength will naturally not be bad."

"As for the two people in the question, although we are not sure how strong they are, it is obvious that they are more likely to be very strong."

"Putting aside all factors, from the perspective of options alone, the probability that they are very strong is as high as 75%, and there is only a 25% probability that they are relatively weak."

"One more thing, I think it can be counted." T'Challa also added, "Their purpose is not to kill people."

"This can definitely be counted!" Scott Lang became more and more excited. "Four people all came to Earth, all were very strong, and none of them had the purpose of killing. Four consecutive characteristics are highly consistent. This probability is very, very low. Yes, everyone, it’s certain.”

"Yes, from a probability perspective, the possibility that the Black Glory Four will be someone else is very small. We can determine that they are the same group of people." Strange also expressed his agreement.

Even people who don't understand probability, such as Thor, know how low the probability of matching four consecutive characteristics is.

Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf are members of the Four Obsidian Generals and have basically stopped running away. Everyone is in full agreement.

"It turns out it's them!" Thor's face turned cold.

It is these people and Thanos who massacred the people of Asgard in the future!

"Sooner or later, I will kill them all! Get rid of them all, including Thanos!" Thor said coldly.

"So has the answer to this question come out?" Scott Lang said to everyone excitedly, "Since Ebony Maw and the others' goal is the infinite gems and they have captured a person, then they can only be Strange."

"That's right, only Strange has gems on his body!" Tony Stark also nodded, "And Strange's gems are placed in that 'pendant' and can only be opened with magic. , so Ebony Maw cannot snatch the gem directly, but needs to snatch Strange together!"

After the identities of the four black generals were introduced, everything went smoothly, and all details were flawless, perfectly in line with the logic of the development of events.

This can further prove from the side that everyone's previous judgment is correct.

After clarifying the identity of Wu Muhou, this question is actually quite simple. The difficulty lies in the previous judgment of Wu Muhou's identity.

"Then, who will answer this question next?" Thor then glanced at everyone and asked.

"Inverted world? What kind of skill is this? Is it to turn the world you live in upside down?" Strange couldn't help but make some guesses, "If that's the case, this skill is a bit too powerful. Bar?"

"Even if that's the case, why should we turn the world upside down? What's the use?" Scott Lang shrugged.

"I feel that this skill should not be literal, but... none of this has anything to do with me." Tony Stark spread his hands.

"Everyone, I am more interested in this skill. If no one of you wants it, why not let me answer it."

T'Challa observed for a while and found that no one "volunteered" to answer the questions, so he stood up and made suggestions.

Naturally, everyone present had no objections.

"I choose C, Doctor Strange!" T'Challa immediately faced the big screen and said his answer.

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to T’Challa, the quizzer, for receiving the bonus skill of The Reversed World! 】

[Rewards have been distributed, please check carefully! 】


Following the system's beep, T'Challa immediately gained the skill of turning the world upside down.

He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "It turns out this is an upside-down world."

"How about T'Challa, what does this skill look like? It won't really turn the world upside down like Strange said, right?"

Thor immediately couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Of course not."

T'Challa smiled slightly, and then explained to Thor and everyone else, "This skill does not really turn the world upside down, but it interferes with the enemy's senses and turns the world upside down in the eyes of the enemy."

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