Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 303 Who says Captain America won’t die?

on the screen.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, John Walker walked all the way to the high platform that had been prepared and sat down next to the host.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your new Captain America!" the host solemnly introduced to everyone present and in front of the TV.

"Hello America!"

John Walker waved to everyone as a greeting.

"Welcome to come. You must be very happy. Time has passed and I will go back to your high school." The host began the interview.

"John Walker!"


Before John Walker had time to speak, thundering cheers came from the surrounding auditorium.

"John, I think what everyone wants to know the most is what it feels like to be Captain America." The host asked a question that everyone was very concerned about, "Do you see eagles flying above your head wherever you go?"

"Hehehe!" John Walker laughed, "Yes! And the national flag will be flying majestically above the head."

"How's the tour going, I know they have a big debut planned for you."

"It's a huge honor for me, but it also shocks me, how could someone like me get to this point?"

"Wait, 'guy like me?'" the host interrupted John Walker, "someone is so humble, you don't know John Walker's resume."

Immediately afterwards, the host began to introduce John Walker's resume to everyone.

"John Walker, the first person in American history to be awarded three Medals of Honor, was responsible for classified counterterrorism missions and hostage rescue missions."

"The government has studied your body at MIT. You have achieved outstanding results in all measurable categories, including speed, endurance, intelligence..."

From the host's introduction to John Walker, everyone can naturally draw a conclusion.

The official "candidate" for Captain America is not the only one.

Rather there should be many people at the same time.

These candidates will undergo a series of tests and then be compared and screened by American officials to ultimately decide which one will be "hired".

This process is reasonable and no one is too surprised by it.

The selection of Captain America is no small matter after all.

"That's right, I'm not Tony Stark, and I'm not Dr. Banner."

on the screen.

John Walker's voice continues to ring out.

"I don't have cool equipment or superhuman strength, but what I do have is courage!" John Walker spoke eloquently while everyone was watching. "That's what Captain America has always had and always needs. I will It takes all the courage, because I have to take over an extremely important responsibility."

"Do you know Steve Rogers?"

"I had been away from West Point for two years when Steve came back, and I had been watching him while he was doing the Avengers, and I think I modeled myself after him."

"So you always wanted to be a hero?"

"I'm very happy that what I do can give people a sense of security. Steve Rogers is someone who has this ability. He gives me hope. Although I haven't met him, I feel like he is like my brother. Same."

The image ends in the interview with John Walker.

"Well, Rogers." Thor looked at Captain America with a smile and asked, "How do you feel about your successor? Are you satisfied?"

"There is no difference between satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Since he was officially selected, it means that this person has the qualifications." Captain America said this.

"Although his resume is really beautiful, I am a little worried that he may not last long." Tony Stark said.

"Why Stark, why do you think so?" Scott Lang couldn't help but asked curiously.

"He is just a mortal, and I'm afraid he won't be able to do what he wants." Tony Stark said matter-of-factly.

"He said it himself, he doesn't have my equipment, nor does he have Banner's strength. Even if he is very good and has won the Medal of Honor three times, he is still a mortal body after all. He will never be able to do what Rogers can do. .”

"How will he respond if he encounters a criminal with enhanced abilities?"

"Anyway... I don't think much of him, unless he has some other special abilities."

Think about it, everyone, this is indeed the case.

Captain America doesn't know how many criminals with enhanced abilities he has fought against. If those criminals were handed over to John Walker, John Walker might not be able to complete them.

In other words, it will be difficult to complete.

No matter how powerful John Walker is, the gap between ordinary people and super soldiers is not so easy to overcome.

"Anyway, I'm relatively indifferent to this John Walker version of Captain America. I still prefer Captain Rogers."

Peter Parker interrupted.

"There is no point in discussing these issues anymore." Strange said, "Rogers will probably not become that gray-haired old man now. There will be no such thing as a new generation of Captain America. In the end, At least, it won’t happen in a short time.”

"Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?" Tony Stark said this meaningfully.

It is true that if we let Thanos snap his fingers, the events that would lead to the extinction of half of the human race would probably not happen, and the time machine would probably not be invented.

Captain America going back to the past for half a lifetime, as predicted by the main universe, will not happen.

But who can guarantee that Captain America will not have any accidents?

Even Captain America may die violently!

No matter what the reason is, as long as Captain America dies, the officials will definitely choose the next successor to Captain America.

Captain America has become a symbol of the United States. The entire United States is accustomed to the existence of Captain America. America cannot lack Captain America.

[Please listen to the question: During an operation, father and daughter Scott Lang and Hank Pym were all captured by the ghost Ava. What method did they use to escape? 】

[A. Scott Lang shrunk into an ant and successfully escaped]

[B. Scott Lang’s companions arrived in time to rescue everyone from trouble]

[C. Scott Lang persuaded the ghost to change his mind and let everyone go]

[D. Hank Pym used a strategy to release the ants and save the day]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the questions correctly will receive the reward skill Luo Tianzheng, the God of Heaven;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

In the middle of everyone's discussion, the system's beep sounded again, interrupting everyone's discussion.

A new question appeared.

"We knew from the last question that the ghost attacked Hope, and now the other party has also captured Scott and Hank Pym. This person seems to be in conflict with Hank Pym and his family."

Thor shrugged and began to sigh.

"That's not surprising."

But Captain America said calmly, "The purpose of Ghost's attack on Hope was for the laboratory that can enter the quantum realm! In order to enter the quantum realm, it is not strange for her to capture Hank Pym."

After all, entering the quantum realm is not a trivial matter like going to the cinema to watch a movie. This kind of channel is simply not something that ordinary people can open.

First, the corresponding equipment was snatched away, and then the technician was captured. This was all natural.

Of course.

Strictly speaking, no one knows the true purpose of Ghost Ava.

The only thing everyone knows is that this person needs a laboratory, but what exactly he needs the laboratory for is unclear.

Entering the quantum realm is just a logical guess, nothing more.

But no matter what Ghost Ava wants to use the lab for, Hank Pym will be needed.

As for Scott Lang?

All we can say is that this unlucky kid was implicated by Hank Pym.

It can be clearly seen from the previous video that Ghost Ava's target is not Scott Lang at all.

"It's really a headache." Scott Lang showed a slight pain in his balls, "After the last question, I asked Hank about the ghost, but he had never heard of this person. "

"About this." Captain America spoke now, with a solemn look on his face, "I did find out something. Speaking of which, she is also a pitiful person."

"Really? Have you found out who the ghost is?" Scott Lang said a little surprised.

The ghost was completely covered in a white uniform, even his face was covered tightly. In addition, the name Ava didn't even have a surname, and no one even knew if it was her real name.

That is to say, everyone knows neither the appearance nor the name, but only a nickname. In this case, Captain America can actually find out the identity of this person?

I have to say, this is a bit awesome.

"Captain, who is this ghost?" Peter Parker couldn't help but asked curiously.

"She is actually... an agent of our S.H.I.E.L.D." Captain America pondered for a moment before giving such an answer.

"Agents of SHIELD? Wow, this really surprised me." Strange was very surprised on the hospital bed.

Others at the scene were also caught off guard.

"Ghost, formerly known as Ava Stahl, is the daughter of former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Eli Hayes Starr, who was once a colleague of Hank Pym and worked in the same laboratory as Hank Pym. work, studying quantum physics.”

"It's just that later, Eli Hayes was kicked out of the laboratory by Hank Pym. The unwilling Eli Hayes began to study quantum physics in private, but in the end, an accident happened."

"Ellie Hayes's laboratory exploded, and he and his wife were killed on the spot, but some of the energy at the explosion site changed Ava's body, turning her into this...'quantum disguised' state."

"Quantum disguise?" Thor was confused and confused.

Others have no idea what it means either.

"Quantum transformation is a posture in which an object can change between various states of matter." Tony Stark opened his mouth and gave the answer.

"Please, am I the only one who has done my homework? Am I the only one who has tried to understand quantum physics after going through so many rounds of questions?"

Tony Stark naturally asked everyone around him.

Everyone could only shrug and give him a dry smile.

It's not that they don't want to understand or do their homework, it's just that the threshold for this thing is too high and not everyone can understand it clearly.

Tony Stark, there is only one!

"What happened next?" Scott Lang couldn't wait to ask Captain America.

"Later, Ava fell into the hands of SHIELD, which began to study her and trained her to become a ghost agent and a ruthless killer."

Captain America said with a heavy voice to everyone present.

After a pause, he added, "No, to be precise, it should be Hydra, but now, Ava is under our control, and she no longer needs to continue killing people."

After Captain America's explanation, everyone at the scene also felt the same way. This ghost indeed has its pitiable qualities.

"It turns out that her body became like that because of quantum physics. Is this why Ava wanted to rob the laboratory?"

Strange said guessing.

"It must be like this. Quantum transformation looks cool, but for people, it is a kind of torture. Every transformation is equivalent to tearing one's body apart."

"She must want to heal herself!"

Tony Stark said very firmly.

After Tony Stark said this, everyone present felt a little more sympathy for Ghost Ava.

"Okay everyone, we will discuss the matter about Ava after we finish answering the questions. Let's answer the questions first."

Captain America's voice sounded. He glanced at everyone and reminded everyone.

Everyone began to sort out their thoughts and turned their attention to the big screen in front of them.

"Can option A be eliminated?"

Scott Lang immediately made a judgment, "Ava has fought against Hope and me, which was shown in the previous video. She knows that we will shrink, so she will definitely be on guard. "

"That's right."

Peter Parker nodded heavily and agreed, "In the last video, when the ghost appeared, Hope had never seen her at all. It can be seen that that was the first meeting between the ghost and Hope."

"So what this question says, that the ghost captured so many people of Mr. Scott, must have happened after the above image."

"So...yes, the ghost must be on guard."

Option A, as there was no doubt about it, was eliminated by everyone.

Next, there is option B.

"I think option B is not very likely." Strange, who was on the hospital bed, made a judgment first.

"If I remember correctly, the Scott in the title was a person who committed a crime and was detained at home, right? Even because of this, Hank Pym and his daughter became fugitives."

"When he helped Hope fight against the ghost, he seemed to be guilty."

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