Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 352 The Eternals were surprised: The Inhumans appeared again!

"It seems that next we only need to choose one between General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri." Circe couldn't help but said in a relaxed tone.

After eliminating two options in one breath, this question really has no difficulty at all.

No matter how bad it is, even if you just make a guess, there is a good chance of getting it right.

"So, is it General Deathblade or Proxima Centauri?" Peter Parker looked at Tony Stark and everyone and asked.

These two options are relatively difficult to rule out, because according to everyone's speculation, these two people should team up to deal with Vision.

The situations of the two of them can be said to be highly overlapping, with little distinction.

In this case it is more difficult to rule out.

Of course, it is everyone's guess that General Dead Blade and Night Proxima are teaming up to attack. In fact, even if these two people are really a couple, they may not be teaming up to attack.

It is also possible to act separately.

No one is sure about this.

But no matter whether they are attacking in a team or acting alone, no one can find any reason to exclude one of them for a while.

After some discussion, there was no result.

"Everyone think about it carefully, recall any relevant details, and see if you can think of any clues."

Captain America spoke to everyone.

Everyone who had seen the corresponding images began to search their heads one by one to recall relevant clues, and the scene fell into a slight silence for a while.

"Everyone, I thought of it!"

Suddenly, Tony Stark's slightly excited voice broke the silence of the scene, and Tony Stark looked at everyone with interest and said.

"Haha, Stark, you never let us down at critical moments!" Thor slapped him with a very natural and smooth "flattery".

"Well, it's the Tin Woodman, why am I not surprised at all?" Loki said the same.

Although he had not been in contact with everyone for a long time and had only gone through a test together, Tony Stark's high IQ also left a deep impression on him.

"Everyone, think about it carefully. When Vision was taken to the Avengers base by Rogers, what did the wounds on his body look like?"

Tony Stark reminded everyone very pointedly.

"It seems... like a 'crack'."

Captain America said in a deep voice, and then he quickly realized what Tony Stark meant, "General Deathblade, the answer to this question is actually General Deathblade!"

"Why Captain, why General Deathblade? What does this have to do with Vision's wound?" Peter Parker asked with some confusion.

"It's the weapons they used!" Tony Stark added on the side, "In the image of Thanos killing Loki, the four Obsidian generals all had weapons in their hands. I remember the weapons in the hands of General Deathblade. It’s a sharp blade, but Proxima Centauri’s weapon is a fork-type weapon!”

"Really? If that's the case, then the answer is indeed General Deathblade." Circe suddenly realized from the side.

A fork-like weapon should make a hole when it is poked into the body. How could it make a "crack"?

There is no doubt about the answer.

This is a strong clue to support.

Even if everyone hadn't ruled out Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf earlier, the answer could be obtained directly with just this clue.

"Then who will answer this question?"

Circe couldn't help but look at everyone and asked.

"Cersei, it's like this..."

It was Captain America. He very enthusiastically introduced to Circe the principles for answering questions.

"That is to say, I can answer this question, right? Can I answer it? I am still somewhat interested in this memory erasing rod." Circe began to solicit everyone's opinions.

The identity of Circe Eternal cannot be revealed, but this kind of thing is sometimes unavoidable, and she may inadvertently reveal "miracles".

At this time, the memory erasure stick is very necessary.

"Of course, that's no problem. I'm not too interested in this reward anyway." Tony Stark said first.

This is the first time Sersi has answered a question. Naturally, others will not compete with Sersi. The quota for answering this question falls to Sersi.

"I choose C, General Deathblade!" Circe immediately gave his answer to the big screen.

【correct answer! 】

[Congratulations to the answerer, Circe, for receiving a bonus memory erasing stick! 】

As soon as the sound of the system ended, Circe saw a silver metal rod in her hand.

The metal rod doesn't look very eye-catching. If the system hadn't introduced it earlier, no one would have believed that such a small thing could have such a magical effect of erasing memories.

"Ms. Circe, is this the memory erasing rod? Can this thing really erase people's memories?" Peter Parker couldn't help but ask with interest.

"That's right."

Circe sorted through the extra memories in her mind and nodded with a hint of excitement.

Then Circe picked up the memory erasing stick and introduced to everyone, "There is a button here. As long as you press it, it will emit a strong light. People whose eyes are illuminated by the strong light will have their memories erased." Being purged.”

"Hit the eyes?" Loki keenly added this key information, "In other words, just closing your eyes will make this thing useless?"

"Or you can wear sunglasses." Circe nodded and then added.

"This is just a toy." Thor chuckled.

This memory erasing stick is too easy to crack. It can only be used against people who don't know the details. Once the details are known, this thing is completely useless.

I have to say that this reward is slightly worse than everyone expected, because the cracking method is too simple.

"So... I ask everyone not to reveal the secret of the memory erasing rod." Circe also knew this, so she asked everyone with a serious face.

Naturally, everyone agreed without hesitation.

This is a matter of course.

"But there is another advantage of the memory erasing stick. After you erase the memory of the target object, you can implant new memories into them through oral instructions."

Circe thought of something again and introduced it to everyone with great interest.

This actually surprised everyone.

"Can new memories be implanted just by speaking?" Tony Stark couldn't help but be curious.

Implanting memories is considered by everyone to be much more difficult and advanced than erasing memories.

I never thought it could be done so easily.

From this point of view, this memory erasing stick still has its merits.

[After answering the question, the answer analysis begins. 】

The system's beep sounded suddenly, and a corresponding video was played on the big screen.

But on a quiet and peaceful stone road, the Scarlet Witch was walking hand in hand with a man. They looked like a couple.

"There is a train to Glasgow at ten o'clock, so we can stay together for a while before you go back." Scarlet Witch said to the man.

"What if I miss that train?" the man said.

"Is this... Vision's voice?" Thor couldn't help but say.

Everyone at the scene also felt a little surprised. The man was obviously an ordinary human being, how could he have the same voice as Vision.

Could it be that that man was actually Vision in disguise?

It seems that this should be the case.

"There's another flight at 11 o'clock."

"So what if I miss all the trains? What will happen if I don't go back this time?" Vision turned around and said to Scarlet Witch.

It was obvious that Vision didn't want to leave.

"But you made a promise to Stark." Scarlet Witch said.

"But I want to make a promise to you even more."

"There are also people waiting for me to go back. We have all made promises to others!"

"But we haven't made love to each other, Wanda. It's been two years. We've stolen this time together to see if we can get along. I don't know. I'm just expressing my own thoughts. I, I... …”

"We hit it off!"

"Then stay, stay with me."

"I'm sorry, it seems that Scarlet Witch and Vision are really lovers." Peter Parker couldn't help but said with a smile.

It was mentioned in the information shared by the respondents that the relationship between Scarlet Witch and Vision is likely to be extraordinary and should be beyond the relationship of ordinary friends.

This can be shown from various clues in the past.

Logically speaking, there is only one kind of relationship beyond friendship, but considering that Vision is not a human being at all, no one can be sure.

Now, through this video, everyone can be sure.

A witch and a robot actually came together. It can only be said that both parties are very powerful.

on the screen.

While Scarlet Witch and Vision were discussing whether to stay or go, Scarlet Witch was attracted by a piece of news on the big screen.

The headline of the news was "New York Under Attack", and the picture above was of Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf landing in New York.

It seems that the issue of information dissemination that everyone discussed before is quite correct.

"What are they?" Scarlet Witch asked with a frown.

"It's exactly what the gem warned me about." Vision said in a deep voice.

At this time, the TV screen showed the news of Tony Stark's disappearance again. Seeing this, Vision finally made a decision.

"I have to go!" Vision said to Scarlet Witch.

"No, Vision, if that is true, then maybe not going back is the best choice." Scarlet Witch sincerely tried to keep Vision.

Everyone's previous guesses were correct, this man was indeed Vision.

"Wanda, I...ah!"

Just when Vision said this, he was suddenly pierced by a sharp blade!

The figure of General Deathblade suddenly appeared, and he was seen holding a "spear" and suddenly lifted Vision into the air.

"Sneak attack, this is totally a sneak attack!"

Thor couldn't help but said with great disdain.

The majestic God of Thunder, he despises people who attack from behind.

But after seeing this, everyone finally understood why a being like the Four Obsidian Generals could instantly kill a master of Vision's level.

What lasted for a long time was not a frontal battle at all, but a sneak attack from behind!

But think about it, Thanos has never been a benevolent man, and it's not surprising that his men will do whatever it takes.

It can only be said that everyone’s analysis has a fixed mindset.

on the screen.

When the Scarlet Witch saw that Vision was injured, she immediately planned to help him without any hesitation, but before she could take action, she was knocked away by Proxima Centauri, which fell from the sky.

Then the two just stepped on Vision, and General Deathblade put his "spear" on Vision's forehead, trying to dig out the Mind Stone.

Fortunately, the Scarlet Witch appeared in time, and two magical lights shot over, knocking both the Deathblade General and his wife away, temporarily saving Vision.

Needless to say, next, Scarlet Witch and Vision started a fierce battle with General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri.

When Vision was injured, Scarlet Witch was like one against two, and was beaten by the Deathblade General and his wife, unable to fight back.

The situation seemed urgent for a moment.

In the end, the Deathblade General and his wife forced Vision and Scarlet Witch to a point of no return, and Scarlet Witch could only bite the bullet and fight one against two.

But at this moment, Proxima Centauri suddenly turned his head and looked away as if he had discovered something.

Scarlet Witch also discovered something.

Several people turned their attention to a train that was rumbling past behind the Scarlet Witch.

From the gap in the train carriage, everyone could faintly see a person hiding there.

When all the trains passed by, sure enough, a figure as powerful as an iron tower appeared in front of everyone.

It's just that the figure is hidden in the darkness, but no one has found out who it is for the time being.


Dark Night Proxima made a prompt decision and threw the spear in his hand towards the figure.

But I saw the figure reaching out to fish it out, and firmly caught the spear in his hand.

Dark Night Proxima couldn't help but look solemn, the person who came was a master!

And the figure in the darkness came out at this time, and its true face appeared in everyone's eyes. It was Captain America!

"Captain came just in time!" Peter Parker looked excited.

Although he had already guessed that the figure was Captain America through previous and subsequent intelligence, when he actually saw this scene, he couldn't help but get excited and excited.

It can be said that everything is connected at once. Captain America and the others must have rescued Scarlet Witch and Vision here, and then took Vision to the Avengers base.

Joined the war machine Rhodes.

What happened next was exactly like this. With the appearance of Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon also appeared one after another. Together, they seriously injured General Deathblade in a matter of seconds.

Proxima Centauri fled with the injured Deathblade General Zhang Huang.

The picture is frozen here.

"It's such a shame, it's such a shame."

Tony Stark couldn't help but sigh, it could be said that he looked regretful.

Vision was such a powerful person, but in the end he did nothing and was directly destroyed without even having the slightest effect.

And according to everyone's previous and later intelligence, after Vision was injured here and finally until Thanos' army invaded Wakanda, he played the role of a wounded person in the entire process.

The kind that needs to be protected by everyone!

This strong man who was supposed to be able to fight Thanos has been scrapped like this. I have to say it is really a pity.

"Vision was not even killed by Thanos with a snap of his fingers, so when Dr. Banner used the gems to resurrect everyone, Vision was not resurrected."

Captain America said, his voice also full of regret.

Such a big man disappeared from the world forever.

"Vision has a vibranium body, not an organic life form at all. Strictly speaking, his injury should be 'damaged'. It should be repairable through scientific methods, right? Why did he wait until he was killed by Thanos? , are they all in such an injured state?"

Peter Parker asked a question at this time.

"Perhaps the spear of General Deathblade has some kind of magical power?" Circe speculated on the side, "That power makes Vision's wounds irreparable."

At present, this seems to be the most reasonable guess.

"But there is one thing that I find a bit unbelievable." Loki spoke at this time, "The Deathblade General was obviously so powerful when he fought Vision, but how could he be stabbed by the Black Widow so easily?"

"If I remember correctly, that Black Widow is an ordinary human agent, right?"

"What ability does she have to hurt General Deathblade? Even though she launched the attack jointly with that 'Birdman'."

Loki's question really made everyone present stunned and speechless.

When the Death Blade General and his wife were fighting Scarlet Witch and Vision, they were all very good at it, but since Captain America and the three of them appeared, they suddenly became noobs.

Proxima Centauri was kicked away by Sam Wilson, an ordinary person, and General Deathblade and Black Widow were pierced by each other after a few moves.

Just incomprehensible.

[Please listen to the question: Circe became a university teacher after living in seclusion in London, but met the Inhumans during a date. Who rescued Circe at the critical moment? 】



【C. Tina】

【D. Ikaris】

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the questions correctly will receive a set of nano armor Badr as a reward;

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc...]

While everyone was discussing, the latest question appeared.

Others didn't think it was anything yet, but Circe's expression changed immediately when he saw this question. Wasn't the Inhumans exterminated by their Eternals?

Why did it appear again?

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