Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 369: The powerful Frigga, who can see through the future with one eye


Rocket Raccoon jumped down from the steps at this time, holding something similar to a syringe in his hand, and said to Thor.

"Listen up, Fatty, you're responsible for stunning her, and I'll use this to penetrate her, pull out the gem particles from her body, and then walk away!"

Obviously, the "she" Rocket Raccoon refers to is undoubtedly Jane Foster.

Jane Foster is an ordinary human being with no fighting ability at all, so this task is still very simple.

Thor and Rocket Raccoon can do it with their eyes closed.

But even though it was such an easy and sure task, Thor still had something go wrong.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

Thor's mind was not on the task at all. "The wine cellar is over here. My father used to hide several large barrels of Okoni ale. I'll go to the dish room to see if there are any takeaway cups."

Even now, Thor is still thinking about drinking.

Loki and Circe couldn't help but glance at Thor.

When Tony Stark ruthlessly revealed dirty information about Thor's alcoholism, they just listened and didn't think much about it.

But they never expected that Thor's alcoholism would reach such a crazy level.

Thor came through time!

The purpose is to get the gems and save half of the creatures in the universe!

In the face of such a grand and serious task, Thor actually wanted to drink.

It’s really speechless.

However, Thor's wine was not finished after all, because before he could move, there was a sound of footsteps.

A group of Asgardian soldiers passed by a nearby corridor surrounded by a woman.

Thor and Rocket Raccoon immediately set off to hide themselves.

"Please send some soup to Loki, and also ask the astronomy administrator to get him some books..." The woman casually ordered her maid as she walked away.


That woman was none other than Frigga.

The moment she opened her mouth, she showed her deep concern for Loki, which deeply touched Loki in front of the screen.

"Who is that noble woman?" Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but stare at Frigga's retreating back and asked.

Although he didn't know Frigga's identity, he could immediately tell that the other party was a great big shot.

"My mother." Thor couldn't keep calm anymore. "She will die today."

"So this is today?"

It's obvious that Rocket Raccoon already knew that Thor's mother had been killed.

Jane Foster and Frigga were killed. These two very important key events can be said to show the timeline of what happened extremely accurately.

"No, no, I can't do it, I can't do it!" Thor became more and more emotional. "This is a bad idea. I think I'm having a panic attack."


Rocket Raccoon originally tried to comfort Thor, but seeing that it didn't work at all, he actually slapped Thor's face with a big mouth.

"You thought you were the only one who lost someone? What the hell did you think we were doing! I also lost the only family I had..."

Rocket Raccoon scolded Thor with all his face.

"How brave!"

Thor in front of the screen was so angry that the tiger body couldn't help being shocked, "How dare he attack the son of Odin! This little thing! Don't let me see him!"

"Thor, can I say something from my heart?" Tony Stark couldn't help but "express his feelings".

"No, you'd better not say it!" Thor knew that Tony Stark would probably not hold anything back and stop him immediately.

"Sorry, I really can't help but want to whip you if I go on this mission with you." Tony Stark said bluntly.

"Are you challenging my dignity, Stark?" Thor couldn't help but glared at Tony Stark viciously.

But judging from the current relationship between Thor and Tony Stark, this kind of teasing between friends did not really make Thor angry.

on the screen.

Thor is not beyond redemption yet.

After Rocket Raccoon's persuasion, he started to cheer up.


It only took a second to perk up.

"As expected, I still can't do it!"

Thor, who had just made the bold statement "I can do it", immediately withered when Rocket Raccoon turned around and slipped away quietly!

What a pig teammate with capital letters.

Super pit.

Rocket Bear looked tired. He had completely given up any illusions about Thor and went on the mission alone without any love in his life.

However, this task is not difficult. Rocket Raccoon is just an ordinary person and it should not be difficult for him to complete it.

As for the god pit Thor?

There was no doubt that he secretly stared at his mother Frigga.

In fact, everyone can understand Thor's mood. After all, it is human nature to be unable to remain calm when he suddenly sees his mother who has been dead for many years.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Of course, Thor did not dare to show up in front of Frigga, but he was discovered by the wise Frigga after all.

"God, it's better to leave this kind of sneaking thing to your brother." Frigga glanced at Thor up and down.

Thor suddenly retracted his head into his neck: "I didn't sneak around, I just walked around casually."

Frigga then looked at the clothes Thor was wearing and was aroused, "What are you wearing?"

"Isn't this what I always wear? I like this one the best." Thor said stubbornly.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Frigga noticed again that one of Thor's eyes was a prosthetic eye.

"Remember the Battle of Helagen? I got hit in the face with a machete."

"You're not the Thor I know at all, are you?"

"Of course I am!"

"It seems that the future is not too friendly to you, right?" Frigga asked suddenly.

"Ms. Frigga guessed that Thor was from the future so easily? This is really amazing!" Peter Parker couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise with a look of admiration on his face.

It was not difficult to tell that Thor was not the Thor he knew before. After all, even a blind person could tell that Thor had gained weight.

But even if they see this, normal people will have all kinds of guesses. The most basic guess is that the Thor they originally knew has experienced something and has changed.

Who would have thought it was from the future?

"No Frigga guessed it, she saw it." Circe said with great certainty.

"That's right, just like the Ancient Master could see at a glance that the Hulk came from the future, Frigga also saw that Thor came from the future." Captain America agreed.

Frigga, this woman, is really not simple.

She is worthy of being the wife of the god-king Odin.

"I didn't say I was from the future."

on the screen.

Thor was still shaking his head in denial, but his tone no longer had any confidence.

"I was raised by a witch, child." Frigga said in a very determined tone, "I don't just rely on my eyes to see, you know."

"Yes, I am from the future." Thor's voice was choked, like a helpless child, "I really want to talk to you."

"Of course, I will talk to you!" Frigga and Thor, mother and son, hugged each other tightly.

At this time, there was a switch in the lens on the screen.

But in a bedroom, Jane Foster had a good sleep, stretched slightly, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Behind the curtain, a furry guy followed quietly.

What exactly happens next is self-evident.

When Rocket Raccoon gave up on Thor, his pig teammate, and took on the task of collecting the Reality Stones alone, Thor was sitting on a step with Frigga having a long conversation.

"What's the point of having his head here and his body on the other side? I was too late and I was standing there like a fool, an idiot with an axe."

Thor told Frigga roughly everything.

"You are not a fool. Aren't you here? Seeking advice from the wisest woman in Asgard."


"Idiot? Of course not. What about losers? Indeed."

"Isn't this a bit cruel?"

"You know what that means? It means you're just like everyone else."

"Shouldn't I be different?"

"Everyone will live up to the expectations of others, Thor. The measure of a person and a hero is how well they can be their true selves."

It can only be said that Frigga is worthy of being Frigga. Her wisdom reveals a kind of maternal brilliance that makes people feel refreshed. After a long conversation with Thor, Thor's heart was completely opened.

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but feel respectful.

And what Frigga did next made everyone admire her even more.

Thor originally planned to tell Frigga about Frigga being killed today, but Frigga flatly refused.

She knew something bad was bound to happen to her, otherwise Thor wouldn't remind herself so anxiously.

But Frigga understands that the timeline cannot be interfered with at will!

Otherwise, warning!

At this point, Captain America is really a bit ashamed compared to Frigga.


on the screen.

The door was suddenly pushed open violently, and Rocket Raccoon quickly ran in front of Thor with all four claws firing.

There is an extra tube in its hand: the Reality Stone.

Action, perfect success!

"You must be Thor's mother...I got my things, we should go."

After briefly greeting Frigga, Rocket Raccoon immediately greeted Thor and planned to leave.

"I really wish we had more time." Thor said reluctantly.

"This is already a gift." Frigga was very satisfied with this, "Just be the person you should be."

"I love you mom!"

"I love you too, and eat some vegetables."

Mother and son hugged each other tightly.

Then Thor retrieved his own hammer in this timeline, and together with Rocket Raccoon, activated the button, and suddenly the light flashed and disappeared.

The scene ends here.

After this video was played, the superheroes traveled back in time to collect the six infinity stones, and the last piece of the big puzzle was put together.

The complete picture was pieced together.

Looking at the actions to collect these six gems, the most dangerous one can be said to be the action of Black Widow and Hawkeye, because someone had to die in that action.

The second is the action of War Machine Rhodes and Nebula to collect the Power Stone. Because of that action, they missed Thanos.

Nebula even fell directly into the hands of Thanos!

As for Captain America and Tony Stark, the enemies they face are nothing more than their past selves, their past fathers, etc. The level of danger is not high.

Although the Ancient One Master the Hulk faced was powerful, his safety factor was not low, because the Ancient One Master would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

And the easiest one is Thor and Rocket Raccoon's trip to Asgard.

This is especially true for Thor, who took advantage of everything and won!

No, even saying soy sauce is a bit flattering to Thor. Thor is even holding back Rocket Raccoon, forcing Rocket Raccoon to use his big mouth to appease Thor.

"So Thor, after you went back from the future, you knew that your mother would die in the future, but you didn't tell him anything?"

Loki's voice suddenly sounded, and he stared at Thor with a very unhappy look and asked.

"Loki, why are you so serious?" Thor felt a little guilty when Loki saw him at this moment. "You also saw that it was the queen mother who didn't let me tell him. I originally planned to tell her."

"So what! She will be killed that day! And you let it happen again!" Loki said angrily.

"Loki, I should have told you that these things are actually from another universe. We named it the main universe, not ours, right?"

Tony Stark interrupted at this time and said to Loki.

I really can't believe that Loki, the god of trickery and cunning, the god of mischief, would have such sincere feelings for his mother.

"I already know this, but so what? This reflects Thor's reaction to this kind of thing!"

Loki's attitude softened slightly, but he was still a bit dark.

"Speaking of which... Ms. Frigga is really powerful. Who do you think is more powerful, the Ancient One or the Scarlet Witch?"

Peter Parker saw that something was slightly wrong with the atmosphere at the scene, and immediately began to deliberately ask questions, changing the topic.

"Needless to say? Of course my mother is the most powerful." Thor said directly without thinking.

"Although Thor and I have differences on many issues, I have to say that this time, I agree with Thor's opinion." Loki also nodded.

But who is the most powerful among these three people? Everyone at the scene also has a weighing scale in their hearts.

Especially the old answerers who had seen all the battle videos of the three people.

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