Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 468: Scarlet Witch challenges the Illuminati!

With that roar, Magneto suddenly stretched out his hand towards the female agent, and activated his abilities at the same time.

A metal pendant hanging around the female agent's neck suddenly tightened and strangled the female agent's neck.

The female agent covered her neck and fell to the ground.

Magneto is really murderous!

Everyone can clearly see that after the professor was injured, Magneto really felt angry and sad from the bottom of his heart, and really wanted to kill the female agent to avenge the professor.

Captain America's previous speculation was completely correct. The professor and Magneto were indeed once a pair of close friends.

"Eric, please, it wasn't her who did it, it was you!" But this is what the professor said to Magneto.

I have to say, this sentence hurt Magneto's heart a bit too much.

"That's what they're after, they turn us against each other! I tried to warn you Charles I want you to be on my side, we are brothers you and me! We all come together and protect each other!"

Magneto just supported the professor, with tears in his eyes, and told the professor what was in his heart.

"My friend, I'm sorry, but we are not!" was the professor's response.

This sentence marks the formal break between the professor and Magneto!

From this moment on, Magneto and the Professor began their "passionate years" of loving and killing each other for decades.

It can be said that they have been fighting with each other for a lifetime.

It was not until later with the emergence of the Sentinel robot that the two finally turned their differences into friendship and united again.

Still very sad.

But it is undeniable that although the two methods are very different, they are both using their own methods to dedicate their strength to mutants.

Both men will leave a mark on mutant history.

on the screen.

Magneto had already made his decision, and he waved to the female agent, who then hurriedly ran over and took the professor from Magneto's hand.

At this time, Magneto stood up, pointed at the professor and said to the mutants around him: "His circle can't tolerate us, then we will build one ourselves! Who will join me?"

Several mutants at the scene exchanged opinions with each other, and finally four of them followed Magneto.

The remaining few people chose to stay and follow the professor.

The image on the screen is frozen here.

The people who answered the questions in front of the screen can’t help but feel a little emotional.

This video can be said to clearly show the whole process of how Magneto and the Professor broke up.

Everyone feels that the professor and Magneto are actually a bit extreme. It might be better if the two of them reconcile.

Although Magneto's actions are somewhat radical, the professor also has some excesses.

The guy wearing the mask killed Magneto's mother!

This is mother-killing revenge!

If Magneto can let go of such an enemy, everyone really doubts that Magneto is nothing more than a bloody thing.

In the face of such a blood feud, what qualifications does the professor have to prevent others from taking revenge?

Even if Magneto later planned to use nuclear bombs to wipe out all the fleets, everyone felt that Magneto could be understood to a certain extent.

People have decided to use nuclear bombs to kill themselves, so they are not allowed to fight back?

"After this incident, the world will definitely not be peaceful."

Diana couldn't help but sigh.

It is conceivable that Magneto will definitely form his own force after leaving the professor. Magneto has made his attitude very clear on this point.

And Magneto's attitude towards human beings is also very clear. He regards human beings as his enemies.

From then on, there is no doubt that a powerful mutant organization with the goal and purpose of confronting humans will be born.

Magneto's radical style will cause great trouble to human society.

On the contrary, after a fleet is almost destroyed by one person, what will be the attitude of human society towards mutants?

There must be deep fear and deep hostility.

The Sentinel robot may have been developed under this background.

"Yes, mutants and humans will usher in a period of sharp and antagonistic tension." Captain America couldn't help but sigh.

This kind of thing is something Captain America doesn't want to see, although this kind of thing is basically certain to happen in another parallel universe, not their universe.

"The problem of mutants is very difficult."

Clark Kent couldn't help but sigh on the side.

As an "alien", Clark Kent can be said to feel this deeply.

Especially when he was a child, Clark Kent was not yet Superman, but he had to show his specialness for various reasons, and as a result, he was regarded as a freak by everyone.

Being ostracized, feared, and hostile by others is a very unpleasant feeling.

So there was no one on set who understood the mutant plight better than Clark Kent.

But then again, although mutants seem to have been treated unfairly, from the perspective of ordinary people, have ordinary people done anything wrong?

The emergence of mutants has greatly impacted the original social order and social system. Everyone is a potential threat, and even radicals like Magneto are not rare.

How can ordinary humans not be afraid?

It is not difficult to understand that some measures are taken because of fear.

Human nature is like this.

Everyone thinks that even if they are in the same position, they will make the same choice.

There is such a group of people with various powerful abilities and restless groups. I am afraid that everyone will not sleep well.

Please listen to the question: Scarlet Witch attacked the Illuminati headquarters in order to capture Miss America. Among the following Illuminati cadres, who survived this battle?

, Professor

, Captain Carter

, Captain Marvel

, Baron Mordo

Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will be rewarded with a substitute scarecrow

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc.

The system prompt sounded at this time, interrupting everyone's thinking.

The latest question appeared like this.

This question is about Scarlet Witch.

"This question comes at a very timely moment." Tony Stark couldn't help but shrugged and said.

Miss America has traveled through the universe to their world, and Scarlet Witch will come to their door sooner or later through sleepwalking witchcraft.

But no one has a clear concept of how strong Scarlet Witch is in the state of sleepwalking witchcraft.

We can only guess that the other party may not be able to exert all their strength, that's all.

And this question will reveal the problem that everyone has always wanted to figure out.

"Scarlet Witch actually attacked the Illuminati headquarters, and those cadres of the Illuminati are not the opponents of Scarlet Witch at all!"

Captain America couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

The question asked who survived the hands of Scarlet Witch!

What does survival mean?

That is to say, most people were killed by Scarlet Witch!

As for the six members of the Illuminati, except for Mr. Marvel, whose specific strength is unknown to everyone, everyone has more or less certain understanding of the other members.

Captain Marvel doesn't need to say more.

A person holding a spaceship flew from outer space to the earth, and a person beat up Thanos with all gems. Even in the entire multiverse, he is a super strong man standing at the top of the pyramid.

None of the answerers on the scene dared to say that they could beat Captain Marvel.

Even the strongest Superman at present is the same.

Although the Captain Marvel in another parallel universe is no longer Danvers Carol, since he "inherits" the title of Captain Marvel, everyone naturally thinks that he is a person of the same level as Captain Marvel.

Professor, everyone has just seen his powerful mental ability, which can easily freeze a person.

And that was only when the professor was young.

The professor in the Illuminati period was a professor in his old age. After 40 or 50 years of accumulation, no one can say what level his ability can reach.

But it is certain that he is very scary.

Although everyone's understanding of Black Bolt is limited, the process of the other party killing Doctor Strange has also been shown in the video.

The sound waves emitted from his mouth are still very terrifying, and he is also a super strong man standing at the top of the pyramid.

Although it was a little surprising that the Supreme Sorcerer was replaced by Baron Mordo, he was still the Supreme Sorcerer anyway. It was impossible to sit in that position without some skills.

Among the five people that everyone knows, Captain Carter may be the weakest.

But even so, the overall strength of the Illuminati is also strong to an exaggerated degree.

Much stronger than the Avengers!

But such a powerful organization was actually defeated by the Scarlet Witch, no, to be precise, the puppets controlled by the Scarlet Witch, and most of them were killed or injured.

It has to be said that the power of the Scarlet Witch really exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Is the Illuminati not even the opponent of the Scarlet Witch? Has she reached such a terrible level?"

Doctor Strange couldn't help but murmured, "Is all this caused by the Darkhold?"

"Strange, you don't have any messy ideas, do you?" Tony Stark immediately couldn't help but ask on the side.

Even Captain America couldn't help but look at Doctor Strange with a sharp look.

Even the three big guys from the next universe glanced over unconsciously.

"Why? Why are you looking at me like that? I just sighed casually."

Doctor Strange suddenly looked speechless, "Please, you don't really think I'm interested in the Darkhold, do you?"

Doctor Strange was really speechless.

They were all a little too sensitive.

"Okay, everyone, let's analyze this question first." Captain America's voice sounded, and he reminded everyone at this time.

Everyone subconsciously retracted their gazes and put their attention back on the big screen.

"I think, before we officially start the analysis, we still need to clarify the basis for judging this question." Tony Stark spoke first and said to everyone.

Tony Stark's suggestion was reasonable, and all the people who answered the question expressed their agreement.

"If I have the basis, I'm afraid this question is the same as the previous question. It can only be analyzed based on strength."

Wonder Woman Diana said this after some thought.

Indeed, this question is actually highly similar to the previous question, both of which are about a certain war.

And no details of the war have been revealed.

In other words, the only thing revealed is the two sides participating in the war.

In this case, even if only analyzing the strength comparison between the two sides is not so scientific and sufficient, everyone has no choice.

Regarding this point, no one raised any objections.

"If that's the case, can Captain Carter rule it out first?"

Doctor Strange spoke first.

Among the four options in the question, Captain Carter is the weakest.

And compared with the other three options, the strength gap is still quite large.

It can be said that there is no doubt that Captain Carter will be eliminated first.

There is still no doubt about this.

"Then the next one that can be ruled out is the professor, right?"

Bruce Wayne's voice sounded, and he then gave his opinion.

"I think it's also Professor. Although his psychic ability is very strong, I think it's not up to the level of Captain Marvel." Clark Kent nodded in agreement.

Who is Captain Marvel? That is the super boss who stands at the top of the universe!

No matter how strong the professor is, he is not so powerful as to be exaggerated.

"The ability is actually more of a auxiliary ability rather than a combat ability."

Tony Stark also analyzed it rationally, "It's hard for me to see how lethal his ability can be."

It is true that professors can control other people's thinking and achieve the purpose of immobilizing people.

But what happens after that?

The professor wouldn't control others to commit suicide, would he?

Or do something that hurts yourself.

Not only Tony Stark, but everyone else at the scene actually had similar thoughts.

If a professor does not cooperate with others, it will be difficult for him to fully utilize his abilities.

I have to say here that the answerers really underestimated the professor.

The professor almost killed all humans!

Even with the help of a brainwave enhancer, it's still amazing enough.

But in this question, the professor was eliminated by everyone without any doubt.

The only two options left are Captain Marvel and Baron Mordo.

And choosing one person among these two options is not too difficult for everyone.

"The answer should be Captain Marvel, right?" Captain America said with a very certain tone.

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