Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 524: Joint Action of the DC Marvel Universe

Morgan Edge couldn't help but sneered: "Kal-El, you don't need to play the emotional card with me here, I just want you to answer me whether to choose us Kryptonians or humans!"

"This is not a question of choice, Tyro. I am indeed from Krypton, but Krypton has been destroyed! Now for me, the earth is my hometown!"

Clark Kent said categorically to Morgan Edge, "If you do anything to harm the Earth, I will stop you."

"Then let's wait and see!"

Morgan Edge sneered again, "I'm sorry, my brother, our first meeting was not very pleasant, but the conversation ends here. I hope you will be more sensible next time."


After saying those words, Morgan Edge flew away directly, leaving only a low sonic boom.

Clark Kent looked at the direction in which Morgan Edge flew away, and couldn't help but shake his head and let out a long sigh.

Sure enough, this kind of thing cannot be solved by communication. Does it really have to be a fight to the death in the end?

This is not something Clark Kent wants to see happen.

Super hearing was deployed, and Clark Kent immediately locked onto the approaching Wonder Woman and others.

His body swayed and he disappeared on the spot.

Quickly joined Bruce Wayne, Wonder Woman and others.

"Is this the end? It's the first time you two brothers have met, so soon?"

The Flash looked at Clark Kent in great surprise.

What he still doesn't understand is that Clark Kent must have broken up with Morgan Edge.

Although this is not good news for everyone, it is also expected.

But Clark Kent did not fight with Morgan Edge. Although the ideal thing did not happen, the worst situation also did not happen.

"So... what should we do next?" The Flash looked at everyone again and asked.

"Let's talk about it when we get back!"

Bruce Wayne spoke in a deep voice.

Morgan Edge, like Clark Kent, is a Kryptonian and undoubtedly has super hearing.

There is no difference between talking here and standing next to the other person.

It would be safer to wait until he returned to Batman's base.

The soundproofing there is pretty good.

Wonder Woman Diana nodded, and everyone else agreed, and the group returned to Bruce Wayne's fighter plane again.

Back to the secret base.

"Clark, I know your conversation with Morgan Edge was not very pleasant, but you should have gotten some useful information, right?"

"At the very least, has the Kryptonian recovery plan started?"

After returning, Bruce Wayne immediately looked at Clark Kent and asked.

"I am not sure."

Clark Kent shook his head, and Morgan Edge didn't reveal much on this matter.

"Morgan Edge is not the key, his father Zetaro is."

After Wonder Woman Diana pondered for a moment, she said, "We need to find Zetaro."

"Yes, we need to find him!" Clark Kent nodded heavily in agreement, "He is controlling Morgan Edge."

"This sounds like a lot of work." The Flash couldn't help but sigh.

Because what everyone currently knows about Zetaro's intelligence is that the other party's secret base is in the desert, that's all.

But how huge is the area of ​​deserts on the entire earth?

It is really difficult to find a secret base hidden in such a huge area.

"I can launch a few satellites specifically to monitor Morgan Edge. If Morgan Edge goes back to the base to meet his father, we may be able to gain something."

After Bruce Wayne thought for a moment, he opened his mouth to propose.

It has to be said that being rich means being willful. Even the methods of monitoring people are so high-end, and the only way to do it is to launch satellites.

"The only question is... Clark, if someone was monitoring you through satellite, would you be aware of it?"

Bruce Wayne then asked Clark Kent with a serious look on his face.

Clark Kent shook his head: "Satellite surveillance is similar to camera shooting, right? I can't detect this kind of surveillance, but I can hear the movement of the satellite!"

"Maybe I won't pay attention to this sound at the beginning, but as time goes by, I will definitely notice it, and Morgan Edge will definitely notice it."

"Unless you can launch satellites beyond the Earth, satellites can't monitor a single person from such a long distance, right?"

The method of satellite surveillance is directly rejected.

Everyone then discussed other methods, but in front of a person who was as cheating as Superman, all methods were so feeble.

It would be almost impossible to find Zetaro by spying on Morgan Edge.

"Everyone, the conventional method will not work, so what if it is an unconventional method?"

The Flash suddenly remembered something, looked at everyone mysteriously and smiled.

"It seems that Barry has thought of a good way." Wonder Woman looked at the Flash expectantly and smiled.

She was actually a little curious as to what the "unconventional" method Flash mentioned was.

"I think it's a very good method. For example, doesn't our friend from another world, Nick Fury, have clairvoyance? We might consider asking Nick Fury to use his clairvoyance to help us find it?"

The Flash said with twinkling eyes.

The eyes of everyone present could not help but light up.

Nick Fury's clairvoyance is really unreasonable. If he used clairvoyance, he would definitely be able to find Zetaro in the first place.

But there's a problem.

Zetaro is just a ball of consciousness, not a living person. It is usually stored in the sun stone.

Only when communicating with Morgan Edge will he "awaken".

In other words, the timing of Zetaro's appearance is random and cannot be grasped and captured. However, Nick Fury's clairvoyance can only be used three times a day.

Everyone may not be able to seize the opportunity.

Other than that, that's what Zetaro looks like.

The answering system did show Zetaro's appearance, and everyone took note of it carefully and took pictures afterwards.

But even though they are superheroes, they don't have super powers in terms of memory.

Although a portrait artist was immediately called after answering the question and the portraits of Morgan Edge and Zetaro were drawn, it is conceivable that there must be deviations.

But Morgan Edge is lucky to say that the other person is active on the earth with this name, and he is also a successful entrepreneur. He can find it out even without a portrait.

Zetaro is more difficult.

Nick Fury's clairvoyance also needs to know the appearance of the person being searched!

These are two insurmountable problems.

Everyone who had been in high spirits before could not help but frown again. It seems that the operation of clairvoyance is not that easy.

And Nick Fury is not from their world after all. They can't ask Nick Fury to stay here and help them find people, right?

"I'm just giving a random example to illustrate that we need to open our minds and broaden our horizons. If Nick Fury can't do it, what about Doctor Strange?"

"He is proficient in so many magics. Maybe he has magic that can find people? Who can say for sure about magic?"

"There are also Peter Quill and Thor. They are all alien races and have alien technology in their hands. Maybe there is a more advanced way than satellites to find Zetaro?"

The Flash spoke quickly to everyone on the side again.

"Barry is right, our thinking was too limited before."

Bruce Wayne smiled, "It seems that we need to take another 'space journey', right everyone?"

That's the deal.

Bruce Wayne immediately contacted Nick Fury, said hello to him, and then used Hex to fly through the door and shuttle to the Clicker base.

"Bruce, Clark, everyone, what's important this time?"

Nick Fury personally received several guests from the next universe, and after some simple greetings, he got down to business.

"Nick Fury, we need help from your side."

Clark Kent spoke up and told Nick Fury what they had discussed earlier.

Nick Fury naturally had nothing to hesitate and immediately contacted Doctor Strange, Thor and Star-Lord.

These three people all came to the clicker base at the first time.

Join everyone.

After a brief greeting from both parties, Bruce Wayne and the others stated their requests to several Marvel answerers.

"It's so easy."

Thor immediately laughed, "No one in this world can hide it from Heimdall's eyes. Even if Zetaro is hiding in a mouse hole, Heimdall can spot it at a glance."

"So Thor, you can let Heimdall come to our world and help us find Zetaro?" Wonder Woman asked in a very skeptical tone.

She didn't think Heimdall would be sent out casually for such a trivial matter for such an important figure.

"Theoretically! I'm just theoretically elaborating on such a possibility."

Thor flipped up his sultry long hair, "But I'm sorry, my friends, Heimdall needs to guard the Rainbow Bridge. This is a very important duty and cannot be left at will. I believe you will understand."

I knew it would be like this!

Heimdall can't leave you and say nothing!

All DC's answerers rolled their eyes.

Thor is as unreliable as ever.

"Bruce, what you are talking about is a method of monitoring a person from an extremely long distance, or even monitoring a person at a fixed point in space, right?"

"There is no such technology! At least I have never heard of such technology."

Star-Lord shook his head repeatedly.

Even if it is interstellar technology, it must follow some logic, right?

Several DC bosses couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. They called three people, but two of them couldn't help.

"I do have the spell to find someone."

Doctor Strange gave good news here, "However, even if I am looking for someone, I can't find someone out of thin air. I need to know Zetaro's appearance, or Zetaro's related items."

Okay, it went around and around, and things got back to the old knot.

"That's exactly the problem, we don't know what Zetaro looks like." Bruce Wayne shrugged.

"Then do you have any related items that Zetaro has used?" Doctor Strange asked again looking at several DC answerers.

Several respondents shook their heads again.

The atmosphere in the hall was a bit dull for a while, and everyone felt very miserable.

Doctor Strange was the one who was most likely to help them, but in the end he still failed to do so.

But it’s not Doctor Strange’s fault, it’s mainly Bruce Wayne’s fault.

If you don’t have anything you want, how can anyone help you find it?

"Strange, do you have any magical surveillance methods?"

Wonder Woman began to change her thinking, "Is it possible to monitor a Kryptonian silently without letting the Kryptonian discover it?"

Clark Kent, Flash Barry Allen, and Bruce Wayne all couldn't help but shine.

If this kind of thing can be done, then it is also possible.

"Such a spell does exist, but according to your request, what you need is long-term surveillance, right?"

"Even I can't condense a spell that can last for such a long time."

Doctor Strange shook his head.

Just when several DC bosses were feeling a little frustrated, Doctor Strange changed the subject again, "However, Karma Taj has some magic weapons that can indeed do the things you said."

This is really a difficult situation with no way out, and a village with dark trees and bright flowers. The spirits of several DC bosses were once again lifted.

"Strange, can ordinary people use Kama Taj's magic weapon? Bruce and the others are not magicians."

Star-Lord asked curiously from the side.

"That's not a problem. Just a small spell is enough. The real question is whether Gu Yi is willing to borrow it."

Doctor Strange smiled meaningfully at everyone, then opened a space door, stepped into it, and people disappeared.

Almost ten minutes later.


The familiar golden space door appeared again, and Doctor Strange returned to everyone.

In his hand, there was a very simple-looking mirror.

Obviously, it must be the magic weapon mentioned by Doctor Strange.

"You are very lucky, Gu Yi agreed."

Doctor Strange shook the small mirror in his hand, "This thing can spy on Morgan Edge without anyone noticing. Now, it belongs to you."

"Strange, thank you very much!" Clark Kent stepped forward and took the small mirror.

"You're welcome, it's very simple to use."

"Because it is Clark Kent's brother who is being monitored, I changed some spells. Only you, Clark, can use this magic weapon, and it can only be used to monitor Morgan Edge, and no one else can."

"After you go back, just use your voice to give it instructions."

Doctor Strange introduced Clark Kent again.

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