Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 200 Encircle and suppress clowns! Tony's move!

Paris, Elysee Palace.

Mr. President and senior government officials received Iron Man Tony Stark in the conference room.

After some courtesies, the two sides got to the point.

Mr. President asked: "Mr. Stark, when you were at the Four Seasons Hotel, why did you prevent the special forces from arresting the two black men? Was it because of their skin color and nationality?"

That's right, even though Franklin and the locomotive had alibi, the commander who was sitting at the time still insisted on arresting the two.

On the one hand, they are eager to catch the prisoner to appease the public anger, and Franklin and the others are the most suspected, and torture may yield some valuable information.

On the other hand, the terrorist attack in Paris is the first overseas case of the Clown Organization. In order to ensure the success of the mission, they will definitely send core members to the scene in person.

And the core members of the clown organization are all superpowers, so it should not be difficult to escape the hotel surveillance.

Based on the above two points, the commander decided to control the people first.

However, at this time, Tony stood up and strongly opposed it, and it was only then that he persuaded the commander not to take action against them for the time being.

The premise is that Tony must give a convincing reason in front of Mr. President.

"Of course not for these reasons." Tony put away his frivolous smile, and said with a serious face: "Although it was a crooked attack, you really caught the right person."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene turned pale with shock: "You mean..."

Tony nodded and said, "Yes, I have read their information and verified it through the United States."

"The owner of this passport is an ordinary office worker. He has never left the United States since he was a child. He doesn't even know the existence of this passport."

The conference room was silent.

Everyone looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces.

Since he knew they were criminals, why did Iron Man cover for them?

With an angry face, Mr. President slapped the table and said, "Mr. Stark, I order you to give me an explanation!"

Tony looked around, looked at the angry expressions on their faces, and sneered: "I saved more than a hundred soldiers and hundreds of innocent people who were there at that time, and this is my explanation."

Tony's words were very harsh, and a senior official in military uniform said angrily, "Hmph! You mean, the most elite special forces in France can't defeat the two heinous American prisoners?"

Tony leaned back on the backrest, disdainfully said: "That's right!"

One word stirred up a thousand waves, and the conference room exploded in an instant.

The senior official in military uniform turned red with anger: "It's too arrogant! I'll order the special forces to arrest them and see what you have to say!"

"Please!" Tony said with a calm expression and indifference.

"Wait a minute!" Mr. President shook his head, signaling senior military officials not to be impulsive, and then asked in a moderate tone.

"Mr. Stark, are they core members of the Joker organization?"

Tony nodded silently.

The core members mean that they have superpowers, but senior military officials are still full of disdain.

So what if you have superpowers!

On a battlefield full of artillery fire, no matter how many people with superpowers are, they are dead souls under the shells.

Tony didn't keep it secret, and said bluntly: "According to the video shot at the scene yesterday, as well as the information about the clown organization within S.H.I.E.L.D."

"These two black people should be the core members of the clown organization, Franklin Clinton, and the person code-named 'Locomotive'."

Mr. President knows the name of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As one of the five hooligans, he is also the immediate boss of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's a pity that the reality is that the US government is the ruler of S.H.I.E.L.D., so they don't have the right to read many of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets.

"What is their superpower?" Mr. President asked.

"Franklin has the ability to control electronic products from a distance, ranging from light bulbs to armed helicopters, and even my steel armor."

Hearing this, everyone present gasped, and the high-ranking military official felt his scalp go numb when he heard this.

Because just now he was going to send armed helicopters to deal with them.

Once the armed helicopter loaded with weapons is controlled by the enemy, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Immediately afterwards, Tony threw out another big news.

"The man code-named 'Locomotive' has a speed beyond sound. He can run all over the streets of Paris in a quarter of an hour."

"If he appeared in this conference room, he could have cut the necks of everyone in the conference room with a knife in the blink of an eye just now."

After listening to Tony's words, the conference room fell into silence again, and all senior government officials had darkened faces.

This super power is too tricky!

No wonder the U.S. government has nothing to do with clown organizations.

No country on earth can deal with these monsters.

After a long silence, Mr. President tentatively said: "Mr. Stark, if you..."

Tony smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly.

Franklin's superpowers are his natural enemy.

No matter how he upgrades the armor, as long as he uses electrical components inside the armor, the final result will still lie in a second.

Seeing that even the superhero Iron Man couldn't subdue them, Mr. President showed disappointment and sighed with a heavy heart.

After staying up all night, the real culprit of the Paris terrorist attack was found.

But what's ridiculous is that a developed country with nuclear weapons has no way to deal with them. Could it be that they can only watch them leave in the end.

In fact, there is no solution to the problem.

Nine times out of ten, if Mr. President orders a surface-to-surface missile to be fired at the Four Seasons, they will be wiped out, but then he too will be wiped out by the angry French people.

Mr. President has not yet the courage to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

Just when everyone was downcast, Tony sat up straight and said, "Actually, it's not impossible to get rid of them."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Stark, please speak!"

Tony said bluntly: "Jason is very powerful, but also very greedy. We can use his greed to set a trap."

"Ivan Vanke has the ability to create an Ark reactor, and he is currently being held in a prison in France. Jason is greedy, and he will definitely send someone to rescue him, and then let Ivan use it for him."

"Now that we know the enemy's next target, we can lay traps and wait for them to take the bait."

Mr. President thought for a moment and asked a fatal question.

"But according to what you said, the power of the government and the military can't defeat the superpowers at all. Didn't it turn into a unilateral massacre in the end?"

"This question is very simple." Tony said confidently: "Now that we know their superpowers, we can target them in a targeted manner!"

"First of all, we have to ambush a large number of soldiers in the prison. These soldiers must wear strong and thick armor, but they must not carry weapons, especially guns."

Mr. President said: "That's right. With the'locomotive' around, carrying a gun is equivalent to handing him the beheading knife. It's better to wear armor and kill them with bare hands."

Tony continued: "When they appeared in the prison, we immediately closed the gate and destroyed the activation mechanism to trap them in the prison. Remember, it must be a physical destruction, because power failure or locking programs or something, for Franklin It's useless to say."

"As long as we achieve the above two points, then we can use the advantage of numbers to besiege them until their physical energy is exhausted, and finally catch the turtle in the urn."

Tony's suggestion is over.

The senior government officials present were all deep in thought, whispering to each other from time to time.

Mr. President smiled, nodded and said: "Good idea. Without further ado, I will order now to send 1,000 elite soldiers to prison..."

"Please wait a moment." Tony interrupted him suddenly, "Mr. President, this is just an immature proposal. I can't guarantee 100% success."

Mr. President smiled and said: "Don't worry! Whether it succeeds or not, the French government will remember Mr. Stark's kindness."

"Thank you!" Tony forced a smile, and continued: "Ivan is a rotten egg. Leaving him in France will definitely attract the attention of terrorists, and terrorist attacks like yesterday will definitely happen again."

"That's why I suggest, Mr. President, to hand over Ivan to S.H.I.E.L.D. to be imprisoned. Only S.H.I.E.L.D. in the world has the ability to accept a prisoner like him."

Hearing this, the smile on Mr. President's face gradually faded, and the good impression he had for Tony just now gradually dissipated.

Hehe, I said, why does he, an American, go to great lengths to help us make suggestions.

After a long circle, it turned out that he was a lobbyist for the US government.

Ivan is the third person who has mastered the miniaturization technology of the Ark reactor besides Stark Industries and the Clown Organization.

The potential of this technology is endless, not just at the military level. The emergence of this technology has almost subverted the current energy industry, and the changes to other industries are also earthquake-level.

Only by taking this technology into its own hands can France hope to get rid of its dependence on the United States and create new glories again.

Tony Stark and the U.S. government are trying to trick us into giving up this technology in a few words, it's just a dream!

"Mr. Stark, we will always remember your kindness." Mr. President said indifferently: "But the issue about Ivan belongs to our country's internal affairs, so you don't have to worry about it."

Tony frowned and threatened: "Mr. President, you first attacked the core members of the clown organization, and now you have imprisoned the key figure Ivan. Are you not afraid that Jason will come to your door?"

Hearing this, Mr. President laughed out loud and sarcastically said: "Let him come, the French government will never compromise with terrorists, let alone pay compensation to terrorists!"

Slapping people in the face, this Mr. President is a bit dishonest.

Tony showed dissatisfaction but didn't waste any more words. He put on his sunglasses and stood up to leave.

"In that case, good luck to you!"

"By the way, the Ark reactor is the exclusive patented technology of Stark Industries. I don't want to see legal disputes with your country in this regard."

Hearing this, Mr. President said with a smile: "This is strange! Why is the patented technology of Stark Industries held by Ivan?"

"It seems that the ownership of this patented technology is yet to be discussed. Don't worry, the French government will definitely investigate seriously."

"Hmph! Whatever you want!" Tony snorted disdainfully.

"I'm going back to the United States in the afternoon, can I trouble Mr. President to give Ivan a message for me?"

"Please say!"

"My father's wisdom and tolerance are far beyond what the Vanke family can hold."

"No matter how hard he and his father struggle, they are just frogs in a well."

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